195 research outputs found

    Frost resistance of grapevine cultivars of different origin

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    The tests of resistance to low temperature which included a large number of grapevine cultivars showed that the cultivars bore sign of their ecological-geographical and genetic origins with respect to the resistance to low temperature. The tests, conducted over several years, consisted of exposing cuttings of annual shoots to low temperature in a cold chamber. The tests were repeated three times each winter, following the uniform method and time, in order to be able to distinguish relative differences in the degree of resistance between the cultivars tested. Most cultivars from Western Europe (occidentalis NEGR., gallica NEM.) had a high degree of resistance to low temperature. They tended to reach the peak of the resistance in mid winter. The cultivars from the continental part of the Balkans (pontica NEGR, balcanica NEGR.) were unanimously sensitive to low temperature. The cultivars from the warm Mediterranean climate of Southern Europe (pontica NEGR., balcanica NEGR and occidentalis NEGR, iberica NEM.) were still more sensitive than the cultivars in the previously mentioned group. The wine cultivars developed from interspecific crosses of European grapevines and American species exhibited a high degree of resistance in the middle and at the end of winter while the hybrids vinifera x amurensis were highly resistant at the beginning and in the middle of winter. Both groups can be used as donors of resistance to low temperature in programs of breeding cold hardy grapevine cultivars. The tested table cultivars were found to be sensitive to low temperature, with the exception of the well-known cultivars Muscat Hamburg and Chasselas and the new cultivars Strugurash and Moldova

    Knowledge Workers’ Identities at the Beginning of their Professional Development: Evidence from the Medical Profession

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    The identities of knowledge workers are shaped by organizational-level factors and by attributes of their occupation. Therefore, we distinguish between professional workers’ organizational and professional identification. Organizational identification is considered as a powerful construct having the potential to influence organizational behaviour. This concept was examined both in profit and non-profit organizations and proven to be a powerful predictor of various job-related attitudes and outcomes. Although the professional workforce and knowledge-based workers are becoming more important in the global knowledge economy, the concept of professional identification has been understudied in social identification literature. Given that the identification is a dynamic process, especially intriguing is the question of how organizational and professional identities interact at different stages in a professional workers’ career. The purpose of this paper is to examine the organizational and professional identities of knowledge workers at the beginning of their professional development. Organizational and professional identification have been relatively understudied in the university context and this paper tends to fill the literature gap by examining individual and grouplevel antecedents to identification with the university and medical profession. Several important findings emerged from our analysis. Consistent with the previous studies, our results indicate that levels of organizational and professional identification are correlated. Furthermore, our results show that knowledge workers experience a stronger sense of belonging to their profession at the beginning of their professional development. Finally, we provide insightful findings on the individual and group-level identification antecedents

    CEO compensation and the Board of Directors

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    Bilanzskandale (z.B. Enron, WorldCom) haben Empörung in der Öffentlichkeit als auch bei den Aktionären und den Regulierungsbehörden hervorgerufen. Manager mit Insiderinformationen extrahierten durch den Verrat ihres Unternehmens als auch ihrer Aktionäre enorme Reichtümer. Drei wirtschaftliche Akteure wurden als die Hauptschuldigen identifiziert: das Managment, der Auditor und das Board of Directors (der Aufsichtsrat). In Reaktion auf diese Skandale sind weltweit Unmengen an neuen Corporate Governance Regulierungen entstanden (zB SOX 2002, NYSE Corporate Governance Regulations). Shareholder als auch institutionelle Investoren fordern dass deren Vertreter innerhalb des Unternehmens, der Aufsichtsrat, welcher die Aufgabe hat die Aktionärsinteressen zu schützen, sowohl nach diesen Corporate Governance Vorschriften handelt als auch dementsprechend strukturiert ist. Auch das rege Interesse von Wissenschaftlern wurde geweckt, wie anhand der wachsende Menge an wissenschaftlichen Literatur über die Vergütung von Führungskräften, das Board of Directors oder die verschiedenen Subkommittees ersichtlich ist. Theoretische Annahmen sind größtenteils im Einklang mit Corporate Governance-Vorschriften, die empirischen Ergebnisse divergieren jedoch und erlauben kein einheitliches Bild. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Beziehung zwischen dem Board of Directors, seiner Subkommittees (Audit und Compensation Committee) und der CEO Vergütung zu untersuchen. Zuerst wird ein Überblick über theoretische Annahmen bezüglich Vorstandsgehälter gegeben, gefolgt von alternativen Ansätzen (z.B.: Human Capital Theorie, Stewardship Theorie). Im nächsten Abschnitt werden das Board of Directors als auch das Audit und Compensation Committee analysiert. In diesem Abschnitt werden auch Hypothesen über den Einluss dieser Strukturvariablen auf CEO Vergütung entwickelt und anschließend in dem empirischen Teil der Studie getestet. Positive Koeffizienten wurden für Firmengröße, Aufsichtsratgröße, Audit Committee Größe, den Anteil der verbundenen Direktoren (z.B. zugehörige Unternehmensberater) als Mitglieder des Audit Committees und Compensation Committee Größe gefunden. Negative Koeffizienten wurden für den Prozentsatz von Insidern im Aufsichtsrat, ROA, den Prozentsatz der Insider im Audit Committee und für die Mitglieder Überschneidungen zwischen Audit Committee und Compensation Committee gefunden.Corporate scandals (e.g. Enron, WorldCom) have evoked outrage in the public as well as in shareholders and regulators. Managers with insider information extracted enormous amounts of money by betraying both their company and their shareholders. Three economic actors were to blame first the executives, second the auditor and third and most importantly the board of directors. In reaction to these corporate scandals new regulations concerning corporate governance emerged (e.g. SOX 2002, NYSE Corporate Governance Regulations). Shareholder activists as well as institutional investors demand their representatives within the corporation which are responsible for protecting shareholder interests namely the board of directors to be structured and act in compliance with corporate governance regulations. This issue similarly attracted the interest of academics as the growing amount of academic literature dealing with executive compensation, the board of directors or the various committees shows. Theoretical assumptions are mostly in accordance with corporate governance regulations however empirical findings are inconclusive. The aim of this work is to investigate the relationship between the board of directors and its subordinate audit and compensation committee with CEO compensation. First academic literature agency theoretic assumptions about CEO compensation are discussed, followed by alternative approaches (e.g. human capital theory, stewardship theory). In the next section the board of directors as well as the audit and the compensation committee are analyzed and hypotheses about the association with CEO compensation are developed and subsequently tested in the empirical part of this study. Positive coefficients were found for company size, board size, audit committee size, gray directors serving on the audit committee, and compensation committee size. Negative coefficients were found for percentage of insiders on the company board, company performance measured as ROA, the percentage of insiders serving on the audit committee and director overlap between compensation committee and audit committee

    Uncertainty and Social Regulation of Learning in Collaborative Inquiry and Design Tasks in Science

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    Learners need to develop multifaceted skills and knowledge in order to productively engage with today’s increasingly uncertain world. To this aim, science educators strive to build students’ science knowledge by engaging them in scientific practices, such as collaborative inquiry, which are social and collaborative in nature. However, learners continue to experience various challenges related to collaborative inquiry. In science, one such domain-specific challenge is uncertainty, which is inherently present in science inquiry. Yet, there have been no studies illuminating how science learners jointly manage the uncertainty encountered in collaborative inquiry. In this multimethod study, I explored how groups of preservice elementary school teachers in a science methods course regulated their learning in response to uncertainty in collaborative inquiry and design tasks. I assigned participants to groups based on their individual uncertainty orientations. I video-recorded three groups (N = 12): an uncertainty-oriented group, a certainty-oriented group, and a group of mixed uncertainty orientations, in a series of five collaborative inquiry tasks of varying uncertainty levels. Using quantitative analysis of the coded data and qualitative analysis of the video observations, I determined three salient cross-cutting themes (i.e., collaborative work, regulative processing focused on task, and use of social-comparison in regulation of learning) across the groups, as well as three themes unique for each group (e.g., active pursuit of uncertainty for the uncertainty-oriented group, the avoidance of uncertainty for certainty-oriented group, being untroubled by uncertainty for the mixed group), totaling nine themes that described their social regulation of learning. Findings from this study contribute to the knowledge on social regulation of learning in science, science education, and social psychology. I suggest potential directions for future research, including discerning and contextualizing adaptive and maladaptive use of social comparison in social regulation of learning and illuminating the role of group members’ uncertainty orientations in group leadership.Doctor of Educatio

    The Impact Grit and Achievement Goal Orientation have on Athletic Training Students\u27 Persistence

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    Purpose: Athletic training education continues to evolve thereby increasing the importance of student retention. Understanding student motivation through achievement goal orientation and grit scores may help support student’s persistence in an athletic training program. The purpose was to determine if a relationship exists between achievement goal orientation and grit to help provide educators a better understanding of their students’ reasons for persisting to help improve retention. Methods: An achievement goal orientation survey and grit scale were administered, and quantitative data was analyzed statistically from Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education- accredited programs in good standing for the 2018-2019 academic year. Results: A total of 520 professional athletic training students participated. There was a significant main effect (F(1,3)=690.0, pConclusions: Athletic training students have similar grit scores across all cohorts and classify higher with mastery goal orientation compared to performance-approach, performance-avoidant, and work-avoidant orientations. Educators should understand students’ motivation to provide support and challenging tasks for their passion and perseverance for athletic training. Key Words: grit, mastery, performance-approach, performance-avoidant, work-avoidant


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    As a part of the research project in progress at the Civil Engineering Faculty in Osijek a new large pullout testing device has been developed and specially instrumented for characterisation of interaction between soil and geosynthetic in a pullout box by measuring wave velocity in the soil around the geosynthetic, before and at stops during pullout procedure. This paper presents some of the results of investigation carried out on one geogrid in one type of gravel, in terms of modulus of elasticity E and shear modulus G developed in the soil around the geogrid, under different vertical stresses and different grid displacements. The results presented are part of a wider range of testing results in the project. When state after compaction was tested, significant influence of the grid on E and G values compared to non-reinforced soil was not clearly detected. It is expected that after some displacement of geogrid during pullout process, E and G values for reinforced and non-reinforced soil will be significantly different. Examining this is the next step in the research programme

    Kompetencije učitelja engleskog jezika iz perspektive studenata-učitelja: percepcija važnosti i stjecanja

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    The authors present the results of continuous research of the influence of teaching methodology courses on the development of self-awareness and teaching competences of students of Primary Teacher Education with the English Language at the Faculty of Teacher Education, Zagreb, Croatia. The previous stages of the research focused primarily on the analysis of the aims and learning outcomes of the Teaching Practice Course: its impact on developing student self-awareness and the target competences of the Course, which would enable students to apply the acquired theory and successfully plan, prepare and teach English in primary schools. As the findings indicated that the student-teachers perceived the impact of the Course had been significant, the authors continued the research to establish the extent to which the Course had influenced the development of some generic and specific teaching competences, students\u27 opinions regarding the significance of these competences and the theory acquired during their study. The comparative analysis of the questionnaires, which the fifth-year students in the two consecutive academic years, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012, had completed during the initial and final sessions of the Course, established that the Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Study for Primary Teacher Education with English raised students’ awareness of the significance of both sets of competences and of the theory acquired during the study. In addition, the Course itself had influenced in a positive way the students\u27 opinions regarding these competences and the theory acquired. Moreover, during the Course students further developed all generic and specific competences, excepting the ability to use the European Language Portfolio.Autorice će prikazati rezultate treće faze kontinuiranog istraživanja percepcije utjecaja metodičkih kolegija na razvoj samosvijesti i kompetencija studenata primarnog obrazovanja i engleskog jezika na Učiteljskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Prethodne faze ovog istraživanja, započetog s prvom generacijom studenata koji studiraju prema bolonjskom procesu, bile su usredotočene uglavnom na analizu ostvarenih ciljeva i postignuća kolegija Metodičke vježbe nastave engleskog jezika, drugim riječima na utjecaj kolegija na razvoj samosvijesti studenata i, posljedično, na razvoj ciljnih kompetencija kolegija, koje će studentima omogućiti primjenu teorijskih znanja i uspješno planiranje, pripremu i izvedbu nastave engleskog jezika u osnovnoj školi. Kako su analize rezultata pokazale da je prema percepciji studenata-učitelja utjecaj kolegija bio značajan, autorice su potaknute tim rezultatima nastavile istraživanje s ciljem utvrđivanja stupnja do kojeg je kolegij utjecao na razvoj nekih od generičkih i specifičnih kompetencija važnih za učitelje engleskog jezika i na oblikovanje mišljenja studenata o važnosti tih kompetencija i pojedinih područja znanja stjecanih tijekom cjelokupnog studija. Usporedba rezultata analize upitnika koje su studenti pete godine dviju uzastopnih akademskih godina, 2010./2011. i 2011./2012., ispunili na početku i kraju kolegija Metodičke vježbe nastave engleskog jezika, pokazala je da je integrirani preddiplomski i diplomski sveučilišni Učiteljski studij s engleskim jezikom prema njihovoj procjeni utjecao na razvijanje svijesti studenata o važnosti generičkih i specifičnih kompetencija i područja znanja stjecanih tijekom studija. Nadalje, pokazalo se da je i sam kolegij pozitivno utjecao na mišljenja studenata o važnosti navedenih kompetencija i područja znanja. Isto tako, tijekom kolegija studenti su, prema vlastitom mišljenju, dodatno razvili sve generičke i specifične kompetencije (osim sposobnosti služenja Europskim jezičnim portfolijem)

    Razvijanje svijesti studenata o učiteljskim kompetencijama uz pomoć Europskog portfolija za obrazovanje učitelja jezika

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    The paper presents the results of an investigation into the use of the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages (EPOSTL) as part of the ELT methodology courses which are part of the Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Education and the English Language at the Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb. The EPOSTL is a self-assessment and reflection tool designed by the Council of Europe for students undergoing initial teacher education and thus includes teaching competences relevant for language teachers in the whole European area of education. Its use should contribute to raising awareness of both generic and specific teaching competences and of the necessity to link initial teacher education and continuous professional development. The EPOSTL has been applied in the Programme within the framework of ELT methodology courses since the 2009/10 academic year. The authors also present the findings of the analysis of students’ feedback on the use of the EPOSTL. The feedback revealed aspects of the EPOSTL which proved to be problematic for student. Having conducted such a study gives teachers involved the opportunity to modify and improve particular aspects of the use of the EPOSTL in order to reach the aims set.Rad prikazuje rezultate istraživanja upotrebe Europskog portfolija za obrazovanje nastavnika jezika (EPONAJ) kao dijela metodičkih kolegija poučavanja engleskog jezika u okviru Integriranog preddiplomskog i diplomskog sveučilišnog studija primarnog obrazovanja i engleskog jezika na Učiteljskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. EPONAJ je alat za samoprocjenu i promišljanje koji je Vijeće Europe osmislilo za studente buduće učitelje jezika pa stoga sadrži učiteljske kompetencije koje su važne za učitelje jezika u cjelokupnoj sferi obrazovanja u Europi. Njegova upotreba trebala bi pridonijeti ne samo razvijanju svijesti studenata o generičkim i specifičnim učiteljskim kompetencijama već i osvještavanju potrebe povezivanja početnog obrazovanja učitelja s trajnim stručnim usavršavanjem. EPONAJ se u studiju koristi u okviru metodičkih kolegija poučavanja engleskog jezika od 2009./2010. godine.Autorice nadalje prikazuju rezultate analize studentskih upitnika o upotrebi EPONAJ-a, koja je ukazala na neke njegove aspekte koji su se pokazali problematičnima za studente. Provođenje istraživanja pruža voditeljima kolegija priliku da promijene i poboljšaju određene aspekte upotrebe EPONAJ-a kako bi se u potpunosti ostvarili postavljeni ciljevi