32 research outputs found

    Leveraging Motivations, Personality, and Sensory Cues for Vertebrate Pest Management

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    Acknowledgments: We wish to thank Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research staff, particularly Peter Millard and Bruce Warburton, for facilitating and supporting this research. Thanks to Jenna Bytheway for infographic design. This research was supported by Strategic Science Investment funding from the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Science and Innovation Group, awarded to Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research. T.W.B. was supported by Marie SkƂodowska-Curie grant number 747120, and A.S. was supported by National Science Foundation grant IOS 1456724.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Cytoplasmic p21(WAF1/CIP1 )expression is correlated with HER-2/ neu in breast cancer and is an independent predictor of prognosis

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    BACKGROUND: HER-2 (c-erbB2/Neu) predicts the prognosis of and may influence treatment responses in breast cancer. HER-2 activity induces the cytoplasmic location of p21(WAFI/CIPI )in cell culture, accompanied by resistance to apoptosis. p21(WAFI/CIPI )is a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor activated by p53 to produce cell cycle arrest in association with nuclear localisation of p21(WAFI/CIPI). We previously showed that higher levels of cytoplasmic p21(WAFI/CIPI )in breast cancers predicted reduced survival at 5 years. The present study examined HER-2 and p21(WAFI/CIPI )expression in a series of breast cancers with up to 9 years of follow-up, to evaluate whether in vitro findings were related to clinical data and the effect on outcome. METHODS: The CB11 anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody and the DAKO Envision Plus system were used to evaluate HER-2 expression in 73 patients. p21(WAFI/CIPI )staining was performed as described previously using the mouse monoclonal antibody Ab-1 (Calbiochem, Cambridge, MA, USA). RESULTS: HER-2 was evaluable in 67 patients and was expressed in 19% of cases, predicting reduced overall survival (P = 0.02) and reduced relapse-free survival (P = 0.004; Cox regression model). HER-2-positive tumours showed proportionately higher cytoplasmic p21(WAFI/CIPI )staining using an intensity distribution score (median, 95) compared with HER-2-negative cancers (median, 47) (P = 0.005). There was a much weaker association between nuclear p21(WAFI/CIPI )and HER-2 expression (P = 0.05), suggesting an inverse relationship between nuclear p21(WAF1/CIP1 )and HER-2. CONCLUSION: This study highlights a new pathway by which HER-2 may modify cancer behaviour. HER-2 as a predictor of poor prognosis may partly relate to its ability to influence the relocalisation of p21(WAFI/CIPI )from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, resulting in a loss of p21(WAFI/CIPI)tumour suppressor functions. Cytoplasmic p21(WAFI/CIPI )may be a surrogate marker of functional HER-2 in vivo

    The INT6 Cancer Gene and MEK Signaling Pathways Converge during Zebrafish Development

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    BACKGROUND: Int-6 (integration site 6) was identified as an oncogene in a screen of tumorigenic mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) insertions. INT6 expression is altered in human cancers, but the precise role of disrupted INT6 in tumorigenesis remains unclear, and an animal model to study Int-6 physiological function has been lacking. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we create an in vivo model of Int6 function in zebrafish, and through genetic and chemical-genetic approaches implicate Int6 as a tissue-specific modulator of MEK-ERK signaling. We find that Int6 is required for normal expression of MEK1 protein in human cells, and for Erk signaling in zebrafish embryos. Loss of either Int6 or Mek signaling causes defects in craniofacial development, and Int6 and Erk-signaling have overlapping domains of tissue expression. SIGNIFICANCE: Our results provide new insight into the physiological role of vertebrate Int6, and have implications for the treatment of human tumors displaying altered INT6 expression

    The human cytoplasmic RNA terminal U-transferase ZCCHC11 targets histone mRNAs for degradation

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    Inhibition of eukaryotic DNA replication leads to the rapid suppression of histone synthesis, via 3â€Č uridylation of cytoplasmic histone mRNAs followed by their Lsm1–7-mediated decapping and degradation. Here we show that the human cytoplasmic RNA terminal U-transferase ZCCHC11, recently implicated in microRNA metabolism, associates with replication-dependent histone mRNAs. Knockdown of ZCCHC11 selectively blocked histone mRNA degradation following inhibition of DNA replication, whereas knockdown of PAPD1 or PAPD5, previously proposed as candidate histone mRNA U-transferases, had no such effect. Furthermore, a reduction in the proportion of histone transcripts that were uridylated was observed following ZCCHC11 knockdown. Our data indicate that ZCCHC11 is the terminal U-transferase responsible for targeting human histone mRNAs for degradation following inhibition or completion of DNA replication

    Cyclin-dependent kinases: masters of the eukaryotic universe

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    Effect of CFIm25 knockout on RNA polymerase II transcription

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    Abstract Objectives Transcription of eukaryotic protein-coding genes by RNA polymerase II (pol II) is a highly regulated process. Most human genes have multiple poly(A) sites, which define different possible mRNA ends, suggesting the existence of mechanisms that regulate which poly(A) site is used. Poly(A) site selection may be mediated by cleavage factor I (CFIm), which is part of the cleavage and polyadenylation (CPA) complex. CFIm comprises CFIm25, CFIm59 and CFim68 subunits. It has been documented that the CPA complex also regulates pol II transcription at the start of genes. We therefore investigated whether CFIm, in addition to its role in poly(A) site selection, is involved in the regulation of pol II transcription. Data description We provide genome-wide data of the effect of reducing by 90% expression of the CFIm25 constituent of CFIm, which is involved in pre-mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation, on pol II transcription in human cells. We performed pol II ChIP-seq in the presence or absence of CFIm25 and with or without an inhibitor of the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)9, which regulates the entry of pol II into productive elongation

    Involvement of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Srs2 in cellular responses to DNA damage

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    In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae the Srs2/RadH DNA helicase promotes survival after ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, and has been implicated in DNA repair, recombination and checkpoint signalling following DNA damage. A second helicase, Sgs1, is the S.cerevisiae homologue of the human BLM and WRN proteins, which are defective in cancer predisposition and/or premature ageing syndromes. Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells lacking both Srs2 and Sgs1 exhibit a severe growth defect. We have identified an Srs2 orthologue in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and have investigated its role in responses to UV irradiation and inhibition of DNA replication. Deletion of fission yeast srs2 caused spontaneous hyper-recombination and UV sensitivity, and simultaneous deletion of the SGS1 homologue rqh1 caused a severe growth defect reminiscent of that seen in the equivalent S.cerevisiae mutant. However, unlike in budding yeast, inactivation of the homologous recombination pathway did not suppress this growth defect. Indeed, the homologous recombination pathway was required for maintenance of normal fission yeast viability in the absence of Srs2, and loss of homologous recombination and loss of Srs2 contributed additively to UV sensitivity. We conclude that Srs2 plays related, but not identical, roles in the two yeast species

    Requirement of Fission Yeast Cid14 in Polyadenylation of rRNAs

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    Polyadenylation in eukaryotes is conventionally associated with increased nuclear export, translation, and stability of mRNAs. In contrast, recent studies suggest that the Trf4 and Trf5 proteins, members of a widespread family of noncanonical poly(A) polymerases, share an essential function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that involves polyadenylation of nuclear RNAs as part of a pathway of exosome-mediated RNA turnover. Substrates for this pathway include aberrantly modified tRNAs and precursors of snoRNAs and rRNAs. Here we show that Cid14 is a Trf4/5 functional homolog in the distantly related fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Unlike trf4 trf5 double mutants, cells lacking Cid14 are viable, though they suffer an increased frequency of chromosome missegregation. The Cid14 protein is constitutively nucleolar and is required for normal nucleolar structure. A minor population of polyadenylated rRNAs was identified. These RNAs accumulated in an exosome mutant, and their presence was largely dependent on Cid14, in line with a role for Cid14 in rRNA degradation. Surprisingly, both fully processed 25S rRNA and rRNA processing intermediates appear to be channeled into this pathway. Our data suggest that additional substrates may include the mRNAs of genes involved in meiotic regulation. Polyadenylation-assisted nuclear RNA turnover is therefore likely to be a common eukaryotic mechanism affecting diverse biological processes