26 research outputs found

    Le statut systématique du Genévrier oxycèdre Juniperus oxycedrus L. (Cupressacées): une contribution d'ordre biochimique et biométrique

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    Lebreton, Ph., Bayet, C. & Muracciole, M. Le statut systématique du Genévrier oxycèdre Juniperus oxycedrus L. (Cupressacées): une contribution d'ordre biochimique et biométrique. Lazaroa 12:21-42 (1991). Dimensions des galbules et/ou teneur en prodelphinidine des aiguilles permettent très généralement de déterminer les sous-espèces oxycedrus et macrocarpa, respectivement septentrionale-continentale et méridionale-insulaire, du Genévrier oxycèdre Juniperus oxycedrus L. Par contre, la sous-espèce nord-africaine rufescens (en montagne) ne paraît pas distinguable à ces titres de la sous-espèce type. Mais l'étude biochimique plus approfondie d'une (méta)population languedocienne montre l'existence d'un polymorphisme proanthocyanique indépendant de la taille des galbules. Les deux sous-espèces classiquement reconnues pourraient donc n'être que les formes extrêmes, homozygotes por le caractère chimique considéré, d'un même génôme spécifique. Si les spécimens littoraux (Corse, Majorque, Maghreb) correspondent bien à la pleine expression (=prodelphinidine forte) de ce polymorphisme, certains échantillons "péri-littoraux" (Baléares et Lanquedoc) trahissent une introgression (actuelle ou ancienne) avec apparition d'individus hétérozygotes, aux teneurs intermédiaires: des génes "macrocarpa" sont donc bien présents au nord de la Méditerranée, même si le phénomène n'est pas morphologiquement décelable, et ne mérite pas d'être formalisé en termes systématiques

    Les choix de consommation des ménages : une question de revenu avant tout

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    [fre] Les dépenses des ménages sont généralement regroupées selon leur fonction : logement, transport, santé, etc. Elles sont ici rassemblées suivant les caractéristiques des ménages qui les effectuent (catégorie socioprofessionnelle, revenu, âge, etc.). On peut ainsi distinguer les dépenses de luxe de l'approvisionnement quotidien, ou les dépenses rurales des achats urbains. . Sur cette base, le revenu est l'élément le plus déterminant des choix en matière de consommation. Si ses ressources s'élèvent, un ménage consomme nettement plus de produits de luxe, et dépense bien davantage pour accéder à la propriété, mais n'augmente guère ses dépenses d'alimentation et d'entretien courant. . Second déterminant des choix de consommation, l'extension du ménage engendre de nouvelles dépenses (pour les enfants), et modifie la répartition du budget (on loue moins souvent son logement, on dépense moins en loisirs et plus en alimentaire). De même, la consommation est assez sensible au degré d'urbanisation, opposant deux modes de vie extrêmes : d'un côté le rural, de l'autre le parisien, qui privilégie les dépenses de loisirs, de transport, et la location de la résidence principale. . A ces facteurs dominants s'ajoute l'influence limitée de la catégorie socio-professionnelle et celle, très faible, du diplôme. Sans nier l'existence de "dépenses de différenciation sociale", l'influence du milieu social sur la consommation se résume essentiellement à celle du revenu : si un cadre et un ouvrier ont des structures de consommation différentes, c'est davantage à cause de leur écart de revenu, que de leurs professions distinctes. [eng] The Choices in Household Consumption are Basically a Question of Income - Household expenses are usually grouped by function: housing, transportation, health, etc. In this study they are classified according to the characteristics of the households (socio-economic categories, income, age, etc.). As a result, expenditures for luxury items can be distinguished from daily consumption, or rural expenses from urban ones. On this basis, income is the most determining factor for choices regarding consumption. When a household's revenue rises, it consumes substantially more luxury products and spends more for the purchase of housing, but it hardly increase the normal expenses for food and maintenance. . A second factor which determines consumer choices, is that the increase of the household'size produces new expenditures (for the children) and modifies the distribution of the budget (households are less likely to rent their homes, spend less on leisure and more on food). Likewise, consumption is influenced by the degree of urbanization, and marks the difference between two opposite ways of life: on the one hand, the rural one, and, on the other, the Parisian one which gives priority ot expenses for leisure, transportation, and the rental of the principal place of residence. . Apart from these dominating factors, there is also the influence of the socio-economic category of the household, which is limited, and the influence of the education of the household's members which is even more limited. Without negating the existence of "expenses of social différenciation", the influence of the social environment on consumption comes basically from the income factor: an executive and a factory worker may have different structures of consumption, but this can be better explained by the gulf between their incomes than by the difference between their respective occupations. [spa] Las opciones de consumo de los hogares: una cuestión de ingresos ante todo - Los gastos de los hogares se reagrupan generalmente según su función: vivienda, transportes, salud, etc. En el presente artículo se agrupan según las características de los hogares que los efectúan (categoria socio-profesional, ingresos, edad, etc.). Se pueden distinguir, de este modo, los gastos de lujo de los del abastecimiento cotidiano o bien los gastos rurales de los urbanos. . Sobre esta base, el ingreso es el elemento más determinante de las opciones en materia de consumo. Si sus ingresos se incrementan, un hogar consume netamente más productos de lujo y gasta mucho más para acceder a la propiedad pero sin aumentar para nada sus gastos corrientes de alimentación y de mantenimiento. . El segundo aspecto determinante de las opciones de consumo es el aumento de los miembros del hogar que acarrea nuevos gastos (para los niños) y modifica la distribución del presupuesto (se alquila la vivienda con menor frecuencia, se gasta menos en distracciones y más en alimentación). Asimismo, el consumo es muy sensible al grado de urbanización, oponiendose así dos modos de vida extremos: por un lado, el rural y por otro, el parisiense que privilegia los gastos de ocio, de transporte y el alquiler de la vivienda. . A estos factores dominantes se anade la influencia limitada de categoria socio-profesional y en menor intensidad, la relacionada con el hecho de contar con diplomas. Si llegar a negar la existencia de "gastos de diferenciación social", la influencia del medio social sobre el consumo se resume esencialmente a la de los ingresos; si bien un ejecutivo y un obrero tienen estructuras de consumo diferentes, eso se debe sobre todo a la disparidad de ingresos mâs que a la diferencia de sus contextos profesionales.

    Diversité biologique du Genévrier commun, espèce collective flavoniquement polymorphe

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    Three taxa have been described to study common junipers of the old world : Juniperus communis L., Juniperus alpina (Suter) Celak and Juniperus hemisphaerica Presl.. Their populations show a large variability and morphological criteria (habit and leaf morphology) do not always make it possible to differenciate between them. Proanthocyanic (prodelphinidin) analysis was performed on 450 specimens to better understand biological diversity within this complex. A multi-criteria approach (morphology, geography, ecology and biochemistry) yielded reference profiles for J, communis (23 specimens), J. alpina (18 specimens) and J. hemisphaerica (19 specimens). These types were used as guidelines for the analysis of populations found in several mountain ranges which showed, depending on the area, introgression processes (J. communis x J. alpina", J. communis x J. hemisphaerica) revealing the originality of either islands (Corsica) or some mountains that function as continental biogeographic islands (Mount Ventoux, Lure Mountain, Apennines). Creeping junipers found in Mediterranean (Sierra Nevada) and peri-Mediterranean (Pyrénées, Massif Central, Mount Ventoux, Southern Alps pro parte) mountains do not generally belong to the «nana» taxon which is restricted to the Alps and some «islands» (Corsica, Apennines). They are fundamentaly linked with the «communis» taxon (sensu stricto) as are Scandinavian and Baltic populations, whatever their habit. The very high biological diversity of Juniperus aggr. communis L. led the authors to discuss the phylogenetic origins of the main taxa and to propose a new biogeographic scheme for their distribution. Hypotheses are made concerning the ecological consequences of the studied populations’ biochemical structuration on strategies for repelling herbivores.Trois taxons ont été décrits pour réunir les genévriers communs de l’Ancien Monde : Juniperus communis L., Juniperus alpina (Suter) Celak, Juniperus hemisphaerica Presl. Leurs populations présentent une grande variabilité et les critères morphologiques (port et feuillage) ne permettent pas toujours de les séparer sans ambiguïté. Pour parvenir à une approche plus complète de la diversité biologique au sein de ce groupe, 450 spécimens ont été soumis à l’analyse proanthocyanique (prodelphinidine). Une approche multicritères (morphologique, géographique, écologique et biochimique) a tout d’abord permis de caractériser les profils référentiels de J. communis (23 spécimens), J. alpina (18 spécimens) et J. hemisphaerica (19 spécimens). Ces types ont ensuite guidé une analyse de populations présentes dans différents massifs montagneux, mettant en évidence selon les secteurs des processus d’introgression (J. communis x J. alpina ; J. communis x J. hemisphaerica ) qui expriment l’originalité des îles (Corse), ou de certains massifs fonctionnant comme des îles biogéographiques continentales (Ventoux, Lure, Apennins). Plus généralement, les genévriers rampants des montagnes méditerranéennes (Sierra Nevada) et péri-méditerranéennes (Pyrénées, Massif Central, Mont Ventoux, Alpes du Sud pro parte ) ne relèvent pas du taxon «nana», restreint aux Alpes et à quelques «îles» (Corse, Apennins) ; ils sont à rattacher fondamentalement au taxon communis (sensu stricto), comme d’ailleurs les populations Scandinaves et baltes, quel qu’en soit le port. La diversité biologique très marquée de Juniperus aggr. communis L. conduit les auteurs à discuter des origines phylogénétiques des principaux taxons, et à construire un nouveau schéma biogéographique de leur répartition. Des hypothèses sont formulées quant aux conséquences écologiques de la structuration biochimique des populations étudiées sur les tactiques de dissuasion des herbivores.Barbero Marcel, Bayet Christine, Hammoud Abdulillah, Laracine-Pittet Claire, Lebreton Philippe. Diversité biologique du Genévrier commun, espèce collective flavoniquement polymorphe. In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 16,1990. pp. 13-39

    Interferon regulatory factor-6: a gene predisposing to isolated cleft lip with or without cleft palate in the Belgian population.

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    Cleft lip with or without cleft palate is the most frequent craniofacial malformation in humans ( approximately 1/700). Its etiology is multifactorial; some are a result of a genetic mutation, while others may be due to environmental factors, with genetic predisposition playing an important role. The prevalence varies widely between populations and the mode of inheritance remains controversial. The interferon regulatory factor-6 (IRF6) gene has been shown to harbor mutations in patients with van der Woude syndrome, a dominant form of clefts associated with small pits of the lower lip. Moreover IRF6 has been associated with nonsyndromic cleft of the palate (CL/P) in two separate studies. We investigated the role of IRF6 in a set of 195 trios from Belgium. Cleft occurred as an isolated feature. We studied association of the IRF6 locus using two variants: one in the IRF6 gene and the other 100 kpb 3' of the gene. Our independent study group confirms that the IRF6 locus is associated with nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without palate. This result, with previous studies performed in the United States and Italy, shows for the first time the implication of IRF6 in isolated CL/P in northern Europe. It is likely that association to this locus can be identified in various populations and that the IRF6 locus thus represents an important genetic modifier for this multifactorial malformation

    Orofacial clefting: update on the role of genetics.

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    INTRODUCTION: Cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) is one of the most common birth defects in the world. Prevalence varies between populations, with an average of 1/700. CL/P has a major clinical impact, requiring surgical, dental, orthodontic, speech, hearing and psychological management throughout childhood. The aetiology of CL/P is mostly unknown, and it is thought that both genetic and environmental factors play a role. Several causative genes for inherited syndromic forms of CL/P have been identified, and some recent studies have shown that these genes also contribute to the occurrence of isolated forms. Van der Woude syndrome (VWS) is one of the best models for non-syndromic CLP. It is an autosomal dominant disorder characterised by the presence of pits on the lower lip in addition to CL/P. Pits are the only feature distinguishing VWS from isolated clefts. Interestingly, in numerous VWS patients, the lip pits are very small and not readily diagnosed, thus mimicking isolated CL/P. Mutations in the IRF6 gene were shown to be the major genetic cause of VWS.' RESULTS: We performed direct sequence analysis of IRF6 on samples from a large European cohort and identified mutations in 27 (80%) families. This shows that IRF6 is the major causative gene of VWS in Europe also. Moreover, it is the gene to study when a seemingly isolated CL/P patient has minor signs, such as lip pits, since the identification of a mutation in IRF6 is associated with an increase in the risk of having a child with CL/P from 4-6%, the risk of transmission of an isolated cleft, to 50%, the risk of transmission of a dominant Mendelian disorder like VWS. Moreover, we studied the association of isolated CL/P with the IRF6 locus using two variants in a set of 195 patients from Belgium. As in an American study, a clear association was observed. This suggests that IRF6 also contributes to the occurrence of sporadic, isolated CL/P, even if no mutation in the gene can be identified in such patients. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, genes that are mutated in familial syndromic forms of CL/P may be predisposing genetic factors to sporadic isolated CL/P. Due to technological advances and the availability of the human genome sequence, we have now the opportunity to try and unravel the genetic factors behind the various forms of CL/P

    Antioxidant and antigenotoxic properties of compounds isolated from Marrubium deserti de Noé

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    International audienceIn our continual course toward the valorization of traditionally used endemic flora through the analysis of its chemobiodiversity, the phytochemical analysis of aerial parts of Marrubium deserti de Noé was undertaken. Dichloromethane and methanol extracts led to the isolation of terpenoid derivatives among which two were new labdane diterpenes named marrulibacetal A and desertine, respectively. Six of them were known compounds (a mixture of the isomers cyllenin A and 15-epi-cyllenin A, marrubiin, marrulactone, marrulibacetal and β-stigmasterol) and seven known phenolic compounds were also isolated: apigenin and several 7-O-substituted derivatives (apigenin-7-O-β-neohesperidoside, apigenin-7-O-glucoside, terniflorin and apigenin-7-O-glucuronide) together with two phenylethanoid glucosides (acteoside and forsythoside B). The structures and relative configurations of the new compounds were elucidated by MS and a series of 1D and 2D NMR analyses. Some pure compounds have been evaluated for their antioxidant activities through different methods: DPPH and ABTS assays as well as CUPRAC assay. Genotoxic and antigenotoxic activities of extracts and pure compounds were also evaluated in vitro on Escherichia coli PQ37 cells by the SOS Chromotest. Some of the isolated compounds like phenylethanoid derivatives showed stronger antioxidant capacity than trolox and were also able to significantly inhibit β-galactosidase induction caused by the mutagen agent nitrofurantoin

    Pharmacological properties and related constituents of stem bark of Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. (Fabaceae)

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    International audienceObjective To screen methanol and dichloromethane extracts of stem bark of Pterocarpus erinaceus for anti-inflammatory, analgesic, in vitro antioxidant activities and phytochemical analysis. Methods Anti-inflammatory activity was determined by using carrageenan induced-edema of mice paw and croton oil-induced edema of mice ear; analgesic effect was evaluated using acetic acid-induced writhing. Phytochemical screening of extracts was performed by thin layer chromatography. The chromatographic fractionation led to the isolation of main active components as friedelin, lupeol and epicathechin. The structures were established by TLC and nuclear magnetic resonance studies. Results Both methanol and dichloromethane extracts, friedelin, lupeol and epicatechin showed a significant anti-inflammatory effect using croton oil induced-ear edema. Furthermore, the action of dichloromethane extract was more important. At the doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg, the methanol extract was able to reduce the carrageenan induced-hind paw edema, while at the doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg, it showed an important analgesic effect against writhing induced by acetic acid injection of 38.8%, 68.0% and 74.3%, respectively. Antioxidative properties of methanol extract and its dichloromethane and ethyl acetate fractions were assessed by using the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl method. The methanol extract showed the stronger radical scavenging activity than dichloromethane and ethyl acetate fractions, with an antiradical power of 5, 3.5 and 2 respectively. The main components isolated from these extracts as friedelin, lupeol and epicathechin were responsible of these activities. Conclusions The results suggest that the stem bark extracts of Pterocarpus erinaceus possessed important anti-inflammatory, analgesic activities and strong antioxidant properties, therefore, they could be used as natural potential ingredients for pharma ceutical industry