143 research outputs found

    Ten years of integrated care for mental disorders in the Netherlands

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    Background and problem statement: Integrated care for mental disorders aims to encompass forms of collaboration between different health care settings for the treatment of mental disorders. To this end, it requires integration at several levels, i.e. integration of psychiatry in medicine, of the psychiatric discourse in the medical discourse; of localization of mental health care and general health care facilities; and of reimbursement systems.  Description of policy practice: Steps have been taken in the last decade to meet these requirements, enabling psychiatry to move on towards integrated treatment of mental disorder as such, by development of a collaborative care model that includes structural psychiatric consultation that was found to be applicable and effective in several Dutch health care settings. This collaborative care model is a feasible and effective model for integrated care in several health care settings. The Bio Psycho Social System has been developed as a feasible instrument for assessment in integrated care as well.Discussion: The discipline of Psychiatry has moved from anti-psychiatry in the last century, towards an emancipated medical discipline. This enabled big advances towards integrated care for mental disorder, in collaboration with other medical disciplines, in the last decade.Conclusion: Now is the time to further expand this concept of care towards other mental disorders, and towards integrated care for medical and mental co-morbidity. Integrated care for mental disorder should be readily available to the patient, according to his/her preference, taking somatic co-morbidity into account, and with a focus on rehabilitation of the patient in his or her social roles.</p

    Treatment of mental disorder in the primary care setting in the Netherlands in the light of the new reimbursement system: a challenge?

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    Introduction: Different professionals provide health care for mental disorder in the primary care setting. In view of the changing reimbursement system in the Netherlands, information is needed on their specific expertise. <br><br> Method: This study attempts to describe this by literature study, by assessment of expert opinions, and by consulting Associations of the relevant professions. <br><br> Results: There is no clear differentiation of expertise and tasks amongst these professionals in primary care. Notably, distinction between different psychotherapeutic treatment modes provided by psychologists is unclear. <br><br> Discussion: Research is needed to assess actual treatment modules in correlation with patient diagnostic classification for the different professions in primary care. An alternative way of classifying patients, that takes into account not only mental disorder or problems but especially the level of functioning, is proposed to discern which patients can be treated in primary care, and which patients should not. Integrated care models are promising, because many professionals can be involved in treatment of mental disorder in the primary care setting; especially for collaborative care models, evidence favours the treatment of common mental disorders in this setting. <br><br> Conclusion: Integrated care models, such as collaborative care, provide a basis for multidisciplinary care for mental disorder in the primary care setting. Professional responsibilities should be clearly differentiated in order to facilitate integrated care. The level of functioning of patients with mental disorder can be used as indication criterion for treatment in the primary care setting or in Mental Health Institutions. Research to establish the feasibility of this model is needed

    Childhood sexual abuse predicts treatment outcome in conversion disorder/functional neurological disorder. An observational longitudinal study

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    OBJECTIVE: Explore trauma, stress, and other predictive factors for treatment outcome in conversion disorder/functional neurological disorder (CD/FND). METHODS: Prospective observational design. Clinical cohort study among consecutive outpatients with DSM-IV CD/FND in a specialized mental health institution for somatic symptom disorders and related disorders (SSRD), presented between 1 February 2010 and 31 December 2017. Patient files were assessed for early childhood trauma, childhood sexual abuse, current stress, and other predictive factors. Patient-related routine outcome monitoring (PROM) data were evaluated for treatment outcome at physical (Patient Health Questionnaire [PHQ15], Physical Symptoms Questionnaire [PSQ]) level as primary outcome, and depression (Patient Health Questionnaire [PHQ9]), anxiety (General Anxiety Disorder [GAD7]), general functioning (Short Form 36 Health Survey [SF36]), and pain (Brief Pain Inventory [BPI]) as secondary outcome. RESULTS: A total of 64 outpatients were included in the study. 70.3% of the sample reported childhood trauma and 64.1% a recent life event. Mean scores of patients proceeding to treatment improved. Sexual abuse in childhood (F(1, 28) = 30.068, β = 0.608 p < .001) was significantly associated with worse physical (PHQ15, PSQ) treatment outcome. 42.2% reported comorbid depression, and this was significantly associated with worse concomitant depressive (PHQ9) (F[1, 39] = 11.526, β = 0.478, p = .002) and anxiety (GAD7) (F[1,34] = 7.950, β = 0.435, p = .008) outcome. CONCLUSION: Childhood sexual abuse is significantly associated with poor treatment outcome in CD/FND. Randomized clinical trials evaluating treatment models addressing childhood sexual abuse in CD are needed

    Neurocognitive functioning in patients with conversion disorder/functional neurological disorder

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    Neurocognitive symptoms are common in individuals with somatic symptom and related disorders (SSRD), but little is known about the specific impairments in neurocognitive domains in patients with conversion disorder (CD)/functional neurological disorder (FND). This study examines neurocognitive functioning in patients with CD/FND compared to patients with other SSRD. The sample consisted of 318 patients. Twenty-nine patients were diagnosed with CD/FND, mean age 42.4, standard deviation (SD) = 13.8 years, 79.3% women, and 289 patients had other SSRD (mean age 42.1, SD = 13.3, 60.2% women). Patients completed a neuropsychological test battery that addressed a broad range of neurocognitive domains, including information processing speed, attention and executive functioning. Patients with CD/FND had clinically significant neurocognitive deficits in all neurocognitive domains based on normative data comparison. Patients with CD/FND also performed significantly worse than patients with other SSRD on information processing speed (Digit Symbol Substitution Test (V = .115, p = .035), Stroop Color-Word Test (SCWT) card 1 (V = .190, p = .006), and SCWT card 2 (V = .244, p < .001). No CD/FND vs. other SSRD differences were observed in other neurocognitive domains. These findings indicate the patients with CD/FND perform worse on information processing speed tests compared to patients with other SSRD

    Psychometric properties of the Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire (BVAQ) in the general population and a clinical population

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    Introduction: The Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire (BVAQ) has been validated in student samples and small clinical samples, but not in the general population; thus, representative general-population norms are lacking. Aim: We examined the factor structure of the BVAQ in Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social Sciences panel data from the Dutch general population (N = 974). Results: Factor analyses revealed a first-order five-factor model and a second-order two-factor model. However, in the second-order model, the factor interpreted as analyzing ability loaded on both the affective factor and the cognitive factor. Further analyses showed that the first-order test scores are more reliable than the second-order test scores. External and construct validity were addressed by comparing BVAQ scores with a clinical sample of patients suffering from somatic symptom and related disorder (SSRD) (N = 235). BVAQ scores differed significantly between the general population and patients suffering from SSRD, suggesting acceptable construct validity. Age was positively associated with alexithymia. Males showed higher levels of alexithymia. Discussion: The BVAQ is a reliable alternative measure for measuring alexithymia

    Cross-cultural adaptation of the PatientDoctor Relationship Questionnaire (PDRQ-9) in Brazil

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever o processo de adaptação transcultural do Patient-Doctor Relationship Questionnaire (PDRQ-9), além de comparar a concordância entre duas diferentes formas de aplicação. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, com 133 usuários adultos de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde de Porto Alegre, RS. O PDRQ-9 foi respondido pelos participantes de maneira autoaplicada e por meio de entrevista. O instrumento também foi validado por entrevista, utilizando os dados de 628 participantes da Pesquisa de Avaliação do Programa Mais Médicos, um estudo transversal com amostra sistemática de Unidades Básicas de Saúde em todas as regiões do Brasil. Foram realizadas avaliações de equivalência semântica, conceitual e de itens, análise fatorial e avaliação da fidedignidade. RESULTADOS: Todos os itens apresentaram carga fatorial &gt; 0,5 nos diferentes métodos de aplicação e populações na análise fatorial. Foi encontrado alfa de Cronbach de 0,94 no método autoaplicado. A aplicação por meio de entrevista encontrou alfa de Cronbach de 0,95 e 0,94 nas duas amostras diferentes. A utilização do PDRQ-9 por meio de entrevista ou de maneira autoaplicada foi considerada equivalente. CONCLUSÕES: A adaptação transcultural do PDRQ-9 no Brasil replicou a estrutura fatorial encontrada no estudo original, com alta consistência interna. O instrumento poderá ser utilizado como uma nova dimensão na avaliação da qualidade do cuidado em saúde em pesquisas clínicas, na avaliação de serviços e em saúde pública, na gestão em saúde e na formação profissional. Novos estudos poderão ampliar a avaliação de outras propriedades do instrumento, bem como seu comportamento em diferentes populações e contextos.OBJECTIVE: To describe the process of cross-cultural adaptation of the Patient-Doctor Relationship Questionnaire (PDRQ-9), as well as compare the agreement between two different types of application. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study with 133 adult users of a Primary Health Service in Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The PDRQ-9 was answered by the participants as a self-administered questionnaire and in an interview. The instrument was also validated by interview, using data from 628 participants of the Mais Médicos Program Evaluation Research, which is a cross-sectional study with a systematic sample of Primary Care Services in all regions of Brazil. We evaluated the semantic, conceptual, and item equivalence, as well as factor analysis and reliability. RESULTS: All items presented factor loading &gt; 0.5 in the different methods of application and populations in the factor analysis. We found Cronbach’s alpha of 0.94 in the self-administered method. We found Cronbach’s alpha of 0.95 and 0.94 in the two different samples in the interview application. The use of PDRQ-9 with an interview or self-administered was considered equivalent. CONCLUSIONS: The cross-cultural adaptation of the PDRQ-9 in Brazil replicated the factorial structure found in the original study, with high internal consistency. The instrument can be used as a new dimension in the evaluation of the quality of health care in clinical research, in the evaluation of services and public health, in health management, and in professional training. Further studies can evaluate other properties of the instrument, as well as its behavior in different populations and contexts

    Mental health care use in medically unexplained and explained physical symptoms: findings from a general population study

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to explore mental health care utilization patterns in primary and specialized mental health care of people with unexplained or explained physicalnsymptoms. Methods: Data were derived from the first wave of the Netherlands Mental Health Surveyband Incidence Study-2, a nationally representative face-to-face cohort study among the general population aged 18–64 years. We selected subjects with medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) only (MUSonly; n=177), explained physical symptoms only (PHYonly, n=1,952), combined MUS and explained physical symptoms (MUS + PHY, n=209), and controls without physical symptoms (NONE, n=4,168). We studied entry into mental health care and the number of treatment contacts for mental problems, in both primary care and specialized mental health care. Analyses were adjusted for sociodemographic characteristics and presence of any 12-month mental disorder assessed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview 3.0. Results: At the primary care level, all three groups of subjects with physical symptoms showed entry into care for mental health problems significantly more often than controls. The adjusted odds ratios were 2.29 (1.33, 3.95) for MUSonly, 1.55 (1.13, 2.12) for PHYonly, and 2.25 (1.41, 3.57) for MUS + PHY. At the specialized mental health care level, this was the case only for MUSonly subjects (adjusted odds ratio 1.65 [1.04, 2.61]). In both the primary and specialized mental health care, there were no significant differences between the four groups in the number of treatment contacts once they entered into treatment. Conclusion: All sorts of physical symptoms, unexplained as well as explained, were associated with significant higher entry into primary care for mental problems. In specialized mental health care, this was true only for MUSonly. No differences were found in the number of treatment contacts. This warrants further research aimed at the content of the treatment contacts

    Sedentary aging results in structural impairment of the neuromuscular junction and may be attenuated by voluntary endurance exercise

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    An increasingly prominent change in the aging body is the decrease in muscle mass and strength, a condition known as sarcopenia. This is a major cause for the instability in elderly individuals leading to falls and injuries. One possible cause of sarcopenia is the reduced exercise activity of older individuals. The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is the connection by which nerves control muscle movement. This study mainly aims to investigates the possibility that alterations in the structures of the neuromuscular junction with ageing might contribute to impaired control and physical maintenance of aging muscle. Changes in the NMJ include the loss of nerve terminal from the postsynaptic membrane leading to denervation and fragmentation of postsynaptic clusters of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) resulting in tiny islands of receptors. Exercise in ageing animals and humans have shown to have some positive effects on sarcopenic related changes like slowing down the rate of loss in muscle mass and strength. In the neuromuscular junction of old animals and rodents that exercised the age related changes were reported to be less severe and in some cases the NMJ recovered