184 research outputs found

    a systematic review

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    Background: Interpreters often play a crucial role in the health care of refugees. Although interpreters working with refugees are regularly confronted with emotionally stressful content, little is known about their work-related stress and psychological well-being. Primarily qualitative studies indicate increased emotional stress in interpreters, and difficulties in handling the traumatic content from their clients. Additionally, the working conditions of interpreters appear to be demanding, due to low payment and a lack of supervision or adequate preparation

    Effects of a Self-Guided Transdiagnostic Smartphone App on Patient Empowerment and Mental Health: Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Mental disorders impact both individuals and health systems. Symptoms and syndromes often remain undetected and untreated, resulting in chronification. Besides limited health care resources, within-person barriers such as the lack of trust in professionals, the fear of stigmatization, or the desire to cope with problems without professional help contribute to the treatment gap. Self-guided mental health apps may support treatment seeking by reducing within-person barriers and facilitating mental health literacy. Digital mental health interventions may also improve mental health related self-management skills and contribute to symptom reduction and the improvement of quality of life. Objective: This study aims to investigate the effects of a self-guided transdiagnostic app for mental health on help seeking, reduced stigma, mental health literacy, self-management skills, mental health symptoms, and quality of life using a randomized controlled design. Methods: Overall, 1045 participants (recruited via open, blinded, and web-based recruitment) with mild to moderate depression or anxiety-, sleep-, eating-, or somatization-related psychopathology were randomized to receive either access to a self-guided transdiagnostic mental health app (MindDoc) in addition to care as usual or care as usual only. The core features of the app were regular self-monitoring, automated feedback, and psychological courses and exercises. The coprimary outcomes were mental health literacy, mental health–related patient empowerment and self-management skills (MHPSS), attitudes toward help seeking, and actual mental health service use. The secondary outcomes were psychopathological symptom burden and quality of life. Data were collected at baseline and 8 weeks and 6 months after randomization. Treatment effects were investigated using analyses of covariance, including baseline variables as predictors and applying multiple imputation. Results: We found small but robust between-group effects for MHPSS (Cohen d=0.29), symptoms burden (Cohen d=0.28), and quality of life (Cohen d=0.19) 8 weeks after randomization. The effects on MHPSS were maintained at follow-up. Follow-up assessments also showed robust effects on mental health literacy and preliminary evidence for the improvement of help seeking. Predictors of attrition were lower age and higher personality dysfunction. Among the non-attritors, predictors for deterioration were less outpatient treatment and higher initial symptom severity. Conclusions: A self-guided transdiagnostic mental health app can contribute to lasting improvements in patient empowerment. Symptoms of common mental disorders and quality of life improved faster in the intervention group than in the control group. Therefore, such interventions may support individuals with symptoms of 1 or more internalizing disorders, develop health-centered coping skills, prevent chronification, and accelerate symptom improvement. Although the effects for individual users are small and predictors of attrition and deterioration need to be investigated further, the potential public health impact of a self-guided intervention can be large, given its high scalability. Trial Registration: German Clinical Trials Register DRKS00022531; https://drks.de/search/de/trial/DRKS00022531 JMIR Ment Health 2023;10:e4506

    Social acknowledgement as a predictor of post-traumatic stress and complicated grief after witnessing assisted suicide

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    Background: In Switzerland, right-to-die organizations such as Exit Deutsche Schweiz offer suicide assistance to their members. However, there is limited knowledge of the impact that witnessing assisted suicide has on the post- traumatic stress severity or the grief process of family members. Low perceived social acknowledgement may affect mental health. Methods: A cross- sectional survey of 85 family members who were present at an assisted suicide was conducted in December 2007. The Inventory of Complicated Grief and the Impact of Event Scale were used to assess symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complicated grief (CG) at 14 to 24 months post-loss. Further, the Social Acknowledgement Questionnaire was used to examine the impact that the social environment’s acknowledgement of the end-of-life decision had on respondents’ mental health. Results: As expected, social acknowledgement as a survivor was related to PTSD symptoms and CG. In particular, perceived general disapproval was strongly correlated with all outcome measures, whereas recognition was not significantly related to PTSD or CG (intrusion and avoidance). Conclusion: Family members of patients who use assisted suicide may hesitate to disclose the manner of death, and the community and societal environment may express strong views concerning the end-of-life decision. This can lead to increased levels of PTSD and CG

    Screening accuracy of a 14-day smartphone ambulatory assessment of depression symptoms and mood dynamics in a general population sample: Comparison with the PHQ-9 depression screening

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    Introduction Major depression affects over 300 million people worldwide, but cases are often detected late or remain undetected. This increases the risk of symptom deterioration and chronification. Consequently, there is a high demand for low threshold but clinically sound approaches to depression detection. Recent studies show a great willingness among users of mobile health apps to assess daily depression symptoms. In this pilot study, we present a provisional validation of the depression screening app Moodpath. The app offers a 14-day ambulatory assessment (AA) of depression symptoms based on the ICD-10 criteria as well as ecologically momentary mood ratings that allow the study of short-term mood dynamics. Materials and methods N = 113 Moodpath users were selected through consecutive sampling and filled out the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) after completing 14 days of AA with 3 question blocks (morning, midday, and evening) per day. The psychometric properties (sensitivity, specificity, accuracy) of the ambulatory Moodpath screening were assessed based on the retrospective PHQ-9 screening result. In addition, several indicators of mood dynamics (e.g. average, inertia, instability), were calculated and investigated for their individual and incremental predictive value using regression models. Results We found a strong linear relationship between the PHQ-9 score and the AA Moodpath depression score (r = .76, p < .001). The app-based screening demonstrated a high sensitivity (.879) and acceptable specificity (.745). Different indicators of mood dynamics covered substantial amounts of PHQ-9 variance, depending on the number of days with mood data that were included in the analyses. Discussion AA and PHQ-9 shared a large proportion of variance but may not measure exactly the same construct. This may be due to the differences in the underlying diagnostic systems or due to differences in momentary and retrospective assessments. Further validation through structured clinical interviews is indicated. The results suggest that ambulatory assessed mood indicators are a promising addition to multimodal depression screening tools. Improving app-based AA screenings requires adapted screening algorithms and corresponding methods for the analysis of dynamic processes over time

    Psychological distress, exhaustion, and work-related correlates among interpreters working in refugee care: results of a nationwide online survey in Germany

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    Background Due to language barriers, interpreters are crucial for refugee care in the countries of resettlement. However, interpreters are often faced with distressing working conditions, such as precarious work circumstances, lack of supervision, or exposure to their clients’ traumatic experiences. Recent studies examining interpreters’ mental health focussed primarily on secondary traumatic stress. The present study aimed to gain a better understanding of psychological distress and exhaustion among interpreters in refugee care by examining these factors in the work context as well as their possible work-related correlates. Method: An online survey was carried out in Germany, which included several standardized questionnaires regarding distress, work- and client-related exhaustion, job satisfaction, and trauma exposure (BSI-18, CBI, JSS, HTQ, PCL-5). Interpreters were recruited primarily through psychosocial treatment centres and interpreter pools in Germany. Results: In total, 164 interpreters were included in the analyses. The participants showed increased psychological distress, and around 7% screened positive for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In an exploratory regression analysis, younger age (β = −.25, p = .004) emerged as correlate of psychological distress, whereas dissatisfaction with payment (β = −.21, p = .04) and a higher amount of traumatic content (β = .22, p = .001) were associated with work-related exhaustion, and dissatisfaction with recognition was associated with client-related exhaustion (β = −.35, p = .001). Conclusion: The results point to increased stress levels among interpreters for refugees. Moreover, they indicate that interpreters’ distress is primarily correlated with work-related circumstances, thus suggesting the need for a greater work-related support structure for interpreters

    A comparison of interpreters’ wellbeing and work-related characteristics in the care of refugees across different work settings

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    Background Interpreters in the care of refugees work in various different settings. Qualitative studies suggest that interpreters are confronted with a variety of demands depending on the context in which they work, which may in turn influence their wellbeing. To date, no larger-scale study has investigated differences between work settings regarding interpreters’ work-related characteristics or wellbeing. Objective The aim of this study was to compare the work-related characteristics and possible changes in the wellbeing of interpreters between four main work settings (psychotherapy, counselling, medical setting, and authorities) in the care of refugees. Method Interpreters in refugee care were recruited for a nationwide online survey in Germany with two measurement time points. Participants provided socio-demographic data and answered questions about the working conditions in their respective main work setting. In addition, psychological distress (Brief Symptom Inventory, BSI-18), work-related exhaustion (Copenhagen Burnout Inventory, CBI), and compassion satisfaction (Professional Quality of Life, ProQOL) were assessed. Results Overall, 158 interpreters were included at t1, of whom 63 were also included at t2. Significantly more traumatic content was interpreted in counselling settings and psychotherapy than in medical and authorities settings (H (3) = 26.09, p < .001). The highest proportion of interpreters with an interpreting degree worked in the authorities setting (Fisher’s exact test, p = .002). Significant differences between the four settings were found for psychological distress (Kruskal–Wallis-test, H (3) = 12.02, p = .01) and work-related exhaustion (Kruskal–Wallis-test, H (3) = 8.10, p = .04) but not for compassion satisfaction. Conclusion The presented results indicate differences regarding working conditions, psychological distress, and work-related exhaustion between different work settings of interpreters. Future studies may explore each setting in greater detail and include a larger sample size to reach a better understanding of the relationship between setting-specific challenges and interpreters’ wellbeing

    a pilot study

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    Background Parents caring for a child with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) are at high risk for psychological distress and have limited access to psychological care. Therefore, a web-based psychological support program for severely distressed parents of children with CF (WEP-CARE) was developed and evaluated for its feasibility and efficacy. Methods A clinical expert panel developed WEP-CARE based on principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy. This web-based writing therapy comprises nine sessions, tailored for the specific needs of caregivers. The pilot study was conducted as a single-group intervention with pre-post-follow-up design. Out of 31 participants, 23 parents completed the intervention (21 female; mean age 37 years; SD = 6.2 years, range 25 – 48 years). Psychological symptoms and quality of life were assessed online by self-report measures at pre- and post-treatment and were followed up three months later. Results On average, the caregivers’ symptoms of anxiety decreased statistically significant and clinical relevant about five points from an elevated (M = 11.4; SD =2.6) to a normal level (M = 6.7; SD = 2.6; p < .001) between pre and post treatment. Fear of disease progression (p < .001) and symptoms of depression (p = .02) significantly decreased as well. Quality of life significantly improved (p = .01). The effects were maintained at the 3-months follow-up assessment. Conclusions WEP-CARE is feasible and promising regarding its efficacy to improve parental mental health and quality of life

    a comparison of prevalence and comorbidity rates with the DSM-IV PTSD classification in two post-conflict samples

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    Background: The World Health Organization recently proposed significant changes to the posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnostic criteria in the 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). Objective: The present study investigated the impact of these changes in two different post-conflict samples. Method: Prevalence and rates of concurrent depression and anxiety, socio-demographic characteristics, and indicators of clinical severity according to ICD-11 in 1,075 Cambodian and 453 Colombian civilians exposed to civil war and genocide were compared to those according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV). Results: Results indicated significantly lower prevalence rates under the ICD-11 proposal (8.1% Cambodian sample and 44.4% Colombian sample) compared to the DSM-IV (11.2% Cambodian sample and 55.0% Colombian sample). Participants meeting a PTSD diagnosis only under the ICD-11 proposal had significantly lower rates of concurrent depression and a lower concurrent total score (depression and anxiety) compared to participants meeting only DSM-IV diagnostic criteria. There were no significant differences in socio- demographic characteristics and indicators of clinical severity between these two groups. Conclusions: The lower prevalence of PTSD according to the ICD-11 proposal in our samples of persons exposed to a high number of traumatic events may counter criticism of previous PTSD classifications to overuse the PTSD diagnosis in populations exposed to extreme stressors. Also another goal, to better distinguish PTSD from comorbid disorders could be supported with our data
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