93 research outputs found

    First incursion of the Asian root mealybug Ripersiella planetica in Europe (Hemiptera, Coccoidea, Rhizoecidae)

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    The Rhizoecidae is a family of the Coccoidea (hodGSon, 2012) containing 233 species worldwide that are hypogaeic and parasitic on plant roots, hence their common name ‘root mealybugs’ (KozĂĄr & KoncznĂ© BEnEdicty, 2007). Several species are economically important plant pests and Ripersiella hibisci (Kawai & Takagi, 1971) is a regulated quarantine pest in the European Union (mAlumPhy & roBinSon, 2004). The Asian root mealybug Ripersiella planetica (Williams, 2004) has been found recently in Malta.peer-reviewe

    First record of the nesting whitefly, Paraleyrodes minei Iaccarino, 1990 (Hemiptera, Aleyrodidae) in Malta

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    The nesting whitefly, Paraleyrodes minei is the latest exotic whitefly species to be found breeding in Malta and was originally described from specimens collected from Citrus crops in Syria by Iaccario (1990). It is the only member of the subfamily Aleurodicinae that has been found in Malta, all the other species belong to the subfamily Aleyrodinae. Its arrival had been anticipated since it was spreading rapidly in Sicily (Italy), an island only 50 nautical miles to the Northpeer-reviewe

    Pittosporum pit scale, Planchonia Arabidis (Hemiptera: Asterolecaniidae) and its leaf galls induced on Pittosporum Tobira in Southern Italy

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    The morphology of the adult female pittosporum pit scale, Planchonia arabidis, a commonly encountered sap-feeding insect in Europe, is described and illustrated, based on material collected from southern Italy on Pittosporum tobira. Histopathological observations are made for the first time on the aforementioned host-plant on which typical pit galls are induced by P. arabidis. Distribution and host-plant data is also provided for this species at a global level.peer-reviewe

    Faunal review of the whiteflies of the Maltese Archipelago (Hemiptera, Aleyrodidae)

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    The whiteflies (Hemiptera, Aleyrodidae) of the Maltese Archipelago are reviewed, including two Asian species, Aleuroclava jasmini and Dialeurodes kirkaldyi that are recorded from Malta for the first time. Forty percent of the whitefly species recorded from Malta are of non-European origin. A dichotomous key for the identification of the puparial stage of the 17 species of whitefly now known to occur in Malta is presented.peer-reviewe


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    Collection data on nine species of whitefly collected in the coastal and central regions of Montenegro during October 2012 are presented. Three species are recorded from Montenegro for the first time: Aleuroclava aucubae (Kuwana), Aleurotuba jelinekii (Frauenfeld) and Bemisia afer (Priesner & Hosny) complex. Two of the species, A. aucubae and B. afer complex were found in ToloĆĄi, on Citrus sp. and Laurus nobilis, respectively. Aleurotuba jelinekii was found in Podgorica on Viburnum tinus.

    First record of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) (Hemiptera Aleyrodidae) in Montenegro

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    In October 2013, orange spiny whitefly Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) was detected for the first time in Montenegro. It was found in citrus orchards in Baoơići (orange and mandarin), Herceg Novi (mandarin) and Kumbor (orange), in an area of Boka Kotor Bay on the Adriatic Sea (latitude 42° 26’ north). A. spiniferus is regulated in the European Union and therefore an immediate survey of the whole montenegrin coastal area, where citrus production occurs, was undertaken. The pest was additionally found in Djnovići, on a small number of mandarin and lemon trees. A. spiniferus is polyphagous and a major pest of citrus. It originated in southeast Asia and has spread widely in tropical and subtropical Asia, Africa and the Pacific Islands. In Europe it was first detected in Italy (2008) and subsequently in Croatia (2012). It presents a potential risk for citrus production in Montenegro, particularly for the important citrus producing areas of Bar and Ulcinj. These areas, geographically more southern than the area of first detection, are still free from the pest. Additionally, the whitefly presents a potential risk for other host plants grown in Montenegro where the climatic conditions are suitable for acclimatization of A. spiniferus

    On some arthropods associated with Ficus species (Moraceae) in the Maltese Islands

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    An account is given on the 39 arthropod species which were found on different Ficus trees in the Maltese Islands. Seventeen species represent new records for Malta including Anothopoda fici, Asetadiptacus emiliae, Astichus bachmaieri, Ecphylus caudatus, Empoasca alsiosa, Eupristina verticillata, Ficocyba ficaria, Gynaikothrips ficorum, Josephiella microcarpae, Philotrypesis caricae, Pleistodontes sp., Rhaphitelus maculats, Rhyncaphytoptus ficifoliae, Scobicia chevrieri, Silba adipata, Singhiella citrifolii and Zanchius breviceps. Anothopoda fici and Zanchius breviceps, also represent new records for the entire European territory. Of the 39 arthropods, 33 feed on Ficus trees, whereas the rest are either parasitoids or predators of some of these plant feeders. The 33 species which use Ficus as their host-plant spend most of their development on and utilise the aforementioned trees as their main source of food, at least during their larval development.peer-reviewe

    First record of Bougainvillea mealybug (Phenacoccus peruvianus, Pseudococcidae) on sweet pepper in a greenhouse in Austria

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    Im Oktober 2014 wurde in einem GewĂ€chshaus in Wien/Simmering starker Befall der dort wachsenden Paprika­sorten mit der fĂŒr Österreich neuen Bougainvillea-Woll­laus (Phenacoccus peruvianus Granara de Willink 2007) entdeckt. Die LĂ€use lebten hauptsĂ€chlich an den Blatt­unterseiten und StĂ€ngeln, selten auch an den FrĂŒchten in der NĂ€he des Fruchtkelchs. Ihre Eipakete („Ovisac“) waren ebenfalls hĂ€ufig zu finden. Die Ausscheidungen der LĂ€use waren mit Rußtau-Pilzen besiedelt. Dies ist der erste Nachweis ihres Vorkommens an Paprika (Capsicum annuum), an einem Unkraut aus der Familie der Commelinaceae sowie ihres Fundes in Österreich. Der Schad­organismus war bislang zweimal (2012/13 und 2013/14) in der Lage gewesen, im unbeheizten GewĂ€chshaus zu ĂŒberwintern. Es konnte nicht eindeutig geklĂ€rt werden, wie es zu dieser Einschleppung gekommen war. Eine Ausbreitungstendenz war jedenfalls nicht feststellbar. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2015.07.03, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2015.07.03In October 2014 a population of Phenacoccus peruvianus Granara de Willink 2007 mealybugs was found infesting sweet pepper varieties in a glasshouse located in Vienna (Simmering). Most of the mealybugs inhabited the lower surfaces of the leaves, a few could also be found on stems and on fruits near the calyx. Much of the foliage was covered with honeydew which promoted the growth of sooty mould fungi. A considerable number of ovisacs could be detected on leaves and on the lower parts of the plastic pots containing the plants. According to the owner of the glasshouse the mealybugs were first observed 3 years ago in low numbers and appeared this year at high densities. A maximum of up to 100 indi­vi­duals per leaf were observed. Some fruits were directly infested, but the main impact became obvious by a retardation of plant growth so that the Capsicum plants had to be removed from the soil by the middle of October. This is the first record of Phenacoccus peruvianus from Austria, and of sweet pepper and some species of Commelinaceae as host plants. The pathway of its introduction into the glasshouse crop could not be clarified and is discussed here. No further dispersal of the mealybug could be detected. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2015.07.03, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2015.07.0

    First records of Acizzia jamatonica (Kuwayama) and Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore, (Hemiptera: Psyllidae, Aphalaridae) in Montenegro

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    Albizia psyllid, Acizzia jamatonica (Kuwayama), and red gum lerp psyllid, Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore, were found in Montenegro for the first time during 2009 and 2012 respectively. Acizzia jamatonica is native to East Asia, and has spread rapidly in Europe since it was first reported from Italy in 2002. It was first collected from Albizzia julibrissin in Podgorica, September 2009, and subsequently from Albizzia sp. and A. julibrissin in Herceg Novi, October 2010, and June and October 2012, and from A. julibrissin in Kotor, October 2012. Glycaspis brimblecombei is native to Australia, and has been rapidly spreading in Europe since it was first reported from Portugal and Spain in 2007. It was collected on Eucalyptus camaldulensis in Bar, October 2012. Both species of psyllid have the potential to damage amenity trees in urban environments and in commercial plant nurseries
