5 research outputs found

    Women in leadership: Interrogating associated covert and overt Paranoia

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    The issue of gender and leadership, especially of women in leadership, has undoubtedly remained a crucial subject matter of discussion in contemporary politics and leadership not only in Africa, but globally too. Scholars have made several attempts to express their different shades of opinions regarding the issue based on their individual consciousness and understanding of the issue as the case may be. This has thus given rise to the prevailing scale of mixed feelings that always surround discussions about the issue; thus entrenching a strong feeling of paranoia about it. Through qualitative research approach, explored through observation and analytical literature review, and further anchored on the Functional Leadership Theory, the paper interrogates the covert and overt manifestations of the feeling of paranoia that often attend the issue of women in leadership generally. It makes a case for not only integrating women in leadership positions in every sphere of life in the society, but also in giving them a chance at the top where it really matters. Keywords: Gender, Leadership, Male Chauvinism, Paranoia, Patriarchy, Politics, Wome

    Television and Video Films and the Rhythm of Violence: Assessing the Negative Effect of Youths’ Exposure to Violent Television and Video Films Content

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    The invaluable place of the youths in any given society cannot be overemphasised.  As future generations of the society and leaders of tomorrow, what concerns the youths should be a matter of utmost concern to every well meaning citizen, and thus must be given adequate attention. This explains why many studies have tried to probe the negative effects of television and video films on viewers, especially the youths. In Nigeria, as in most developing and developed societies world over, apart from parental influence, television has become perhaps the most potent influence on the beliefs, values and behaviours of youths. In recent times, there are too many foreign and homemade violent programmes which are mixed bag of crime, sex, horror and violence. The video medium too is not excluded in this pervasion of vices and violence. The fact that the class of people mostly attracted to and influenced by these antisocial activities are the youths, calls for serious concern; more so, since violence has come to assume a serious global concern in today’s world. In the light of the above, the study adopts the qualitative research approach and the interplay of the Cultivation Analysis. and the Social Cognitive Theories to critically examine the negative effects of youths’ exposure to violent television and video film contents and their ramifying implications on our socio-cultural wellbeing as a people, as well as proffer valuable recommendations geared towards possible solution to this worrisome trend. Keywords: media, media effects, negative influence, Nollywood, violent films, youths DOI: 10.7176/NMMC/92-02 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Community Radio as a Dependable Pathway to Achieving Sustainable Food Security in Nigeria: A Development Communication Discourse

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    Effective communication is essential for mass mobilization for food security goals achievement in Nigeria. For any development programme or task to be accomplished in the community, there must be a conscious and effective use of existing resources of the mass media. The fact that the whole world, including Nigeria is facing the hydra-headed phenomenon known as economic meltdown cannot be overemphasized. One sure way of mitigating this rising phenomenon is to ensure sustainable food security in the nation by laying emphasis on the development of agriculture and agro-allied sectors. The study seeks to drive the need for community radio initiatives that explore sensitization and enlightenment programmes on issues that are geared towards mobilizing the citizenry for food security. Historical and library research methods were employed for analysis in this study. The study submits that there is a significant relationship between food security and media in development, should community radio be given serious attention. Keywords: Community radio, community mobilization, food security, media for development, sustainable development DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-12-05 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Impact Assessment of Exclusive Breastfeeding Media Campaign Among Mothers in Selected Metropolitan Cities in South East Nigeria

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    This research is funded by Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) of the Federal Government of Nigeria through Abia State University, Uturu, Nigeria. Abstract Unarguably, the mass media by virtue of their information dissemination function play vital role in communication for health and sustainable development of the society. Health communication involves the study and use of communication strategies to inform and influence individuals and community decisions in enhancing healthy living. Therefore, the health sector, like any given sector of the society, shares a remarkable and unalienable relationship with the mass media, as evidenced through the radio, television, newspapers and magazines, among others, in communicating health policies, reporting activities in the health sector, embarking on health campaigns and in publicizing health programmes. The study is an impact assessment of exclusive breastfeeding media campaign among mothers in selected metropolitan cities in South East Nigeria to ascertain their disposition to exclusive breastfeeding media campaign messages amidst prevailing lack of interest among majority of mothers in upholding this auspicious agelong practice which invariably impacts on the wellbeing of the infant child, perhaps as a result of ignorance and lack of education, among other social factors. Qualitative and quantitative (mixed) research approaches were employed in this study. Findings reveal evident positive impact of exclusive breastfeeding media campaign messages on mother in South East Nigeria. However, antenatal channel rather than the traditional media channels remains the major source of information to mothers on exclusive breastfeeding practice in the region. The study, therefore, strongly affirms that much more is still required from the traditional media platforms especially in terms of enlivened programme design and committed publicity to rightly occupy their place in this campaign role considering the heterogeneous nature of the audience they serve, which predisposes them more advantageous to reach even prospective mothers (those not yet expecting babies) who may not have immediate need to come for antenatal to access such beneficial nutritional and health information. Key words: exclusive breastfeeding, health communication, media campaign, mothers, South East Nigeria, sustainable development DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-14-16 Publication date:July 31st 201

    Re-Evaluating the ICT Utilisation Options in Programme Production by Broadcast Stations in South-Eastern Nigeria

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    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been introduced to virtually all aspects of human endeavour.  The developments in the areas of ICT application have become very rapid especially with the need for all broadcast stations to become digitalised.  This study investigated the availability, accessibility and influence of ICT tools in programme production; and thus evaluated the options available for programme producers in utilising ICT facilities to facilitate the processes as well as improve contents of the programmes in the broadcast stations in South East Nigeria.  Four sets of population – broadcast stations (33); programme producers (271); select audience (infinite), and programme production managers (33) – were studied.  A sample of 30% was randomly selected and studied from each population.  The study adopted mixed methods research design in a triangulation of survey, observation and content analysis. Finally, the data were descriptively analysed and thematically explained. It was found that both digital and analogue ICT tools were available and that the producers had access to them thereby enabling utilisation.  It was also found that ICT tools facilitated programme processing as well as improved the quality elements. It was therefore concluded that available ICT tools were appropriate for facilitating the process of programme production by broadcast stations in South-Eastern Nigeria. It is recommended that all stakeholders should join hands to encourage greater utilisation of ICT in programme production by broadcast stations. Key words: ICT, broadcast programme, digital tools, utilisation, programme productio