825 research outputs found

    Main results from RisĂž's wind-diesel programme 1984-1990

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    Stability of Spatio-Temporal Structures in a Lattice Model of Pulse-Coupled Oscillators

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    We analyze the collective behavior of a lattice model of pulse-coupled oscillators. By studying the intrinsic dynamics of each member of the population and their mutual interactions we observe the emergence of either spatio-temporal structures or synchronized regimes. We perform a linear stability analysis of these structures.Comment: 15 pages, 2 PostScript available upon request at [email protected], Accepted in Physica

    Detection methods for non-Gaussian gravitational wave stochastic backgrounds

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    We address the issue of finding an optimal detection method for a discontinuous or intermittent gravitational wave stochastic background. Such a signal might sound something like popcorn popping. We derive an appropriate version of the maximum likelihood detection statistic, and compare its performance to that of the standard cross-correlation statistic both analytically and with Monte Carlo simulations. The maximum likelihood statistic performs better than the cross-correlation statistic when the background is sufficiently non-Gaussian. For both ground and space based detectors, this results in a gain factor, ranging roughly from 1 to 3, in the minimum gravitational-wave energy density necessary for detection, depending on the duty cycle of the background. Our analysis is exploratory, as we assume that the time structure of the events cannot be resolved, and we assume white, Gaussian noise in two collocated, aligned detectors. Before this detection method can be used in practice with real detector data, further work is required to generalize our analysis to accommodate separated, misaligned detectors with realistic, colored, non-Gaussian noise.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, submitted to physical review D, added revisions in response to reviewers comment

    Simulation study of the inhomogeneous Olami-Feder-Christensen model of earthquakes

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    Statistical properties of the inhomogeneous version of the Olami-Feder-Christensen (OFC) model of earthquakes is investigated by numerical simulations. The spatial inhomogeneity is assumed to be dynamical. Critical features found in the original homogeneous OFC model, e.g., the Gutenberg-Richter law and the Omori law are often weakened or suppressed in the presence of inhomogeneity, whereas the characteristic features found in the original homogeneous OFC model, e.g., the near-periodic recurrence of large events and the asperity-like phenomena persist.Comment: Shortened from the first version. To appear in European Physical Journal

    A lattice NRQCD calculation of the B0−Bˉ0B^0-\bar{B}^0 mixing parameter B_B

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    We present a lattice calculation of the B meson B-parameter B_B using the NRQCD action. The heavy quark mass dependence is explicitly studied over a mass range between m_b and 4m_b with the O(1/mQ)O(1/m_Q) and O(1/mQ2)O(1/m_Q^2) actions. We find that the ratios of lattice matrix elements /2/^2 and /2/^2, which contribute to B_B through mixing, have significant 1/mQ1/m_Q dependence while that of the leading operator /2/^2 has little 1/mQ1/m_Q effect. The combined result for B_B(m_b) has small but non-zero mass dependence, and the B_B(m_b) becomes smaller by 10% with the 1/m_Q correction compared to the static result. Our result in the quenched approximation at \beta=5.9 is B_{B_d}(5 GeV) = 0.75(3)(12), where the first error is statistical and the second is a systematic uncertainty.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, uses REVTeX, typos correcte

    Frame Theory for Signal Processing in Psychoacoustics

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    This review chapter aims to strengthen the link between frame theory and signal processing tasks in psychoacoustics. On the one side, the basic concepts of frame theory are presented and some proofs are provided to explain those concepts in some detail. The goal is to reveal to hearing scientists how this mathematical theory could be relevant for their research. In particular, we focus on frame theory in a filter bank approach, which is probably the most relevant view-point for audio signal processing. On the other side, basic psychoacoustic concepts are presented to stimulate mathematicians to apply their knowledge in this field

    Stellar evolution and modelling stars

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    In this chapter I give an overall description of the structure and evolution of stars of different masses, and review the main ingredients included in state-of-the-art calculations aiming at reproducing observational features. I give particular emphasis to processes where large uncertainties still exist as they have strong impact on stellar properties derived from large compilations of tracks and isochrones, and are therefore of fundamental importance in many fields of astrophysics.Comment: Lecture presented at the IVth Azores International Advanced School in Space Sciences on "Asteroseismology and Exoplanets: Listening to the Stars and Searching for New Worlds" (arXiv:1709.00645), which took place in Horta, Azores Islands, Portugal in July 201

    A NuSTAR Survey of Nearby Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

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    We present a Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR), Chandra, and XMM-Newton survey of nine of the nearest ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs). The unprecedented sensitivity of NuSTAR at energies above 10 keV enables spectral modeling with far better precision than was previously possible. Six of the nine sources observed were detected sufficiently well by NuSTAR to model in detail their broadband X-ray spectra, and recover the levels of obscuration and intrinsic X-ray luminosities. Only one source (IRAS 13120–5453) has a spectrum consistent with a Compton-thick active galactic nucleus (AGN), but we cannot rule out that a second source (Arp 220) harbors an extremely highly obscured AGN as well. Variability in column density (reduction by a factor of a few compared to older observations) is seen in IRAS 05189–2524 and Mrk 273, altering the classification of these borderline sources from Compton-thick to Compton-thin. The ULIRGs in our sample have surprisingly low observed fluxes in high-energy (>10 keV) X-rays, especially compared to their bolometric luminosities. They have lower ratios of unabsorbed 2–10 keV to bolometric luminosity, and unabsorbed 2–10 keV to mid-IR [O iv] line luminosity than do Seyfert 1 galaxies. We identify IRAS 08572+3915 as another candidate intrinsically X-ray weak source, similar to Mrk 231. We speculate that the X-ray weakness of IRAS 08572+3915 is related to its powerful outflow observed at other wavelengths

    Exploiting the benefits of multi-scale analysis in reliability analysis for composite structures

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    This paper investigates two critical issues, namely propagation of multi-scale uncertainty, and selection of failure criteria, related to reliability analysis of composites by using multi-scale methods. Due to the multi-scale architecture of composites, uncertainties exist in both microscale and macroscale parameters. It is necessary, therefore, to consider random variables at various length scales to ensure accurate estimates of the reliability of composites. Three types of homogenization methods, namely rule of mixtures, Mori–Tanaka and computational homogenization, are adopted to link these two scales, and to propagate uncertainty from micro to macro scales. By integrating these homogenization methods with the stochastic finite element method and structural reliability methods, the reliability of composites can be investigated with a limit state function based on a chosen failure criterion. This multi-scale reliability analysis procedure has been applied to analyse laminated fibre reinforced composites made of AS4/3501 carbon/epoxy. Firstly, a comparative study has been conducted to evaluate the performance of the assumed homogenization methods for the reliability of composites, and to identify advantages compared with a single scale analysis. The results show that multi-scale analysis can provide more accurate reliability estimates. Secondly, several popularly used failure criteria for composites have been compared using multi-scale reliability analysis
