100 research outputs found

    Geschichtliche Rekonstruktion der linken Terrorbewegung in der BRD von 1968 - 1998 dargestellt am Beispiel der RAF

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    1970 erklärte eine kleine linksradikale Gruppierung dem Staat den Krieg. Die BürgerInnenkinder aus der Mitte der Gesellschaft nannten sich Rote Armee Fraktion. Diese Diplomarbeit soll rekonstruieren, wie aus der an sich friedlichen StudentInnenbewegung, Anti- Vietnam- Bewegung und den Protesten gegen die fehlende Aufarbeitung der NS- Zeit blutiger Terror entstand, der die Republik an den Rand des Staatsnotstands trieb. Gerade nach der Haftentlassung des ehemaligen RAF- Terroristen Christian Klar am 3. Januar 2008 - er war 26 Jahre lang im Gefängnis- rückt dieses Thema wieder ins Blickfeld der Öffentlichkeit. Nach der Freilassung Klars ist nur noch Birgit Hogefeld, Mitglied der letzten RAF- Gruppe, in Haft. Ob damit ein Schlussstrich unter dieses dunkle Kapitel deutscher Geschichte gezogen werden kann, bleibt fraglich. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Widersprüche aufgedeckt, in die sich die RAF innerhalb ihres langjährigen Bestehens immer mehr verstrickt hat. Natürlich sollen auch Parallelitäten und Gemeinsamkeiten innerhalb der linken Terrororganisationen und in der RAF, im speziellen in Hinblick auf deren Weiterbestand, untersucht werden. Fragen nach Kooperationen mit anderen terroristischen Organisationen im In- und Ausland, konkrete Handlungsweisen, Funktionslogiken, Gewaltbereitschaft und ihr Umgang mit den Medien und Staat bieten sich in der Untersuchung durchaus an

    Transport across a carbon nanotube quantum dot contacted with ferromagnetic leads: experiment and non-perturbative modeling

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    We present measurements of tunneling magneto-resistance (TMR) in single-wall carbon nanotubes attached to ferromagnetic contacts in the Coulomb blockade regime. Strong variations of the TMR with gate voltage over a range of four conductance resonances, including a peculiar double-dip signature, are observed. The data is compared to calculations in the "dressed second order" (DSO) framework. In this non-perturbative theory, conductance peak positions and linewidths are affected by charge fluctuations incorporating the properties of the carbon nanotube quantum dot and the ferromagnetic leads. The theory is able to qualitatively reproduce the experimental data.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Hydrocephalus, cerebral vasospasm, and delayed cerebral ischemia following non-aneurysmatic spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhages: an underestimated problem

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    Non-aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (NASAH) is rare and mostly benign. However, complications such as cerebral vasospasm (CV), delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI), or post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus (HC) may worsen the prognosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the rate of these complications comparing perimesencephalic (PM) and non-perimesencephalic (NPM) SAH. Monocentric, retrospective analysis of patients diagnosed with NASAH from 01/2010 to 01/2021. Diagnosis was set only if vascular pathologies were excluded in at least one digital subtraction angiography, and NASAH was confirmed by cranial computed tomography (cCT) or lumbar puncture (LP). One hundred patients (62 female) with a mean age of 54.9 years (27–84) were identified. Seventy-three percent had a World Federation of Neurological Surgeons (WFNS) grading scale score I, while 9% were WFNS score IV or V at the time of admission. SAH was diagnosed by cCT in 86%, in 14% by lumbar puncture. Twenty-five percent necessitated short-term CSF diversion by extraventricular drainage or lumbar drainage, whereof 7 suffered from long-term HC treated with ventriculoperitoneal shunting (VPS). One patient without a short-term CSF drainage developed long-term HC. Ten percent developed CV, four of whom received intraarterial spasmolysis. Radiological DCI was diagnosed in 2%; none of these correlated with CV. Despite a mortality of 3% occurring solely in NPM SAH, the analyzed complication rate was comparable in both groups. We observed post-hemorrhagic complications in 35% of cases during the first 3 weeks after bleeding, predominantly in patients with NPM SAH. For this reason, close observation and cranial imaging within this time may be indicated not to overlook these complications

    Normal tissue complication models for clinically relevant acute esophagitis (>= grade 2) in patients treated with dose differentiated accelerated radiotherapy (DART-bid)

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    Background: One of the primary dose-limiting toxicities during thoracic irradiation is acute esophagitis (AE). The aim of this study is to investigate dosimetric and clinical predictors for AE grade >= 2 in patients treated with accelerated radiotherapy for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Patients and methods: 66 NSCLC patients were included in the present analysis: 4 stage II, 44 stage IIIA and 18 stage IIIB. All patients received induction chemotherapy followed by dose differentiated accelerated radiotherapy (DART-bid). Depending on size (mean of three perpendicular diameters) tumors were binned in four dose groups: 6 cm 90 Gy. Patients were treated in 3D target splitting technique. In order to estimate the normal tissue complication probability (NTCP),two Lyman models and the cutoff-logistic regression model were fitted to the data with AE >= grade 2 as statistical endpoint. Inter-model comparison was performed with the corrected Akaike information criterion (AIC(c)),which calculates the model's quality of fit (likelihood value) in relation to its complexity (i.e. number of variables in the model) corrected by the number of patients in the dataset. Toxicity was documented prospectively according to RTOG. Results: The median follow up was 686 days (range 84-2921 days), 23/66 patients (35 %) experienced AE >= grade 2. The actuarial local control rates were 72.6 % and 59.4 % at 2 and 3 years, regional control was 91 % at both time points. The Lyman-MED model (D50 = 32.8 Gy, m = 0.48) and the cutoff dose model (D-c = 38 Gy) provide the most efficient fit to the current dataset. On multivariate analysis V38 (volume of the esophagus that receives 38 Gy or above, 95 %-CI 28.2-57.3) was the most significant predictor of AE >= grade 2 (HR = 1.05, CI 1.01-1.09, p = 0.007). Conclusion: Following high-dose accelerated radiotherapy the rate of AE >= grade 2 is slightly lower than reported for concomitant radio-chemotherapy with the additional benefit of markedly increased loco-regional tumor control. In the current patient cohort the most significant predictor of AE was found to be V38. A second clinically useful parameter in treatment planning may be MED (mean esophageal dose)

    Regional Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) at 7 Tesla correlates with amyloid beta in hippocampus and brainstem of cognitively normal elderly subjects

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    Background: Accumulation of amyloid beta (Aβ) may occur during healthy aging and is a risk factor for Alzheimer Disease (AD). While individual Aβ-accumulation can be measured non-invasively using Pittsburgh Compund-B positron emission tomography (PiB-PET), Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) is a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) sequence, capable of indicating heterogeneous age-related brain pathologies associated with tissue-edema. In the current study cognitively normal elderly subjects were investigated for regional correlation of PiB- and FLAIR intensity. Methods: Fourteen healthy elderly subjects without known history of cognitive impairment received 11C-PiB-PET for estimation of regional Aβ-load. In addition, whole brain T1-MPRAGE and FLAIR-MRI sequences were acquired at high field strength of 7 Tesla (7T). Volume-normalized intensities of brain regions were assessed by applying an automated subcortical segmentation algorithm for spatial definition of brain structures. Statistical dependence between FLAIR- and PiB-PET intensities was tested using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (rho), followed by Holm–Bonferroni correction for multiple testing. Results: Neuropsychological testing revealed normal cognitive performance levels in all participants. Mean regional PiB-PET and FLAIR intensities were normally distributed and independent. Significant correlation between volume-normalized PiB-PET signals and FLAIR intensities resulted for Hippocampus (right: rho = 0.86; left: rho = 0.84), Brainstem (rho = 0.85) and left Basal Ganglia vessel region (rho = 0.82). Conclusions: Our finding of a significant relationship between PiB- and FLAIR intensity mainly observable in the Hippocampus and Brainstem, indicates regional Aβ associated tissue-edema in cognitively normal elderly subjects. Further studies including clinical populations are necessary to clarify the relevance of our findings for estimating individual risk for age-related neurodegenerative processes such as AD
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