1,998 research outputs found

    Maximal LpL^p-regularity for stochastic evolution equations

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    We prove maximal LpL^p-regularity for the stochastic evolution equation \{{aligned} dU(t) + A U(t)\, dt& = F(t,U(t))\,dt + B(t,U(t))\,dW_H(t), \qquad t\in [0,T], U(0) & = u_0, {aligned}. under the assumption that AA is a sectorial operator with a bounded H∞H^\infty-calculus of angle less than 12π\frac12\pi on a space Lq(O,ÎŒ)L^q(\mathcal{O},\mu). The driving process WHW_H is a cylindrical Brownian motion in an abstract Hilbert space HH. For p∈(2,∞)p\in (2,\infty) and q∈[2,∞)q\in [2,\infty) and initial conditions u0u_0 in the real interpolation space \XAp we prove existence of unique strong solution with trajectories in L^p(0,T;\Dom(A))\cap C([0,T];\XAp), provided the non-linearities F:[0,T]\times \Dom(A)\to L^q(\mathcal{O},\mu) and B:[0,T]\times \Dom(A) \to \g(H,\Dom(A^{\frac12})) are of linear growth and Lipschitz continuous in their second variables with small enough Lipschitz constants. Extensions to the case where AA is an adapted operator-valued process are considered as well. Various applications to stochastic partial differential equations are worked out in detail. These include higher-order and time-dependent parabolic equations and the Navier-Stokes equation on a smooth bounded domain \OO\subseteq \R^d with d≄2d\ge 2. For the latter, the existence of a unique strong local solution with values in (H^{1,q}(\OO))^d is shown.Comment: Accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysi

    Multi-objective improvement of software using co-evolution and smart seeding

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    Optimising non-functional properties of software is an important part of the implementation process. One such property is execution time, and compilers target a reduction in execution time using a variety of optimisation techniques. Compiler optimisation is not always able to produce semantically equivalent alternatives that improve execution times, even if such alternatives are known to exist. Often, this is due to the local nature of such optimisations. In this paper we present a novel framework for optimising existing software using a hybrid of evolutionary optimisation techniques. Given as input the implementation of a program or function, we use Genetic Programming to evolve a new semantically equivalent version, optimised to reduce execution time subject to a given probability distribution of inputs. We employ a co-evolved population of test cases to encourage the preservation of the program’s semantics, and exploit the original program through seeding of the population in order to focus the search. We carry out experiments to identify the important factors in maximising efficiency gains. Although in this work we have optimised execution time, other non-functional criteria could be optimised in a similar manner

    Racetrack inflation and assisted moduli stabilisation

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    We present a model of inflation based on a racetrack model without flux stabilization. The initial conditions are set automatically through topological inflation. This ensures that the dilaton is not swept to weak coupling through either thermal effects or fast roll. Including the effect of non-dilaton fields we find that moduli provide natural candidates for the inflaton. The resulting potential generates slow-roll inflation without the need to fine tune parameters. The energy scale of inflation must be near the GUT scale and the scalar density perturbation generated has a spectrum consistent with WMAP data.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures (Latex); Error in v.1 eliminated and improved example of modular inflation presente

    The Price of WMAP Inflation in Supergravity

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    The three-year data from WMAP are in stunning agreement with the simplest possible quadratic potential for chaotic inflation, as well as with new or symmetry-breaking inflation. We investigate the possibilities for incorporating these potentials within supergravity, particularly of the no-scale type that is motivated by string theory. Models with inflation driven by the matter sector may be constructed in no-scale supergravity, if the moduli are assumed to be stabilised by some higher-scale dynamics and at the expense of some fine-tuning. We discuss specific scenarios for stabilising the moduli via either D- or F-terms in the effective potential, and survey possible inflationary models in the presence of D-term stabilisation.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, plain Late

    On inversions and Doob hh-transforms of linear diffusions

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    Let XX be a regular linear diffusion whose state space is an open interval E⊆RE\subseteq\mathbb{R}. We consider a diffusion X∗X^* which probability law is obtained as a Doob hh-transform of the law of XX, where hh is a positive harmonic function for the infinitesimal generator of XX on EE. This is the dual of XX with respect to h(x)m(dx)h(x)m(dx) where m(dx)m(dx) is the speed measure of XX. Examples include the case where X∗X^* is XX conditioned to stay above some fixed level. We provide a construction of X∗X^* as a deterministic inversion of XX, time changed with some random clock. The study involves the construction of some inversions which generalize the Euclidean inversions. Brownian motion with drift and Bessel processes are considered in details.Comment: 19 page

    Random walk on the range of random walk

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    We study the random walk X on the range of a simple random walk on â„€ d in dimensions d≄4. When d≄5 we establish quenched and annealed scaling limits for the process X, which show that the intersections of the original simple random walk path are essentially unimportant. For d=4 our results are less precise, but we are able to show that any scaling limit for X will require logarithmic corrections to the polynomial scaling factors seen in higher dimensions. Furthermore, we demonstrate that when d=4 similar logarithmic corrections are necessary in describing the asymptotic behavior of the return probability of X to the origin

    Anomalous U(1) D-term Contribution in Type I String Models

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    We study the DD-term contribution for anomalous U(1) symmetries in type I string models and derive general formula for the DD-term contribution, assuming that the dominant source of SUSY breaking is given by FF-terms of the dilaton, (overall) moduli or twisted moduli fields. On the basis of the formula, we also point out that there are several different features from the case in heterotic string models. The differences originate from the different forms of K\"ahler potential between twisted moduli fields in type I string models and the dilaton field in heterotic string models.Comment: 16 pages, latex, no figur

    Graphene Oxide Hybrid with Sulfur–Nitrogen Polymer for High-Performance Pseudocapacitors

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    Toward the introduction of fast faradaic pseudocapacitive behavior and the increase of the specific capacitance of carbon-based electrodes, we covalently functionalized graphene oxide with a redox active thiourea-formaldehyde polymer, yielding a multifunctional hybrid system. The multiscale physical and chemical characterization of the novel 3-dimensional hybrid revealed high material porosity with high specific surface area (402 m2 g–1) and homogeneous element distribution. The presence of multiple functional groups comprising sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen provide additional contribution of Faradaic redox reaction in supercapacity performance, leading to a high effective electrochemical pseudocapacitance. Significantly, our graphene-based 3-dimensional thiourea-formaldehyde hybrid exhibited specific capacitance as high as 400 F g–1, areal capacitance of 160 mF cm–2, and an energy density of 11.1 mWh cm–3 at scan rate of 1 mV s–1 with great capacitance retention (100%) after 5000 cycles at scan rate of 100 mV s–1
