63 research outputs found

    Improving Active Learning through Advanced Teaching Practices on an Online Course

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    Since the outbreak of the COVID, there has been a great need to advance learning experiences and opportunities for students when the courses are taught remotely. To address the need, the author incorporated the teaching strategies learned from the Culturally Relevant & Responsive Teaching (CRRT) fellows program supported by the NSF TRANSCEnD project. In Fall 2021, the author implemented multiple new teaching techniques and strategies in the CEM453-653 course, delivered entirely online. The specific teaching practices and technologies are: 1) Delivering lectures both live (synchronous) and recordings (asynchronous); 2) Using adaptive technology (Mentimeter & WebEx Poll) with real-time feedback; 3) Using real-world examples and problems; 4) Using an advanced teaching gadget (graphics drawing table) for interactive teaching; and 5) Diversifying Instructional Techniques (in-class exercises, homework assignments, poll questions). The author assessed the effectiveness of the implanted teaching practices and technologies by three different methods: 1) midterm exam score improvement; 2) mid-semester survey; and 3) course evaluation improvement. The results show that 1) the students’ average midterm score has increased 3.6 percent compared to last year’s counterpart, 2) the survey showed overall very positive results, 3) this year’s CEM453-653 teaching evaluation score (4.70 out of 5) outperformed past five years’ average CEM453-653 score (4.26). Other instructors will find their values and consider adopting these technologies and practices. Even though the new teaching gadget and strategies were implemented to the course that is delivered only remotely, these gadgets and strategies can be adapted to both in-person and online courses.https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/btp_expo/1159/thumbnail.jp

    Hands-on Education Module for Modular Construction, 3D Design, and 4D Schedule

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    A paradigm shift in teaching modular construction in higher education and K-12 is proposed as a means to increase the future adoption of the modular construction technique. To this effect, a new education module is presented to STEM educators. This education module is based on LEGOs and directed towards educators in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. The main objectives of the education module are to increase interest and knowledge of modular construction, acknowledge the benefits of using 3D design with 4D scheduling, and create a simulating hands-on educational opportunity. The education module is designed to allow participants to experience a hands-on simulation of modular construction and stick-built construction through building a LEGO project. Participants are challenged to find the advantages and disadvantages in both construction systems first-hand and record their findings. Results are presented from the preliminary testing of this education model on a group of construction management students at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Overall, the survey results showed that the LEGO education module was successful at achieving the project’s three main objectives: 1) increasing the participants’ interest and knowledge of modular construction through an interactive project; 2) increasing the participants’ understanding of the benefits of 3D design with 4D scheduling over the use of 2D drawings; and 3) creating a simulating hands-on educational opportunity to help participants compare modular construction to stick-built construction. In the end, this proposed a new LEGO education module addressing the problems identified from this study with more participants

    Lessons Learned during the Early Phases of a Modular Project: A Case Study of UNLV\u27s Solar Decathlon 2020 Project

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    The U.S. Department of Energy conducts the Solar Decathlon competition as a student-based achievement that encourages sustainable design with energy efficiency and solar energy technologies. In the 2020 competition, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) team designed, fabricated, and constructed a net-zero modular house that applies innovative and highly efficient building technologies. This paper focused on the lessons learned during the early phases of this ongoing modular project. The research methodology included obtaining feedback from key project participants using a well-structured questionnaire. The results showed that the major items/challenges in the project’s planning phase included selecting the modular size, planning the construction system, planning the materials and procurement, estimating costs and duration, selecting a fabricator, collaboration and communication, safety, and planning module transportation. These findings will help modular practitioners and future Solar Decathlon competition participants better understand how and what factors they should consider most during the early phases through the lessons learned

    Cutting-edge Technologies to Achieve a Higher Level of Modular Construction – Literature Review

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    Cost overruns, schedule delays, and a shortage of skilled labor are common problems the construction industry is currently experiencing. Modularization and standardization strategies have the potential to resolve the various problems mentioned above and have been applied for various construction applications for a long time. However, the level of modularization remains low, and modular construction projects have not been getting the full benefits. Thus, this review investigated the cutting-edge technologies currently being utilized to develop the modular construction field. For this paper, qualified research papers were identified using predetermined keywords from previous related research papers. Identified literature was then filtered and analyzed. According to the included reviews, several technologies are being developed for modular construction. For example, automated design and monitoring systems for modularization were developed. In addition, research labs are utilizing robotic arms for modular construction to achieve a high level of completion in the construction industry, as is seen in the manufacturing industry. Despite these efforts, more research and development are necessary because some automation technologies still require manual activities. Thus, there is great potential for further development of modularization techniques, and further research is recommended to achieve high levels of modularization

    Steel Module-to-Concrete Core Connection Methods in High Rise Modular Buildings: A Critical Review

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    Modularization in a high-rise building is different from a small building, as it is exposed to more lateral forces like wind and earthquakes. The integrity, robustness, and overall stability of the modules and their performance is based on the joining techniques and strong structural systems. High lateral stiff construction structures like concrete shear walls and frames, braced steel frames, and steel moment frames are used for the stability of high-rise modular buildings. Similarly, high-rise stick-built buildings have concrete cores and perimeter frames for lateral load strength and stiffness. Methods for general steel-concrete connections are available in many works of literature. However, there are few modular-related papers describing this connection system in modular buildings. This paper aims to review the various research and practice adopted for steel-to-concrete connections in construction and compare the methods between stick-built buildings and modular buildings. The literature review shows that the practice of steel module-to-concrete core connection in high-rise modular buildings is like outrigger beams-to-concrete core connection in stick-built framed buildings. This paper concludes that further studies are needed in developing proper guidelines for a steel module-to-concrete core connection system in high-rise modular buildings

    The Current State and Future Directions of Industrial Robotic Arms in Modular Construction

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    Industrial robotic arms are widely adopted in numerous industries for manufacturing automation under factory settings, which eliminates the limitations of manual labor and provides significant productivity and quality benefits. The U.S. modular construction industry, despite having similar controlled factory environments, still heavily relies on manual labor. Thus, this study investigates the U.S., Canada, and Europe-based leading modular construction companies and research labs implementing industrial robotic arms for manufacturing automation. The investigation mainly considered the current research scope, industry state, and constraints, as well as identifying the types and specifications of the robotic arms in use. First, the study investigated well-recognized modular building associations, the Modular Building Institute (MBI), and renowned architecture design magazine, Dezeen to gather industry updates. The authors discovered one university lab and a few companies that adopted Switzerland-based robotic arms, ABB. Researching ABB robotics led to the discovery of ABB’s competitor, Germany-based KUKA robotic arms. Consequently, research extended to the companies and labs adopting KUKA models. In total, this study has identified seven modular companies and four research labs. All companies employed robotic arms and gantry robot combinations in a production-line-like system for partial automation, and some adopted design standardization for optimization. The common goal among the labs was to achieve greater flexibility and full automation with robotic arms. This study will help companies better implement robotic arm automation by providing recommendations from investigating its current industry status

    Analysis of a Long Volumetric Module Lift Using Single and Multiple Cranes

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    Industrialized and modular construction is a growing construction technique that can transfer a large portion of the construction process to off-site fabrication yards. This method of construction often involves the fabrication, pre-assembly, and transportation of massive and long volumetric modules. The module weight keeps increasing as the modules become more complete (with infill) to minimize the work at the site and, as higher productivity can be achieved at the fabrication shop. Thus, a volumetric module delivery gets more challenging and risky. Despite its importance, past research paid relatively insufficient attention to the problem related to the lifting of heavy modules. This can be a complex and time-consuming problem with multiple lifting for transportation-and-installation operations both in fabrication yard and jobsite, and require complex crane operations (sometimes, more than one crane) due to crane load capacity and load balance/stability. This study investigates this problem by focusing on the structural perspective of lifting such long volumetric modules through simulation studies. Various scenarios of lifting a weighty module from the top using four lifting cables attached to crane hooks (either a single crane or double crane) are simulated in SAP software. The simulations account for various factors pertaining to structural indices, e.g., bending stress and deflection, to identify a proper method of module lifting from a structural point of view. The method can identify differences in structural indices allowing identification of structural efficiency and safety levels during lifting, which further allows the selection of the number of cranes and location of lifting points

    Long-Term Wildfire Reconstruction: In Need of Focused and Dedicated Pre-Planning Efforts

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    Wildfire disasters in the United States impact lives and livelihoods by destroying private homes, businesses, community facilities, and infrastructure. Disaster victims suffer from damaged houses, inadequate shelters, inoperable civil infrastructure, and homelessness coupled with longterm recovery and reconstruction processes. Cities and their neighboring communities require an enormous commitment for a full recovery for as long as disaster recovery processes last. State, county, and municipal governments inherently have the responsibility to establish and provide governance and public services for the benefit and well being of community members. Municipal governments’ comprehensive and emergency response plans are the artifacts of planning efforts that guide accomplishing those duties. Typically these plans include preparation and response to natural disasters, including wildfires. The standard wildfire planning includes and outlines (1) a wildfire hazard assessment, (2) response approaches to prevent human injury and minimize damage to physical property, and (3) near- and long-term recovery and reconstruction efforts. There is often a high level of detail in the assessment section, but the level of detail and specificity significantly lessons to general approaches in the long-term recovery subsection. This paper aims to document the extent of wildfire preparedness at the county level in general, focusing on the long-term recovery subsections of municipal plans. Based on the identified challenges, the researchers provide recommendations for better longer-term recovery and reconstruction opportunities: 1) building permit requirements, 2) exploration of the use of modular construction, 3) address through relief from legislative requirements, and 4) early, simple, funding, and the aid application process