126 research outputs found

    Preventing Adaptive Key Recovery Attacks on the Gentry-Sahai-Waters Leveled Homomorphic Encryption Scheme

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    A major open problem is to protect leveled homomorphic encryption from adaptive attacks that allow an adversary to learn the private key. The only positive results in this area are by Loftus, May, Smart and Vercauteren. They use a notion of valid ciphertexts and obtain an IND-CCA1 scheme under a strong knowledge assumption, but they also show their scheme is not secure under a natural adaptive attack based on a ciphertext validity oracle . However, due to recent cryptanalysis their scheme is no longer considered secure. The main contribution of this paper is to explore a new approach to achieving this goal, which does not rely on a notion of valid ciphertexts . The idea is to generate a one-time private key every time the decryption algorithm is run, so that even if an attacker can learn some bits of the one-time private key from each decryption query, this does not allow them to compute a valid private key. This is the full version of the paper. The short version, which appeared in Provsec 2016, presented a variant of the Gentry-Sahai-Waters (GSW) levelled homomorphic encryption scheme. Damien Stehle pointed out an attack on our variant of this scheme that had not been anticipated in the Provsec paper; we explain the attack in this full version. This version of the paper also contains a new dual version of the GSW scheme. We give an explanation of why the known attacks no longer break the system. It remains an open problem to develop a scheme for which one can prove IND-CCA1 security

    Gait parameter fitting and adaptive enhancement based on cerebral blood oxygen information

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    Accurate recognition of patients’ movement intentions and real-time adjustments are crucial in rehabilitation exoskeleton robots. However, some patients are unable to utilize electromyography (EMG) signals for this purpose due to poor or missing signals in their lower limbs. In order to address this issue, we propose a novel method that fits gait parameters using cerebral blood oxygen signals. Two types of walking experiments were conducted to collect brain blood oxygen signals and gait parameters from volunteers. Time domain, frequency domain, and spatial domain features were extracted from brain hemoglobin. The AutoEncoder-Decoder method is used for feature dimension reduction. A regression model based on the long short-term memory (LSTM) model was established to fit the gait parameters and perform incremental learning for new individual data. Cross-validation was performed on the model to enhance individual adaptivity and reduce the need for individual pre-training. The coefficient of determination (R2) for the gait parameter fit was 71.544%, with a mean square error (RMSE) of less than 3.321%. Following adaptive enhancement, the coefficient of R2 increased by 6.985%, while the RMSE decreased by 0.303%. These preliminary results indicate the feasibility of fitting gait parameters using cerebral blood oxygen information. Our research offers a new perspective on assisted locomotion control for patients who lack effective myoelectricity, thereby expanding the clinical application of rehabilitation exoskeleton robots. This work establishes a foundation for promoting the application of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology in the field of sports rehabilitation

    Mutation of Gemin5 Causes Defective Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells Proliferation in Zebrafish Embryonic Hematopoiesis

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    Fate determination and expansion of Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells (HSPCs) is tightly regulated on both transcriptional and post-transcriptional level. Although transcriptional regulation of HSPCs have achieved a lot of advances, its post-transcriptional regulation remains largely underexplored. The small size and high fecundity of zebrafish makes it extraordinarily suitable to explore novel genes playing key roles in definitive hematopoiesis by large-scale forward genetics screening. Here, we reported a novel zebrafish mutant line gemin5cas008 with a point mutation in gemin5 gene obtained by ENU mutagenesis and genetic screening, causing an earlier stop codon next to the fifth WD repeat. Gemin5 is an RNA-binding protein with multifunction in post-transcriptional regulation, such as regulating the biogenesis of snRNPs, alternative splicing, stress response, and translation control. The mutants displayed specific deficiency in definitive hematopoiesis without obvious defects during primitive hematopoiesis. Further analysis showed the impaired definitive hematopoiesis was due to defective proliferation of HSPCs. Overall, our results indicate that Gemin5 performs an essential role in regulating HSPCs proliferation

    Robotic Ultrasonic Testing Technology for Aero-Engine Blades

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    With the rapid development of the aerospace industry, the quality inspection of complex curved components, such as aero-engine blades, is becoming increasingly strict. In contrast with other NDT methods, ultrasonic testing is easier to automate, while offering higher accuracy and efficiency in thickness measuring. To solve the challenge of the automated NDT inspection of aero-engine blades, in this study, an ultrasonic inspection system with a six degree of freedom (DOF) was proposed for industrial robots. Additionally, a defect detection model and a thickness detection method were proposed for the robotic ultrasonic inspection system, based on the thickness variation of the aero-engine blade. Through the quantitative analysis on engine blades with prefabricated defects and curved test blocks with stepped thicknesses, it can be concluded that our system is able to achieve high accuracy in defect detection and thickness measurement

    Uniform in time error analysis of HDG approximation for Schrödinger equation based on HDG projection

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    This paper presents error analysis of hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) time-domain method for solving time dependent Schrödinger equations. The numerical trace and numerical flux are constructed to preserve the conservative property for the density of the particle described. We prove that there exist the superconvergence properties of the HDG method, which do hold for second-order elliptic problems, uniformly in time for the semidiscretization by the same method of Schrödinger equations provided that enough regularity is satisfied. Thus, if the approximations are piecewise polynomials of degree r, the approximations to the wave function and the flux converge with order r + 1. The suitably chosen projection of the wave function into a space of lower polynomial degree superconverges with order r + 2 for r ≥ 1 uniformly in time. The application of element-by-element postprocessing of the approximate solution which provides an approximation of the potential convergence with order r + 2 for r ≥ 1 in L2 is also uniformly in time
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