13 research outputs found

    The evolutionary costs of immunological maintenance and deployment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The evolution of disease resistance and immune function may be limited if increased immunocompetence comes at the expense of other fitness-determining traits. Both the maintenance of an immune system and the deployment of an immune response can be costly, and the observed costs may be evaluated as either physiological or evolutionary in origin. Evolutionary costs of immunological maintenance are revealed as negative genetic correlations between immunocompetence and fitness in the absence of infection. Costs of deployment are most often studied as physiological costs associated with immune system induction, however, evolutionary costs of deployment may also be present if genotypes vary in the extent of the physiological cost experienced.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study we analyzed evolutionary and physiological costs of immunity in two environments representing food-limited and food-unlimited conditions. Patterns of genetic variation were estimated in females from 40 'hemiclone families' isolated from a population of <it>D. melanogaster</it>. Phenotypes evaluated included fecundity, weight measures at different time periods and resistance to <it>Providencia rettgeri</it>, a naturally occurring Gram-negative pathogen of <it>D. melanogaster</it>. In the food-limited environment we found a negative genetic correlation between fecundity in the absence of infection and resistance, indicative of an evolutionary cost of maintenance. No such correlation was observed in the food-unlimited environment, and the slopes of these correlations significantly differed, demonstrating a genotype-by-environment interaction for the cost of maintenance. Physiological costs of deployment were also observed, but costs were primarily due to wounding. Deployment costs were slightly exaggerated in the food-limited environment. Evolutionary costs of immunological deployment on fecundity were not observed, and there was only marginally significant genetic variation in the cost expressed by changes in dry weight.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest that the costs of immunity may be an important factor limiting the evolution of resistance in food-limited environments. However, the significant genotype-by-environment interaction for maintenance costs, combined with the observation that deployment costs were partially mitigated in the food-unlimited environment, emphasizes the importance of considering environmental variation when estimating patterns of genetic variance and covariance, and the dubious nature of predicting evolutionary responses to selection from quantitative genetic estimates carried out in a single environment.</p

    Genotype-by-Environment Interactions and Adaptation to Local Temperature Affect Immunity and Fecundity in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Natural populations of most organisms harbor substantial genetic variation for resistance to infection. The continued existence of such variation is unexpected under simple evolutionary models that either posit direct and continuous natural selection on the immune system or an evolved life history “balance” between immunity and other fitness traits in a constant environment. However, both local adaptation to heterogeneous environments and genotype-by-environment interactions can maintain genetic variation in a species. In this study, we test Drosophila melanogaster genotypes sampled from tropical Africa, temperate northeastern North America, and semi-tropical southeastern North America for resistance to bacterial infection and fecundity at three different environmental temperatures. Environmental temperature had absolute effects on all traits, but there were also marked genotype-by-environment interactions that may limit the global efficiency of natural selection on both traits. African flies performed more poorly than North American flies in both immunity and fecundity at the lowest temperature, but not at the higher temperatures, suggesting that the African population is maladapted to low temperature. In contrast, there was no evidence for clinal variation driven by thermal adaptation within North America for either trait. Resistance to infection and reproductive success were generally uncorrelated across genotypes, so this study finds no evidence for a fitness tradeoff between immunity and fecundity under the conditions tested. Both local adaptation to geographically heterogeneous environments and genotype-by-environment interactions may explain the persistence of genetic variation for resistance to infection in natural populations

    Immune expression in a damselfly is related to time of season, not to fluctuating asymmetry or host size

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    1. Variation in immune responsiveness within and among species is the subject of the emerging field of ecological immunology. The work reported here showed that individuals of Lestes forcipatus Rambur differ in their likelihood of mounting immune responses, and in the magnitude of those responses, against a generalist ectoparasite, the water mite Arrenurus planus Marshall. 2. Immune responses took the form of melanotic encapsulation of mite feeding tubes, occurred in the few days after host emergence, and resulted in mites dying without engorging. Such immune responses were more probable and stronger for hosts sampled later rather than earlier in the season. Such responses may act as selection affecting seasonal patterns of egg hatching and larval abundance of mites. 3. Contrary to expectation, metrics of host size (wing length) and wing cell fluctuating asymmetry were not related to the likelihood of immune responses. 4. The importance of season on immune expression of insects has not been explored in detail. These results suggest possible trade-offs in allocation of melanin (or its precursors) to maturation versus immunity, and indicate the need for studies on the synergistic effects of weather and parasitism on host species that use melanotic encapsulation to combat parasites and pathogens

    Immune expression in a damselfly is related to time of season, not to fluctuating asymmetry or host size

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    1. Variation in immune responsiveness within and among species is the subject of the emerging field of ecological immunology. The work reported here showed that individuals of Lestes forcipatus Rambur differ in their likelihood of mounting immune responses, and in the magnitude of those responses, against a generalist ectoparasite, the water mite Arrenurus planus Marshall. 2. Immune responses took the form of melanotic encapsulation of mite feeding tubes, occurred in the few days after host emergence, and resulted in mites dying without engorging. Such immune responses were more probable and stronger for hosts sampled later rather than earlier in the season. Such responses may act as selection affecting seasonal patterns of egg hatching and larval abundance of mites. 3. Contrary to expectation, metrics of host size (wing length) and wing cell fluctuating asymmetry were not related to the likelihood of immune responses. 4. The importance of season on immune expression of insects has not been explored in detail. These results suggest possible trade-offs in allocation of melanin (or its precursors) to maturation versus immunity, and indicate the need for studies on the synergistic effects of weather and parasitism on host species that use melanotic encapsulation to combat parasites and pathogens

    Sex differences in melanotic encapsulation responses (immunocompetence) in the damselfly Lestes forcipatus Rambur

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    A few studies have shown that male and female invertebrates differ in immunity and that these differences appear related to differences in sexual dimorphism and gender differences in life histories. Melanotic encapsulation of foreign objects in insects is one form of immunity. The damselfly Lestes forcipatus Rambur is moderately sexually dimorphic, and much is known about patterns of mass gain in congeners relating to differences in life history between males and females. In this study, females were more immunoresponsive than males under controlled temperatures, following emergence, and at a time when parasitic mites were challenging these hosts. However, males and females that overlapped in mass at emergence did not differ in their immune responses. Males in better condition at emergence were more immunoresponsive than lighter males, but this relation was not found in females. Sex differences in immune expression may have implications for how females versus males are able to deal with challenges from parasites, under varying environmental conditions

    Results from ANOVA Model A describing the effects of population of origin and rearing temperature on immunocompetence (see Materials and Methods).

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    <p>Results from ANOVA Model A describing the effects of population of origin and rearing temperature on immunocompetence (see <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1000025#s4" target="_blank">Materials and Methods</a>).</p

    Mean bacterial loads sustained by <i>D. melanogaster</i> infected with <i>P. rettgeri</i> at three different experimental temperatures.

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    <p>The flies were isolated from natural populations in the Congo, tropical Africa (orange circles), Georgia, southeastern United States (green triangles), and New York, northeastern United States (blue squares). The plotted data are least squares means for each population (Model A, see <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1000025#s4" target="_blank">Materials and Methods</a>) and error bars represent one standard error. The population-by-temperature interaction is significant, <i>p</i> = 0.0055.</p

    Genotype-by-environment interactions in bacterial load sustained after infection at three experimental temperatures.

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    <p>Least squares mean bacterial loads (Model B, see <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1000025#s4" target="_blank">Materials and Methods</a>) are plotted for <i>D. melanogaster</i> genotypes isolated from Congo, Africa (orange circles), Georgia, USA (green triangles), and New York, USA (blue squares). The genotype-by-temperature interaction is highly significant, <i>p</i> = 0.0015. Removal of the outlier point at 23°C does not meaningfully change the results.</p