132 research outputs found

    Altered auditory processes pattern predicts cognitive decline in older adults: different modalities with aging

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    BackgroundCohort studies have shown that older adults with hearing impairment as assessed by self-report or behavioral measures are at higher risk of developing dementia many years later. A fine-grained examination of auditory processing holds promise for more effective screening of older adults at risk of cognitive decline. The auditory mismatch negativity (MMN) measure enables one to gain insights into the neurobiological substrate of central auditory processing. We hypothesized that older adults showing compromised indexes of MMN at baseline would exhibit cognitive decline at the one-year follow-up.MethodsWe performed cognitive evaluations with the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS; Form A and Form B) in 108 community-dwelling older adults and acquired EEG via the classic passive auditory oddball paradigm at baseline and 12-month follow-up.ResultsThe results showed that young-old adults with future cognitive decline showed a decrease in MMN peak amplitude, accompanied by a forward-shifting latency, whereas in older adults it showed a delay in MMN latency, and unchanged MMN peak amplitude at midline electrodes (Fz, FCz and Cz). Furthermore, the peak amplitude of the MMN decreases with age in older adults aged 70–80 years rather than 60–70 years or > 80 years.ConclusionThe altered MMN model exists in different aging stages and it’s a promising electrophysiological predictor of cognitive decline in older adults. In addition, further research is needed to determine the neural mechanisms and potential implications of the accelerated decline in MMN in older adults

    The miR167-OsARF12 module regulates grain filling and grain size downstream of miR159

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    Grain weight and quality are always determined by the grain filling. Plant miRNAs have drawn attention as key targets for regulating grain size and yield. Yet the mechanisms underlying the regulation of grain size are largely unclear due to the complex networks controlling this trait. Our earlier studies proved that the suppressed expression of miR167 (STTM/MIM167) substantially increased grain weight. In a field test, the increased yield up to 12.90%-21.94% due to the significantly enhanced grain filling rate. Biochemical and genetic analyses reveal the regulatory effects of miR159 on miR167 expression. Further analysis indicates that OsARF12 is the major mediator of miR167 in regulating rice grain filling. Expectedly, over expressing OsARF12 could resemble the phenotype of STTM/MIM167 plants with respect to grain weight and grain filling rate. Upon in-depth analysis, we found that OsARF12 activates OsCDKF;2 expressions by directly binding to the TGTCGG motif in the promoter region. Flow cytometric analysis in young panicles of plants overexpressing OsARF12 and cell number examination of cdkf;2 mutants verify that OsARF12 positively regulates grain filling and grain size by targeting OsCDKF;2. Moreover, RNA-seq result suggests that miR167-OsARF12 module is involved in the cell development process and hormone pathways. Additionally, plants overexpressing OsARF12 or cdkf;2 mutants present enhanced or reduced sensitivity to exogenous auxin and brassinosteroid (BR) treatments, confirming that OsCDKF;2 targeting by OsARF12 mediates auxin and BR signaling. Our results reveal that miR167-OsARF12 module works downstream of miR159 to regulate rice grain filling and grain size by OsCDKF;2 through controlling cell division and mediating auxin and BR signals

    Thermal properties and kinetic analysis of pyrolysis products of nicotine salts from e-cigarettes using pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry

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    Volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) released from e-cigarettes are a special source of air pollutants. In this work, we investigated the VOCs released from six nicotine salts (namely, nicotine benzoate, nicotine tartrate, nicotine citrate, nicotine malate, nicotine lactate, and nicotine levulinate) that are commonly used in e-cigarettes. The pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) and thermogravimetric methods were used to analyze the thermogravimetric characteristics and product release behavior of different nicotine salts. Moreover, the kinetic models and thermodynamic parameters of nicotine salts during the thermal decomposition process were obtained. Thermogravimetric characteristic parameters of six nicotine salts showed significant differences. By the use of Py-GC/MS, our data showed that the pyrolysis products of nicotine salts were mainly from nicotine, acid anhydrides, carboxylic acids, and N-heterocycles, while more than 90% of the nicotine of citrate, tartrate, and malate was transferred to smoke. The result revealed that activation energies of the nicotine salts range from 21.26 to 74.10 kJ mol-1, indicating that the pyrolysis of the nicotine salts is a non-spontaneous heat absorption process, and the organic acid was the key factor affecting the release of nicotine into the ambient air

    Acetylation of Myocardin Is Required for the Activation of Cardiac and Smooth Muscle Genes

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    Myocardin belongs to the SAF-A/B, Acinus, PIAS (SAP) domain family of transcription factors and is specifically expressed in cardiac and smooth muscle. Myocardin functions as a transcriptional coactivator of SRF and is sufficient and necessary for smooth muscle gene expression. We have previously found that myocardin induces the acetylation of nucleosomal histones surrounding SRF-binding sites in the control regions of cardiac and smooth muscle genes through recruiting chromatin-modifying enzyme p300, yet no studies have determined whether myocardin itself is similarly modified. In this study, we show that myocardin is a direct target for p300-mediated acetylation. p300 acetylates lysine residues at the N terminus of the myocardin protein. Interestingly, a direct interaction between p300 and myocardin, which is mediated by the C terminus of myocardin, is required for the acetylation event. Acetylation of myocardin by p300 enhances the association of myocardin and SRF as well as the formation of the myocardin-SRF-CArG box ternary complex. Conversely, acetylation of myocardin decreases the binding of histone deacetylase 5 (HDAC5) to myocardin. Acetylation of myocardin is required for myocardin to activate smooth muscle genes. Our study demonstrates that acetylation plays a key role in modulating myocardin function in controlling cardiac and smooth muscle gene expression

    Accuracy of digital guided implant surgery: expert consensus on nonsurgical factors and their treatments

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    The standardized workflow of computer-aided static guided implant surgery includes preoperative examination, data acquisition, guide design, guide fabrication and surgery. Errors may occur at each step, leading to irreversible cumulative effects and thus impacting the accuracy of implant placement. However, clinicians tend to focus on factors causing errors in surgical operations, ignoring the possibility of irreversible errors in nonstandard guided surgery. Based on the clinical practice of domestic experts and research progress at home and abroad, this paper summarizes the sources of errors in guided implant surgery from the perspectives of preoperative inspection, data collection, guide designing and manufacturing and describes strategies to resolve errors so as to gain expert consensus. Consensus recommendation: 1. Preoperative considerations: the appropriate implant guide type should be selected according to the patient's oral condition before surgery, and a retaining screw-assisted support guide should be selected if necessary. 2. Data acquisition should be standardized as much as possible, including beam CT and extraoral scanning. CBCT performed with the patient’s head fixed and with a small field of view is recommended. For patients with metal prostheses inside the mouth, a registration marker guide should be used, and the ambient temperature and light of the external oral scanner should be reasonably controlled. 3. Optimization of computer-aided design: it is recommended to select a handle-guided planting system and a closed metal sleeve and to register images by overlapping markers. Properly designing the retaining screws, extending the support structure of the guide plate and increasing the length of the guide section are methods to feasibly reduce the incidence of surgical errors. 4. Improving computer-aided production: it is also crucial to set the best printing parameters according to different printing technologies and to choose the most appropriate postprocessing procedures

    Differentiation potential of STRO-1+ dental pulp stem cells changes during cell passaging

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) can be driven into odontoblast, osteoblast, and chondrocyte lineages in different inductive media. However, the differentiation potential of naive DPSCs after serial passaging in the routine culture system has not been fully elucidated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>DPSCs were isolated from human/rat dental pulps by the magnetic activated cell sorting based on STRO-1 expression, cultured and passaged in the conventional culture media. The biological features of STRO-1<sup>+ </sup>DPSCs at the 1<sup>st </sup>and 9<sup>th </sup>passages were investigated. During the long-term passage, the proliferation ability of human STRO-1<sup>+ </sup>DPSCs was downregulated as indicated by the growth kinetics. When compared with STRO-1<sup>+ </sup>DPSCs at the 1<sup>st </sup>passage (DPSC-P1), the expression of mature osteoblast-specific genes/proteins (alkaline phosphatase, bone sialoprotein, osterix, and osteopontin), odontoblast-specific gene/protein (dentin sialophosphoprotein and dentin sialoprotein), and chondrocyte-specific gene/protein (type II collagen) was significantly upregulated in human STRO-1<sup>+ </sup>DPSCs at the 9<sup>th </sup>passage (DPSC-P9). Furthermore, human DPSC-P9 cells in the mineralization-inducing media presented higher levels of alkaline phosphatase at day 3 and day 7 respectively, and produced more mineralized matrix than DPSC-P9 cells at day 14. <it>In vivo </it>transplantation results showed that rat DPSC-P1 cell pellets developed into dentin, bone and cartilage structures respectively, while DPSC-P9 cells can only generate bone tissues.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These findings suggest that STRO-1<sup>+ </sup>DPSCs consist of several interrelated subpopulations which can spontaneously differentiate into odontoblasts, osteoblasts, and chondrocytes. The differentiation capacity of these DPSCs changes during cell passaging, and DPSCs at the 9<sup>th </sup>passage restrict their differentiation potential to the osteoblast lineage <it>in vivo</it>.</p

    Synergistic Activation of Cardiac Genes by Myocardin and Tbx5

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    Myocardial differentiation is associated with the activation and expression of an array of cardiac specific genes. However, the transcriptional networks that control cardiac gene expression are not completely understood. Myocardin is a cardiac and smooth muscle-specific expressed transcriptional coactivator of Serum Response Factor (SRF) and is able to potently activate cardiac and smooth muscle gene expression during development. We hypothesize that myocardin discriminates between cardiac and smooth muscle specific genes by associating with distinct co-factors. Here, we show that myocardin directly interacts with Tbx5, a member of the T-box family of transcription factors involved in the Holt-Oram syndrome. Tbx5 synergizes with myocardin to activate expression of the cardiac specific genes atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and alpha myosin heavy chain (α-MHC), but not that of smooth muscle specific genes SM22 or smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (SM-MHC). We found that this synergistic activation of shared target genes is dependent on the binding sites for Tbx5, T-box factor-Binding Elements (TBEs). Myocardin and Tbx5 physically interact and their interaction domains were mapped to the basic domain and the coil domain of myocardin and Tbx5, respectively. Our analysis demonstrates that the Tbx5G80R mutation, which leads to the Holt-Oram syndrome in humans, failed to synergize with myocardin to activate cardiac gene expression. These data uncover a key role for Tbx5 and myocardin in establishing the transcriptional foundation for cardiac gene activation and suggest that the interaction of myocardin and Tbx5 maybe involved in cardiac development and diseases

    Obtaining high-energy responses of nonlinear piezoelectric energy harvester by voltage impulse perturbations

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    Nonlinear energy harvesters have attracted wide research attentions to achieve broadband performances in recent years. Nonlinear structures have multiple solutions in certain frequency region that contains high-energy and low-energy orbits. It is effectively the frequency region of capturing a high-energy orbit that determines the broadband performance. Thus, maintaining large-amplitude high-energy-orbit oscillations is highly desired. In this paper, a voltage impulse perturbation approach based on negative resistance is applied to trigger high-energy-orbit responses of piezoelectric nonlinear energy harvesters. First, the mechanism of the voltage impulse perturbation and the implementation of the synthetic negative resistance circuit are discussed in detail. Subsequently, numerical simulation and experiment are conducted and the results demonstrate that the high-energy-orbit oscillations can be triggered by the voltage impulse perturbation method for both monostable and bistable configurations given various scenarios. It is revealed that the perturbation levels required to trigger and maintain high-energy-orbit oscillations are different for various excitation frequencies in the region where multiple solutions exist. The higher gain in voltage output when high-energy-orbit oscillations are captured is accompanied with the demand of a higher voltage impulse perturbation level

    Construction of an easy-to-use CRISPR-Cas9 system by patching a newly designed EXIT circuit

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    Abstract Background Plasmid-borne genetic editing tools, including the widely used CRISPR-Cas9 system, have greatly facilitated bacterial programming to obtain novel functionalities. However, the lack of effective post-editing plasmid elimination methods impedes follow-up genetic manipulation or application. Conventional strategies including exposure to physical and chemical treatments, or exploiting temperature-sensitive replication origins have several drawbacks (e.g., they are limited for efficiency and are time-consuming). Therefore, the demand is apparent for easy and rapid elimination of the tool plasmids from their bacterial hosts after genetic manipulation. Results To bridge this gap, we designed a novel EXIT circuit with the homing endonuclease, which can be exploited for rapid and efficient elimination of various plasmids with diverse replication origins. As a proof of concept, we validated the EXIT circuit in Escherichia coli by harnessing homing endonuclease I-SceI and its cleavage site. When integrated into multiple plasmids with different origins, the EXIT circuit allowed them to be eliminated from the host cells, simultaneously. By combining the widely used plasmid-borne CRISPR-Cas9 system and the EXIT circuit, we constructed an easy-to-use CRISPR-Cas9 system that eliminated the Cas9- and the single-guide RNA (sgRNA)-encoding plasmids in one-step. Within 3 days, we successfully constructed an atrazine-degrading E. coli strain, thus further demonstrating the advantage of this new CRISPR-Cas9 system for bacterial genome editing. Conclusions Our novel EXIT circuit, which exploits the homing endonuclease I-SceI, enables plasmid(s) with different replication origins to be eliminated from their host cells rapidly and efficiently. We also developed an easy-to-use CRISPR-Cas9 system with the EXIT circuit, and this new system can be widely applied to bacterial genome editing
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