224 research outputs found

    Autophagy in motor neuron disease: Key pathogenetic mechanisms and therapeutic targets

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    Autophagy is a lysosome-dependant intracellular degradation process that eliminates long-lived proteins as well as damaged organelles from the cytoplasm. An increasing body of evidence suggests that dysregulation of this system plays a pivotal role in the etiology and/or progression of neurodegenerative diseases including motor neuron disorders. Herein, we review the latest findings that highlight the involvement of autophagy in the pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and the potential role of this pathway as a target of therapeutic purposes. Autophagy promotes the removal of toxic, cytoplasmic aggregate-prone pathogenetic proteins, enhances cell survival, and modulates inflammation. The existence of several drugs targeting this pathway can facilitate the translation of basic research to clinical trials for ALS and other motor neuron diseases

    Content and Face Validity of the Evaluation Tool of Health Information for Consumers (ETHIC): Getting Health Information Accessible to Patients and Citizens

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    Background: Health information concerns both individuals’ engagement and the way services and professionals provide information to facilitate consumers’ health decision making. Citizens’ and patients’ participation in the management of their own health is related to the availability of tools making health information accessible, thus promoting empowerment and making care more inclusive and fairer. A novel instrument was developed (Evaluation Tool of Health Information for Consumers—ETHIC) for assessing the formal quality of health information materials written in Italian language. This study reports ETHIC’s content and face validity. Methods: A convenience sample of 11 experts and 5 potential users was involved. The former were requested to evaluate relevance and exhaustiveness, the latter both readability and understandability of ETHIC. The Content Validity Index (CVI) was calculated for ETHIC’s sections and items; experts and potential users’ feedback were analyzed by the authors. Results: All sections and most items were evaluated as relevant. A new item was introduced. Potential users provided the researchers with comments that partly confirmed ETHIC’s clarity and understandability. Conclusions: Our findings strongly support the relevance of ETHIC’s sections and items. An updated version of the instrument matching exhaustivity, readability, and understandability criteria was obtained, which will be assessed for further steps of the validation process

    Therapeutic Strategies Under Development Targeting Inflammatory Mechanisms in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurological disease characterized by the progressive loss of cortical, bulbar, and spinal motor neurons (MNs). The cardinal manifestation of ALS is a progressive paralysis which leads to death within a time span of 3 to 5 years after disease onset. Despite similar final output of neuronal death, the underlying pathogenic causes are various and no common cause of neuronal damage has been identified to date. Inflammation-mediated neuronal injury is increasingly recognized as a major factor that promotes disease progression and amplifies the MN death-inducing processes. The neuroimmune activation is not only a physiological reaction to cell-autonomous death but is an active component of nonautonomous cell death. Such injury-perpetuating phenomenon is now proved to be a common mechanism in many human disorders characterized by progressive neurodegeneration. Therefore, it represents an interesting therapeutic target. To date, no single cell population has been proved to play a major role. The existing evidence points to a complex cross talk between resident immune cells and nonresident cells, like monocytes and T lymphocytes, and to a dysregulation in cytokine profile and in phenotype commitment. After a summary of the most important mechanisms involved in the inflammatory reaction in ALS, this review will focus on novel therapeutic tools that rely on tackling inflammation to improve motor function and survival. Herein, completed, ongoing, or planned clinical trials, which aim to modify the rapidly fatal course of this disease, are discussed. Anti-inflammatory compounds that are currently undergoing preclinical study and novel suitable molecular targets are also mentioned

    Making patient centered care a reality: A survey of patient educational programs in Italian Cancer Research and Care Institutes

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    Background: Educational intervention represents an essential element of care for cancer patients; while several single institutions develop their own patient education (PE) programs on cancer, little information is available on the effective existence of PE programs at the level of research and care institutes. In Italy such institutes - Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico - are appointed by the Ministry of Health, and 11 (Cancer Research & Care Istitute-CRCI) of the 48 are specific for cancer on the basis of specific requirements regarding cancer care, research and education. Therefore, they represent an ideal and homogeneous model through which to investigate PE policies and activities throughout the country. The objective of this study was to assess PE activities in Italian CRCI. Methods: We carried out a survey on PE strategies and services through a questionnaire. Four key points were investigated: a) PE as a cancer care priority, b) activities that are routinely part of PE, c) real involvement of the patients, and d) involvement of healthcare workers in PE activities. Results: Most CRCI (85 %) completed the survey. All reported having ongoing PE activities, and 4 of the 11 considered PE an institutional activity. More than 90 % of CRCI organize classes and prepare PE handouts, while other PE activities (e.g., Cancer Information Services, mutual support groups) are less frequently part of institutional PE programs. Patients are frequently involved in the organization and preparation of educational activities on the basis of their own needs. Various PE activities are carried out for caregivers in 8 (73 %) out of 11 institutes. Finally, health care workers have an active role in the organization of PE programs, although nurses take part in these activities in only half of CRCI and pharmacists are seldom included. Conclusions: The information arising from our research constitutes a necessary framework to identify areas of development and to design new strategies and standards to disseminate the culture of PE. This may ultimately help and stimulate the establishment of institutional integrated PE programs, including policies and interventions that can benefit a significant proportion of cancer patients

    Rationality in prophylactic central neck dissection in clinically node-negative (cN0) papillary thyroid carcinoma: Is there anything more to say? A decade experience in a single-center

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    10noAim: Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common thyroid malignancy. Despite its extremely favorable prognosis, cervical lymph node metastases are a common feature of PTC and a known independent risk factor for local recurrence. However, the role of prophylactic central neck dissection (PCND) remains a matter of debate in patients with clinically node-negative (cN0) PTC. To better clarify the current role of PCND in the surgical treatment of PTC, evaluating advantages and disadvantages of PCND and outcome of cN0 PTC patients who have been treated with either total thyroidectomy alone or in combination with PCND. A review of recent literature data is performed. Methods: Between January 2000 and December 2015, 186 consecutive patients with cN0 PTC were identified to be included in the present study. 74 of these underwent total thyroidectomy associated with PCND, while 112 patients underwent total thyroidectomy alone. The epidemiological and clinicalpathological data of all patients included were collected at diagnosis and during follow-up. Results: Overall complication rate was significantly higher in the group of patients undergoing PCND (39.2% vs. 17.8%, p ¼ 0.0006). To be specific, they presented a considerably increased risk of temporary recurrent laryngeal nerve injury (p ¼ 0.009) and of permanent hypothyroidism (p ¼ 0.016). Overall survival and recurrence rates did not differ between those undergoing PCND and those undergoing total thyroidectomy alone (p ¼ 1.000 and p ¼ 0.715, respectively). Conclusions: The results of the present study do not support the routine use of PCND in the treatment of cN0 PTC patients.partially_openopenDobrinja, C; Troian, M.; Cipolat Mis, T.; Rebez, G.; Bernardi, S.; Fabris, B.; Piscopello, L.; Makovac, P.; Di Gregorio, F.; de Manzini, N.Dobrinja, Chiara; Troian, Marina; CIPOLAT MIS, Tommaso; Rebez, Giacomo; Bernardi, Stella; Fabris, Bruno; Piscopello, L.; Makovac, Petra; Di Gregorio, F.; de Manzini, Nicolo

    Prohibitins Are Required for Cancer Cell Proliferation and Adhesion

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    Prohibitin 1 (PHB1) is a highly conserved protein that together with its homologue prohibitin 2 (PHB2) mainly localizes to the inner mitochondrial membrane. Although it was originally identified by its ability to inhibit G1/S progression in human fibroblasts, its role as tumor suppressor is debated. To determine the function of prohibitins in maintaining cell homeostasis, we generated cancer cell lines expressing prohibitin-directed shRNAs. We show that prohibitin proteins are necessary for the proliferation of cancer cells. Down-regulation of prohibitin expression drastically reduced the rate of cell division. Furthermore, mitochondrial morphology was not affected, but loss of prohibitins did lead to the degradation of the fusion protein OPA1 and, in certain cancer cell lines, to a reduced capability to exhibit anchorage-independent growth. These cancer cells also exhibited reduced adhesion to the extracellular matrix. Taken together, these observations suggest prohibitins play a crucial role in adhesion processes in the cell and thereby sustaining cancer cell propagation and survival

    Formation of cristae and crista junctions in mitochondria depends on antagonism between Fcj1 and Su e/g

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    Crista junctions (CJs) are important for mitochondrial organization and function, but the molecular basis of their formation and architecture is obscure. We have identified and characterized a mitochondrial membrane protein in yeast, Fcj1 (formation of CJ protein 1), which is specifically enriched in CJs. Cells lacking Fcj1 lack CJs, exhibit concentric stacks of inner membrane in the mitochondrial matrix, and show increased levels of F1FO–ATP synthase (F1FO) supercomplexes. Overexpression of Fcj1 leads to increased CJ formation, branching of cristae, enlargement of CJ diameter, and reduced levels of F1FO supercomplexes. Impairment of F1FO oligomer formation by deletion of its subunits e/g (Su e/g) causes CJ diameter enlargement and reduction of cristae tip numbers and promotes cristae branching. Fcj1 and Su e/g genetically interact. We propose a model in which the antagonism between Fcj1 and Su e/g locally modulates the F1FO oligomeric state, thereby controlling membrane curvature of cristae to generate CJs and cristae tips

    Cross-cultural validation of health literacy measurement tools in Italian oncology patients

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    Background: The aim of this study was to assess the psychometric characteristics of four Health Literacy (HL) measurement tools, viz. Newest Vital Sign (NVS), Short Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (STOFHLA), Single Item Literacy Screener (SILS) and Single question on Self-rated Reading Ability (SrRA) among Italian oncology patients. Methods: The original version of the tools were translated from the English language into Italian using a standard forward-backward procedure and according to internationally recognized good practices. Their internal consistency (reliability) and validity (construct, convergent and discriminative) were tested in a sample of 245 consecutive cancer patients recruited from seven Italian health care centers. Results: The internal consistency of the STOFHLA-I was Chronbach's α=0.96 and that of NVS-I was α=0.74. The STOFHLA-I, NVS-I, SILS-I and SrRA-I scores were in a good relative correlation and in all tools the discriminative known-group validity was confirmed. The reliability and validity values were similar to those obtained from other cultural context studies. Conclusion: The psychometric characteristics of the Italian version of NVS, STHOFLA, SILS and SrRA were found to be good, with satisfactory reliability and validity. This indicates that they could be used as a screening tool in Italian patients. Moreover, the use of the same cross-cultural tools, validated in different languages, is essential for implementing multicenter studies to measure and compare the functional HL levels across countries

    Analysis of ddRAD-seq data provides new insights into the genomic structure and patterns of diversity in Italian donkey populations

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    With more than 150 recognized breeds, donkeys assume relevant economic importance, especially in developing countries. Even if the estimated number of heads worldwide is 53M, this species received less attention than other livestock species. Italy has traditionally been considered one of the cradles of European donkey breeding, and despite a considerable loss of biodiversity, today still counts nine autochthonous populations. A total of 220 animals belonging to nine different populations were genotyped using the double-digest restriction site associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing to investigate the pattern of diversity using a multi-Technique approach. A total of 418,602,730 reads were generated and successfully demultiplexed to obtain a medium-density SNP genotypes panel with about 27K markers. The diversity indices showed moderate levels of variability. The genetic distances and relationships, largely agree with the breeding history of the donkey populations under investigation. The results highlighted the separation of populations based on their genetic origin or geographical proximity between breeding areas, showed low to moderate levels of admixture, and indicated a clear genetic difference in some cases. For some breeds, the results also validate the success of proper management conservation plans. Identified runs of homozygosity islands, mapped within genomic regions related to immune response and local adaptation, are consistent with the characteristics of the species known for its rusticity and adaptability. This study is the first exhaustive genome-wide analysis of the diversity of Italian donkey populations. The results emphasized the high informativeness of genome-wide markers retrieved through the ddRAD approach. The findings take on great significance in designing and implementing conservation strategies. Standardized genotype arrays for donkey species would make it possible to combine worldwide datasets to provide further insights into the evolution of the genomic structure and origin of this important genetic resource

    Evaluation of nine candidate genes in patients with normal tension glaucoma: a case control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Normal tension glaucoma is a major subtype of glaucoma, associated with intraocular pressures that are within the statistically normal range of the population. Monogenic forms following classical inheritance patterns are rare in this glaucoma subtype. Instead, multigenic inheritance is proposed for the majority of cases. The present study tested common sequence variants in candidate genes for association with normal tension glaucoma in the German population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ninety-eight SNPs were selected to tag the common genetic variation in nine genes, namely OPTN (optineurin), RDX (radixin), SNX16 (sorting nexin 16), OPA1 (optic atrophy 1), MFN1 (mitofusin 1), MFN2 (mitofusin 2), PARL (presenilin associated, rhomboid-like), SOD2 (superoxide dismutase 2, mitochondrial) and CYP1B1 (cytochrome P450, family 1, subfamily B, polypeptide 1). These SNPs were genotyped in 285 cases and 282 fully evaluated matched controls. Statistical analyses comprised single polymorphism association as well as haplogroup based association testing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Results suggested that genetic variation in five of the candidate genes (RDX, SNX16, OPA1, SOD2 and CYP1B1) is unlikely to confer major risk to develop normal tension glaucoma in the German population. In contrast, we observed a trend towards association of single SNPs in OPTN, MFN1, MFN2 and PARL. The SNPs of OPTN, MFN2 and PARL were further analysed by multimarker haplotype-based association testing. We identified a risk haplotype being more frequent in patients and a vice versa situation for the complementary protective haplotype in each of the three genes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Common variants of OPTN, PARL, MFN1 and MFN2 should be analysed in other cohorts to confirm their involvement in normal tension glaucoma.</p