649 research outputs found


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    We are living in extraordinary times. Over the next twenty years, humanity is facing opportunities to expand consciousness far beyond what is known today. To help us traverse these unknown waters, our ancestors left behind esoteric maps carefully encrypted within the stories of ancient mythology and the science of astrology. But these tales do more than ensure our survival. They remind us that first and foremost, we are eternal beings, and they reveal alchemical methods to extract the famed elixir of life – so that we may experience the unlimited world of creation, once only available to the gods and goddesses


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    We are living in extraordinary times. Over the next twenty years, humanity is facing opportunities to expand consciousness far beyond what is known today. To help us traverse these unknown waters, our ancestors left behind esoteric maps carefully encrypted within the stories of ancient mythology and the science of astrology. But these tales do more than ensure our survival. They remind us that first and foremost, we are eternal beings, and they reveal alchemical methods to extract the famed elixir of life – so that we may experience the unlimited world of creation, once only available to the gods and goddesses

    Creating Wormholes: A Journey in Consciousness

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    Some of the most thrilling advances of the last decade are reflected in the way in which those involved in consciousness and science are gaining respect for each other with many cutting edge ideas incorporating aspects of both. We are in truth creating wormholes or passages of light between different states of awareness and different dimensional perspectives, breaking down old paradigms which maintain separation. Steps we can take to ease our passageway through this stage of transformation will be explored

    Creating Wormholes: A Journey in Consciousness

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    Some of the most thrilling advances of the last decade are reflected in the way in which those involved in consciousness and science are gaining respect for each other with many cutting edge ideas incorporating aspects of both. We are in truth creating wormholes or passages of light between different states of awareness and different dimensional perspectives, breaking down old paradigms which maintain separation. Steps we can take to ease our passageway through this stage of transformation will be explored

    A CubeSat Power System Implementing a Zero Voltage Switching Resonant Buck Converter Design with Low Electronic & Radio Frequency Noise

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    Noise from power systems can be a limiting factor in how well scientific instruments on CubeSats can perform. Instruments such as microwave radiometers which are on TROPICS, TEMPEST-D, and IceCube, or wide-band software defined radios such as those used on AERO/VISTA for Earth auroral hiss observations, or precipitation instruments used on RainCube are all affected by electronic and radio frequency (RF) noise. Current hybrid DC/DC converter technologies can also be prone to failure and anomalies during flight. The GRACE mission had the converter fail due to high temperatures, which caused a reduction in switching frequency. This research project will provide a way for CubeSat power subsystems to become more optimized and efficient by reducing the noise produced, enabling CubeSats to support a wider range of science missions. This paper presents a design for a CubeSat power subsystem that uses a phase-locking control scheme where the voltage ripple and RF noise can be significantly reduced so that the power converter does not affect the CubeSat instruments. CubeSats are now returning valuable scientific data and can improve temporal and spatial coverage. Optimizing CubeSat power subsystems enables its payload to become more effective

    God Sees and God Rescues: The Motif of Affliction in Genesis

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    The book of Genesis mainly centers on the fulfillment of God’s patriarchal promises. However, the book presents characters who first experience hardship before they receive blessings from God. Many of the hardships are described in Genesis as “afflictions” (√ענה), the same word used to describe Israel’s suffering in Egypt (Exod 3:7). Although the motif of affliction receives attention for its appearance in Exodus, few scholars note the significance of this motif in Genesis. The purpose of this thesis is to trace the motif of affliction in Genesis and to determine the pattern of its appearance. The motif serves the larger theology of the book of Genesis by highlighting God’s attention to the struggles of his people and his responses to their wrongful mistreatment. This theology is founded in Gen 15:13–16 with God’s announcement to Abram that his seed will be afflicted, but then God would rescue them and punish the afflicters. Genesis 15:13–16 anticipates the exodus, but the remainder of Genesis portrays individuals who are afflicted and subsequently rescued by God. These individuals’ experiences foreshadow the exodus and provide confirmation of God’s character as it is presented in Gen 15:13–16. The characters who suffer from affliction in Genesis are: Hagar (Gen 16), Leah (Gen 29–30), Jacob (Gen 29–31), Dinah (Gen 34), and Joseph (Gen 37–41). Each time the root ענה appears in Genesis, God carries out the resolution to the victim’s suffering and blesses them with progeny and/or safety. By rescuing and prospering victims of affliction in Genesis, God reveals how he will respond to his children in Egypt. The motif of affliction in Genesis provides a theological understanding of God’s presence with his children, awareness of their experiences, and his intentional actions to rescue and grow his children through hardship


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    Throughout the Ages, poets and mystics have extolled the qualities of the heart, captivated by its expression of love and joy. Now we know that the physiological functions of the heart are intimately linked to our spiritual transformation. It is through the pulse of our intuition that we navigate our soul's path, the rhythm of relationship that we learn love and the continual flow between spirit and matter that we remember our eternal nature. When any of these phases are blocked, we experience physical and emotional disease letting us know that we have become disconnected from our Truth. Fortunately, each heart cell remembers and is independently programmed to resonate with a far greater Source of unity and wellbeing, found at the depth of the Galactic Centre, the heart of the Great Mother

    Sources of satisfaction and stress among Indigenous academic teachers: findings from a national Australian study

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    Academics of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent are few in number but play a vital role in Australian university teaching. In addition to teaching both Indigenous and non-Indigenous students, they interact with academic colleagues in a context where pressures to “Indigenize” Australian curricula and increase Indigenous enrolments are growing. In this article, we will draw on our nation-wide research with Indigenous academics to further explore this under-researched area of Australian university teaching, and the highs and lows of how Indigenous teachers experience their roles. Our findings reveal that for our Indigenous colleagues, sources of personal and professional satisfaction – as well as stress – appear qualitatively different from those commonly associated with academic work. Of particular concern are the findings in relation to issues of cultural difference on our campuses, played out in the ways Indigenous and non-Indigenous staff and students interact daily. Counterbalancing this potential negativity is the strong, indeed inspiring, commitment on the part of our Indigenous academic participants to the educational futures of their students, and thus, to the futures of Indigenous communities across Australia. The findings raise some thought-provoking questions for individuals and institutions in the higher education systems of our region, and perhaps beyond

    Developing Intelligent Space Systems: A Survey and Rubric for Future Missions

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    Space exploration continues to inspire the development of advanced technologies to explore the universe. From moon landings and the Mars rovers to the recent successful deployment of the James Webb Telescope, space exploration continues to push the limits of what is possible in both science and technology and to pave new ways for the discovery of our galaxy. While we have seen great advancements and barriers broken, we remain limited in our ability to optimize science discovery without onboard intelligent capabilities to enable complex system missions. In this paper, we focus on AI technologies and cross-disciplinary directions for sparking research and development for space applications. This paper attempts to bridge two disparate fields of research, to enhance the development of intelligent space systems by providing a comprehensive survey of existing technologies and showcasing a strategic rubric for future advancements
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