167 research outputs found

    Fast growing tree species in alley cropping systems and their influence on microclimate in Germany

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    Paper presented at the 13th North American Agroforesty Conference, which was held June 19-21, 2013 in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada.In Poppy, L., Kort, J., Schroeder, B., Pollock, T., and Soolanayakanahally, R., eds. Agroforestry: Innovations in Agriculture. Proceedings, 13th North American Agroforestry Conference, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, June 19-21, 2013.The production of energy wood on arable land has been increased in Germany during the last years. In this context, agroforestry systems keep a prominent position in agriculture, since they allow the simultaneous production of energy wood and food or feed on the same field. Fast growing trees arranged in hedge structures (alley cropping) can have positive effects on microclimate. Results of different research studies carried out in several alley cropping sites located in eastern Germany show that wind velocity can be reduced by more than 50 percent, even though tree hedgerows were not higher than four meters. The observed reduction of wind speed was depending on the distance to trees, on the orientation of tree hedges as well as on the width of the crop alleys. Potentially negative effects on crop yield were expected due to the shading the peripheries of crop alleys by trees. However, first results indicate that the reduction of the global radiation by short rotation trees did no show any negative effect on crop yield. As an exception, the crop yield on a post-mining site was evenly higher near trees compared to the center of crop alleys. In summary, the establishment of alley cropping with fast growing trees have positive effects on microclimate and hence on the yield stability of crops cultivated in between the tree hedgerows without any significantly negative impact on the recent practice of land management.Christian B�hm (1), Michael Kanzler (1) and Dirk Freese (1) ; 1. Brandenburg University of Technology, Chair of Soil Protection and Recultivation, Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 6, D-03046 Cottbus, Germany.Includes bibliographical references

    Агро- и микроклиматическая оценка условий формирования урожайности винограда

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    Проблема агроклиматического обеспечения аграрного сектора экономики остается важнейшей задачей агрометеорологов и направлена на оценку агроклиматических ресурсов территорий с целью оптимизации размещения сельскохозяйственных культур как условия повышения продуктивности и стабильности отрасли. Актуальность исследований в этом направлении обусловлена отсутствием информации о реально достижимой урожайности отдельных сельскохозяйственных культур как в региональном разрезе, так и на локальном уровне.Проблема агрокліматічеського забезпечення аграрного сектора економіки залишається найважливішою задачею агрометеорології і направлена на оцінку агрокліматічеськіх ресурсів територій з метою оптимізації розміщення сільськогосподарських культур як умови підвищення продуктивності і стабільності галузі. Актуальність досліджень в цьому напрямі обумовлена відсутністю інформації про реально досяжну врожайність окремих сільськогосподарських культур як в регіональному розрізі, так і на локальному рівні

    Uptake and cytotoxicity of citrate-coated gold nanospheres : comparative studies on human endothelial and epithelial cells

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    The use of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) for diagnostic applications and for drug and gene-delivery is currently under intensive investigation. For such applications, biocompatibility and the absence of cytotoxicity of AuNPs is essential. Although generally considered as highly biocompatible, previous in vitro studies have shown that cytotoxicity of AuNPs in certain human epithelial cells was observed. In particular, the degree of purification of AuNPs (presence of sodium citrate residues on the particles) was shown to affect the proliferation and induce cytotoxicity in these cells. To expand these studies, we have examined if the effects are related to nanoparticle size (10, 11 nm, 25 nm), to the presence of sodium citrate on the particles' surface or they are due to a varying degree of internalization of the AuNPs. Since two cell types are present in the major barriers to the outside in the human body, we have also included endothelial cells from the vasculature and blood brain barrier. Results Transmission electron microscopy demonstrates that the internalized gold nanoparticles are located within vesicles. Increased cytotoxicity was observed after exposure to AuNPs and was found to be concentration-dependent. In addition, cell viability and the proliferation of both endothelial cells decreased after exposure to gold nanoparticles, especially at high concentrations. Moreover, in contrast to the size of the particles (10 nm, 11 nm, 25 nm), the presence of sodium citrate on the nanoparticle surface appeared to enhance these effects. The effects on microvascular endothelial cells from blood vessels were slightly enhanced compared to the effects on brain-derived endothelial cells. A quantification of AuNPs within cells by ICP-AES showed that epithelial cells internalized a higher quantity of AuNPs compared to endothelial cells and that the quantity of uptake is not correlated with the amount of sodium citrate on the nanoparticles’ surface. Conclusions In conclusion the higher amount of citrate on the particle surface resulted in a higher impairment of cell viability, but did not enhance or reduce the uptake behavior in endothelial or epithelial cells. In addition, epithelial and endothelial cells exhibited different uptake behaviors for citrate-stabilized gold nanoparticles, which might be related to different interactions occurring at the nanoparticle-cell-surface interface. The different uptake in epithelial cells might explain the higher reduction of proliferation of these cells after exposure to AuNPs treatment although more detailed investigations are necessary to determine subcellular events. Nevertheless an extrinsic effect of sodium-citrate stabilized particles could not be excluded. Thus, the amount of sodium citrate should be reduced to a level on which the stability of the particles and the safety for biomedical applications are guaranteed

    Effekte der Agrarholzproduktion auf den Kohlenstoff- und Nährstoffhaushalt des Bodens im Bereich der Lausitzer Bergbaufolgelandschaft

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    Auf einem Rekultivierungsstandort des Lausitzer Braunkohlereviers wurde vor 4 Jahren die Baumart Robinie (Robinia pseudoacacia) angepflanzt und im Kurzumtriebverfahren bewirtschaftet. Es wurde untersucht, ob sich die Robinie positiv auf die Humusakkumulation im Boden auswirkt und welchen Einfluß die latente Nährstoffarmut (insbesondere im Hinblick auf Phosphor) des Substrates auf das Wuchspotential dieser Baumart ausübt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es unter Robinie innerhalb kurzer Zeit nach Flächenanlage zu einer Humus- bzw. Kohlenstoffakkumulation im Kippsubstrat kommt, worin ein Beitrag zur Erhöhung der Fruchtbarkeit des Standortes gesehen wird. Die durchschnittliche Zuwachsleistung der Robinie ist allerdings durch die geringe P Verfügbarkeit im Substrat deutlich eingeschränkt, wie durch eine versuchsweise P Düngung gezeigt werden konnte. Allerdings war die P-induzierte Wuchssteigerung von nur kurzer Dauer, da bereits eine Vegetationsperiode später der Düngeeffekt nicht mehr nachweisbar war

    Blattstreu-Umsatz in Robinien-Kurzumtriebsplantagen auf Lausitzer Tagebau-Rekultivierungsflächen

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    Ein wichtiges Ziel der Flächenrekultivierung in der Lausitzer Braunkohlen-Tagebauregion ist die nachhaltige Bodenverbesserung durch Anreicherung von Humus in den sich auf den nährstoffarmen Kippsubstraten entwickelnden Böden. Mit Hilfe eines Streubeutel-Experiments wurde während der Vegetationsperiode 2010 die Abbaubarkeit von Laubstreu der Robinie (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) in vier unterschiedlich alten und verschieden bewirtschafteten Kurzumtriebsplantagen zur Biomasseproduktion auf Rekultivierungsflächen in der Region untersucht. Die Auswertung ergab, dass im Mittel nach einer Vegetationsperiode rund 40 % der Laubstreu abgebaut worden war, womit eine vergleichsweise gute Umsetzbarkeit der Robinien-Streu festgestellt werden konnte. Wird die vergleichsweise hohe Wuchsleistung auf den Rekultivierungsstandorten sowie der zusätzliche N-Eintrag durch die N2-fixierende Robinie berücksichtigt, kann demzufolge für Robinie ein nennenswertes Potential zur Bodenverbesserung auf den Rekultivierungsstandorten abgeleitet werden

    A novel blood-brain barrier co-culture System for drug targeting of Alzheimer’s disease : establishment by using acitretin as a model drug

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    In the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) the homeostasis of amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing in the brain is impaired. The expression of the competing proteases ADAM10 (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase 10) and BACE-1 (beta site APP cleaving enzyme 1) is shifted in favor of the A-beta generating enzyme BACE-1. Acitretin–a synthetic retinoid–e.g., has been shown to increase ADAM10 gene expression, resulting in a decreased level of A-beta peptides within the brain of AD model mice and thus is of possible value for AD therapy. A striking challenge in evaluating novel therapeutically applicable drugs is the analysis of their potential to overcome the blood-brain barrier (BBB) for central nervous system targeting. In this study, we established a novel cell-based bio-assay model to test ADAM10-inducing drugs for their ability to cross the BBB. We therefore used primary porcine brain endothelial cells (PBECs) and human neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y) transfected with an ADAM10-promoter luciferase reporter vector in an indirect co-culture system. Acitretin served as a model substance that crosses the BBB and induces ADAM10 expression. We ensured that ADAM10-dependent constitutive APP metabolism in the neuronal cells was unaffected under co-cultivation conditions. Barrier properties established by PBECs were augmented by co-cultivation with SH-SY5Y cells and they remained stable during the treatment with acitretin as demonstrated by electrical resistance measurement and permeability-coefficient determination. As a consequence of transcellular acitretin transport measured by HPLC, the activity of the ADAM10-promoter reporter gene was significantly increased in co-cultured neuronal cells as compared to vehicle-treated controls. In the present study, we provide a new bio-assay system relevant for the study of dru

    Choir singing improves respiratory muscle strength and quality of life in patients with structural heart disease - HeartChoir: a randomised clinical trial

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    Most patients with reduced exercise capacity and acquired or congenital structural heart disease also have a reduced respiratory muscle strength. The aim of this pilot study was to investigate whether choir singing in combination with respiratory muscle training positively influences respiratory muscle strength, exercise capacity and quality of life in this population.; In this single-centre, randomised and open-label interventional study we compared respiratory muscle strength, exercise capacity and quality of life in patients with acquired or congenital structural heart disease who received either standard of care and a 12-week intervention (weekly choir rehearsal and daily breathing exercises) or standard of care alone. The primary endpoint was the difference in change in maximum inspiratory pressure (∆MIP%predicted). Secondary endpoints included the difference in change in maximum expiratory pressure (∆MEP%predicted), exercise capacity quantified as maximal oxygen uptake during exercise (∆MVO2%predicted) and quality of life quantified by the Minnesota living with heart failure questionnaire (∆MLHFQ score).; Overall 24 patients (mean age 65, standard deviation [SD] 19 years, 46% male) were randomised after exclusion. ∆MIP%predicted was significantly higher in the intervention group (∆MIP%predicted +14, SD 21% vs −14, SD 23%; p = 0.008) and quality of life improved significantly (∆MLHFQ score −5, SD 6 vs 3, SD 5; p = 0.006) after 12 weeks. ∆MEP%predicted and ∆MVO2%predicted did not differ between both groups (∆MEP%predicted −3, SD 26% vs −3, SD 16%; p = 1.0 and ∆MVO2%predicted 18, SD 12% vs 10, SD 15%; p = 0.2).; Choir singing in combination with respiratory muscle training improved respiratory muscle strength and quality of life in patients with structural heart disease and may therefore be valuable supplements in cardiac rehabilitation. (Clinical trial registration number: NCT03297918)

    Effect of nitrogen fertilizer and compost on photosynthesis and growth of Virginia fanpetals (Sida hermaphrodita Rusby)

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    Als mehrjährige Bioenergiepflanze kann Sida hermaphrodita eine wichtige Rolle für den Anbau auf marginalen Standorten in der nahen Zukunft spielen. In einem kon­trollierten Topfexperiment wurde der Einfluss von verschiedenen Kompostgehalten (10, 20, 30, 50%) und mineralischem Stickstoffdünger (100 kg N ha–1) auf Biomasse, Wuchshöhe und Kohlenstoffallokation während der Etablierungsphase untersucht. Weiterhin wurden ökophysiologische Parameter (Gaswechsel, Chlorophyllfluoreszenz, Chlorophyllgehalte) mit nicht-destruktiven Methoden bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse des Experimentes zeigen, dass sowohl die Stickstoffdüngung als auch die Kompostgabe positive Effekte für das Wachstumsverhalten hat. Während der Etablierungsphase erreichten die gedüngten Pflanzen eine mittlere Pflanzenhöhe von bis zu 127 cm (maximale Wuchshöhe 168 cm). Die Photosynthese wurde nicht durch die unterschiedlichen Behandlungen beeinflusst. Die mittlere CO2-Austauschrate variiert zwischen 5,8 und 9,9 μmol m–2 s–1 und die Elektronentransportrate zwischen 34,5 und 53,9 μmol m–2 s–1. Die Verwendung von Kompost und Stickstoff ist für eine bessere Biomasseproduktion von Sida in marginalen Böden möglich, auch wenn das Wachstum im ersten Jahr limitiert ist und es negative Rückwirkungen auf die Bestandesetablierung gibt.As a perennial bioenergy crop Sida hermaphrodita can play an important role on marginal lands in the near future. In a controlled pot experiments the influence of various proportions of compost (10, 20, 30, 50%) and nitrogen fertilizer (100 kg N ha–1) on biomass, plant height, and carbon allocation were investigated during the establishment phase. Furthermore, ecophysiological parameters (gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, chlorophyll content,) were determined with non-destructive methods. The results of this experiment demonstrated that nitrogen fertilization and compost application has an overall positive effect on the overall growth performance. During the establishment phase, the fertilized plants reached a mean high of up to 127 cm (maximal plant height up to 168 cm). Photosynthesis was not influenced by the treatments and the mean net CO2-exchange rates varied between 5,8 and 9,9 μmol m–2 s–1 and the electron transport rate between 34,5 and 53,9 μmol m–2 s–1. The application of compost and nitrogen for a better biomass production of Sida on marginal soils is possible, however the growth is limited in the first year with negative effects on the establishment of larger crops

    In vitro investigation of silica nanoparticle uptake into human endothelial cells under physiological cyclic stretch

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    BACKGROUND In general the prediction of the toxicity and therapeutic efficacy of engineered nanoparticles in humans is initially determined using in vitro static cell culture assays. However, such test systems may not be sufficient for testing nanoparticles intended for intravenous application. Once injected, these nanoparticles are caught up in the blood stream in vivo and are therefore in continuous movement. Physical forces such as shear stress and cyclic stretch caused by the pulsatile blood flow are known to change the phenotype of endothelial cells which line the luminal side of the vasculature and thus may be able to affect cell-nanoparticle interactions. METHODS In this study we investigated the uptake of amorphous silica nanoparticles in primary endothelial cells (HUVEC) cultured under physiological cyclic stretch conditions (1 Hz, 5% stretch) and compared this to cells in a standard static cell culture system. The toxicity of varying concentrations was assessed using cell viability and cytotoxicity studies. Nanoparticles were also characterized for the induction of an inflammatory response. Changes to cell morphology was evaluated in cells by examining actin and PECAM staining patterns and the amounts of nanoparticles taken up under the different culture conditions by evaluation of intracellular fluorescence. The expression profile of 26 stress-related was determined by microarray analysis. RESULTS The results show that cytotoxicity to endothelial cells caused by silica nanoparticles is not significantly altered under stretch compared to static culture conditions. Nevertheless, cells cultured under stretch internalize fewer nanoparticles. The data indicate that the decrease of nanoparticle content in stretched cells was not due to the induction of cell stress, inflammation processes or an enhanced exocytosis but rather a result of decreased endocytosis. CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, this study shows that while the toxic impact of silica nanoparticles is not altered by stretch this dynamic model demonstrates altered cellular uptake of nanoparticles under physiologically relevant in vitro cell culture models. In particular for the development of nanoparticles for biomedical applications such improved in vitro cell culture models may play a pivotal role in the reduction of animal experiments and development costs

    Borane adducts of punicine and of its dehydroxy derivatives (pyridinium-1-yl)-2-and 3-phenolates

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    The natural product punicine (Punica granatum) exists in two tautomeric forms, the cross-conjugated mesomeric betaine 1-(pyridinium-1-yl)-2-hydroxy-phenyl-5-olate and the conjugated mesomeric betaine 1-(pyridinium-1-yl)-5-hydroxy-phenyl-2-olate. Punicine as well as its picoline derivatives reacted with tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane exclusively at the 2'-olate group to form zwitterionic borates. Correspondingly, the 5'-dehydroxy derivate of punicine, the conjugated heterocyclic mesomeric betaine 1-(pyridinium-1-yl)-phenyl-2-olate and its picoline derivatives also gave borates, whereas analogous reactions of the cross-conjugated isomer 2'-dehydroxypunicine [1-(pyridinium-1-yl)-phenyl-3-olatel did not result in the formation of stable adducts. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe