7,328 research outputs found

    Electron-cyclotron maser and solar microwave millisecond spike emission

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    An intense solar microwave millisecond spike emission (SMMSE) event was observed on May 16, 1981 by Zhao and Jin at Beijing Observatory. The peak flux density of the spikes is high to 5 x 100,000 s.f.u. and the corresponding brightness temperature (BT) reaches approx. 10 to the 15th K. In order to explain the observed properties of SMMSE, it is proposed that a beam of electrons with energy of tens KeV injected from the acceleration region downwards into an emerging magnetic arch forms so-called hollow beam distribution and causes electron-cyclotron maser (ECM) instability. The growth rate of second harmonic X-mode is calculated and its change with time is deduced. It is shown that the saturation time of ECM is t sub s approx. equals 0.42 ms and only at last short stage (delta t less than 0.2 t sub s) the growth rate decreases to zero rather rapidly. So a SMMSE with very high BT will be produced if the ratio of number density of nonthermal electrons to that of background electrons, n sub s/n sub e, is larger than 4 x .00001

    Cascading failures in coupled networks with both inner-dependency and inter-dependency links

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    We study the percolation in coupled networks with both inner-dependency and inter-dependency links, where the inner- and inter-dependency links represent the dependencies between nodes in the same or different networks, respectively. We find that when most of dependency links are inner- or inter-ones, the coupled networks system is fragile and makes a discontinuous percolation transition. However, when the numbers of two types of dependency links are close to each other, the system is robust and makes a continuous percolation transition. This indicates that the high density of dependency links could not always lead to a discontinuous percolation transition as the previous studies. More interestingly, although the robustness of the system can be optimized by adjusting the ratio of the two types of dependency links, there exists a critical average degree of the networks for coupled random networks, below which the crossover of the two types of percolation transitions disappears, and the system will always demonstrate a discontinuous percolation transition. We also develop an approach to analyze this model, which is agreement with the simulation results well.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Multiparty quantum secret splitting and quantum state sharing

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    A protocol for multiparty quantum secret splitting is proposed with an ordered NN EPR pairs and Bell state measurements. It is secure and has the high intrinsic efficiency and source capacity as almost all the instances are useful and each EPR pair carries two bits of message securely. Moreover, we modify it for multiparty quantum state sharing of an arbitrary mm-particle entangled state based on quantum teleportation with only Bell state measurements and local unitary operations which make this protocol more convenient in a practical application than others.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. The revision of the manuscript appeared in PLA. Some procedures for detecting cheat have been added. Then the security loophole in the original manuscript has been eliminate