35 research outputs found

    Fundamental aspects of arm repair phase in two echinoderm models

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    Regeneration is a post-embryonic developmental process that ensures complete morphological and functional restoration of lost body parts. The repair phase is a key step for the effectiveness of the subsequent regenerative process: in vertebrates, efficient re-epithelialisation, rapid inflammatory/immune response and post-injury tissue remodelling are fundamental aspects for the success of this phase, their impairment leading to an inhibition or total prevention of regeneration. Among deuterostomes, echinoderms display a unique combination of striking regenerative abilities and diversity of useful experimental models, although still largely unexplored. Therefore, the brittle star Amphiura filiformis and the starfish Echinaster sepositus were here used to comparatively investigate the main repair phase events after injury as well as the presence and expression of immune system and extracellular matrix (i.e. collagen) molecules using both microscopy and molecular tools. Our results showed that emergency reaction and re-epithelialisation are similar in both echinoderm models, being faster and more effective than in mammals. Moreover, in comparison to the latter, both echinoderms showed delayed and less abundant collagen deposition at the wound site (absence of fibrosis). The gene expression patterns of molecules related to the immune response, such as Ese-fib-like (starfishes) and Afi-ficolin (brittle stars), were described for the first time during echinoderm regeneration providing promising starting points to investigate the immune system role in these regeneration models. Overall, the similarities in repair events and timing within the echinoderms and the differences with what has been reported in mammals suggest that effective repair processes in echinoderms play an important role for their subsequent ability to regenerate. Targeted molecular and functional analyses will shed light on the evolution of these abilities in the deuterostomian lineage

    Characterization of Coelomic Fluid Cell Types in the Starfish Marthasterias glacialis Using a Flow Cytometry/Imaging Combined Approach

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    Funding: To the “Maristem COST Action” (CA16203), supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), for funding PM STSM visits (February 2019 and November 2020) to the AVC Laboratory.Coelomocytes is the generic name for a collection of cellular morphotypes, present in many coelomate animals, and highly variable among echinoderm classes. The roles attributed to the major types of these free circulating cells present in the coelomic fluid of echinoderms include immune response, phagocytic digestion and clotting. Our main aim in this study was to characterize coelomocytes found in the coelomic fluid of Marthasterias glacialis (class Asteroidea) by using a combination of flow cytometry (FC), imaging flow cytometry (IFC) and fluorescence plus transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Two coelomocyte populations (P1 and P2) identified through flow cytometry were subsequently studied in terms of abundance, morphology, ultrastructure, cell viability and cell cycle profiles. Ultrastructurally, P2 diploid cells were present as two main morphotypes, similar to phagocytes and vertebrate thrombocytes, whereas the smaller P1 cellular population was characterized by low mitotic activity, a relatively undifferentiated cytotype and a high nucleus/cytoplasm ratio. In the present study we could not rule out possible similarities between haploid P1 cells and stem-cell types in other animals. Additionally, we report the presence of two other morphotypes in P2 that could only be detected by fluorescence microscopy, as well as a morphotype revealed via combined microscopy/FC. This integrative experimental workflow combined cells physical separation with different microscopic image capture technologies, enabling us to better tackle the characterization of the heterogeneous composition of coelomocytes populations.publishersversionpublishe

    An empirical analysis of conviction patterns, change over the life-course and external influences in relation to sexual offending behaviour

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    This PhD uses statistical analysis and qualitative interviews to analyse behaviour patterns in the context of causal theories of sexual offending and desistance from it, with a particular emphasis on socio-cultural reasons why people offend, stop offending, or offend at different points in life. This research makes an original contribute to the literature in a number of ways. There are six main findings from this research that contribute to the literature in this area. One of the key findings is that there is substantial heterogeneity of offending behaviour amongst sexual offenders, suggesting that there is no one-size-fits-all approach for prevention, intervention or management. There was support in the research for a link between sexual offending and prolific non-sexual offending, but this only appeared to be one of several different sexual offending pathways. Other groups of offenders displayed considerable specialism in their offending (in terms of type of sexual offence and the fact that they had often only been convicted of sexual offences). This was magnified by the finding that offending rates were generally lower for sexual convictions than for other convictions: in fact, the vast majority of people in the dataset only had convictions for one sexual offence. There was evidence from the qualitative interviews that adverse life events were a contributory factor to sexual offending, and the thesis has found that there is support for both psychological and socio-cultural causes (including gender-based elements), as well as an interaction between the two. It also suggested that there is evidence that sexual offending is not stable over the life-course, and that situational factors appear to be important in terms of determining behavioural change. Implications for prevention, intervention and management of sexual offenders are discussed

    Discovery and functional characterization of neuropeptides in crinoid echinoderms.

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    Neuropeptides are one of the largest and most diverse families of signaling molecules in animals and, accordingly, they regulate many physiological processes and behaviors. Genome and transcriptome sequencing has enabled the identification of genes encoding neuropeptide precursor proteins in species from a growing variety of taxa, including bilaterian and non-bilaterian animals. Of particular interest are deuterostome invertebrates such as the phylum Echinodermata, which occupies a phylogenetic position that has facilitated reconstruction of the evolution of neuropeptide signaling systems in Bilateria. However, our knowledge of neuropeptide signaling in echinoderms is largely based on bioinformatic and experimental analysis of eleutherozoans-Asterozoa (starfish and brittle stars) and Echinozoa (sea urchins and sea cucumbers). Little is known about neuropeptide signaling in crinoids (feather stars and sea lilies), which are a sister clade to the Eleutherozoa. Therefore, we have analyzed transcriptome/genome sequence data from three feather star species, Anneissia japonica, Antedon mediterranea, and Florometra serratissima, to produce the first comprehensive identification of neuropeptide precursors in crinoids. These include representatives of bilaterian neuropeptide precursor families and several predicted crinoid neuropeptide precursors. Using A. mediterranea as an experimental model, we have investigated the expression of selected neuropeptides in larvae (doliolaria), post-metamorphic pentacrinoids and adults, providing new insights into the cellular architecture of crinoid nervous systems. Thus, using mRNA in situ hybridization F-type SALMFamide precursor transcripts were revealed in a previously undescribed population of peptidergic cells located dorso-laterally in doliolaria. Furthermore, using immunohistochemistry a calcitonin-type neuropeptide was revealed in the aboral nerve center, circumoral nerve ring and oral tube feet in pentacrinoids and in the ectoneural and entoneural compartments of the nervous system in adults. Moreover, functional analysis of a vasopressin/oxytocin-type neuropeptide (crinotocin), which is expressed in the brachial nerve of the arms in A. mediterranea, revealed that this peptide causes a dose-dependent change in the mechanical behavior of arm preparations in vitro-the first reported biological action of a neuropeptide in a crinoid. In conclusion, our findings provide new perspectives on neuropeptide signaling in echinoderms and the foundations for further exploration of neuropeptide expression/function in crinoids as a sister clade to eleutherozoan echinoderms

    How future surgery will benefit from SARS-COV-2-related measures: a SPIGC survey conveying the perspective of Italian surgeons

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    COVID-19 negatively affected surgical activity, but the potential benefits resulting from adopted measures remain unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the change in surgical activity and potential benefit from COVID-19 measures in perspective of Italian surgeons on behalf of SPIGC. A nationwide online survey on surgical practice before, during, and after COVID-19 pandemic was conducted in March-April 2022 (NCT:05323851). Effects of COVID-19 hospital-related measures on surgical patients' management and personal professional development across surgical specialties were explored. Data on demographics, pre-operative/peri-operative/post-operative management, and professional development were collected. Outcomes were matched with the corresponding volume. Four hundred and seventy-three respondents were included in final analysis across 14 surgical specialties. Since SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, application of telematic consultations (4.1% vs. 21.6%; p < 0.0001) and diagnostic evaluations (16.4% vs. 42.2%; p < 0.0001) increased. Elective surgical activities significantly reduced and surgeons opted more frequently for conservative management with a possible indication for elective (26.3% vs. 35.7%; p < 0.0001) or urgent (20.4% vs. 38.5%; p < 0.0001) surgery. All new COVID-related measures are perceived to be maintained in the future. Surgeons' personal education online increased from 12.6% (pre-COVID) to 86.6% (post-COVID; p < 0.0001). Online educational activities are considered a beneficial effect from COVID pandemic (56.4%). COVID-19 had a great impact on surgical specialties, with significant reduction of operation volume. However, some forced changes turned out to be benefits. Isolation measures pushed the use of telemedicine and telemetric devices for outpatient practice and favored communication for educational purposes and surgeon-patient/family communication. From the Italian surgeons' perspective, COVID-related measures will continue to influence future surgical clinical practice

    New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution.

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    Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip circumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures (P < 5 × 10(-8)). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms

    Burnout among surgeons before and during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: an international survey

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    Background: SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has had many significant impacts within the surgical realm, and surgeons have been obligated to reconsider almost every aspect of daily clinical practice. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study reported in compliance with the CHERRIES guidelines and conducted through an online platform from June 14th to July 15th, 2020. The primary outcome was the burden of burnout during the pandemic indicated by the validated Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure. Results: Nine hundred fifty-four surgeons completed the survey. The median length of practice was 10&nbsp;years; 78.2% included were male with a median age of 37&nbsp;years old, 39.5% were consultants, 68.9% were general surgeons, and 55.7% were affiliated with an academic institution. Overall, there was a significant increase in the mean burnout score during the pandemic; longer years of practice and older age were significantly associated with less burnout. There were significant reductions in the median number of outpatient visits, operated cases, on-call hours, emergency visits, and research work, so, 48.2% of respondents felt that the training resources were insufficient. The majority (81.3%) of respondents reported that their hospitals were included in the management of COVID-19, 66.5% felt their roles had been minimized; 41% were asked to assist in non-surgical medical practices, and 37.6% of respondents were included in COVID-19 management. Conclusions: There was a significant burnout among trainees. Almost all aspects of clinical and research activities were affected with a significant reduction in the volume of research, outpatient clinic visits, surgical procedures, on-call hours, and emergency cases hindering the training. Trial registration: The study was registered on clicaltrials.gov "NCT04433286" on 16/06/2020

    Just the way you chat: linking personality, style and recognizability in chats

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    Text chatting represents a hybrid type of communication, where textual information is delivered following turn-taking dynamics, which characterize spoken interactions. It is interesting to understand whether special interactional behavior can emerge in chats, similarly as it does in face-to-face exchanges. In this work, we focus on the writing style of individuals, analyzing how it can be recognized given a portion of chat, and how personality comes into play in this scenario. Two interesting facts do emerge: 1) some traits correlate significantly with some characteristics of people’s chatting style, captured by stylometric features; 2) some of such features are very effective in recognizing a person among a gallery of diverse individuals. This seems to suggest that some personality traits could lead people to chat with a particular style, which turns out to be very recognizable. For example, motor impulsiveness gives a significative (negative) correlation with the use of the suspension points (…), that is also one of the most discriminative characteristics in chats. This and other relations emerge on a dataset on 45 subjects, monitored for 3 months, whose personality traits have been analyzed through self-administered questionnaires. What turns out is that chatting seems to be more than just typing

    Statistical Analysis of Personality and Identity in Chats Using a Keylogging Platform

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    Interacting via text chats can be considered as a hybrid type of communication, in which textual information delivery follows turn-taking dynamics, resembling spoken interactions. An interesting research question is whether personality can be observed in chats, similarly as happening in face-to-face exchanges. After an encouraging preliminary work on Skype, in this study we have set up our own chat service in which key-logging functionalities have been activated, so that the timings of each key pressing can be measured. Using this framework, we organized semi-structured chats between 50 subjects, whose personality traits have been analyzed through psychometric tests, and a single operator, for a total of 16 hours of conversation. On this data, we have observed that some personality traits are linked with the way we are chatting (measured by stylometric cues), by means of statistically significant correlations and regression studies. Finally, we have assessed that some of the stylometric cues are very discriminative for the recognition of a user in a identification scenario. These facts taken together could underlie that some personality traits drive us in chatting in a particular fashion, which turns out to be very recognizable