43 research outputs found

    Cardiovascular flukes (Trematoda: Spirorchiidae) in Caretta caretta Linnaeus, 1758 from the Mediterranean Sea

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    Background: The northern Adriatic Sea represents one of the most important neritic foraging grounds for the loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta L. in the Mediterranean Sea. Four genera of blood flukes with variable prevalence and pathogenic impact have been reported worldwide in this species. Hapalotrema Looss, 1899 and Amphiorchis Price, 1934 are the only two genera reported in Mediterranean waters; however, updated data describing spirorchiidiasis in the central and eastern Mediterranean and infection prevalence are still lacking. This work aimed to investigate the presence and pathology of spirorchiidiasis in C. caretta in the Mediterranean Sea. Methods: One hundred sixty-eight animals stranded along the northwestern Adriatic coast between 2009 and 2015 were submitted to necropsy and subsequent analyses for the detection of adult flukes, detection of eggs in the faeces and spleen and histopathology. Molecular analyses were carried out on hosts (mitochondrial D-loop) and parasites (28S gene and ITS2 spacer) to trace the turtle origins and identify the fluke phylogenetic relationships. Results: Spirorchiidiasis was detected in 16.7% of the animals. Hapalotrema mistroides (Monticelli, 1899) and Neospirorchis sp. were found in twenty-six and ten cases, respectively. Adult flukes were found in six cases, while eggs were detectable through copromicroscopic examination for all infected turtles, and the results for the detection of eggs in the spleen agreed with the copromicroscopic analysis. Only mild lesions were observed. Eggs of types 1 and 3 were grossly visible in the gastrointestinal mucosa, vasculitis was rarely observed in the heart and great vessels, and multifocal granulomas were widespread in the tissues. Molecular identification unambiguously assigned the spirorchiid samples to H. mistroides and Neospirorchis sp. Genetic characterization of loggerhead mtDNA pointed to a Mediterranean origin of the turtle hosts. Conclusion: This survey provides new data on the spread of spirorchiidiasis in the Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtle population and reports for the first time the presence of Neospirorchis spp. in this basin. The infections did not have a causal effect on the death nor a strong impact on the general health status of the animals

    Surveillance of Zoonotic Parasites in Animals Involved in Animal-Assisted Interventions (AAIs)

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    Animal-assisted interventions (AAIs) are based on the establishment of a therapeutic relationship between animals and beneficiaries that is certain to provide positive effects, while currently, it reads as if AAIs aim at exposing stakeholders to potential risk of infection. The surveillance of zoonotic pathogens is necessary for guaranteeing common health. This study investigated the presence of potentially zoonotic parasites, including dermatophytes, in animals involved in AAIs. Between 2015 and 2017, 190 animals (equids, dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, rodents, and goats) were investigated. Anamnestic and management data were recorded. Individual faecal samples were analysed using a copromicroscopic procedure. Fur and skin were examined for ectoparasites during clinical examinations, and samples for mycological investigation were collected by brushing. Parasites were described in 60 (31.6%) investigated animals. Thirteen out of the 60 (21.7%) animals harboured potentially zoonotic parasites, mainly recovered in dogs (Ancylostomatidae, Eucoleus aerophilus, Toxocara canis, and Giardia duodenalis) and a cat (G. duodenalis). Nannizzia gypsea and Paraphyton mirabile, potential agents of cutaneous mycosis, were isolated in a dog and a horse, respectively. No ectoparasites were found. AAIs might represent a source of infections either directly or via environmental contamination. Thus, active surveillance is necessary and animal screenings should be planned and scheduled according to the risk of exposure

    Molecular survey of Cytauxzoon spp. and Hepatozoon spp. in felids using a novel real-time PCR approach

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    Tick-transmitted apicomplexans of the genera Cytauxzoon and Hepatozoon affect a wide range of felids worldwide, but little is known about them. Recently, several studies addressed the species circulating in Europe, their distribution, and their hosts. Molecular assays are the method of choice for their detection. Unfortunately, conventional PCRs already described are time- and cost-consuming and specific for either Hepatozoon or Cytauxzoon detection. This study was developed to evaluate (i) the occurrence of Cytauxzoon and Hepatozoon in felids using a fast and cost-saving real-time PCR capable of detecting both protozoa simultaneously, (ii) the distribution of Cytauxzoon and Hepatozoon species in north-eastern Italy, and (iii) the involvement of other susceptible felid hosts in the same area. An SYBR¼ Green-based real-time PCR with primers targeting the 18S-rRNA was validated and applied to 237 felid samples, i.e., whole blood from 206 domestic cats and 12 captive exotic felids, and tissues from 19 wildcats. Positive results were obtained by melting temperature curve analysis due to the specific melting peak (i.e., 81°C Cytauxzoon spp.; 78–78.5°C Hepatozoon spp.). Positive samples were subjected to conventional PCR, followed by sequencing for species identification. Phylogenetic analyses were performed to assess relatedness among European isolates. Data on domestic cats (age class, sex, origin, management, and lifestyle) were recorded, and statistical analyses were performed to identify potential risk factors. A total of 31 (15%) domestic cats were positive for Hepatozoon spp. (i.e., 12 for H. felis, 19 for H. silvestris), while six (2.9%) for C. europaeus. The prevalence of Hepatozoon felis was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in domestic cats, while H. silvestris was higher in strays and animals from the Eastern region (i.e., Friuli- Venezia Giulia). Cytauxzoon europaeus was detected only in stray cats from Friuli-Venezia Giulia (province of Trieste). Among captive felids, one tiger was infected with H. felis and another with H. silvestris; eight out of 19 (42%) wildcats were positive for Hepatozoon spp. (i.e., six with H. felis, two with H. silvestris) and four out of 19 (21%) for Cytauxzoon europaeus. Outdoor lifestyle and origin (i.e., Friuli-Venezia Giulia region) were the most relevant risk factors for H. silvestris and C. europeus infections. Conversely, H. felis was most frequently isolated from domestic cats, suggesting different modes of transmission

    Survey on Endoparasites of Dairy Goats in North-Eastern Italy Using a Farm-Tailored Monitoring Approach

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    With the spread of anthelmintic resistance (AR), endoparasite monitoring consolidates its role for a more sustainable targeting of treatments. A survey on endoparasites in dairy goat farms of north-eastern Italy was conducted to test a monitoring approach based on a farm-tailored sample size. Farm management and parasites control practices were investigated in 20 farms through a questionnaire survey. Further, fecal samples were collected (November 2018–September 2019) from 264 animals from 13 farms and were analyzed individually with a modified McMaster method and subsequently pooled to perform a coproculture. Coccidia (78.4%), gastrointestinal strongyles (37.9%), Strongyloides (28.4%), Skrjabinema (18.9%), Trichuris (8.0%) and Nematodirus/Marshallagia (0.4%) were identified. Abundances were higher for coccidia and gastrointestinal strongyles. Haemonchus (71%) was the dominant gastrointestinal nematode. Pasture and age class resulted in the main risk factors at the multivariable analysis through a negative binomial regression model. Results from farm monitoring indicate that our approach can be a cost-effective decision tool to target treatments more effectively, but farmers need to be educated about the importance of parasitological testing, which is currently scarcely implemented, against the risk of AR

    Comparing pooled and individual samples for estimation of gastrointestinal strongyles burden and treatment efficacy in small ruminants

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    Monitoring endoparasite burden (FEC) and treatment efficacy (FECR) is a key element of sustainable parasite control. However, the costs of the analysis often discourage their implementation by farmers and veterinary practitioners. Pooling samples is considered to be a good alternative to reduce time and monetary costs, but limited data are available on the use of pooled samples in small ruminants, especially for goats. In this study, data collected over the years in sheep and goat farms were analyzed, and results obtained from individual and pooled analysis were compared for the purposes of FEC and FECR assessment. A total of 801 individual and 134 pooled samples (composed of 3-12 individual samples) were included. For FECR testing, 2 pools of 5 samples each were created per trial and the same animals were sampled at day 0 (D0 - treatment day) and 14 days after (D14). Samples were analyzed by McMaster technique (limit of detection 20 EPG). Results from pooled and individual FEC were not significantly different (Wilcoxon signed-rank test) and correlation (Spearman's rank test) was high for all sub-categories, although agreement (Lin's concordance correlation) was often classified as poor. Results were not influenced by the pool size (= 6). Interpretation of treatment efficacy between the two methods was comparable for all sheep trials, while it differed for goats in 4 out of 10 trials. Wilcoxon signed-rank test indicated a non significant difference between pooled and individual FECR. However, correlation and agreement between FECR were considerably better for sheep compared to goats, for which they were very limited, despite the correlation between FEC at D0 and D14 was always high. According to our results, pooled FECR can be a good option but the absence of 95 %CI represents a major drawbacks in the interpretation of results. Further studies on the topic for goats are needed

    Effect of Okadaic Acid On Membrane-protein Phosphorylation In Human Erythrocytes

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    Okadaic acid, penetrating the human erythrocytes, almost completely inhibits P-Ser-protein phosphatase activity, whereas it unaffects Ser/Thr-protein kinase activity (casein kinases CKI and CKII), thus promoting a marked increase of the endogenous Ser-phosphorylation level of membrane proteins, such as cytoskeletal spectrin beta-subunit (band 2) and transmembrane band 3 protein. By contrast, the Tyr-phosphorylation state of band 3 protein is practically unaffected by okadaic acid, being unaffected both Tyr-protein kinase and P-Tyr-protein phosphatase activities