6 research outputs found

    Mapping the Tray of Electron Beam Melting of Ti-6Al-4V: Properties and Microstructure

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    Using an electron beam melting (EBM) printing machine (Arcam A2X, Sweden), a matrix of 225 samples (15 rows and 15 columns) of Ti-6Al-4V was produced. The density of the specimens across the tray in the as-built condition was approximately 99.9% of the theoretical density of the alloy, ρT. Tensile strength, tensile elongation, and fatigue life were studied for the as-built samples. Location dependency of the mechanical properties along the build area was observed. Hot isostatic pressing (HIP) slightly increased the density to 99.99% of ρT but drastically improved the fatigue endurance and tensile elongation, probably due to the reduction in the size and the distribution of flaws. The microstructure of the as-built samples contained various defects (e.g., lack of fusion, porosity) that were not observed in the HIP-ed samples. HIP also reduced some of the location related variation in the mechanical properties values, observed in the as-printed condition