290 research outputs found

    Discovery of optical candidate supernova remnants in Sagittarius

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    During an [O III] survey for planetary nebulae, we identified a region in Sagittarius containing several candidate Supernova Remnants and obtained deep optical narrow-band images and spectra to explore their nature. The images of the unstudied area have been obtained in the light of Halpha+[N II], [S II] and [O III]. The resulting mosaic covers an area of 1.4x1.0 deg^2 where filamentary and diffuse emission was discovered, suggesting the existence of more than one supernova remnants (SNRs) in the area. Deep long slit spectra were also taken of eight different regions. Both the flux calibrated images and the spectra show that the emission from the filamentary structures originates from shock-heated gas, while the photo-ionization mechanism is responsible for the diffuse emission. Part of the optical emission is found to be correlated with the radio at 4850 MHz suggesting their association, while the WISE infrared emission found in the area at 12 and 22 micron marginally correlates with the optical. The presence of the [O III] emission line in one of the candidate SNRs suggests shock velocities into the interstellar "clouds" between 120 and 200 km/s, while the absence in the other indicates slower shock velocities. For all candidate remnants the [S II] 6716/6731 ratio indicates electron densities below 240 cm^{-3}, while the Halpha emission has been measured to be between 0.6 to 41x10^{-17} erg/s/cm^2/arcsec^2. The existence of eight pulsars within 1.5deg away from the center of the candidate SNRs also supports the scenario of many SNRs in the area as well as that the detected optical emission could be part of a number of supernovae explosions.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Deep Halpha imagery of the Eridanus shells

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    A deep \ha image of interlocking filamentary arcs of nebulosity has been obtained with a wide-field (≈\approx 30\degree diameter) narrow-band filter camera combined with a CCD as a detector. The resultant mosaic of images, extending to a galactic latitude of 65o^{o}, has been corrected for field distortions and had galactic coordinates superimposed on it to permit accurate correlations with the most recent H{\sc i} (21 cm), X-ray (0.75 kev) and FIR (IRAS 100 ÎŒ\mum) maps. Furthermore, an upper limit of 0.13 arcsec/yr to the expansion proper motion of the primary 25\degree long nebulous arc has been obtained by comparing a recent \ha image obtained with the San Pedro Martir telescope of its filamentary edge with that on a POSS E plate obtained in 1951. It is concluded that these filamentary arcs are the superimposed images of separate shells (driven by supernova explosions and/or stellar winds) rather than the edges of a single `superbubble' stretching from Barnard's Arc (and the Orion Nebula) to these high galactic latitudes. The proper motion measurement argues against the primary \ha emitting arc being associated with the giant radio loop (Loop 2) except in extraordinary circumstances.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for MNRAS publicatio

    Reducing Communication Overhead and Page Faults in SDSM Platforms

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    Abstract. In this paper we present a new dynamic, cache coherence protocol for Software Distributed Shared Memory (SDSM) systems that adopt the scope-consistency mode

    Column classification/characterisation of strong cation exchange phases for the liquid chromatographic analysis of small molecular weight bases

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    A simple, rapid and robust protocol for the characterisation of strong cation exchange columns for the analysis of small molecular weight bases is described. A range of ten different phases were characterised, and the resultant selectivity and retention factors analysed using Principal Component Analysis. The score plots for the first and second principal components described 83% of the variability within the dataset. Score plots highlighted the large chromatographic differences observed between the phases, the validity of which was established using a larger range of bases. All the strong cation exchange materials demonstrated a synergistic mixed mode (i.e. ion exchange and hydrophobic) retention mechanism. Principal Component Analysis also highlighted the potential difficulty in locating suitable strong cation exchange “back-up” columns for the analysis of small molecular weight bases in that the characterised columns all displayed very different selectivities. The robustness of the protocol was confirmed by a factorial design experiment

    IPR Law Protection and Enforcement and the Effect on Horizontal Productivity Spillovers from Inward FDI to Domestic Firms: A Meta-Analysis

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    YesWe study the role of the strength of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) law protection and enforcement in influencing horizontal productivity spillovers from inward FDI to domestic firms in host countries. While most WTO countries adopted strong IPR legislation due to exogenous pressure resulting from the signing of the Trade-Related Aspects of IPR (TRIPS) agreement, public IPR enforcement strength continues to vary significantly between countries. We meta-analyse 49 studies and find that public IPR enforcement strength has a direct positive effect on horizontal productivity spillovers from inward FDI to domestic firms and a negative moderating effect on the relationship between IPR law protection strength and horizontal productivity spillovers from inward FDI to domestic firms

    Spectroscopic Properties of QSOs Selected from Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy Samples

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    We performed spectroscopic observations for a large infrared QSO sample with a total of 25 objects. The sample was compiled from the QDOT redshift survey, the 1 Jy ULIRGs survey and a sample obtained by a cross-correlation study of the IRAS Point Source Catalogue with the ROSAT All Sky Survey Catalogue. Statistical analyses of the optical spectra show that the vast majority of infrared QSOs have narrow permitted emission lines (with FWHM of Hbeta less than 4000 km/s) and more than 60% of them are luminous narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies. Two of the infrared QSOs are also classified as low ionization BAL QSOs. More than 70% of infrared QSOs are moderately or extremely strong Fe II emitters. This is the highest percentage of strong Fe II emitters in all subclasses of QSO/Seyfert 1 samples. We found that the Fe II to Hbeta, line ratio is significantly correlated with the [OIII]5007 peak and Hbeta blueshift. Soft X-ray weak infrared QSOs tend to have large blueshifts in permitted emission lines and significant Fe II48,49 (5100--5400 A) residuals relative to the Boroson & Green Fe II template. If the blueshifts in permitted lines are caused by outflows, then they appear to be common in infrared QSOs. As the infrared-selected QSO sample includes both luminous narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies and low ionization BAL QSOs, it could be a useful laboratory to investigate the evolutionary connection among these objects.Comment: 35 pages,14 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in A

    The Asymmetric Wind in M82

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    We have obtained detailed imaging Fabry-Perot observations of the nearby galaxy M82, in order to understand the physical association between the high-velocity outflow and the starburst nucleus. The observed velocities of the emitting gas in M82 reveal a bipolar outflow of material, originating from the bright starburst regions in the galaxy's inner disk, but misaligned with respect to the galaxy spin axis. The deprojected outflow velocity increases with radius from 525 to 655 km/s. Spectral lines show double components in the centers of the outflowing lobes, with the H-alpha line split by ~300 km/s over a region almost a kiloparsec in size. The filaments are not simple surfaces of revolution, nor is the emission distributed evenly over the surfaces. We model these lobes as a composite of cylindrical and conical structures, collimated in the inner ~500 pc but expanding at a larger opening angle of ~25 degrees beyond that radius. We compare our kinematic model with simulations of starburst-driven winds in which disk material surrounding the source is entrained by the wind. The data also reveal a remarkably low [NII]/H-alpha ratio in the region of the outflow, indicating that photoionization by the nuclear starburst may play a significant role in the excitation of the optical filament gas, particularly near the nucleus.Comment: 42 pages AASTeX with 16 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ; figures reformatted for better printin

    HST Observations of the Double-Peaked Emission Lines in the Seyfert Galaxy Markarian 78: Mass Outflows from a Single AGN

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    Previous ground based observations of the Seyfert 2 galaxy Mrk 78 revealed a double set of emission lines, similar to those seen in several AGN from recent surveys. Are the double lines due to two AGN with different radial velocities in the same galaxy, or are they due to mass outflows from a single AGN?We present a study of the outflowing ionized gas in the resolved narrow-line region (NLR) of Mrk 78 using observations from Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) and Faint Object Camera (FOC) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope(HST) as part of an ongoing project to determine the kinematics and geometries of active galactic nuclei (AGN) outflows. From the spectroscopic information, we deter- mined the fundamental geometry of the outflow via our kinematics modeling program by recreating radial velocities to fit those seen in four different STIS slit positions. We determined that the double emission lines seen in ground-based spectra are due to an asymmetric distribution of outflowing gas in the NLR. By successfully fitting a model for a single AGN to Mrk 78, we show that it is possible to explain double emission lines with radial velocity offsets seen in AGN similar to Mrk 78 without requiring dual supermassive black holes.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures (2 color), accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Evidence for an outflow from the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4051

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    New observations using narrow band imaging, long-slit spectroscopy and MERLIN observations of the nuclear region of the Seyfert galaxy NGC~4051 have been made. An edge brightened, triangular region of ionized gas extending 420 pc from the centre of the galaxy has been detected. Long-slit spectra of this ionised gas, taken at 1.5\arcsec\ from the core, show the \oiii\ emission line to consist of two velocity components, both blue-shifted from the systemic radial velocity, with velocity widths of 140\kms\ and separated by 120\kms. This region is co-spatial with weak extended radio emission and is suggestive of a centrally driven outflow. The \oiii\ line spectrum and image of this region have been modelled as an outflowing conical structure at 50\degr\ to the line of sight with a half opening angle of 23\degr . In addition to the extended structure, high resolution MERLIN observations of the 18-cm nuclear radio emission reveal a compact (1\arcsec) radio triple source in PA 73∘^{\circ}. This source is coincident with the HST-imaged emission line structure. These high resolution observations are consistent with a more compact origin of activity (i.e. a Seyfert nucleus) than a starburst region.Comment: latex, epsf.sty, 8 pages, 8 figures. Also available at http://axp2.ast.man.ac.uk:8000/Preprints.htm
