211 research outputs found

    Electrohydrodynamically induced mixing in immiscible multilayer flows

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    In the present study we investigate electrostatic stabilization mechanisms acting on stratified fluids. Electric fields have been shown to control and even suppress the Rayleigh-Taylor instability when a heavy fluid lies above lighter fluid. From a different perspective, similar techniques can also be used to generate interfacial dynamics in otherwise stable systems. We aim to identify active control protocols in confined geometries that induce time dependent flows in small scale devices without having moving parts. This effect has numerous applications, ranging from mixing phenomena to electric lithography. Two-dimensional computations are carried out and several such protocols are described. We present computational fluid dynamics videos with different underlying mixing strategies, which show promising results.Comment: Video submission for the gallery of fluid motion, as part of the APS DFD 2013 conferenc

    Instability and dripping of electrified liquid films flowing down inverted substrates

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    We consider the gravity-driven flow of a perfect dielectric, viscous, thin liquid film, wetting a flat substrate inclined at a nonzero angle to the horizontal. The dynamics of the thin film is influenced by an electric field which is set up parallel to the substrate surface—this nonlocal physical mechanism has a linearly stabilizing effect on the interfacial dynamics. Our particular interest is in fluid films that are hanging from the underside of the substrate; these films may drip depending on physical parameters, and we investigate whether a sufficiently strong electric field can suppress such nonlinear phenomena. For a non-electrified flow, it was observed by Brun et al. [Phys. Fluids 27, 084107 (2015)] that the thresholds of linear absolute instability and dripping are reasonably close. In the present study, we incorporate an electric field and analyze the absolute and convective instabilities of a hierarchy of reduced-order models to predict the dripping limit in parameter space. The spatial stability results for the reduced-order models are verified by performing an impulse-response analysis with direct numerical simulations (DNS) of the Navier–Stokes equations coupled to the appropriate electrical equations. Guided by the results of the linear theory, we perform DNS on extended domains with inflow and outflow conditions (mimicking an experimental setup) to investigate the dripping limit for both non-electrified and electrified liquid films. For the latter, we find that the absolute instability threshold provides an order-of-magnitude estimate for the electric-field strength required to suppress dripping; the linear theory may thus be used to determine the feasibility of dripping suppression given a set of geometrical, fluid, and electrical parameters

    Deformation of a liquid film by an impinging gas jet: Modelling and experiments

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    © 2019, Avestia Publishing. We consider liquid in a cylindrical beaker and study the deformation of its surface under the influence of an impinging gas jet. Analyzing such a system not only is of fundamental theoretical interest, but also of industrial importance, e.g., in metallurgical applications. The solution of the full set of governing equations is computationally expensive. Therefore, to obtain initial insight into relevant regimes and timescales of the system, we first derive a reduced-order model (a thin-film equation) based on the long-wave assumption and on appropriate decoupling the gas problem from that for the liquid and taking into account a disjoining pressure. We also perform direct numerical simulations (DNS) of the full governing equations using two different approaches, the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) package in COMSOL and the volume-of-fluid Gerris package. The DNS are used to validate the results for the thinfilm equation and also to investigate the regimes that are beyond the range of validity of this equation. We additionally compare the computational results with experiments and find good agreement

    Three-dimensional high speed drop impact onto solid surfaces at arbitrary angles

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    The rich structures arising from the impingement dynamics of water drops onto solid substrates at high velocities are investigated numerically. Current methodologies in the aircraft industry estimating water collection on aircraft surfaces are based on particle trajectory calculations and empirical extensions thereof in order to approximate the complex fluid-structure interactions. We perform direct numerical simulations (DNS) using the volume-of-fluid method in three dimensions, for a collection of drop sizes and impingement angles. The high speed background air flow is coupled with the motion of the liquid in the framework of oblique stagnation-point flow. Qualitative and quantitative features are studied in both pre- and post-impact stages. One-to-one comparisons are made with experimental data available from the investigations of Sor and García-Magariño (2015), while the main body of results is created using parameters relevant to flight conditions with droplet sizes in the ranges from tens to several hundreds of microns, as presented by Papadakis et al. (2004). Drop deformation, collision, coalescence and microdrop ejection and dynamics, all typically neglected or empirically modelled, are accurately accounted for. In particular, we identify new morphological features in regimes below the splashing threshold in the modelled conditions. We then expand on the variation in the number and distribution of ejected microdrops as a function of the impacting drop size beyond this threshold. The presented drop impact model addresses key questions at a fundamental level, however the conclusions of the study extend towards the advancement of understanding of water dynamics on aircraft surfaces, which has important implications in terms of compliance to aircraft safety regulations. The proposed methodology may also be utilised and extended in the context of related industrial applications involving high speed drop impact such as inkjet printing and combustion

    Reduced-order modelling of thick inertial flows around rotating cylinders

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    A new model for the behaviour of a thick, two-dimensional layer of fluid on the surface of a rotating cylinder is presented, incorporating the effects of inertia, rotation, viscosity, gravity and capillarity. Comparisons against direct numerical simulations (DNS) show good accuracy for fluid layers of thickness of the same order as the cylinder radius, even for Reynolds numbers up to Re∼10. A rich and complex parameter space is revealed, and is elucidated via a variety of analytical and numerical techniques. At moderate rotation rates and fluid masses, the system exhibits either periodic behaviour or converges to a steady state, with the latter generally being favoured by greater masses and lower rotation rates. These behaviours, and the bifurcation structure of the transitions between them, are examined using a combination of both the low-order model and DNS. Specific attention is dedicated to newly accessible regions of parameter space, including the multiple steady state solutions observed for the same parameter values by Lopes et al.(2018), where the corresponding triple limit point bifurcation structure is recovered by the new low-order model. We also inspect states in which the interface becomes multivalued - and thus outside the reach of the reduced-order model - via DNS.This leads to highly nonlinear multivalued periodic structures appearing at moderate thicknesses and relatively large rotation rates. Even much thicker films may eventually reach steady states (following complex early evolution), provided these are maintained by a combination of forces sufficiently large to counteract gravity

    Early-time jet formation in liquid–liquid impact problems: theory and simulations

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    We perform a thorough qualitative and quantitative comparison of theoretical predictions and direct numerical simulations for the two-dimensional, vertical impact of two droplets of the same fluid. In particular, we show that the theoretical predictions for the location and velocity of the jet root are excellent in the early stages of the impact, while the predicted jet velocity and thickness profiles are also in good agreement with the computations before the jet begins to bend. By neglecting the role of the surrounding gas both before and after impact, we are able to use Wagner theory to describe the early-time structure of the impact. We derive the model for general droplet velocities and radii, which encompasses a wide range of impact scenarios from the symmetric impact of identical drops to liquid drops impacting a deep pool. The leading-order solution is sufficient to predict the curve along which the root of the high-speed jet travels. After moving into a frame fixed in this curve, we are able to derive the zero-gravity shallow-water equations governing the leading-order thickness and velocity of the jet. Our numerical simulations are performed in the open-source software Gerris, which allows for the level of local grid refinement necessary for a problem with such a wide variety of length scales. The numerical simulations incorporate more of the physics of the problem, in particular the surrounding gas, the fluid viscosities, gravity and surface tension. We compare the computed and predicted solutions for a range of droplet radii and velocities, finding excellent agreement in the early stage. In light of these successful comparisons, we discuss the tangible benefits of using Wagner theory to confidently track properties such as the jet-root location, jet thickness and jet velocity in future studies of splash jet/ejecta evolution
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