60 research outputs found

    New occurrences of Pleurocarpous mosses for the state of Bahia, Brazil

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    Four new records of pleurocarpous mosses are reported for the first time for the State of Bahia: Phyllodon truncatulus (Hypnaceae), Trichosteleum brachydictyon, Sematophyllum tequendamense and Potamium lonchophyllum (Sematophyllaceae). These species were found in the Tropical Atlantic Rainforest situated in the South of Bahia

    Occurrence of some Lejeuneaceae (Jungermanniophyta) in Bahia, Brazil

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    Five species of Lejeuneaceae, tribe Lejeuneae from state of Bahia, Brazil are described and illustrated. Data on geographic distributions, distribution in Brazil and habitat in Bahia are also given

    Some new additions to the hepatic flora (Jungermanniophyta) for the State of Bahia, Brazil

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    In this paper are recorded 18 taxa of hepatics (Jungermanniophyta) for the first time for the state of Bahia, Brazil. Of these, Harpalejeunea ovata (Hook.) Schiffn. is new for Brazil. Morphological characters, notes on habitat and substrate are given for each species. Illustrations for Harpalejeunea ovata, Pycnolejeunea callosa (Lindenb.) Steph., Pycnolejeunea macroloba (Nees & Mont.) Schiffn., Rectolejeunea berteroana (Gott. ex Steph.) Evans and Trachylejeunea crenata (Mont. & Nees) Schust. are given

    Bryophytes from some Caatinga areas in the state of Bahia (Brazil)

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    The caatinga is a deciduous and xerophilous vegetation that covers large areas in Brazil. An irregular rainfall with a marked dry period is a characteristic feature. This paper represents the first contribution to the knowledge of the bryoflora from caatinga vegetation in the State of Bahia. The survey was carried out in several areas from Bahia in which eigthteen species of bryophytes were found (15 mosses and 3 liverworts). The bryoflora from caatinga is composed mainly of generalists and xerophilous taxa, but even some hygrophilous species can be found. A number of species including Hyophiladelphus agrarius, Hyophila involuta, Calymperes palisotii ssp. richardii, Bryum argenteum, Entodontopsis leucostega, Octoblepharum albidum, Frullania ericoides also occur in other vegetation types. However, there are a number of species restricted to this type of vegetation, such as Helicophyllum torquatum and Riccia vitalii, at least in Bahia. Most moss species were acrocarpous with erect and short (short-turf) growth-form, whereas the foliose hepaticae were of incubous, and thallose forms

    Variaçoes morfológicas do lóbulo em "lejeunea glaucescens" gott.: lejeuneaceae, hepaticopsida

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    Variaçoes morfológicas do lóbulo em Lejeunea glaucescens Gott. (Lejeuneaceae, Jung ermnanniophyta). Foram estudados exemplares de Lejeunea glaucescens Gott. no sentido de serem estabelecidos padróes morfológicos objetivando melhor delimitar esse táxon, sendo identificados 10 padróes de variaçáo nos lóbulos dos filídios. Análises desses padróes mostram que n~o há uma clara correlaçáo com as condiçóes ambientais

    Adições à brioflora (Bryopsida) do Estado da Bahia, Brasil

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    The moss flora of the state of Bahia is represented by 208 species distributed in 88 genera and 34 families. Of these, 188 have already been recorded for the Bahia. In this paper are reported 18 species of mosses belonging to 16 genera and 12 families (Archidiaceae, Orthotrichaceae, Bartramiaceae, Bryaceae, Thuidiaceae, Sematophyllaceae, Pterobryaceae, Meteoriaceae, Hookeriaceae, Pottiaceae, Calymperaceae and Fissidentaceae) for Bahia and represent an additional contribution to the knowledge of the bryophyte flora of this state

    Briófitas de uma área de cerrado no município de Alagoinhas, Bahia, Brasil

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    In a taxonomic survey carried out in cerrado vegetation from Alagoinhas county, State of Bahia, 15 species of Bryophyta, were identified distributed into 12 genera and 9 families, and 12 species of Hepatophyta distributed in 7 genera and 2 families. Cheilolejeunea rigidula (Mont. ) Schust., Diplasiolejeunea cobrensis Gott. ex Steph., Diplasiolejeunea rudolphiana Steph., Frullanoides corticalis (Lehm. & Lindenb.) van Slag., Frullania neesii Lindenb., Lejeunea glaucescens Gott. and Leucolejeunea unciloba (Lindenb.) Evans are mentioned for the first time for Bahia and Harpalejeunea stricta (Lindenb. & Gott.) Steph. is new for Brazil

    Additional contribution to the bryophyte flora of Chapada Diamantina National Park, State of Bahia, Brazil

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    This paper represents an additional contribution toward the knowledge of a bryophyte flora of Chapada Diamantina National Park in the State of Bahia, Brazil, in which are reported 27 species of mosses belonging to 22 genera and 14 families, and four species of liverworts belonging to four genera and three families. Most of these species seem to be restricted to this high altitude geomorphological complex area

    Notes on the occurrence of Cheilolejeunea paroica Mizut. (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta)in Neotropic.

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    RESUMEN. Notas sobre la presencia del Cheilolejeunea paroica Mizut. (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta) en el Neotrópico. Se cita Cheilolejeunea paroica Mizut. por primera vez para el Neotrópico. Se presentan descripciones e ilustraciones, y se aportan datos acerca de los hábitats, sustratos y distribución geográfica.Palabras clave. Marchantiophyta, Lejeuneaceae, Cheilolejeunea.ABSTRACT. Notes on the occurrence of Cheilolejeunea paroica Mizut. (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta)in Neotropic. In this paper, the occurrence of Cheilolejeunea paroica Mizut is reported for the first time to the Neotropic. Description, illustration and comments on habitat, substrate, and geographical distribution are provided.Key words. Marchantiophyta, Lejeuneaceae, Cheilolejeunea

    New records of Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta) for the Brazil.

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    RESUMEN. Nuevas citas de Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta) para el Brasil. Se describen e ilustran cuatro nuevas citas de la familia Lejeuneaceae para el Brasil: Drepanolejeunea pinnatiloba Schiffn., Lejeunea elliottii Spruce, Lejeunea filipes Spruce y Lopholejeunea quelchii Steph. Se comenta datos acerca de los habitats, sustratos y distribución geográfica.Palabras clave. Lejeuneaceae, taxonomía, distribución, Brasil, Bahia.ABSTRACT. New records of Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta) for the Brazil. In this paper Drepanolejeunea pinnatiloba Schiffn., Lejeunea elliottii Spruce, Lejeunea filipes Spruce, and Lopholejeunea quelchii Steph. are described and illustrated. Comments on the habitat, substrates, and geographical distribution are provided.Key words. Lejeuneaceae, taxonomy, distribution, Brazil, Bahia