104 research outputs found

    Cell Type-Specific Roles of NF-κB Linking Inflammation and Thrombosis

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    The transcription factor NF-κB is a central mediator of inflammation with multiple links to thrombotic processes. In this review, we focus on the role of NF-κB signaling in cell types within the vasculature and the circulation that are involved in thrombo-inflammatory processes. All these cells express NF-κB, which mediates important functions in cellular interactions, cell survival and differentiation, as well as expression of cytokines, chemokines, and coagulation factors. Even platelets, as anucleated cells, contain NF-κB family members and their corresponding signaling molecules, which are involved in platelet activation, as well as secondary feedback circuits. The response of endothelial cells to inflammation and NF-κB activation is characterized by the induction of adhesion molecules promoting binding and transmigration of leukocytes, while simultaneously increasing their thrombogenic potential. Paracrine signaling from endothelial cells activates NF-κB in vascular smooth muscle cells and causes a phenotypic switch to a “synthetic” state associated with a decrease in contractile proteins. Monocytes react to inflammatory situations with enforced expression of tissue factor and after differentiation to macrophages with altered polarization. Neutrophils respond with an extension of their life span—and upon full activation they can expel their DNA thereby forming so-called neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), which exert antibacterial functions, but also induce a strong coagulatory response. This may cause formation of microthrombi that are important for the immobilization of pathogens, a process designated as immunothrombosis. However, deregulation of the complex cellular links between inflammation and thrombosis by unrestrained NET formation or the loss of the endothelial layer due to mechanical rupture or erosion can result in rapid activation and aggregation of platelets and the manifestation of thrombo-inflammatory diseases. Sepsis is an important example of such a disorder caused by a dysregulated host response to infection finally leading to severe coagulopathies. NF-κB is critically involved in these pathophysiological processes as it induces both inflammatory and thrombotic responses

    Simvastatin treatment upregulates HO-1 in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm but independently of Nrf2

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    Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), encoded by HMOX1 gene and regulated by Nrf2 transcription factor, is a cytoprotective enzyme. Its deficiency may exacerbate abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) development, which is also often associated with hyperlipidemia. Beneficial effects of statins, the broadly used antilipidemic drugs, were attributed to modulation of Nrf2/HO-1 axis. However, the effect of statins on Nrf2/HO-1 pathway in patients with AAA has not been studied yet. We analyzed AAA tissue from patients treated with simvastatin (N = 28) or without statins (N = 14). Simvastatin treatment increased HO-1 protein level in AAA, both in endothelial cells (ECs) and in smooth muscle cells (SMCs), but increased Nrf2 localization was restricted only to vasa vasorum. Nrf2 target genes HMOX1, NQO1, and GCLM expression remained unchanged in AAA. In vitro studies showed that simvastatin raises HO-1 protein level slightly in ECs and to much higher extent in SMCs, which is not related to Nrf2/ARE activation, although HMOX1 expression is upregulated by simvastatin in both cell types. In conclusion, simvastatin-induced modulation of HO-1 level in ECs and SMCs in vitro is not related to Nrf2/ARE activity. Likewise, divergent HO-1 and Nrf2 localization together with stable expression of Nrf2 target genes, including HMOX1, in AAA tissue denotes Nrf2 independency

    Neutrophils as Regulators and Biomarkers of Cardiovascular Inflammation in the Context of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

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    Neutrophils represent up to 70% of circulating leukocytes in healthy humans and combat infection mostly by phagocytosis, degranulation and NETosis. It has been reported that neutrophils are centrally involved in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) pathogenesis. The natural course of AAA is growth and rupture, if left undiagnosed or untreated. The rupture of AAA has a very high mortality and is currently among the leading causes of death worldwide. The use of noninvasive cardiovascular imaging techniques for patient screening, surveillance and postoperative follow-up is well established and recommended by the current guidelines. Neutrophil-derived biomarkers may offer clinical value to the monitoring and prognosis of AAA patients, allowing for potential early therapeutic intervention. Numerous promising biomarkers have been studied. In this review, we discuss neutrophils and neutrophil-derived molecules as regulators and biomarkers of AAA, and our aim was to specifically highlight diagnostic and prognostic markers. Neutrophil-derived biomarkers may potentially, in the future, assist in determining AAA presence, predict size, expansion rate, rupture risk, and postoperative outcome once validated in highly warranted future prospective clinical studies

    Neutrophil Extracellular Traps in Cardiovascular and Aortic Disease: A Narrative Review on Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targeting

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    Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), composed of DNA, histones, and antimicrobial proteins, are released by neutrophils in response to pathogens but are also recognized for their involvement in a range of pathological processes, including autoimmune diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. This review explores the intricate roles of NETs in different cardiovascular conditions such as thrombosis, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, COVID-19, and particularly in the pathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysms. We elucidate the mechanisms underlying NET formation and function, provide a foundational understanding of their biological significance, and highlight the contribution of NETs to inflammation, thrombosis, and tissue remodeling in vascular disease. Therapeutic strategies for preventing NET release are compared with approaches targeting components of formed NETs in cardiovascular disease. Current limitations and potential avenues for clinical translation of anti-NET treatments are discussed

    Neutrophil Extracellular Traps and Their Implications in Cardiovascular and Inflammatory Disease

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    Neutrophils are primary effector cells of innate immunity and fight infection by phagocytosis and degranulation. Activated neutrophils also release neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) in response to a variety of stimuli. These NETs are net-like complexes composed of cell-free DNA, histones and neutrophil granule proteins. Besides the evolutionarily conserved mechanism to capture and eliminate pathogens, NETs are also associated with pathophysiological processes of various diseases. Here, we elucidate the mechanisms of NET formation and their different implications in disease. We focused on autoinflammatory and cardiovascular disorders as the leading cause of death. Neutrophil extracellular traps are not only present in various cardiovascular diseases but play an essential role in atherosclerotic plaque formation, arterial and venous thrombosis, as well as in the development and progression of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Furthermore, NETosis can be considered as a source of autoantigens and maintains an inflammatory milieu promoting autoimmune diseases. Indeed, there is further need for research into the balance between NET induction, inhibition, and degradation in order to pharmacologically target NETs and their compounds without impairing the patient’s immune defense. This review may be of interest to both basic scientists and clinicians to stimulate translational research and innovative clinical approaches

    AAA Revisited: A Comprehensive Review of Risk Factors, Management, and Hallmarks of Pathogenesis

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    Despite declining incidence and mortality rates in many countries, the abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) continues to represent a life-threatening cardiovascular condition with an overall prevalence of about 2–3% in the industrialized world. While the risk of AAA development is considerably higher for men of advanced age with a history of smoking, screening programs serve to detect the often asymptomatic condition and prevent aortic rupture with an associated death rate of up to 80%. This review summarizes the current knowledge on identified risk factors, the multifactorial process of pathogenesis, as well as the latest advances in medical treatment and surgical repair to provide a perspective for AAA management

    Retroviral targeting of proliferating endothelial cells

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    Tumor growth requires the formation of new blood vessels by endothelial cells. Thus, surface molecules - such as angiogenin receptors - that are selectively expressed on growing endothelium represent an attractive target for directed delivery of compounds to tumor tissue. We attempted to obtain genetically engineered retroviral vectors targeted to the endothelium by inserting the human angiogenin sequence into Moloney murine leukemia virus envelope glycoprotein. Abundant expression of the chimeric protein could be verified. However, while being selective for proliferating human endothelial cells, the recombinant retroviral particles displayed low transduction efficiencies and thus have to be further improved