51,643 research outputs found

    Dilaton as a Dark Matter Candidate and its Detection

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    Assuming that the dilaton is the dark matter of the universe, we propose an experiment to detect the relic dilaton using the electromagnetic resonant cavity, based on the dilaton-photon conversion in strong electromagnetic background. We calculate the density of the relic dilaton, and estimate the dilaton mass for which the dilaton becomes the dark matter of the universe. With this we calculate the dilaton detection power in the resonant cavity, and compare it with the axion detection power in similar resonant cavity experiment.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Generation of graph-state streams

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    We propose a protocol to generate a stream of mobile qubits in a graph state through a single stationary parent qubit and discuss two types of its physical implementation, namely, the generation of photonic graph states through an atom-like qubit and those of flying atoms through a cavity-mode photonic qubit. The generated graph states fall into an important class that can hugely reduce the resource requirement of fault-tolerant linear optics quantum computation, which was previously known to be far from realistic. In regard to the flying atoms, we also propose a heralded generation scheme, which allows for high-fidelity graph states even under the photon loss.Comment: Accepted for publication at PRA Rapid Communication

    Genuine Non-Self-Averaging and Ultra-Slow Convergence in Gelation

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    In irreversible aggregation processes droplets or polymers of microscopic size successively coalesce until a large cluster of macroscopic scale forms. This gelation transition is widely believed to be self-averaging, meaning that the order parameter (the relative size of the largest connected cluster) attains well-defined values upon ensemble averaging with no sample-to-sample fluctuations in the thermodynamic limit. Here, we report on anomalous gelation transition types. Depending on the growth rate of the largest clusters, the gelation transition can show very diverse patterns as a function of the control parameter, which includes multiple stochastic discontinuous transitions, genuine non-self-averaging and ultra-slow convergence of the transition point. Our framework may be helpful in understanding and controlling gelation.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Magnetic Moments of Heavy Baryons

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    First non-trivial chiral corrections to the magnetic moments of triplet (T) and sextet (S^(*)) heavy baryons are calculated using Heavy Hadron Chiral Perturbation Theory. Since magnetic moments of the T-hadrons vanish in the limit of infinite heavy quark mass (m_Q->infinity), these corrections occur at order O(1/(m_Q \Lambda_\chi^2)) for T-baryons while for S^(*)-baryons they are of order O(1/\Lambda_\chi^2). The renormalization of the chiral loops is discussed and relations among the magnetic moments of different hadrons are provided. Previous results for T-baryons are revised.Comment: 11 Latex pages, 2 figures, to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Color Reflection Invariance and Monopole Condensation in QCD

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    We review the quantum instability of the Savvidy-Nielsen-Olesen (SNO) vacuum of the one-loop effective action of SU(2) QCD, and point out a critical defect in the calculation of the functional determinant of the gluon loop in the SNO effective action. We prove that the gauge invariance, in particular the color reflection invariance, exclude the unstable tachyonic modes from the gluon loop integral. This guarantees the stability of the magnetic condensation in QCD.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, JHEP styl

    Some Grüss' Type Inequalities in 2-Inner Product Spaces and Applications for Determinantal Integral Inequalities

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    Some new Grüss type inequalities in 2-inner product spaces are given. Using this framework, some determinantal integral inequalities for synchronous functions are also derived

    Elastic Cross Sections for Electron Collisions with Molecules Relevant to Plasma Processing

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    Absolute electron-impact cross sections for molecular targets, including their radicals, are important in developing plasma reactors and testing various plasma processing gases. Low-energy electron collision data for these gases are sparse and only the limited cross section data are available. In this report, elastic cross sections for electron-polyatomic molecule collisions are compiled and reviewed for 17molecules relevant to plasma processing. Elastic cross sections are essential for the absolute scale conversion of inelastic cross sections, as well as for testing computational methods. Data are collected and reviewed for elastic differential, integral, and momentum transfer cross sections and, for each molecule, the recommended values of the cross section are presented. The literature has been surveyed through early 2010.This work is accomplished as a collaboration through APAN (Asia-Pacific Atomic Data Network: a network for dissemination of collisional data relevant to plasmas, discharges, materials, and biosciences). H.C. acknowledges a support by the National Research Foundation of Korea (Grant No. 20100000035), and M.J.B. and S.J.B. support from the Australian Research Council Center of Excellence for Antimatter-Matter Studies. Collaboration between NIFS and NFRI is also acknowledged for the Korea-Japan exchanges

    Strong Decays of Strange Charmed P-Wave Mesons

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    Goldstone boson decays of P-wave Ds∗∗D_s^{**} mesons are studied within the framework of Heavy Hadron Chiral Perturbation Theory. We first analyze the simplest single kaon decays of these strange charmed mesons. We derive a model independent prediction for the width of Ds2D_{s2} and use experimental information on Ds1D_{s1} to constrain the S-wave contribution to D10D_1^0 decay. Single and double pion decay modes are then discussed and shown to be significantly restricted by isospin conservation. We conclude that the pion channels may offer the best hope for detecting one strange member of an otherwise invisible P-wave flavor multiplet.Comment: 16 pages, 2 updated figures not included but available upon request, CALT-68-1902. (Revised estimates for error on Ds2D_{s2} width and for isospin violating neutral pion decay of Ds1′D'_{s1}.
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