8 research outputs found

    RNAcentral: A vision for an international database of RNA sequences

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    During the last decade there has been a great increase in the number of noncoding RNA genes identified, including new classes such as microRNAs and piRNAs. There is also a large growth in the amount of experimental characterization of these RNA components. Despite this growth in information, it is still difficult for researchers to access RNA data, because key data resources for noncoding RNAs have not yet been created. The most pressing omission is the lack of a comprehensive RNA sequence database, much like UniProt, which provides a comprehensive set of protein knowledge. In this article we propose the creation of a new open public resource that we term RNAcentral, which will contain a comprehensive collection of RNA sequences and fill an important gap in the provision of biomedical databases. We envision RNA researchers from all over the world joining a federated RNAcentral network, contributing specialized knowledge and databases. RNAcentral would centralize key data that are currently held across a variety of databases, allowing researchers instant access to a single, unified resource. This resource would facilitate the next generation of RNA research and help drive further discoveries, including those that improve food production and human and animal health. We encourage additional RNA database resources and research groups to join this effort. We aim to obtain international network funding to further this endeavor

    Binding and cross-linking of tmRNA to ribosomal protein S1, on and off the Escherichia coli ribosome

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    UV irradiation of an in vitro translation mixture induced cross-linking of 4-thioU-substituted tmRNA to Escherichia coli ribosomes by forming covalent complexes with ribosomal protein S1 and 16S rRNA. In the absence of S1, tmRNA was unable to bind and label ribosomal components. Mobility assays on native gels demonstrated that protein S1 bound to tmRNA with an apparent binding constant of 1 × 10(8) M(–1). A mutant tmRNA, lacking the tag coding region and pseudoknots pk2, pk3 and pk4, did not compete with full-length tmRNA, indicating that this region is required for S1 binding. This was confirmed by identification of eight cross-linked nucleotides: U85, located before the resume codon of tmRNA; U105, in the mRNA portion of tmRNA; U172 in pK2; U198, U212, U230 and U240 in pk3; and U246, in the junction between pk3 and pk4. We concluded that ribosomal protein S1, in concert with the previously identified elongation factor EF-Tu and protein SmpB, plays an important role in tmRNA-mediated trans-translation by facilitating the binding of tmRNA to ribosomes and forming complexes with free tmRNA

    A nomenclature for all signal recognition particle RNAs

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    The signal recognition particle (SRP) is a cytosolic ribonucleoprotein complex that guides secretory proteins to biological membranes in all organisms. The SRP RNA is at the center of the structure and function of the SRP. The comparison of the growing number of SRP RNA sequences provides a rich source for gaining valuable insight into the composition, assembly, and phylogeny of the SRP. In order to assist in the continuation of these studies, we propose an SRP RNA nomenclature applicable to the three divisions of life

    RNAcentral:A comprehensive database of non-coding RNA sequences

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    RNAcentral is a database of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) sequences that aggregates data from specialised ncRNA resources and provides a single entry point for accessing ncRNA sequences of all ncRNA types from all organisms. Since its launch in 2014, RNAcentral has integrated twelve new resources, taking the total number of collaborating database to 22, and began importing new types of data, such as modified nucleotides from MODOMICS and PDB. We created new species-specific identifiers that refer to unique RNA sequences within a context of single species. The website has been subject to continuous improvements focusing on text and sequence similarity searches as well as genome browsing functionality. All RNAcentral data is provided for free and is available for browsing, bulk downloads, and programmatic access at http://rnacentral.org/

    RNAcentral: a comprehensive database of non-coding RNA sequences: a comprehensive database of non-coding RNA sequences

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    RNAcentral is a database of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) sequences that aggregates data from specialised ncRNA resources and provides a single entry point for accessing ncRNA sequences of all ncRNA types from all organisms. Since its launch in 2014, RNAcentral has integrated twelve new resources, taking the total number of collaborating database to 22, and began importing new types of data, such as modified nucleotides from MODOMICS and PDB. We created new species-specific identifiers that refer to unique RNA sequences within a context of single species. The website has been subject to continuous improvements focusing on text and sequence similarity searches as well as genome browsing functionality. All RNAcentral data is provided for free and is available for browsing, bulk downloads, and programmatic access at http://rnacentral.org/