7,835 research outputs found


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    A dry year irrigation suspension has been proposed as a way of reallocating water when aquifer levels are low for the Texas Edwards Aquifer. Under this program, farmers would be paid to suspend irrigation to allow more spring flow or nonagricultural pumping. When irrigation is suspended in the east, springflow response is markedly larger than when suspended in the western portions of the aquifer. Most acreage participates when a $90 per acre payment is offered before the cropping season. Considerably higher payments are needed and less water saved for a suspension program instituted during the cropping season.Crop Production/Industries,

    Seismic Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Interior Flat Plate Connections

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    The demand for modular steel buildings (MSBs) has increased because of the improved quality, fast on-site installation, and lower cost of construction. Steel braced frames are usually utilized to form the lateral load resisting system of MSBs. During earthquakes, the seismic energy is dissipated through yielding of the components of the braced frames, which results in residual drifts. Excessive residual drifts complicate the repair of damaged structures or render them irreparable. Researchers have investigated the use of superelastic shape memory alloys (SMAs) in steel structures to reduce the seismic residual deformations. This study explores the potential of using SMA braces to improve the seismic performance of typical modular steel braced frames. The study utilizes incremental dynamic analysis to judge on the benefits of using such a system. It is observed that utilizing superelastic SMA braces at strategic locations can significantly reduce the inter-storey residual drifts

    Collective traffic-like movement of ants on a trail: dynamical phases and phase transitions

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    The traffic-like collective movement of ants on a trail can be described by a stochastic cellular automaton model. We have earlier investigated its unusual flow-density relation by using various mean field approximations and computer simulations. In this paper, we study the model following an alternative approach based on the analogy with the zero range process, which is one of the few known exactly solvable stochastic dynamical models. We show that our theory can quantitatively account for the unusual non-monotonic dependence of the average speed of the ants on their density for finite lattices with periodic boundary conditions. Moreover, we argue that the model exhibits a continuous phase transition at the critial density only in a limiting case. Furthermore, we investigate the phase diagram of the model by replacing the periodic boundary conditions by open boundary conditions.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Emission from the D1D5 CFT: Higher Twists

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    We study a certain class of nonextremal D1D5 geometries and their ergoregion emission. Using a detailed CFT computation and the formalism developed in arXiv:0906.2015 [hep-th], we compute the full spectrum and rate of emission from the geometries and find exact agreement with the gravity answer. Previously, only part of the spectrum had been reproduced using a CFT description. We close with a discussion of the context and significance of the calculation.Comment: 39 pages, 6 figures, late

    Intertwining Relations for the Deformed D1D5 CFT

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    The Higgs branch of the D1D5 system flows in the infrared to a two-dimensional N=(4,4) SCFT. This system is believed to have an "orbifold point" in its moduli space where the SCFT is a free sigma model with target space the symmetric product of copies of four-tori; however, at the orbifold point gravity is strongly coupled and to reach the supergravity point one needs to turn on the four exactly marginal deformations corresponding to the blow-up modes of the orbifold SCFT. Recently, technology has been developed for studying these deformations and perturbing the D1D5 CFT off its orbifold point. We present a new method for computing the general effect of a single application of the deformation operators. The method takes the form of intertwining relations that map operators in the untwisted sector before application of the deformation operator to operators in the 2-twisted sector after the application of the deformation operator. This method is computationally more direct, and may be of theoretical interest. This line of inquiry should ultimately have relevance for black hole physics.Comment: latex, 23 pages, 3 figure

    Excitations in the deformed D1D5 CFT

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    We perform some simple computations for the first order deformation of the D1D5 CFT off its orbifold point. It had been shown earlier that under this deformation the vacuum state changes to a squeezed state (with the further action of a supercharge). We now start with states containing one or two initial quanta and write down the corresponding states obtained under the action of deformation operator. The result is relevant to the evolution of an initial excitation in the CFT dual to the near extremal D1D5 black hole: when a left and a right moving excitation collide in the CFT, the deformation operator spreads their energy over a larger number of quanta, thus evolving the state towards the infrared.Comment: 26 pages, Latex, 4 figure

    Deforming the D1D5 CFT away from the orbifold point

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    The D1D5 brane bound state is believed to have an `orbifold point' in its moduli space which is the analogue of the free Yang Mills theory for the D3 brane bound state. The supergravity geometry generated by D1 and D5 branes is described by a different point in moduli space, and in moving towards this point we have to deform the CFT by a marginal operator: the `twist' which links together two copies of the CFT. In this paper we find the effect of this deformation operator on the simplest physical state of the CFT -- the Ramond vacuum. The twist deformation leads to a final state that is populated by pairs of excitations like those in a squeezed state. We find the coefficients characterizing the distribution of these particle pairs (for both bosons and fermions) and thus write this final state in closed form.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, Late

    Optimizing Traffic Lights in a Cellular Automaton Model for City Traffic

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    We study the impact of global traffic light control strategies in a recently proposed cellular automaton model for vehicular traffic in city networks. The model combines basic ideas of the Biham-Middleton-Levine model for city traffic and the Nagel-Schreckenberg model for highway traffic. The city network has a simple square lattice geometry. All streets and intersections are treated equally, i.e., there are no dominant streets. Starting from a simple synchronized strategy we show that the capacity of the network strongly depends on the cycle times of the traffic lights. Moreover we point out that the optimal time periods are determined by the geometric characteristics of the network, i.e., the distance between the intersections. In the case of synchronized traffic lights the derivation of the optimal cycle times in the network can be reduced to a simpler problem, the flow optimization of a single street with one traffic light operating as a bottleneck. In order to obtain an enhanced throughput in the model improved global strategies are tested, e.g., green wave and random switching strategies, which lead to surprising results.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure