37 research outputs found

    Exploring aryl hydrocarbon receptor expression and distribution in the tumor microenvironment, with a focus on immune cells, in various solid cancer types

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    IntroductionAryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a transcription factor that performs various functions upon ligand activation. Several studies have explored the role of AhR expression in tumor progression and immune surveillance. Nevertheless, investigations on the distribution of AhR expression, specifically in cancer or immune cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME), remain limited. Examining the AhR expression and distribution in the TME is crucial for gaining insights into the mechanism of action of AhR-targeting anticancer agents and their potential as biomarkers.MethodsHere, we used multiplexed immunohistochemistry (mIHC) and image cytometry to investigate the AhR expression and distribution in 513 patient samples, of which 292 are patients with one of five solid cancer types. Additionally, we analyzed the nuclear and cytosolic distribution of AhR expression.ResultsOur findings reveal that AhR expression was primarily localized in cancer cells, followed by stromal T cells and macrophages. Furthermore, we observed a positive correlation between the nuclear and cytosolic expression of AhR, indicating that the expression of AhR as a biomarker is independent of its localization. Interestingly, the expression patterns of AhR were categorized into three clusters based on the cancer type, with high AhR expression levels being found in regulatory T cells (Tregs) in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).DiscussionThese findings are anticipated to serve as pivotal evidence for the design of clinical trials and the analysis of the anticancer mechanisms of AhR-targeting therapies

    Molecular and biological aspects of early germ cell development in interspecies hybrids between chickens and pheasants

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    Interspecific hybrids provide insights into fundamental genetic principles, and may prove useful for biotechnological applications and as tools for the conservation of endangered species. In the present study, interspecies hybrids were generated between the Korean ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) and the White Leghorn chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus). We determined whether these hybrids were good recipients for the production of germline chimeric birds. PCR-based species-specific amplification and karyotype analyses showed that the hybrids inherited genetic material from both parents. Evaluation of biological function indicated that the growth rates of hybrids during the exponential phase (body weight/week) were similar to those of the pheasant but not the chicken, and that the incubation period for hatching was significantly different from that of both parents. Primordial germ cells (PGCs) of hybrids reacted with a pheasant PGC-specific antibody and circulated normally in blood vessels. The peak time of hybrid PGC migration was equivalent to that of the pheasant. In late embryonic stages, germ cells were detected by the QCR1 antibody on 15 d male gonads and were normally localized in the seminiferous cords. We examined the migration ability and developmental localization of exogenous PGCs transferred into the blood vessels of 63 h hybrid embryos. Donor-derived PGCs reacted with a donor-specific antibody were detected on 7 d gonads and the seminiferous tubules of hatchlings. Therefore, germ cell transfer into developing embryos of an interspecies hybrid can be efficiently used for the conservation of threatened animals and endangered species, and many biotechnological applications

    Glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase 1 coordinates early endosomal anti-inflammatory AKT signaling

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    The AKT signaling pathway plays critical roles in the resolution of inflammation. However, the underlying mechanisms of anti-inflammatory regulation and signal coordination remain unclear. Here, we report that anti-inflammatory AKT signaling is coordinated by glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase 1 (EPRS1). Upon inflammatory activation, AKT specifically phosphorylates Ser999 of EPRS1 in the cytoplasmic multi-tRNA synthetase complex, inducing release of EPRS1. EPRS1 compartmentalizes AKT to early endosomes via selective binding to the endosomal membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate and assembles an AKT signaling complex specific for anti-inflammatory activity. These events promote AKT activation-mediated GSK3β phosphorylation, which increase anti-inflammatory cytokine production. EPRS1-deficient macrophages do not assemble the early endosomal complex and consequently exacerbate inflammation, decreasing the survival of EPRS1-deficient mice undergoing septic shock and ulcerative colitis. Collectively, our findings show that the housekeeping protein EPRS1 acts as a mediator of inflammatory homeostasis by coordinating compartment-specific AKT signaling

    CD81 and CD82 expressing tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in the NSCLC tumor microenvironment play a crucial role in T-cell activation and cytokine production

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    IntroductionTo understand the immune system within the tumor microenvironment (TME) of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), it is crucial to elucidate the characteristics of molecules associated with T cell activation.MethodsWe conducted an in-depth analysis using single-cell RNA sequencing data obtained from tissue samples of 19 NSCLC patients. T cells were classified based on the Tumor Proportion Score (TPS) within the tumor region, and molecular markers associated with activation and exhaustion were analyzed in T cells from high TPS areas.ResultsNotably, tetraspanins CD81 and CD82, belonging to the tetraspanin protein family, were found to be expressed in activated T cells, particularly in cytotoxic T cells. These tetraspanins showed strong correlations with activation and exhaustion markers. In vitro experiments confirmed increased expression of CD81 and CD82 in IL-2-stimulated T cells. T cells were categorized into CD81highCD82high and CD81lowCD82low groups based on their expression levels, with CD81highCD82high T cells exhibiting elevated activation markers such as CD25 and CD69 compared to CD81lowCD82low T cells. This trend was consistent across CD3+, CD8+, and CD4+ T cell subsets. Moreover, CD81highCD82high T cells, when stimulated with anti-CD3, demonstrated enhanced secretion of cytokines such as IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-2, along with an increase in the proportion of memory T cells. Bulk RNA sequencing results after sorting CD81highCD82high and CD81lowCD82low T cells consistently supported the roles of CD81 and CD82. Experiments with overexpressed CD81 and CD82 showed increased cytotoxicity against target cells.DiscussionThese findings highlight the multifaceted roles of CD81 and CD82 in T cell activation, cytokine production, memory subset accumulation, and target cell cytolysis. Therefore, these findings suggest the potential of CD81 and CD82 as promising candidates for co-stimulatory molecules in immune therapeutic strategies for cancer treatment within the intricate TME

    Successful expansion and cryopreservation of human natural killer cell line NK-92 for clinical manufacturing.

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    Natural killer (NK) cells have recently shown renewed promise as therapeutic cells for use in treating hematologic cancer indications. Despite this promise, NK cell manufacturing workflows remain largely manual, open, and disconnected, and depend on feeders, as well as outdated unit operations or processes, often utilizing research-grade reagents. Successful scale-up of NK cells critically depends on the availability and performance of nutrient-rich expansion media and cryopreservation conditions that are conducive to high cell viability and recovery post-thaw. In this paper we used Cytiva hardware and media to expand the NK92 cell line in a model process that is suitable for GMP and clinical manufacturing of NK cells. We tested a range of cryopreservation factors including cooling rate, a range of DMSO-containing and DMSO-free cryoprotectants, ice nucleation, and cell density. Higher post-thaw recovery was seen in cryobags over cryovials cooled in identical conditions, and cooling rates of 1°C/min or 2°C/min optimal for cryopreservation in DMSO-containing and DMSO-free cryoprotectants respectively. Higher cell densities of 5x107 cells/ml gave higher post-thaw viability than those cryopreserved at either 1x106 or 5x106 cells/ml. This enabled us to automate, close and connect unit operations within the workflow while demonstrating superior expansion and cryopreservation of NK92 cells. Cellular outputs and performance were conducive to clinical dosing regimens, serving as a proof-of-concept for future clinical and commercial manufacturing

    Evaluation of cell aggregation according to culture media after cell thawing.

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    NK-92 cells were frozen using seven types of cryoprotective agents. After thawing the frozen cells, (A) Cultured in Xuri T-cell media after 24 hours. (B) Cultured in X-vivo 10 media to observe cell aggregation after 24 hours. (TIF)</p

    Assessment of cytokine production efficacy of NK-92 cells according to the culture medium.

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    (A) NK-92 cells cultured in three distinct media were subjected to flow cytometry analysis to evaluate the expression of effector molecules. To quantify the alterations in expression levels, we represented the MFI ratios for each individual molecule as determined through flow cytometry measurements. (TIF)</p

    Assessment cell viability after cryopreservation for NK-92.

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    Cell viability was evaluated according to the freezing rate. Cell viability after thawing by type of cryoprotective agents (A) frozen at a rate of -0.5°C/min, (B) a rate of -1.0°C/min, and (C) a rate of -2.0°C/min. Cell viability was evaluated according to nucleation induction during cell freezing and viability results according to cell concentration. (D) Cell viability after thawing as a function of cell concentration, (E) Cell viability after thawing according to cell concentration induced nucleation. Cell viability was assessed after long-term storage of frozen cells. Cell viability and expansion efficacy of (F) 1 month, (G) 3 months, and (H) 6 months after storage of frozen cells in liquid nitrogen vapor phase. Evaluation of preservation efficacy in cryo-bags (I)Assessment cell viability after cryopreservation for NK-92. Cell viability was assessed after long-term storage of frozen cells. Cell viability and expansion efficacy of 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months after storage frozen cells. p value: ns > 0.05, ** < 0.01, *** < 0.001, **** < 0.0001.</p

    Assessment of expansion efficiency of NK-92 cells according to the culture medium.

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    For NK-92 cells, (A) cell concentration, (B) expansion, (C) viability, and (D) proliferation rate were evaluated every two days. NK cells from cultures of two media were analyzed by flow cytometry for expression of various cell-surface receptors. The expression level of cell (E) activator and (F) effector factors was confirmed after culture up to 12 days. To estimate the change in receptor expression, mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) ratios for each receptor were depicted as measured by flow cytometry. Error bars represent standard error of the mean [25]. p value:* < 0.05, ** < 0.01, **** < 0.0001.</p