740 research outputs found

    Equivalence between Poly\'a-Szeg\H{o} and relative capacity inequalities under rearrangement

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    The transformations of functions acting on sublevel sets that satisfy a P\'olya-Szeg\H{o} inequality are characterized as those being induced by transformations of sets that do not increase the associated capacity.Comment: 9 page

    Second-order L2L^2-regularity in nonlinear elliptic problems

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    A second-order regularity theory is developed for solutions to a class of quasilinear elliptic equations in divergence form, including the pp-Laplace equation, with merely square-integrable right-hand side. Our results amount to the existence and square integrability of the weak derivatives of the nonlinear expression of the gradient under the divergence operator. This provides a nonlinear counterpart of the classical L2L^2-coercivity theory for linear problems, which is missing in the existing literature. Both local and global estimates are established. The latter apply to solutions to either Dirichlet or Neumann boundary value problems. Minimal regularity on the boundary of the domain is required. If the domain is convex, no regularity of its boundary is needed at all

    Strumenti di gestione per la Rassegna Stampa on line INGV

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    The manual illustrates tools and procedures used by INGV Press Office in managing press reviews which are made available from INGV web portal. Press reviews include national, international press as well as online sources of information. Acquisition and archiving procedures used for the current press review, as well as for the historical one, starting from 1980, are described into details. Archiving and publishing procedures based on a customized version of the Web Content Management System Plone are commented step by step

    Characterization of self-injected electron beams from LWFA experiments at SPARC_LAB

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    The plasma-based acceleration is an encouraging technique to overcome the limits of the accelerating gradient in the conventional RF acceleration. A plasma accelerator is able to provide accelerating fields up to hundreds of GeV/mGeV/m, paving the way to accelerate particles to several MeV over a short distance (below the millimetre range). Here the characteristics of preliminary electron beams obtained with the self-injection mechanism produced with the FLAME high-power laser at the SPARC_LAB test facility are shown. In detail, with an energy laser on focus of 1.5 J1.5\ J and a pulse temporal length (FWHM) of 40 fs40\ fs, we obtained an electron plasma density due to laser ionization of about 6×1018 cm36 \times 10^{18}\ cm^{-3}, electron energy up to 350 MeV350\ MeV and beam charge in the range (50100) pC(50 - 100)\ pC.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figures, conference EAAC201

    Optical issues for the diagnostic stations for the ELI-NP compton gamma source

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    A high brightness electron Linac is being built in the Compton Gamma Source at the ELI Nuclear Physics facility in Romania. To achieve the design luminosity, a train of 32 bunches, 16 ns spaced, with a nominal charge of 250 pC will collide with the laser beam in the interaction point. Electron beam spot size is measured with optical transition radiation (OTR) profile monitors. In order to measure the beam properties, the optical radiation detecting system must have the necessary accuracy and resolution. This paper deals with the studies of different optic configurations to achieve the magnification, resolution and accuracy in order to measure very small beam (below 30 μm) or to study the angular distribution of the OTR and therefore the energy of the beam. Several configurations of the optical detection line will be studied both with simulation tools (e.g. Zemax) and experimentally. The paper will deal also with the sensibility of optic system (in terms of depth of field, magnification and resolution) to systematic error