284 research outputs found

    The use of genomewide ENU mutagenesis screens to unravel complex mammalian traits: Identifying genes that regulate organ-specific and systemic autoimmunity

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    T-cell development is perhaps one of the best understood processes of mammalian cell differentiation, as many of the genes and pathways have been identified. By contrast, relatively little is known about the genes and pathways involved in immunological tolerance to self-antigens. Here, we describe the challenges associated with a genomewide screen designed at identifying new immune regulatory genes that uses a model of organ-specific autoimmunity leading to type 1 diabetes. The successful propagation and identification of the new gene variants will shed light on the various developmental checkpoints in lymphocyte development that are crucial for establishing tolerance to self-antigens

    Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1C negatively regulates antigen receptor signaling in B lymphocytes and determines thresholds for negative selection

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    AbstractMotheaten viable (mev) mice are deficient in the cytosolic protein tyrosine phosphatase, PTP1C, and exhibit severe B cell immunodeficiency and autoantibody production. The role of PTP1 C in B cell selection and function was analyzed by breeding immunoglobulin transgenes specific for a defined antigen, hen egg lysozyme, into mav mice. Antigen triggered a greater and more rapid elevation of intracellular calcium in PTP1 C-deficient B cells, indicating that this phosphatase negatively regulates immunoglobulin signaling. Elimination of self-reactive B cells carrying this signal-enhancing mutation was triggered during their development by binding a lower valency form of self-antigen than is normally required. These findings establish that activation of distinct repertoire-censoring mechanisms depends on quantitative differences in antigen receptor signaling, whose thresholds are determined by negative regulation through PTP1C

    Genome-Wide ENU Mutagenesis to Reveal Immune Regulators

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    AbstractA complete list of molecular components for immune system function is now available with the completion of the human and mouse genome sequences. However, identification and functional annotation of genes involved in immunological processes require a discovery methodology that can efficiently and broadly analyze the complex interplay of these components in vivo. Our recent experience indicates that genome-wide chemical mutagenesis in the mouse is an extremely powerful methodology for the identification of genes required for complex immunological processes

    Immunological tolerance: Danger –  pathogen on the premises!

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    AbstractRecent results show that immune responses can be induced in neonatal mice. Do they really refute the traditional view that the ability to discriminate between ‘self’ and ‘non-self’ is a fundamental property of the immune system

    Consequences of increased CD45RA and RC isoforms for TCR signaling and peripheral T cell deficiency resulting from heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L-like mutation

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    CD45 is the most abundant protein tyrosine phosphatase in the plasma membrane of T cells and serves a critical role in TCR signaling. Different CD45 isoforms are made by alternative mRNA splicing depending on the stage of T cell development and activation, yet their role remains unclear. Expression of CD45RA and RC isoforms is increased 20- to 200-fold on T cells from thunder mice with a loss-of-function mutation in the RNA-binding protein, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L-like (hnRNPLL), although total CD45 expression is unaltered. In this study, we test the hypothesis that this shift in CD45 isoform expression alters TCR signaling, thymic selection, and accumulation of peripheral T cells. There was no discernable effect of the change in CD45 isoform expression upon Lck phosphorylation or T cell positive and negative selection, whereas these indices were strongly affected by a decrease in the overall amount of CD45 in Ptprc mutant animals. The one exception to this conclusion was in thymocytes from Ptprcloc/loc animals with 4% of normal CD45 protein levels, where Lck505 phosphorylation was increased 25% in Hnrpll mutant cells, suggesting that high m.w. CD45 isoforms had lower Lck505 phosphatase activity in this context. In T cells with no CD45 protein, hnRNPLL mutation still diminished peripheral T cell accumulation, demonstrating that hnRNPLL regulates T cell longevity independently from its effects on CD45 splicing

    Spontaneous Follicular Exclusion of SHP1-deficient B Cells Is Conditional on the Presence of Competitor Wild-type B Cells

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    Engagement of antigen receptors on mature B lymphocytes is known to block cell entry into lymphoid follicles and promote accumulation in T cell zones, yet the molecular basis for this change in cell distribution is not understood. Previous studies have shown that follicular exclusion requires a threshold level of antigen receptor engagement combined with occupancy of follicles by B cells without equivalent receptor engagement. The possibility has been raised that follicular composition affects B cell positioning by altering the amount of available antigen and the degree of receptor occupancy. Here we show that follicular composition affects migration of mature B cells under conditions that are independent of antigen receptor occupancy. B cells deficient in the negative regulatory protein tyrosine phosphatase, SHP1, which have elevated intracellular signaling by the B cell receptor, are shown to accumulate in the T zone in the absence of their specific antigen. Follicular exclusion of SHP1–deficient B cells was found to be conditional on the presence of excess B cells that lack elevated intracellular signaling, and was not due to a failure of SHP-1–deficient cells to mature and express the follicle-homing chemokine receptor Burkitt's lymphoma receptor 1. These findings strongly suggest that signals that are negatively regulated by SHP1 promote B cell localization in T cell zones by reducing competitiveness for follicular entry, and provide further evidence that follicular composition influences the positioning of antigen-engaged B cells

    Differential Requirement for the CD45 Splicing Regulator hnRNPLL for Accumulation of NKT and Conventional T Cells

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    Natural killer T (NKT) cells represent an important regulatory T cell subset that develops in the thymus and contains immature (NK1.1lo) and mature (NK1.1hi) cell subsets. Here we show in mice that an inherited mutation in heterogeneous ribonucleoprotein L-like protein (hnRNPLLthunder), that shortens the survival of conventional T cells, has no discernible effect on NKT cell development, homeostasis or effector function. Thus, Hnrpll deficiency effectively increases the NKT∶T cell ratio in the periphery. However, Hnrpll mutation disrupts CD45RA, RB and RC exon silencing of the Ptprc mRNA in both NKT and conventional T cells, and leads to a comparably dramatic shift to high molecular weight CD45 isoforms. In addition, Hnrpll mutation has a cell intrinsic effect on the expression of the developmentally regulated cell surface marker NK1.1 on NKT cells in the thymus and periphery but does not affect cell numbers. Therefore our results highlight both overlapping and divergent roles for hnRNPLL between conventional T cells and NKT cells. In both cell subsets it is required as a trans-acting factor to regulate alternative splicing of the Ptprc mRNA, but it is only required for survival of conventional T cells
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