1,580 research outputs found

    2017 Long-Term Summary of Kentucky Forage Variety Trials

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    Forage crops occupy approximately 7 million acres in Kentucky. Forages provide a majority of the nutrition for beef, dairy, horse, goat, sheep, and wildlife in the state. In addition, forage crops play an environmentally friendly role in soil conservation, water quality, and air quality. There are over 60 forage species adapted to the climate and soil conditions of Kentucky. Only 10 to 12 of these species occupy the majority of the acreage, but within these species there is a tremendous variation in varieties. This publication was developed to provide a user-friendly guide to choosing the best variety for producers based on a summary of forage yield and grazing tolerance trials conducted in Kentucky over the past 12 to 15 years. Detailed variety reports and forage management publications are available from your local county agent or at the University of Kentucky forage Web site at www.uky.edu/Ag/Forage by clicking on the “Forage Variety Trial” link

    Examining the Responsibilities of Faculty Senates

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    Faculty senates function to preserve and represent the interest of the faculty during the decision-making process. The purpose of this article is to initiate dialogue focused on increasing the influence of the faculty senates in an era of declining power

    2018 Long-Term Summary of Kentucky Forage Variety Trials

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    Forage crops occupy approximately 7 million acres in Kentucky. Forages provide a majority of the nutrition for beef, dairy, horse, goat, sheep, and wildlife in the state. In addition, forage crops play an environmentally friendly role in soil conservation, water quality, and air quality. There are over 60 forage species adapted to the climate and soil conditions of Kentucky. Only 10 to 12 of these species occupy the majority of the acreage, but within these species there is a tremendous variation in varieties. This publication was developed to provide a user-friendly guide to choosing the best variety for producers based on a summary of forage yield and grazing tolerance trials conducted in Kentucky over the past 12 to 15 years. Detailed variety reports and forage management publications are available from your local county agent or at the University of Kentucky forage website at forages.ca.uky.edu by clicking on the “Forage Variety Trial” link

    Quantifying Tri-partite Entanglement with Entropic Correlations

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    We show how to quantify tri-partite entanglement using entropies derived from experimental correlations. We use a multi-partite generalization of the entanglement of formation that is greater than zero if and only if the state is genuinely multi-partite entangled. We develop an entropic witness for tripartite entanglement, and show that the degree of violation of this witness places a lower limit on the tripartite entanglement of formation. We test our results in the three-qubit regime using the GHZ-Werner state and the W-Werner state, and in the high-dimensional pure-state regime using the triple-Gaussian wavefunction describing the spatial and energy-time entanglement in photon triplets generated in third-order spontaneous parametric down-conversion. In addition, we discuss the challenges in quantifying the entanglement for progressively larger numbers of parties, and give both entropic and target-state-based witnesses of multi-partite entanglement that circumvent this issue.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures (removed inequality (formerly appendix B4) due to typo

    Multiple tracers demonstrate distinct sources of dissolved organic matter to lakes of the Mackenzie Delta, western Canadian Arctic

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    Author Posting. © American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, 2011. This article is posted here by permission of American Society of Limnology and Oceanography for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Limnology and Oceanography 56 (2011): 1297-1309, doi:10.4319/lo.2011.56.4.1297.Lakes of the Mackenzie Delta occur across a gradient that contains three clear end members: those that remain connected to river-water channels throughout the summer; those that receive only brief inputs of river water during an annual spring flood but contain dense macrophyte stands; and those that experience significant permafrost thaw along their margins. We measured dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, dissolved organic matter (DOM) absorption and fluorescence, and stable isotopes of DOM, DOM precursor materials, and bacteria to elucidate the importance of river water, macrophytes, and thermokarst as DOM sources to Mackenzie Delta lakes. Despite standing stocks of macrophyte C that are sevenfold to 12-fold greater than those of total DOC, stable isotopes indicated that autochthonous sources contributed less than 15% to overall DOM in macrophyte-rich lakes. Instead, fluorescence and absorption indicated that the moderate summertime increase in DOC concentration in macrophyte-rich lakes was the result of infrequent flushing, while bacterial δ13C indicated rapid bacterial removal of autochthonous DOC from the water column. In thermokarst lakes, summertime increases in DOC concentration were substantial, and stable isotopes indicated that much of this increase came from C released as a result of thermokarst-related processes. Our results indicate that these distinct sources of DOM to neighboring arctic Delta lakes may drive between-lake differences in C cycling and energy flow. Rapidly assimilated macrophyte DOM should be an important contributor to microbial food webs in our study lakes. In contrast, the accumulation of thermokarst-origin DOM allows for a significant role in physico-chemistry but indicates a lesser contribution of this DOM to higher trophic levels.This study was supported by a Discovery Grant and Northern Research Supplement from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) to L.F.W.L.; funds from the Science Horizons Youth Internship Program, Northern Scientific Training Program, and NSERC Northern Research Internship. Personal financial support to S.E.T. was provided by a Simon Fraser University CD Nelson Memorial Graduate Scholarship, an NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship-Doctoral, and a Garfield Weston Award for Northern Research

    Spread of Plague Among Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs Is Associated With Colony Spatial Characteristics

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    Sylvatic plague (Yersinia pestis) is an exotic pathogen that is highly virulent in black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) and causes widespread colony losses and individual mortality rates \u3e95%. We investigated colony spatial characteristics that may influence inter-colony transmission of plague at 3 prairie dog colony complexes in the Great Plains. The 4 spatial characteristics we considered include: colony size, Euclidean distance to nearest neighboring colony, colony proximity index, and distance to nearest drainage (dispersal) corridor. We used multi-state mark–recapture models to determine the relationship between these colony characteristics and probability of plague transmission among prairie dog colonies. Annual mapping of colonies and mark–recapture analyses of disease dynamics in natural colonies led to 4 main results: 1) plague outbreaks exhibited high spatial and temporal variation, 2) the site of initiation of epizootic plague may have substantially influenced the subsequent inter-colony spread of plague, 3) the longterm effect of plague on individual colonies differed among sites because of how individuals and colonies were distributed, and 4) colony spatial characteristics were related to the probability of infection at all sites although the relative importance and direction of relationships varied among sites. Our findings suggest that conventional prairie dog conservation management strategies, including promoting large, highly connected colonies, may need to be altered in the presence of plague

    Microbial contamination and efficacy of disinfection procedures of companion robots in care homes

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    Background Paro and other robot animals can improve wellbeing for older adults and people with dementia, through reducing depression, agitation and medication use. However, nursing and care staff we contacted expressed infection control concerns. Little related research has been published. We assessed (i) how microbiologically contaminated robot animals become during use by older people within a care home and (ii) efficacy of a cleaning procedure. Methods This study had two stages. In stage one we assessed microbial load on eight robot animals after interaction with four care home residents, and again following cleaning by a researcher. Robot animals provided a range of shell-types, including fur, soft plastic, and solid plastic. Stage two involved a similar process with two robot animals, but a care staff member conducted cleaning. The cleaning process involved spraying with anti-bacterial product, brushing fur-type shells, followed by vigorous top-to-tail cleaning with anti-bacterial wipes on all shell types. Two samples were taken from each of eight robots in stage one and two robots in stage two (20 samples total). Samples were collected using contact plate stamping and evaluated using aerobic colony count and identification (gram stain, colony morphology, coagulase agglutination). Colony counts were measured by colony forming units per square centimetre (CFU/cm2). Results Most robots acquired microbial loads well above an acceptable threshold of 2.5 CFU/cm2 following use. The bacteria identified were micrococcus species, coagulase negative staphylococcus, diptheriods, aerobic spore bearers, and staphylococcus aureus, all of which carry risk for human health. For all devices the CFU/cm2 reduced to well within accepted limits following cleaning by both researcher and care staff member. Conclusions Companion robots will acquire significant levels of bacteria during normal use. The simple cleaning procedure detailed in this study reduced microbial load to acceptable levels in controlled experiments. Further work is needed in the field and to check the impact on the transmission of viruses

    Water, Energy, and Carbon Footprints of Bioethanol from the U.S. and Brazil

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    Driven by biofuel policies, which aim to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increase domestic energy supply, global production and consumption of bioethanol have doubled between 2007 and 2016, with rapid growth in corn-based bioethanol in the U.S. and sugar cane-based bioethanol in Brazil. Advances in crop yields, energy use efficiency in fertilizer production, biomass-to-ethanol conversion rates, and energy efficiency in ethanol production have improved the energy balance and GHG emission reduction potential of bioethanol. In the current study, the water, energy, and carbon footprints of bioethanol from corn in the U.S. and sugar cane in Brazil were assessed. The results show that U.S. corn bioethanol has a smaller water footprint (541 L water/L bioethanol) than Brazilian sugar cane bioethanol (1115 L water/L bioethanol). Brazilian sugar cane bioethanol has, however, a better energy balance (17.7 MJ/L bioethanol) and smaller carbon footprint (38.5 g CO2e/MJ) than U.S. bioethanol, which has an energy balance of 11.2 MJ/L bioethanol and carbon footprint of 44.9 g CO2e/MJ. The results show regional differences in the three footprints and highlight the need to take these differences into consideration to understand the implications of biofuel production for local water resources, net energy production, and climate change mitigation
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