73 research outputs found

    Effect of Er:YAG laser enamel conditioning and moisture on the microleakage of a hydrophilic sealant

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    For a given sealant, successful pit and fissure sealing is principally governed by the enamel conditioning technique and the presence of moisture contamination. A new generation of hydrophilic resin sealants is reported to tolerate moisture. This study investigates the impact of Er:YAG laser pre-conditioning and moisture contamination on the microleakage of a recent hydrophilic sealant. Occlusal surfaces of extracted human molars were either acid etched (n = 30), or successively lased and acid etched (n = 30). Ten teeth from each group were either air-dried, water-contaminated, or saliva-contaminated prior to sealing with UltraSeal XT¼ hydroℱ. Samples were inspected for penetration of fuchsin dye following 3000 thermocycles between 5 and 50 °C, and the enamel–sealant interfaces were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Significant differences in microleakage were evaluated using the Mann–Whitney U test with Bonferroni adjustment (p = 0.05). Laser pre-conditioning significantly reduced dye penetration irrespective of whether the enamel surface was moist or dry. Microleakageof water-contaminated acid etched teeth was significantly greater than that of their air-dried or saliva-contaminated counterparts. SEM analysis demonstrated good adaptation in all groups with the exception of water-contaminated acid etched teeth which exhibited relatively wide gaps. In conclusion, this hydrophilic sealant tolerates the presence of saliva, although water was found to impair its sealing ability. Laser pre-conditioning significantly decreases microleakage in all cases

    InfluĂȘncia de diferentes agentes auxiliares do preparo biomecĂąnico na obturação de canais laterais artificiais

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    The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the influence of some auxiliary agents of biomechanical preparation of the root canal on the filling of artificial lateral canals in extracted human teeth. A total of eighty single-rooted teeth were employed, which were submitted to preparation of three artificial lateral canals in one of the proximal aspects at the cervical, middle and apical thirds, besides one in the buccal aspect. The main canals were prepared by Profile 0.4 rotary instruments through the crown-down technique and irrigated with the irrigants investigated, as follows: Group A - 1% sodium hypochlorite and final irrigation with trisodium EDTA for 5 minutes; Group B - Endogel (2% chlorhexidine gel); Group C - Endo PTC and Dakin's solution and final irrigation with Tergentol- Furacin; and Group D - File Eze. The root canals were obturated by the Tagger's hybrid technique and then radiographed for assessment of the penetration rate of the filling materials in the lateral canals. Analysis of the results demonstrated no statistically significant difference (pObjetivou-se avaliar a influĂȘncia de alguns agentes auxiliares do preparo biomecĂąnico do canal radicular, na obturação de canais laterais artificiais em dentes humanos extraĂ­dos. Foram utilizados oitenta dentes unirradiculados nos quais, previamente, foram confeccionados trĂȘs canais laterais artificiais em uma das paredes proximais, nos terços cervical, mĂ©dio e apical e um canal na parede vestibular. Os canais principais foram preparados com instrumentação rotatĂłria, instrumentos Profile 0.4, pela tĂ©cnica rotatĂłria coroa- ĂĄpice e irrigados com a substĂąncia irrigadora estudada, sendo no grupo A - hipoclorito de sĂłdio a 1% e irrigação final com EDTA trissĂłdico por 5 minutos; grupo B - Endogel (gel de clorexidina a 2%); grupo C - Endo PTC e solução de Dakin e irrigação final com tergentol-furacin segundo a tĂ©cnica de Paiva e Antoniazzi e no grupo D - File Eze. Os canais foram obturados pela tĂ©cnica hĂ­brida de Tagger e, entĂŁo, radiografados para a anĂĄlise das extensĂ”es de penetração dos materiais obturadores nos canais laterais. ApĂłs a anĂĄlise dos resultados, conclui-se que nĂŁo houve diferença estatĂ­stica significante (

    Testing an expanded set of sustainable forest management indicators in Mediterranean coppice area

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    Although coppice forests represent a significant part of the European forest area, especially across southern Countries, they received little attention within the Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) processes and scenarios, whose guidelines have been mainly designed to high forests and national scale. In order to obtain “tailored” information on the degree of sustainability of coppices on the scale of the stand, we evaluated (i) whether the main coppice management options result in different responses of the SFM indicators, and (ii) the degree to which the considered SFM indicators were appropriate in their application at stand level. The study considered three different management options (Traditional Coppice TC, coppice under Natural Evolution NE, and coppice under Conversion to high forest by means of periodical thinning CO). In each of the 43 plots considered in the study, which covered three different European Forest Types, we applied a set of eighteen “consolidated” SFM indicators, covering all the six SFM Criteria (FOREST EUROPE, 2020) and, additionally, tested other sixteen novel indicators shaped for agamic forests and/or applicable at stand level. Results confirmed that several consolidated indicators related to resources status (Growing stock and Carbon stock), health (Defoliation and Forest damage), and socio-economic functions (Net revenue, Energy and Accessibility) were highly appropriate for evaluating the sustainability of coppice at stand level. In addition, some novel indicators related to resources status (Total above ground tree biomass), health (Stand growth) and protective functions (Overstorey cover and Understorey cover) proved to be highly appropriate and able to support the information obtained by the consolidated ones. As a consequence, a subset of consolidated SFM indicators, complemented with the most appropriate novel ones, may represent a valid option to support the evaluation of coppice sustainability at stand level. An integrated analysis of the SFM indicators showed that NE and CO display significant higher environmental performances as compared with TC. In addition, CO has positive effects also on socio-economic issues, while TC -which is an important cultural heritage and a silvicultural option that may help to keep local communities engaged in forestry – combines high wood harvesting rates with dense understory cover. Overall, each of the three management options showed specific sustainability values; as a consequence, their coexistence at a local scale and in accordance with the specific environmental conditions and the social-economic context, is greatly recommended since it may fulfill a wider array of sustainability issue

    Testing an expanded set of sustainable forest management indicators in Mediterranean coppice area

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    Although coppice forests represent a significant part of the European forest area, especially across southern Countries, they received little attention within the Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) processes and scenarios, whose guidelines have been mainly designed to high forests and national scale. In order to obtain “tailored” information on the degree of sustainability of coppices on the scale of the stand, we evaluated (i) whether the main coppice management options result in different responses of the SFM indicators, and (ii) the degree to which the considered SFM indicators were appropriate in their application at stand level. The study considered three different management options (Traditional Coppice TC, coppice under Natural Evolution NE, and coppice under Conversion to high forest by means of periodical thinning CO). In each of the 43 plots considered in the study, which covered three different European Forest Types, we applied a set of eighteen “consolidated” SFM indicators, covering all the six SFM Criteria (FOREST EUROPE, 2020) and, additionally, tested other sixteen novel indicators shaped for agamic forests and/or applicable at stand level. Results confirmed that several consolidated indicators related to resources status (Growing stock and Carbon stock), health (Defoliation and Forest damage), and socio-economic functions (Net revenue, Energy and Accessibility) were highly appropriate for evaluating the sustainability of coppice at stand level. In addition, some novel indicators related to resources status (Total above ground tree biomass), health (Stand growth) and protective functions (Overstorey cover and Understorey cover) proved to be highly appropriate and able to support the information obtained by the consolidated ones. As a consequence, a subset of consolidated SFM indicators, complemented with the most appropriate novel ones, may represent a valid option to support the evaluation of coppice sustainability at stand level. An integrated analysis of the SFM indicators showed that NE and CO display significant higher environmental performances as compared with TC. In addition, CO has positive effects also on socio-economic issues, while TC -which is an important cultural heritage and a silvicultural option that may help to keep local communities engaged in forestry – combines high wood harvesting rates with dense understory cover. Overall, each of the three management options showed specific sustainability values; as a consequence, their coexistence at a local scale and in accordance with the specific environmental conditions and the social-economic context, is greatly recommended since it may fulfill a wider array of sustainability issues

    In vitro dentin permeability after application of GlumaÂź desensitizer as aqueous solution or aqueous fumed silica dispersion

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess and to compare the effects of GlumaÂź Desensitizer (GDL) with an experimental glutaraldehyde and HEMA containing fumed silica dispersion (GDG) on dentin permeability using a chemiluminous tracer penetration test. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty disc-shaped dentin specimens were dissected from extracted human third molars. The dentin specimens were mounted in a split chamber device for determination of permeability under liquid pressure using a photochemical method. Ten specimens were randomly selected and allocated to the evaluation groups GlumaÂź Desensitizer as aqueous solution and glutaraldehyde/HEMA as fumed silica dispersion, respectively. Dentin disc permeability was determined at two pressure levels after removal of smear with EDTA, after albumin soaking, and after application of the desensitizing agents. Two desensitizer-treated and rinsed specimens of each group were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for surface remnants. RESULTS: Comparatively large standard deviations of the mean EDTA reference and albumin soaked samples permeability values refected the differences of the dentin substrates. The mean chemiluminescence values of specimen treated with GDL and GDG, respectively, were signifcantly reduced after topical application of the desensitizing agents on albumin-soaked dentin. The effects of GDL and GDG on permeability were not signifcantly different. Treated specimens showed no surface remnants after rinsing. CONCLUSIONS: The experimental desensitizer gel formulation reduced dentin permeability as effectively as the original GlumaÂź Desensitizer solution

    Comparative SEM and TEM observations of nanoleakage within the hybrid layer.

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    Most adhesive interface studies have involved SEM demonstration of the penetration of adhesive resins into demineralized dentin surfaces with subsequent creation of hybrid layers. Nanoleakage is a term that describes the diffusion of small ions or molecules within the hybrid layer in the absence of gap formation. The present microscopic study examined the nanoleakage of the hybrid layer using a silver nitrate staining technique. Adhesive dentin sandwiches, which were immersed in a silver nitrate solution, were prepared for both SEM and TEM examination using both the Clearfil Liner Bond and All-Bond 2 adhesive systems. Both systems demonstrated silver accumulation within the hybrid layers. Clearfil Liner Bond System showed scattered silver particles at the bottom two-thirds of the hybrid layer by both SEM and TEM observation, whereas All-Bond 2 revealed stained fiber-like structures within the full thickness of the hybrid layer. To evaluate the quality of the hybrid layer, the utilization of tracer molecules such as silver nitrate that are detectable by both SEM and TEM is proposed. It is important to determine the location and morphology of these nanometer-sized porosities that may permit the hydrolysis of collagen fibers and degradation of adhesive monomers.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Tensile bond strength and SEM evaluation of caries-affected dentin using dentin adhesives.

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    Tensile bond strength measurements are commonly used for the evaluation of dentin adhesive systems. Most tests are performed using extracted non-carious human or bovine dentin. However, the adhesion of resins to caries-affected dentin is still unclear. The objectives of this study were to test the hypothesis that bonding to caries-affected dentin is inferior to bonding to normal dentin, and that the quality of the hybrid layer plays a major role in creating good adhesion. We used a micro-tensile bond strength test to compare test bond strengths made to either caries-affected dentin or normal dentin, using three commercial adhesive systems (All Bond 2, Scotchbond Multi-Purpose, and Clearfil Liner Bond II). For scanning electron microscopy, the polished interfaces between the adhesive bond and dentin were subjected to brief exposure to 10% phosphoric acid solution and 5% sodium hypochlorite, so that the quality of the hybrid layers could be observed. Bonding to normal dentin with either All Bond 2 (26.9 +/- 8.8 MPa) or Clearfil Liner Bond II (29.5 +/- 10.9 MPa) showed tensile bond strengths higher than those to caries-affected dentin (13.0 +/- 3.6 MPa and 14.0 +/- 4.3 MPa, respectively). The tensile bond strengths obtained with Scotchbond Multi-Purpose were similar in normal and caries-affected dentin (20.3 +/- 5.5 MPa and 18.5 +/- 4.0 MPa, respectively). The hybrid layers created by All Bond 2 in normal dentin and by Clearfil Liner Bond II in normal or caries-affected dentin showed phosphoric acid and sodium hypochlorite resistance, whereas the hybrid layers created by All Bond 2 in caries-affected dentin and those created by Scotchbond Multi-Purpose to normal and caries-affected dentin showed partial susceptibility to the acid and sodium hypochlorite treatment. The results indicate that the strength of adhesion to dentin depends upon both the adhesive system used and the type of dentin. Moreover, the quality of the hybrid layer may not always contribute significantly to tensile bond strength.link_to_subscribed_fulltex
