231 research outputs found

    Lecture instrumentation based on synchronous speech transcription

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    International audience—Speech transcription can now be achieved quickly enough to generate subtitles in real-time. Research presented in this paper aims to explore the potential of synchronous transcription in instrumenting learning environments, specifically in the context of hybrid lectures. Considering available technologies, we designed a toolset in order to answer the existing needs of students and teachers. This toolset is built around the transcription of the teacher's speech, which acts as a support for interactions and provides data needed by other functionalities. We present here the different interfaces and their components, as well as the results of the user test carried out in real life conditions

    Early warnings and emerging accountability: Total’s responses to global warming, 1971–2021

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    Building upon recent work on other major fossil fuel companies, we report new archival research and primary source interviews describing how Total responded to evolving climate science and policy in the last 50 years. We show that Total personnel received warnings of the potential for catastrophic global warming from its products by 1971, became more fully informed of the issue in the 1980s, began promoting doubt regarding the scientific basis for global warming by the late 1980s, and ultimately settled on a position in the late 1990s of publicly accepting climate science while promoting policy delay or policies peripheral to fossil fuel control. Additionally, we find that Exxon, through the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA), coordinated an international campaign to dispute climate science and weaken international climate policy, beginning in the 1980s. This represents one of the first longitudinal studies of a major fossil fuel company’s responses to global warming to the present, describing historical stages of awareness, preparation, denial, and delay

    Instrumentation of learning situation using automated speech transcription : A prototyping approach

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    International audienceThis paper presents the ongoing conception of a set of tools, based on live transcription of speech during lectures and designed to instrument traditional lectures as well as web conferences or hybrid learning situations. The toolset exploits speech and interactions taking place during courses, keeps track of them and facilitates their reuse both in students' studies and in future iterations of the course delivered by the teacher. Its goal is to help students stay focused on the teacher's explanations and offer them greater possibilities of interactions. The prototype was conceived with an approach based on the analysis of communicational and informational needs of the end users, especially in regard to the instrumentation possibilities offered by the innovative technologies considered in the project. In this paper, we detail the different tools produced in order to offer synchronous and asynchronous support to the learning activity. We describe a real-life test as well as changes brought to the device afterwards, and finally we describe the first experiment conducted with the device

    Scénarisation pédagogique pour des EIAH ouverts (une approche dirigée par les modèles et spécifique au domaine métier)

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    Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à l ouverture des EIAH (EnvironnementsInformatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain), pour répondre à leur faible déploiement dansles établissements de formation, en facilitant leur appropriation par des usagers. Notre travailde recherche s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet REDiM (Réingénierie des EIAH Dirigée par lesModèles) mené au LIUM (Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université du Maine), dont un desobjectifs est d intégrer les enseignants dans le processus de conception des scénariospédagogiques d un EIAH.Nous proposons une approche d ingénierie et de réingénierie pour rendre un EIAH ouvertà la conception et à l adaptation de ses scénarios pédagogiques par les enseignantsutilisateurs. Nous avons défini un processus de conception basé sur la modélisationde scénarios pédagogiques ouverts (SPO), qui permet l instrumentation des enseignantspour les aider dans la conception continue (i.e. qui se poursuit dans l usage) d une activitéd apprentissage. Nous faisons trois propositions scientifiques :- Un modèle de représentation des SPO, qui permet de les structurer en variantes enfonction des contextes d exécution. Nous qualifions ce modèle de rationnel puisqu il s appuieprincipalement sur l approche du Design Rationale que nous avons adaptée à notreproblématique.- Un processus itératif et incrémental d ingénierie et de réingénierie qui guide lesenseignants pour concevoir et adapter des SPO conformes au modèle que nous avonsdéfini.- Une méthode dirigée par les modèles et spécifique au domaine métier pour instrumenterle processus d ouverture des scénarios pédagogiques d un EIAH existant. Cette méthoded instrumentation, reposant sur l IDM (Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles) et le DSM(Domain-Specific Modeling), implique les enseignants utilisateurs de l EIAH, considérés icicomme des experts du domaine. Elle est structurée en plusieurs phases qui amènentprogressivement à définir, de façon spécifique à l EIAH considéré, un langage d expressiondes SPO (ADSGEML - Adaptive Domain-Specific Graphical Educational ModelingLanguage) et un éditeur associé permettant la conception et l adaptation des SPO dansl univers métier de l EIAH.Afin d évaluer et de raffiner nos propositions, nous les avons appliquées sur l EIAH Hop3x , préalablement conçu au LIUM dans le cadre d un autre projet pour pratiquer laprogrammation orientée objet. Nous avons donc élaboré un ADSGEML et un environnementd édition graphique pour permettre aux enseignants de concevoir et d adapterdynamiquement des sessions ouvertes de Hop3x, à un niveau élevé d abstraction.In this thesis, we are interested in opening TEL systems (Technology EnhancedLearning) up in order to respond to the problem of their low deployment in teachinginstitutions, we need to facilitate their adoption by users. Our research work is part ofthe REDiM (French abbreviation which means Model-Driven Re-engineering of TELsystems ) project led by the LIUM Computer Science Laboratory of Le MansUniversity in France. One of the main objectives of this project is to involve teachersin the design process of learning scenarios of a TEL system.We propose an engineering and re-engineering approach for opening TEL systemsin order to facilitate for teachers the design and adaptation of pedagogical scenarios.We defined a design process based on the modeling of Open Pedagogical Scenarios(OPS), which allows the building of supports helping teachers in the continuousdesign of a learning activity (i.e. design which continues in the use process). Wemake three scientific proposals:- A model of OPS representation which defines a structure based on variantsaccording to execution contexts. We consider this model to be rational because it isbased mainly on the Design Rationale approach that we have adapted for ourresearch problem.- An iterative and incremental engineering and re-engineering process that guidesteachers to design and adapt OPS according to the rational model that we define inthis work.- A model-driven and domain-specific method for supporting the process of openingpedagogical scenarios of a legacy TEL system. This method, based on the MDE(Model-Driven Engineering) and DSM (Domain-Specific Modelling), involves teachersusing the TEL system, as they are considered to be domain experts. Our method isdivided into several phases that lead progressively to define the TEL system sADSGEML (Adaptive Educational Graphical Domain-Specific Modelling Language)and an associate editor allowing the design and adaptation of OPS in the businessfield of the TEL system to open for teachers.To evaluate and refine our proposals, we have applied them on the TEL system"Hop3x" which was designed at LIUM under another project for practicing objectorientedprogramming. We therefore developed an ADSGEML and a graphicalediting environment to enable teachers to design and adapt dynamically the openHop3x s learning sessions at a high level of abstraction.LE MANS-BU Sciences (721812109) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Tutoria adap tativa com base no contexto dos estudantes em ambientes de ap rendizagem mediados por tecnologia

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    A context model for a pedagogical scenario explains its users (teachers, designers, and software developers) how a Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) environment will support an educational process so that its structure should express as clearly as possible all elements which compose it (at both of educational and software design levels) and their relationships and should allow making analysis of its behaviour for its future improvement. By means of this work the definition of a context modeling process for adapting tutorship acting during a learning activity in TEL environments is done. The solution will influence the auto regulation of teachers/instructors/ tutors/trainers’ acts concerning adaptive students’ guidance and assistance and also the maintenance and upgrading of teaching strategies/abilities and learning objectsUn modelo de contexto para un escenario pedagógico explica a sus usuarios (profesores, diseñadores y desarrolladores de software) la manera como un entorno de aprendizaje basado en tecnología llevará a cabo el proceso educativo. Por lo tanto, su estructura deberá expresar lo más claramente posible todos los elementos que lo componen (tanto en el nivel educativo como en la fase de diseño del software) y sus interrelaciones, y deberá permitir realizar análisis de su comportamiento para su futuro mejoramiento. Este trabajo define un proceso de modelado del contexto para adaptar acciones tutoriales llevadas a cabo en actividades de aprendizaje mediadas por tecnología y para influenciar la autorregulación de dichas acciones en lo relacionado con la asistencia y monitorización personalizada de las necesidades de los estudiantes frente a la temática específica tratada y el mantenimiento y actualización de las estrategias de enseñanza/aprendizaje y de los objetos de aprendizaje (contenidos).Um modelo de contexto para um cenário pedagógico explica a seus usuários (professores, designers e desenvolvedores de software) a forma como um ambiente de aprendizagem baseado em tecnologia irá realizar o processo educacional. Portanto, sua estrutura deverá expressar com a maior clareza possível todos os elementos que o compõem (tanto a nível educacional quanto na fase do design de software) e suas interrelações, e deverá permitir a análise de seu comportamento para seu melhoramento futuro. Este trabalho define um processo de modelagem do contexto para adequar as ações de tutoria implementadas em atividades de aprendizagem mediadas por tecnologia e para influenciar a auto-regulação de tais ações naquilo que se relaciona com a assistência e monitorização personalizada das necessidades dos estudantes perante a questão específica tratada e a manutenção e atualização das estratégias de ensino / aprendizagem e dos objetos de aprendizagem (conteúdos)

    Approche Domain-Specific Modeling pour l'opérationnalisation des scénarios pédagogiques sur les plateformes de formation à distance

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    Ce travail de recherche porte sur la spécification et l opérationnalisation des scénarios pédagogiques sur les plateformes de formation à distance dans une perspective d'ingénierie et de réingénierie des EIAH (Environnements Informatique pour l Apprentissage Humain). En se situant dans une approche centrée plateformes, nous supposons que les plateformes disposent de leur propre paradigme de conception. Pour cela, nous proposons aux développeurs et à la communauté de développement des plateformes un processus spécifique d identification et d explicitation du langage de conception pédagogique des plateformes de formation par le biais d un métamodèle. Nous exploitons l approche outillée Domain-Specific Modeling comme cadre pratique pour le développement de langages et d'outils de conception graphiques basés sur le métamodèle du langage de conception pédagogique. Afin de répondre à des besoins récurrents d'opérationnalisation de scénarios pédagogiques, nous utilisons également ce métamodèle pour la spécification des modules d import/export intégrés au sein des plateformes. Ces modules permettent d opérationnaliser les scénarios conformes au langage identifié et également d exporter les scénarios existants sur les plateformes afin de permettre leur adaptation par les outils développés. Nous avons expérimenté nos propositions théoriques sur deux plateformes de formation Moodle et Ganesha. Enfin, nous avons vérifié la cohérence de notre approche par la mise à l essai des outils développés. Par le biais de notre approche, nous favorisons une opérationnalisation de ces scénarios sans pertes d information ni de sémantique.In the engineering and reengineering perspective of Technology Enhanced Learning, our research work concerns the specification and the operationalization of learning scenarios on learning platforms. By positioning in an approach centered LMS instructional design, we suppose that each learning platform has its own instructional design language. So, we propose a specific process for its identification and formalization through a metamodel. Based on this metamodel, we use the Domain-Specific Modeling approach as a practical framework for the development of languages and graphical design tools. This metamodel is also used to specify the import/export modules that are integrated into the platforms in order to meet the recurring needs of the operationalization of learning scenarios. These modules allow also the extraction of the existing scenarios on platforms to enable their adaptation on the developed tools. Our theoretical propositions have been tested on two learning platforms: Moodle and Ganesha. On the other hand, the consistency of our approach was checked and validated by implementing and testing the developed tools. Through our approach, we promote scenarios operationalization without loss of information or semantics.LE MANS-BU Sciences (721812109) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Elaboration d'une méthodologie d'instrumentation pédagogique en contexte universitaire,

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    National audienceNous proposons dans cet article les premières étapes de l'établissement d'un canevas méthodologique permettant d'assister les acteurs de l'instrumentation de situations pédagogiques à l'aide d'outils reposant sur des technologies innovantes. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, il a été entrepris une modélisation des différentes parties prenantes ainsi que l'environnement dans lequel s'inscrit cette instrumentation, dans ses dimensions organisationnelles et matérielles. Nous présentons le contexte de la genèse de ce modèle : l'instrumentation par un environnement outillé basé sur la transcription de la parole en direct, ainsi que d'autres technologies à l'état de prototypes de recherche. Abstract. This article presents the first steps in building a methodological framework aiming to assist contributors instrumenting pedagogical situations using tools based on innovative technologies. This framework ought to be used in various possible situations. This variety is described by a model of various stakeholders and the environment where the process is taking place, considering organizational or equipment constraints. Furthermore, we present the context leading to the creation of this model: instrumentation using a toolset based on synchronous speech transcription among other technologies in the research prototype stage

    Bipolarization of posets and natural interpolation

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    The Choquet integral w.r.t. a capacity can be seen in the finite case as a parsimonious linear interpolator between vertices of [0,1]n[0,1]^n. We take this basic fact as a starting point to define the Choquet integral in a very general way, using the geometric realization of lattices and their natural triangulation, as in the work of Koshevoy. A second aim of the paper is to define a general mechanism for the bipolarization of ordered structures. Bisets (or signed sets), as well as bisubmodular functions, bicapacities, bicooperative games, as well as the Choquet integral defined for them can be seen as particular instances of this scheme. Lastly, an application to multicriteria aggregation with multiple reference levels illustrates all the results presented in the paper
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