61 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Efektivitas Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Plant 11 PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, Tbk Citeureup)

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    Employee is an important resource to have production process in a big factory. Factory couldn\u27t operate without employee. To protect their employees, the leader makes a policy like occupational health and safety. This policy for protect their employee from risk of bad accident and illness that causes of work. Bad accident can strike employee anywhere and anytime so this cases must to have a special attention. So, the leader, government, and management must pay attention to this risk. Work accident leaning influence to manpower productivity because quality of work life and guarantee of occupational health and safety influence manpower productivity. PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, Tbk is one of the biggest cement factories in Indonesia. This factory has applicated occupational health and safety assessment base on Permenaker No. 05/MEN/1996 and OHSAS 18001. Occupational health and safety effectiveness can describe by six aspect based on Miner Theory. That theory are safety training, safety publication, control to work environment, inspection and discipline, improvement awareness of occupational health and safety, report and statistic of occupational health and safety. Five aspect of Theory Miner, can describe by employee perspective, even report and statistic of occupational health and safety can describe by secondary data from Safety Department and Management Representative of PT ITP

    Container characteristics associated with the presence of immature stages of <i>Ae. albopictus</i> and <i>Ae. aegypti</i> in Bangui.

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    <p>OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval;</p>*<p>significant association;</p><p>NA, not applicable; Reference, ‘comparator group’ for estimating the OR.</p

    Bayesian inference hypothesis of <i>Ae. albopictus</i> phylogeny based on <i>COI</i> (A) and <i>ND5</i> (B) sequence data.

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    <p>The phylogeny was constructed with MrBayes 3.1.2, ngen = 2 000 000. Best-fitting models selected with the MR model test (under AIC) were HKY for <i>COI</i> and HKY+I+G for the <i>ND5</i> nucleotide datasets. Branch support is indicated by the posterior probability values. Accession numbers of <i>COI</i> and <i>ND5</i> out-group sequences are given in supporting information file <a href="http://www.plosntds.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pntd.0002590#pntd.0002590.s001" target="_blank">Table S1</a>.</p

    Total abundance of immature stages of <i>Aedes aegypti</i> and <i>Ae. albopictus</i> per container.

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    <p>Each two-letter abbreviation on the x-axis corresponds to a type of container as follows: WS, water storage; FP, flower pot; WP, watering place; UT, used tyres; DT, discarded tanks; MI, miscellaneous; NA, natural.</p

    MtDNA <i>COI</i> and <i>ND5</i> haplotypes recorded in <i>Ae. albopictus</i> in the Central African Republic.

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    <p>Only polymorphic positions are shown and are numbered with reference (Ref) to the published <i>Ae. albopictus</i> sequences for <i>ND5</i> (JF309321; Cameroon) and <i>COI</i> (JF309317; Cameroon). Dots represent identity with respect to the reference.</p>*<p>GenBank accession number in brackets.</p><p>Frequency, number of times the haplotype was found in the total sample.</p
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