72 research outputs found

    Plastid differentiation during microgametogenesis determines green plant regeneration in barley microspore culture

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    Developing plants from in vitro culture of microspores or immature pollen grains (androgenesis) is a highly genotype-dependent process whose effectiveness in cereals is significantly reduced by occurrence of albino regenerants. Here, we examined a hypothesis that the molecular differentiation of plastids in barley microspores prior to in vitro culture affects the genotype ability to regenerate green plants in culture. At the mid-to-late uninucleate (ML) stage, routinely used to initiate microspore culture, the expression of most genes involved in plastid transcription, translation and starch synthesis was significantly higher in microspores of barley cv. ‘Mercada’ producing 90% albino regenerants, than in cv. ‘Jersey’ that developed 90% green regenerants. The ML microspores of cv. ‘Mercada’ contained a large proportion of amyloplasts filled with starch, while in cv. ‘Jersey’ there were only proplastids. Using additional spring barley genotypes that differed in their ability to regenerate green plants we confirmed the correlation between plastid differentiation prior to culture and albino regeneration in culture. The expression of GBSSI gene (Granule-bound starch synthaseI) in early-mid (EM) microspores was a good marker of a genotype potential to produce green regenerants during androgenesis. Initiating culture from EM microspores that significantly improved regeneration of green plants may overcome the problem of albinism

    Annual observations of radon activity concentrations in dwellings of Silesian Voivodeship

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    In the paper, results of year-long measurements of radon levels in dwellings on the premises of Silesian Voivodeship are presented. Track etched detectors with polymer CR-39 foils were used in the investigations. As the studied buildings were located in different regions of Silesian Voivodeship, therefore results of measurements were analysed due to possible influence of geological structure or effect of mining operations in places, where given dwellings were situated. Elevated concentrations of radon were measured mostly in dwellings located in areas, where permeable Triassic limestone and dolomite occur, as it has been predicted. On the other hand, the impact of mining activity such as disintegration of rock-body and activation of faults plays an important role, too, because it enables radon migration and its entry into buildings. Beside the analysis of seasonal variations of radon activity concentration, the impact of temperature and pressure on these fluctuations outdoor and indoor buildings has been analysed

    Warunki Prozdrowotne U Pacjentów Z Chorobą Niedokrwienną Serca

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    Introduction. Man, undertaking specific prohealth activities, resisting other, anti-health behavior, can not only avoid deterioration of health, but also improve psychophysical condition.Puprose of the study. The purpose of this study is description of prophylactic activities undertaken by patients with ischemic heart disease, focused on maintaining good health and prevention of its deterioration and establishing if social factors and lifestyle influence pro-health activities in theres patients.Material and methods. The study encomapssed 100 patients (55 men and 45 women) aged between 40 and 70 (aver. Age 58.3±6.3 years) with ischemic heart disease, qualified to operation within the range of the cardiac muscle. Material was collected with the use of the questionnaire, containing „open” questions, which were easily answered by participants and „closed” questions, requiring selection of one or several answers from possibilities given by the authors. Participants described activities within fields mentioned in the questionnaire: eating habits (regularity and quality of meals), physical activity (movement and sports), sleep hygiene, avoiding stimulants, managing stress and taking advantage of medical counseling.Results. 66.7% of women and 61.9% of men seem to be consistent when it applies to reduction of fats of animal origin in diet, unfortunately only 27.8% of women and 24.4% of men responed that fruits and vegetables are an inseparable element of their daily diet. 87% of patients living in villages eat regular breakfast, and only 18.2% of those livin in towns; frequency of eating the remaining meals is the same and amounts to 38.2% and 58.2%, respectively. Unfortunately, only 11.1% of women and 14.5% of men reported that they are systematically involved in some form of activity, whereas 24.4% of women and 25.5% of men do not exercise at all. From among participants, 49% do not smoke, although only 9% have never smoked. The highest percentage of habitual smokers, amounting to as much as 17.4%, was reported among residents of villages. In big cities and small towns it amounted to, respectively, 6.8% and 6.1%. 13% of patients see alcohol drinking as the solution for their problems and 11% in taking antidepressants. Men (20%) reach for alcohol more often than women (4.4%), whereas women (20%) more frequently take antidepressants than men (3.6%). Regular thythm of sleep and activity is maintained by 31% of participants; 33% state that they undergo systematic medical examinations, although the largest group is the oldest patients, between 60 and 70 years of age.Conclusions. 1. People from the oldest age group are most concerned for their health; they more often undergo medical examinations, abide by sleep hygiene and avoid bad habits. 2. People with ischemic heart disease do not take advantage of an opportunity for improvement of their health, a significant percentage of them get involved in anti-health activities.Człowiek, podejmując szczególne działania prozdrowotne, pokonując inne, antyzdrowotne zachowania, może nie tylko zapobiec pogarszaniu się stanu zdrowia, ale także poprawić kondycję psychofizyczną.Celem niniejszego opracowania jest opis działań profilaktycznych podejmowanych przez pacjentów z chorobą niedokrwienną serca, ukierunkowanych na utrzymanie dobrego stanu zdrowia i zapobieganie jego degradacji oraz ustalenie, czy czynniki społeczne i styl życia wpływają na prozdrowotne działania tych pacjentów.Materiał i metody. Badanie obejmowało 100 pacjentów (55 mężczyzn i 45 kobiet) w wieku od 40 do 70 (średnia wieku 58,3±6,3 roku) z chorobą niedokrwienną serca, zakwalifikowanych do operacji w zakresie mięśnia sercowego. Materiał zebrano przy użyciu kwestionariusza zawierającego pytania „otwarte”, na które było łatwo odpowiedzieć uczestnikom, i pytania „zamknięte”, wymagające wyboru jednej lub kilku odpowiedzi podanych przez autorów. Uczestnicy opisali działalność w dziedzinach wymienionych w kwestionariuszu: nawyki żywieniowe (regularność i jakość posiłków), aktywność fizyczna (ruch i sport), higiena snu, unikanie używek, zarządzanie stresem i korzystanie z poradnictwa medycznego.Wyniki. 66,7% kobiet i 61,9% mężczyzn wydaje się zgodne w odniesieniu do redukcji tłuszczów pochodzenia zwierzęcego w diecie. Niestety, tylko 27,8% kobiet i 24,4% odpowiedziało, że owoce i warzywa są nieodłącznym elementem ich codziennej diety. 87% pacjentów mieszkających na wsi je regularne śniadanie, a tylko 18,2% osób mieszkających w miastach; częstotliwość jedzenia posiłków pozostałych jest taka sama i wynosi odpowiednio 38,2% i 58,2%. Niestety, tylko 11,1% kobiet i 14,5% mężczyzn stwierdziło, że systematycznie uczestniczy w jakiejś formie aktywności, podczas gdy 24,4% kobiet i 25,5% mężczyzn nie ćwiczy w ogóle. Spośród uczestników 49% nie pali, ale tylko 9% nigdy nie paliło. Najwyższy odsetek nałogowych palaczy, nawet do 17,4%, odnotowano wśród mieszkańców wsi. W dużych miastach i małych miasteczkach wynosił on odpowiednio 6,8% i 6,1%. 13% pacjentów podało picie alkoholu jako rozwiązanie dla swoich problemów, a 11% przyjmowanie leków przeciwdepresyjnych. Mężczyźni (20%) sięgają po alkohol częściej niż kobiety (4,4%), natomiast kobiety (20%) częściej biorą leki przeciwdepresyjne niż mężczyźni (3,6%). Regularny rytm snu snu i aktywności jest utrzymywany przez 31% uczestników, 33% deklaruje, że poddaje się systematycznym badaniom lekarskim, największa grupa to najstarsi z pacjentów - między 60. a 70. rokiem życia

    Pro-Health Conditions in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease

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    Introduction. Man, undertaking specific prohealth activities, resisting other, anti-health behavior, can not only avoid deterioration of health, but also improve psychophysical condition. Puprose of the study. The purpose of this study is description of prophylactic activities undertaken by patients with ischemic heart disease, focused on maintaining good health and prevention of its deterioration and establishing if social factors and lifestyle influence pro-health activities in theres patients. Material and methods. The study encomapssed 100 patients (55 men and 45 women) aged between 40 and 70 (aver. Age 58.3±6.3 years) with ischemic heart disease, qualified to operation within the range of the cardiac muscle. Material was collected with the use of the questionnaire, containing „open” questions, which were easily answered by participants and „closed” questions, requiring selection of one or several answers from possibilities given by the authors. Participants described activities within fields mentioned in the questionnaire: eating habits (regularity and quality of meals), physical activity (movement and sports), sleep hygiene, avoiding stimulants, managing stress and taking advantage of medical counseling. Results. 66.7% of women and 61.9% of men seem to be consistent when it applies to reduction of fats of animal origin in diet, unfortunately only 27.8% of women and 24.4% of men responed that fruits and vegetables are an inseparable element of their daily diet. 87% of patients living in villages eat regular breakfast, and only 18.2% of those livin in towns; frequency of eating the remaining meals is the same and amounts to 38.2% and 58.2%, respectively. Unfortunately, only 11.1% of women and 14.5% of men reported that they are systematically involved in some form of activity, whereas 24.4% of women and 25.5% of men do not exercise at all. From among participants, 49% do not smoke, although only 9% have never smoked. The highest percentage of habitual smokers, amounting to as much as 17.4%, was reported among residents of villages. In big cities and small towns it amounted to, respectively, 6.8% and 6.1%. 13% of patients see alcohol drinking as the solution for their problems and 11% in taking antidepressants. Men (20%) reach for alcohol more often than women (4.4%), whereas women (20%) more frequently take antidepressants than men (3.6%). Regular thythm of sleep and activity is maintained by 31% of participants; 33% state that they undergo systematic medical examinations, although the largest group is the oldest patients, between 60 and 70 years of age. Conclusions. 1. People from the oldest age group are most concerned for their health; they more often undergo medical examinations, abide by sleep hygiene and avoid bad habits. 2. People with ischemic heart disease do not take advantage of an opportunity for improvement of their health, a significant percentage of them get involved in anti-health activities.Człowiek, podejmując szczególne działania prozdrowotne, pokonując inne, antyzdrowotne zachowania, może nie tylko zapobiec pogarszaniu się stanu zdrowia, ale także poprawić kondycję psychofizyczną. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest opis działań profilaktycznych podejmowanych przez pacjentów z chorobą niedokrwienną serca, ukierunkowanych na utrzymanie dobrego stanu zdrowia i zapobieganie jego degradacji oraz ustalenie, czy czynniki społeczne i styl życia wpływają na prozdrowotne działania tych pacjentów. Materiał i metody. Badanie obejmowało 100 pacjentów (55 mężczyzn i 45 kobiet) w wieku od 40 do 70 (średnia wieku 58,3±6,3 roku) z chorobą niedokrwienną serca, zakwalifikowanych do operacji w zakresie mięśnia sercowego. Materiał zebrano przy użyciu kwestionariusza zawierającego pytania „otwarte”, na które było łatwo odpowiedzieć uczestnikom, i pytania „zamknięte”, wymagające wyboru jednej lub kilku odpowiedzi podanych przez autorów. Uczestnicy opisali działalność w dziedzinach wymienionych w kwestionariuszu: nawyki żywieniowe (regularność i jakość posiłków), aktywność fizyczna (ruch i sport), higiena snu, unikanie używek, zarządzanie stresem i korzystanie z poradnictwa medycznego. Wyniki. 66,7% kobiet i 61,9% mężczyzn wydaje się zgodne w odniesieniu do redukcji tłuszczów pochodzenia zwierzęcego w diecie. Niestety, tylko 27,8% kobiet i 24,4% odpowiedziało, że owoce i warzywa są nieodłącznym elementem ich codziennej diety. 87% pacjentów mieszkających na wsi je regularne śniadanie, a tylko 18,2% osób mieszkających w miastach; częstotliwość jedzenia posiłków pozostałych jest taka sama i wynosi odpowiednio 38,2% i 58,2%. Niestety, tylko 11,1% kobiet i 14,5% mężczyzn stwierdziło, że systematycznie uczestniczy w jakiejś formie aktywności, podczas gdy 24,4% kobiet i 25,5% mężczyzn nie ćwiczy w ogóle. Spośród uczestników 49% nie pali, ale tylko 9% nigdy nie paliło. Najwyższy odsetek nałogowych palaczy, nawet do 17,4%, odnotowano wśród mieszkańców wsi. W dużych miastach i małych miasteczkach wynosił on odpowiednio 6,8% i 6,1%. 13% pacjentów podało picie alkoholu jako rozwiązanie dla swoich problemów, a 11% przyjmowanie leków przeciwdepresyjnych. Mężczyźni (20%) sięgają po alkohol częściej niż kobiety (4,4%), natomiast kobiety (20%) częściej biorą leki przeciwdepresyjne niż mężczyźni (3,6%). Regularny rytm snu snu i aktywności jest utrzymywany przez 31% uczestników, 33% deklaruje, że poddaje się systematycznym badaniom lekarskim, największa grupa to najstarsi z pacjentów - między 60. a 70. rokiem życia

    The location of nectaries and nectar secretion in the flowers of Allium giganteum Regel

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    In the flowers of Allium there are found septal nectaries; in particular species, their outlet can be located in different parts of the ovary. The inflorescences of these plants are a rich source of nectar for insects. The location and structure of septal nectaries in the flowers of Allium giganteum Regel were investigated. Light and scanning electron microscopy was used. The septal nectaries were found to be located in the lower part of the ovary and in the gynophore on which the ovary is borne. Nectar is secreted into the nectary slits from which it flows through the ducts to three openings located in the upper part of the gynophore, from whence it gets outside in the vicinity of the expanded parts of the filaments. Sugar concentration in the nectar of A. giganteum averaged 54.5%, while sugar weight per flower was determined to be 0.36 mg. When converted into sugar weight per inflorescence, numbering more than 2,000 flowers, it was 771.7 mg

    Assessment of Salix spp. pollen availability to insects based on aerobiological investigations

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    Pollen and nectar produced by flowers of species from the genus Salix are an important source of food for various insect groups in early spring. Most willows are entomophilous species; however, substantial amounts of airborne Salix pollen can be noted. The aim of the study was to evaluate the content of pollen of this taxon in the air of Lublin (central-east Poland) in 2001–2016 and to identify the period of its greatest availability to insects. In 2015, we compared the course of the Salix pollen season in Lublin (51°14'37" N; 22°32'25" E) and in the Roztoczański National Park (50°34'57" N; 23°04'24" E), Poland. We found that the date of the pollen season onset fluctuated greatly between March 16 and April 17. The greatest availability of Salix pollen to insects was noted from the end of the first 10-day-period of April to the first 10-day-period of May. The mean annual sum of airborne Salix pollen grains was 833. In Lublin, Salix pollen accounted for ca. 1.25% of the total airborne pollen content of different plant taxa. The investigations have demonstrated a 2-year cycle of Salix pollen abundance. The comparison of the pollen seasons in Lublin and in the Roztoczański National Park indicates that considerably greater amounts of pollen occur in the urban area than in the air of the Roztoczański National Park

    Whole Exome Sequencing-Based Identification of a Novel Gene Involved in Root Hair Development in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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    Root hairs play a crucial role in anchoring plants in soil, interaction with microorganisms and nutrient uptake from the rhizosphere. In contrast to Arabidopsis, there is a limited knowledge of root hair morphogenesis in monocots, including barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). We have isolated barley mutant rhp1.e with an abnormal root hair phenotype after chemical mutagenesis of spring cultivar ‘Sebastian’. The development of root hairs was initiated in the mutant but inhibited at the very early stage of tip growth. The length of root hairs reached only 3% of the length of parent cultivar. Using a whole exome sequencing (WES) approach, we identified G1674A mutation in the HORVU1Hr1G077230 gene, located on chromosome 1HL and encoding a cellulose synthaselike C1 protein (HvCSLC1) that might be involved in the xyloglucan (XyG) synthesis in root hairs. The identified mutation led to the retention of the second intron and premature termination of the HvCSLC1 protein. The mutation co-segregated with the abnormal root hair phenotype in the F2 progeny of rhp1.e mutant and its wild-type parent. Additionally, different substitutions in HORVU1Hr1G077230 were found in four other allelic mutants with the same root hair phenotype. Here, we discuss the putative role of HvCSLC1 protein in root hair tube elongation in barley

    Creation of a TILLING population in barley after chemical mutagenesis with sodium azide and MNU

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    Since the development of the Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genome (TILLING) strategy, it has been applied in both plants and animals in many studies. The creation of an appropriate population is the first and most crucial step of TILLING. The goal is to obtain a highly mutagenized population that allows many mutations in any gene of interest to be found. Therefore, an effective method of mutation induction should be developed. A high mutation density is associated with saving time, costs, and the labor required for the development of a TILLING platform. The proper handling of the mutated generations, the establishment of a seed bank, and the development of a DNA library are essential for creating a TILLING population. The database in which all of the data from the molecular and phenotypic analyses are collected is a very useful tool for maintaining such population. Once developed, a TILLING population can serve as a renewable resource of mutations for research that uses both forward and reverse genetic approaches. In this chapter, we describe the methods for the development and maintenance of a TILLING population in barley

    Betula pollen season in southern Poland in 2016

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    The paper presents a comparison of birch pollen seasons in 2016 in study sites located in the southern part of Poland: Zielona Gora, Opole, Wroclaw, Sosnowiec, Cracow, Lublin, and Guciow in the Roztocze National Park. The pollen concentrations were measured with the volumetric method using Burkard or Lanzoni pollen samplers. The annual pollen sum was calculated for each measurement site. In 2016, the birch pollen season started at a similar time, i.e. between 4th and 6th April in all the localities. The highest annual sums and maximum pollen concentrations were recorded in Lublin and Guciow. The maximum concentrations of birch pollen were noted from 5th and 15th April, with the highest value in Lublin, i.e. 8573 P/m3 (14.04)