16 research outputs found

    Development of origin–destination matrices using mobile phone call data

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    In this research, we propose a methodology to develop OD matrices using mobile phone Call Detail Records (CDR) and limited traffic counts. CDR, which consist of time stamped tower locations with caller IDs, are analyzed first and trips occurring within certain time windows are used to generate tower-to-tower transient OD matrices for different time periods. These are then associated with corresponding nodes of the traffic network and converted to node-to-node transient OD matrices. The actual OD matrices are derived by scaling up these node-to-node transient OD matrices. An optimization based approach, in conjunction with a microscopic traffic simulation platform, is used to determine the scaling factors that result best matches with the observed traffic counts. The methodology is demonstrated using CDR from 2.87 million users of Dhaka, Bangladesh over a month and traffic counts from 13 key locations over 3 days of that month. The applicability of the methodology is supported by a validation study

    Impact of shared and autonomous vehicles on travel behavior

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    Modelling Acceleration Decisions in Traffic Streams with Weak Lane Discipline: A Latent Leader Approach

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    Acceleration is an important driving manoeuvre that has been modelled for decades as a critical element of the microscopic traffic simulation tools. The state-of-the art acceleration models have however primarily focused on lane based traffic. In lane based traffic, every driver has a single distinct lead vehicle in the front and the acceleration of the driver is typically modelled as a function of the relative speed, position and/or type of the corresponding leader. On the contrary, in a traffic stream with weak lane discipline, the subject driver may have multiple vehicles in the front. The subject driver is therefore subjected to multiple sources of stimulus for acceleration and reacts to the stimulus from the governing leader. However, only the applied accelerations are observed in the trajectory data, and the governing leader is unobserved or latent. The state-of-the-art models therefore cannot be directly applied to traffic streams with weak lane discipline. This prompts the current research where we present a latent leader acceleration model. The model has two components: a random utility based dynamic class membership model (latent leader component) and a class-specific acceleration model (acceleration component). The parameters of the model have been calibrated using detailed trajectory data collected from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Results indicate that the probability of a given front vehicle of being the governing leader can depend on the type of the lead vehicle and the extent of lateral overlap with the subject driver. The estimation results are compared against a simpler acceleration model (where the leader is determined deterministically) and a significant improvement in the goodness-of-fit is observed. The proposed models, when implemented in microscopic traffic simulation tools, are expected to result more realistic representation of traffic streams with weak lane discipline

    Transferability of Car-Following Models Between Driving Simulator and Field Traffic

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    During the past few decades, there have been two parallel streams of driving behavior research: models using trajectory data collected from the field (using video recordings, GPS, etc.) and models using data from driving simulators (in which the behavior of the drivers is recorded in controlled laboratory conditions). Although the former source of data is more realistic, it lacks information about the driver and is typically not suitable for testing effects of future vehicle technologies and traffic scenarios. In contrast, driving behavior models developed with driving simulator data may lack behavioral realism. However, no previous study has compared these two streams of mathematical models and investigated the transferability of the models developed with driving simulator data to real field conditions in a rigorous manner. The current study aimed to fill this research gap by investigating the transferability of two car-following models between a driving simulator and two comparable real-life traffic motorway scenarios, one from the United Kingdom and the other one from the United States. In this regard, stimulus–response–based car-following models were developed with three microscopic data sources: (a) experimental data collected from the University of Leeds driving simulator, (b) detailed trajectory data collected from UK Motorway 1, and (c) detailed trajectory data collected from Interstate 80 in California. The parameters of these car-following models were estimated by using the maximum likelihood estimation technique, and the transferability of the models was investigated by using statistical tests of parameter equivalence and transferability test statistics. Estimation results indicate transferability at the model level but not fully at the parameter level for both pairs of scenarios

    Quantum probability: A new method for modelling travel behaviour

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    There has been an increasing effort to improve the behavioural realism of mathematical models of choice, resulting in efforts to move away from random utility maximisation (RUM) models. Some new insights have been generated with, for example, models based on random regret minimisation (RRM, ÎĽ-RRM). Notwithstanding work using for example Decision Field Theory (DFT), many of the alternatives to RUM tested on real-world data have however only looked at only modest departures from RUM, and differences in results have consequently been small. In the present study, we address this research gap again by investigating the applicability of models based on quantum theory. These models, which are substantially different from the state-of-the-art choice modelling techniques, emphasise the importance of contextual effects, state dependence, interferences and the impact of choice or question order. As a result, quantum probability models have had some success in better explaining several phenomena in cognitive psychology. In this paper, we consider how best to operationalise quantum probability into a choice model. Additionally, we test the quantum model frameworks on a best/worst route choice dataset and demonstrate that they find useful transformations to capture differences between the attributes important in a most favoured alternative compared to that of the least favoured alternative. Similar transformations can also be used to efficiently capture contextual effects in a dataset where the order of the attributes and alternatives are manipulated. Overall, it appears that models incorporating quantum concepts hold significant promise in improving the state-of-the-art travel choice modelling paradigm through their adaptability and efficient modelling of contextual changes

    Modeling Acceleration Decisions for Freeway Merges

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    In uncongested traffic situations, a merge is executed when the available gap is sufficiently large. However, in congested traffic, acceptable gaps for merging are often not readily available, and merging can involve more complex mechanisms. For example, the driver in the target lane may slow down and cooperate with the merging driver, or the merging driver may become impatient and decide to force in, and compel the lag driver in the target lane to slow down. Choices of the merging plan or tactic affect the gap acceptance and acceleration decisions of the driver. A driver who has decided to force in, for instance, is likely to accept smaller gaps and accelerate to facilitate the merge. The chosen tactic at any instant, however, is not distinctly observable from the vehicle trajectory. The model presented in this paper extends previous research in modeling the effect of merging plans in the lane-changing decisions by integrating the acceleration decisions of the driver with the gap acceptance decisions. A combined model for merging plan choice, gap acceptance, target gap selection, and acceleration decisions of drivers merging from the on-ramp is developed in that regard. Parameters of all components of the models are estimated jointly with detailed vehicle trajectory data collected from Interstate 80 in California. The inclusion of the target gap choice and acceleration behavior components has been supported by a validation case study in which the model has been implemented in MITSIMLab and validated against the observed aggregate traffic data collected from US-101 in California.Federal Highway Administratio

    Developing an Agent-Based Microsimulation for predicting the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) demand in developing countries: A case study of Dhaka, Bangladesh

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    Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) has been widely recognized as an affordable and effective mass transport system that can solve various mobility issues in countries that are unable to afford rail-based mass transit options. However, it is extremely challenging to predict the demand for the first BRT service in a city of a developing country with a weak public transport system using aggregate models, given the radical difference in the level of service between the BRT and the existing modes. Further, there can be substantial changes in the activity and travel patterns in a city after the introduction of the BRT which simpler disaggregate level analysis tools are unable to predict. Agent-based simulation tools, which are the state-of-the-art tools for simulating complex travel behaviour, are hence more appropriate for predicting the network conditions after the introduction of a new BRT system. But the application of such simulation tools has been primarily limited to developed countries where the transport landscape and the travel behaviour are very different from the developing countries. To address this gap, this paper presents a demand forecasting model for BRT and integrates it into an activity-based micro-simulation tool in the context of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh and one of the fastest growing megacities in the world. The model was developed based on an existing multi-agent, activity-based, travel demand simulator (MATSim). The MATSim implementation in the context of Dhaka focused on two aspects: (1) implementing behaviour models in MATSim to reflect the mode choice in the presence of the proposed BRT (2) integrating multiple data sources (including stated-preference data) for calibrating the mode choice and other components of MATSim to realistically mimic the travel behaviour in the city. Once calibrated, different access scenarios for BRT were simulated using MATSim, and the sensitivity of the outputs to different modelling assumptions is tested. Results from the simulation showed that the marginal utility of travel time, travel cost, and pricing structure of BRT significantly influenced BRT travel demands. Also, BRT demand was found to be the highest (25% of the total trips) in the scenario with multi-modal access/egress connections. While such direct model outputs presented in this paper will be useful for the planners to maximise the ridership of the proposed BRT, the calibrated simulator will be also useful for the evaluation of other innovative transport modes in the context of Dhaka in the future

    Modeling of Travel Time Variations on Urban Links in London

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    An econometric framework was developed to combine data from various sources to identify the key factors contributing to travel time variations in Central London. Nonlinear latent variable regression models that explicitly accounted for measurement errors in the data were developed to combine data extracted from automatic number plate recognition cameras and automatic traffic counters. This procedure significantly differed from previous research in this area that was based primarily on traffic flow data and ignored measurement errors. The results indicate that nonlinear latent variable regression models can effectively explain travel time variations on a regular day by using variables related to vehicle type, traffic density, and traffic composition. Test results indicate that the proposed framework for correcting measurement errors yields significant improvements over base models, where such errors are ignored. The findings from the study validate some key hypotheses regarding influences of various factors on speed of urban traffic streams and can serve as a tool for investigation of the causes of traffic congestion. The model framework is general enough for application in other cases in which traffic data have similar measurement errors