8 research outputs found

    Eigenständige Analgesie mit Piritramid durch Notfallsanitäter – retrospektive Auswertung der elektronischen Einsatzdokumentation

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    Hintergrund Schmerzen sind ein häufiger Behandlungsgrund in der prähospitalen Notfallmedizin. In Bayern delegieren die Ärztlichen Leiter Rettungsdienst (ÄLRD) bei subjektiv nichttolerablen Schmerzen nach isoliertem Extremitätentrauma an Notfallsanitäter (NotSan) landesweit einheitlich die Kurzinfusion von 7,5 mg des Opioidanalgetikums Piritramid. Methode Die Routineeinsatzdokumentation aller Einsätze im bayerischen Rettungsdienst mit Heranziehungen des Delegationsalgorithmus „Isolierte Extremitätenverletzung“ der ÄLRD nach § 4 Abs. 2 Nr. 2c Notfallsanitätergesetz wurde über einen 2‑Jahres-Zeitraum ausgewertet. Evaluiert wurden der Effekt auf die Schmerzintensität nach der numerischen Rating-Skala (NRS) und dem Vorliegen nichttolerabler Schmerzen, Auswirkungen auf die Vitalfunktionen sowie die Notwendigkeit von bestimmten weitergehenden Interventionen. Ergebnisse Bei 7151 identifizierten Einsätzen erfolgte in 6097 Fällen eine eigenständige Analgesie durch NotSan entlang der Delegation der ÄLRD. Die Schmerzintensität nach der NRS konnte von im Median 7 (Interquartilsabstand [IQR] 2) auf 3 (IQR 2, p < 0,001) gesenkt und in 96,9 % ein aus Patientensicht tolerables Niveau erreicht werden. In 9,4 % der Fälle wurde ein Notarzt nachgefordert und in 5,0 % eine ergänzende Analgesie verabreicht. Etwa jeder zehnte Patient erhielt Sauerstoff. Atemwegsinterventionen waren in wenigen Einzelfällen notwendig, eine Antagonisierung nur nach höheren als den delegierten Opiatdosen. Schlussfolgerung Eine vom ÄLRD delegierte und von NotSan eigenständig durchgeführte Opiatgabe senkt das Schmerzniveau relevant. Wesentliche Hinweise auf eine Patientengefährdung fanden sich nicht. Durch dieses Verfahren konnten in Bayern jährlich geschätzt ca. 2500 Notarzteinsätze vermieden werden

    Modeling of GERDA Phase II data

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    The GERmanium Detector Array (GERDA) experiment at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory (LNGS) of INFN is searching for neutrinoless double-beta (0νββ0\nu\beta\beta) decay of 76^{76}Ge. The technological challenge of GERDA is to operate in a "background-free" regime in the region of interest (ROI) after analysis cuts for the full 100\,kg\cdotyr target exposure of the experiment. A careful modeling and decomposition of the full-range energy spectrum is essential to predict the shape and composition of events in the ROI around QββQ_{\beta\beta} for the 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta search, to extract a precise measurement of the half-life of the double-beta decay mode with neutrinos (2νββ2\nu\beta\beta) and in order to identify the location of residual impurities. The latter will permit future experiments to build strategies in order to further lower the background and achieve even better sensitivities. In this article the background decomposition prior to analysis cuts is presented for GERDA Phase II. The background model fit yields a flat spectrum in the ROI with a background index (BI) of 16.040.85+0.7810316.04^{+0.78}_{-0.85} \cdot 10^{-3}\,cts/(kg\cdotkeV\cdotyr) for the enriched BEGe data set and 14.680.52+0.4710314.68^{+0.47}_{-0.52} \cdot 10^{-3}\,cts/(kg\cdotkeV\cdotyr) for the enriched coaxial data set. These values are similar to the one of Gerda Phase I despite a much larger number of detectors and hence radioactive hardware components

    Dynamical Cobordism Conjecture: solutions for end-of-the-world branes

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    Abstract We analyze finite size solutions for a generalized D-dimensional Dudas-Mourad (DM) model featuring dynamical cobordism with neutral and charged end-of-the-world (ETW) defect branes. Confirming a dynamical version of the Cobordism Conjecture, we explicitly construct non-isotropic solutions for the latter codimension one branes and show the appearance of a lower bound δ ≥ 2 D − 1 / D − 2 δ2(D1)/(D2) \delta \ge 2\sqrt{\left(D-1\right)/\left(D-2\right)} for the critical exponent in the scaling behavior of the distance and the curvature close to the wall. This allows us to make a connection to the (sharpened) Swampland Distance Conjecture and the (Anti-) de Sitter Distance Conjecture. Moreover, BPS orientifold planes appear as special cases in our analysis and the whole picture is consistent with dimensional reduction from ten to D dimensions. An analogous analysis is performed for a generalized Blumenhagen-Font (BF) model featuring neutral codimension two ETW-branes where the same lower bound for the scaling parameter δ arises

    Increasing SDR receiver dynamic range by ADC diversity

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    Nowadays, most radio implementations are based on software-defined radio (SDR) technologies. The capabilities of digital signal processing enable new applications like low power wide area networks (LPWAN), which are expected to play a decisive role in the upcoming Internet of Things. Centralized gateways, usually realized in an SDR architecture, are used to connect many thousands of objects to the internet. Due to the high variance of the received signal level, a high dynamic range is required for the SDR receiver front-end. In current receiver architectures, the dynamic range is mainly limited by the analog-to-digital converter (ADC). Several techniques have been proposed to extend the dynamic range by stacking multiple ADCs and driving them with different gain factors. Correlation of quantization noise was identified as key parameter to determine the dynamic range enhancement. This paper compares the proposed techniques and extends existing analysis tools for the use of arbitrary gain factors. Additionally, the influence of further noise sources like thermal noise and jitter are taken into account. The theoretical considerations are supported by simulations and measurements using a real LPWAN SDR implementation

    Heat Treatment of a Ductile AlMgSi Alloy

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    ARTigo – Social Image Tagging [Dataset and Images]

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    ARTigo is a platform that uses crowdsourcing to gather annotations (tags) on works of art (see http://www.artigo.org/). The dataset is compromised of 54.497 objects, which are associated with 18.492 artists (11.519 of which are either anonymous or unknown), 295.343 German-, French-, English-language tags, and 9.669.410 taggings. It is based on a cleansed database dump dated November 15, 2018. The cleansing concerned only the metadata of the objects; tags and taggings are provided „as is“. A current but uncleansed version of the data is available via a RESTful API at: http://www.artigo.org/api.html. The data is licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0. If you are unsure whether your project is a commercial use, please contact us at: [email protected]