319 research outputs found

    Application of infrared vision system for potato thermal control

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    The article proposes a solution to the problem of determining the values of potato tubers tissue thermophysical characteristics. The solution of this problem makes it possible to calculate the optimal regime parameters of potato quality active thermal control, which can be used for automatic sorting. In order to solve this problem, we propose a non-contact non-destructive control method based on a pulsed laser heating of a potato tuber flat surface area and subsequent use of time integral characteristics of temperature and heat flow, as well as a measuring device developed on the basis of physical and mathematical models of the method. The method was used by the authors to determine the thermal conductivity, heat capacity and coefficient of thermal diffusivity of different quality potato tissues: both healthy and affected by phyto-diseases. The studies have shown that the thermal conductivity of plant tissues depends on the presence of structural disturbances in them as a result of phyto-diseases. This fact confirms the possibility of using thermal non-destructive control of potatoes tissues provided the correct choice of power and the duration of the thermal effect on the object of control

    V. P. Omelchenko in the history of professional education Chelyabinsk region

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    В статье на основе фактического материала представлена биография крупного организатора и педагога профессионального образования, начальника областного управления професссионально-технического образования Челябинской области В. П. Омельченко.On the basis of rich factual material presented biography of a great organizer and teacher of vocational education, head of the regional professional education Chelyabinsk Region Omelchenko


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    The study of digital communication is an important linguistic problem of the anthropocentric scientific paradigm; the total digitalization of modern society has drawn the increased attention of linguists. The object of the study is the scheme of communication in the context of the digital culture of the modern world. The authors have come to the conclusion that the change in the context of communication where digital (computer) technologies are actively involved leads to global changes in the communication of people as a whole. Digitalization provokes anonymity of communication, globalization and acceleration of all communication processes, both in personal and professional communication. Digital communication introduces new message codes, creolized texts, that function in different discourses

    R-Functions and WA-Systems of Functions in Modern Information Technologies

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    The review report consists of five parts. It describes the main physical applications of atomic, WA-systems and R-functions