9 research outputs found

    Force spectroscopy of the fibrin(ogen) - Fibrinogen interaction

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    Fibrin aggregation is of vital importance in many physiological and pathological processes, such as blood coagulation, wound healing, and thrombosis. In the present study, we investigated the forces involved in the initial steps of the fibrinogen fibrin aggregation by force spectroscopy using the atomic force microscope. Our data confirm the existence of strong specific interactions between fibrin and fibrin (ogen), with unbinding forces ranging from 290 to 375 pN and a logarithmic dependence on the loading rate between 0.8 and 23 nN/s. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Kinetics of the interaction of desAABB-fibrin monomer with immobilized fibrinogen

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    The soluble and stable fibrin monomer-fibrinogen complex (SF) is well known to be present in the circulating blood of healthy individuals and of patients with thrombotic diseases. However, its physiological role is not yet fully understood. To deepen our knowledge about this complex, a method for the quantitative analysis of interaction between soluble fibrin monomers and surface-immobilized fibrinogen has been established by means of resonant mirror (IAsys) and surface plasmon resonance (BIAcore) biosensors. The protocols have been optimized and validated by choosing appropriate immobilization procedures with regeneration steps and suitable fibrin concentrations. The highly specific binding of fibrin monomers to immobilized fibrin(ogen), or vice versa, was characterized by an affinity constant of approximately 10(-8)M, which accords better with the direct dissociation of fibrin triads (KD approximately 10(-8) -10(-9) M) (J. R. Shainoff and B. N. Dardik, Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 1983, Vol. 27, pp. 254-268) than with earlier estimations of the KD for the fibrin-fibrinogen complex (KD approximately 10(-6) M) (J. L. Usero, C. Izquierdo, F. J. Burguillo, M. G. Roig, A. del Arco, and M. A. Herraez, International Journal of Biochemistry, 1981, Vol. 13, pp. 1191-1196)

    Force Spectroscopy with a Small Dithering of AFM Tip: A Method of Direct and Continuous Measurement of the Spring Constant of Single Molecules and Molecular Complexes

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    A new method of direct and continuous measurement of the spring constant of single molecule or molecular complex is elaborated. To that end the standard force spectroscopy technique with functionalized tips and samples is combined with a small dithering of the tip. The change of the dithering amplitude as a function of the pulling force is measured to extract the spring constant of the complex. The potentialities of this method are illustrated for the experiments with single bovine serum albumin—its polyclonal antibody (Ab-BSA) and fibrinogen—fibrinogen complexes

    Localization of the ergtoxin-1 receptors on the voltage sensing domain of hERG K+ channel by AFM recognition imaging

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    The inhibition of the human ether-a-go-go-related (hERG) K+ channels is the major cause of long QT syndromes inducing fatal cardiac arrhythmias. Ergtoxin 1 (ErgTx1) belongs to scorpion-toxins, which are K+ channel-blockers, and binds to hERG channel with 1:1 stoichiometry and high affinity (K-d similar to 10 nM). Nevertheless, patch-clamp recordings recently demonstrated that ErgTx1 does not establish complete blockade of hERG currents, even at high ErgTx1 concentrations. Such phenomenon is supposed to be consistent with highly dynamic conformational changes of the outer pore domain of hERG. In this study, simultaneous topography and recognition imaging (TREC) on hERG HEK 293 cells was used to visualize binding sites on the extracellular part of hERG channel (on S1-S2 region) for Anti-K(v)11.1 (hERG-extracellular-antibody). The recognition maps of hERG channels contained recognition spots, haphazardly distributed and organized in clusters. Recognition images after the addition of ErgTx1 at high concentrations (similar to 1 mu M) revealed subsequent partial disappearance of clusters, indicating that ErgTx1 was bound to the S1-S2 region. These results were supported by AFM force spectroscopy data, showing for the first time that voltage sensing domain (S1-S4) of hERG K+ channel might be one of the multiple binding sites of ErgTx1

    Cell surface localised Hsp70 is a cancer specific regulator of clathrin-independent endocytosis.

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    The stress inducible heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) is present specifically on the tumour cell surface yet without a pro-tumour function revealed. We show here that cell surface localised Hsp70 (sHsp70) supports clathrin-independent endocytosis (CIE) in melanoma models. Remarkably, ability of Hsp70 to cluster on lipid rafts in vitro correlated with larger nano-domain sizes of sHsp70 in high sHsp70 expressing cell membranes. Interfering with Hsp70 oligomerisation impaired sHsp70-mediated facilitation of endocytosis. Altogether our findings suggest that a sub-fraction of sHsp70 co-localising with lipid rafts enhances CIE through oligomerisation and clustering. Targeting or utilising this tumour specific mechanism may represent an additional benefit for anti-cancer therapy

    Nanoscopic Approach to Study the Early Stages of Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) of Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial (RPE) Cells In Vitro

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    The maintenance of visual function is supported by the proper functioning of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), representing a mosaic of polarized cuboidal postmitotic cells. Damage factors such as inflammation, aging, or injury can initiate the migration and proliferation of RPE cells, whereas they undergo a pseudo-metastatic transformation or an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) from cuboidal epithelioid into fibroblast-like or macrophage-like cells. This process is recognized as a key feature in several severe ocular pathologies, and is mimicked by placing RPE cells in culture, which provides a reasonable and well-characterized in vitro model for a type 2 EMT. The most obvious characteristic of EMT is the cell phenotype switching, accompanied by the cytoskeletal reorganization with changes in size, shape, and geometry. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has the salient ability to label-free explore these characteristics. Based on our AFM results supported by the genetic analysis of specific RPE differentiation markers, we elucidate a scheme for gradual transformation from the cobblestone to fibroblast-like phenotype. Structural changes in the actin cytoskeletal reorganization at the early stages of EMT lead to the development of characteristic geodomes, a finding that may reflect an increased propensity of RPE cells to undergo further EMT and thus become of diagnostic significance

    Nano-Scale Dynamic Recognition Imaging on Vascular Endothelial Cells

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    Combination of high-resolution atomic force microscope topography imaging with single molecule force spectroscopy provides a unique possibility for the detection of specific molecular recognition events. The identification and localization of specific receptor binding sites on complex heterogeneous biosurfaces such as cells and membranes are of particular interest in this context. Here simultaneous topography and recognition imaging (TREC) was applied to gently fixed microvascular endothelial cells from mouse myocardium (MyEnd) to identify binding sites of vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin, known to play a crucial role in calcium-dependent, homophilic cell-to-cell adhesion. TREC images were acquired with magnetically oscillating atomic-force microscope tips functionalized with a recombinant VE-cadherin-Fc cis-dimer. The recognition images revealed single molecular binding sites and prominent, irregularly shaped dark spots (domains) with sizes ranging from 10 to 100 nm. These domains arose from a decrease of the oscillation amplitude during specific binding between active VE-cadherin cis-dimers. The VE-cadherin clusters were subsequently assigned to topography features. TREC represents an exquisite method to quickly obtain the local distribution of receptors on cellular surface with an unprecedented lateral resolution of 5 nm