33,734 research outputs found

    Alternative Agricultural Policies in Korea

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    Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Fault-tolerant linear optics quantum computation by error-detecting quantum state transfer

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    A scheme for linear optical implementation of fault-tolerant quantum computation is proposed, which is based on an error-detecting code. Each computational step is mediated by transfer of quantum information into an ancilla system embedding error-detection capability. Photons are assumed to be subjected to both photon loss and depolarization, and the threshold region of their strengths for scalable quantum computation is obtained, together with the amount of physical resources consumed. Compared to currently known results, the present scheme reduces the resource requirement, while yielding a comparable threshold region.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Dilaton as a Dark Matter Candidate and its Detection

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    Assuming that the dilaton is the dark matter of the universe, we propose an experiment to detect the relic dilaton using the electromagnetic resonant cavity, based on the dilaton-photon conversion in strong electromagnetic background. We calculate the density of the relic dilaton, and estimate the dilaton mass for which the dilaton becomes the dark matter of the universe. With this we calculate the dilaton detection power in the resonant cavity, and compare it with the axion detection power in similar resonant cavity experiment.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Finite-size scaling theory for explosive percolation transitions

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    The finite-size scaling (FSS) theory for continuous phase transitions has been useful in determining the critical behavior from the size dependent behaviors of thermodynamic quantities. When the phase transition is discontinuous, however, FSS approach has not been well established yet. Here, we develop a FSS theory for the explosive percolation transition arising in the Erd\H{o}s and R\'enyi model under the Achlioptas process. A scaling function is derived based on the observed fact that the derivative of the curve of the order parameter at the critical point tct_c diverges with system size in a power-law manner, which is different from the conventional one based on the divergence of the correlation length at tct_c. We show that the susceptibility is also described in the same scaling form. Numerical simulation data for different system sizes are well collapsed on the respective scaling functions.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure


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    The practices of the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) are an important issue in U.S. - Canada trade disputes and WTO negotiations. This study analyzes the CWB?s effect on U.S. producers by reviewing findings from previous research and developing models to analyze CWB wheat exports to the United States and the competitive structure of Canadian wheat exports in the world market. U.S. grain producers could benefit from the removal of the CWB as the United States could become more competitive in export markets. However, elimination of the CWB could also result in an increase in Canadian wheat exports to the United States as Canadian producers near the border could sell directly to the United States to take advantage of market opportunities. The net effect is difficult to quantify. The net benefits may be significant in the short run, but reduced significantly in the long run. Similarly, if Canada reforms its wheat board by eliminating trade-distorting subsidies, the United States may increase its exports and Canadian exports to the United States may increase. The net benefits from reforming the CWB could be greater than those from eliminating it. However, the United States could benefit the most from complete elimination of state trading enterprises (STEs), since they have elements distorting trade flows and the United States competes with several STEs in the world wheat market.Canadian Wheat Board, state trading enterprises, price discrimination, wheat exports, Crop Production/Industries, International Relations/Trade,

    Phenomenological Theory of Superconductivity and Magnetism in Ho1x_{1-x}Dyx_xNi2_2B2_2C

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    The coexistence of the superconductivity and magnetism in the Ho1x_{1-x}Dyx_xNi2_2B2_2C is studied by using Ginzburg-Landau theory. This alloy shows the coexistence and complex interplay of superconducting and magnetic order. We propose a phenomenological model which includes two magnetic and two superconducting order parameters accounting for the multi-band structure of this material. We describe phenomenologically the magnetic fluctuations and order and demonstrate that they lead to anomalous behavior of the upper critical field. The doping dependence of TcT_c in Ho1x_{1-x}Dyx_xNi2_2B2_2C showing a reentrance behavior are analyzed yielding a very good agreement with experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX, submitted to PR

    Color Reflection Invariance and Monopole Condensation in QCD

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    We review the quantum instability of the Savvidy-Nielsen-Olesen (SNO) vacuum of the one-loop effective action of SU(2) QCD, and point out a critical defect in the calculation of the functional determinant of the gluon loop in the SNO effective action. We prove that the gauge invariance, in particular the color reflection invariance, exclude the unstable tachyonic modes from the gluon loop integral. This guarantees the stability of the magnetic condensation in QCD.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, JHEP styl

    Lamm, Valluri, Jentschura and Weniger comment on "A Convergent Series for the QED Effective Action" by Cho and Pak [Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 86, pp. 1947-1950 (2001)]

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    Complete results were obtained by us in [Can. J. Phys. 71, 389 (1993)] for convergent series representations of both the real and the imaginary part of the QED effective action; these derivations were based on correct intermediate steps. In this comment, we argue that the physical significance of the "logarithmic correction term" found by Cho and Pak in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 1947 (2001)] in comparison to the usual expression for the QED effective action remains to be demonstrated. Further information on related subjects can be found in Appendix A of hep-ph/0308223 and in hep-th/0210240.Comment: 1 page, RevTeX; only "meta-data" update