40 research outputs found

    Widening the Lens on Boys and Men of Color

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    Current philanthropic initiatives on boys and men of color use research that often fails to disaggregate the "Asian" category, and disadvantaged AAPI and AMEMSA boys and men are often excluded from these funding initiatives.  In response to AAPI and AMEMSA organizations' concerns about the lack of attention to boys and men in their communities, AAPIP undertook a community-based research effort as an initial step towards building knowledge within philanthropy about AAPI and AMEMSA boys and men of color.

    Oscillatory behavior of Pd-Au catalysts in toluene total oxidation

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    In this work, the activity of bimetallic Pd-Au doped hierarchically structured titania catalysts has been investigated in the total oxidation of toluene. In earlier works, doping titania with group Vb metal oxides ensured an increased catalytic performance in the elimination of VOC molecules. A synergy between gold and palladium loaded at the surface of titania supports provided better performances in VOC oxidation reactions. Therefore, the main focus in this work was to investigate the durability of the prepared catalysts under long time-on-stream periods. Vanadium-doped catalysts showed a stable activity throughout the whole 110 h test, whereas, surprisingly, niobium-doped catalysts presented a cycle-like activity while nevertheless maintaining a high performance in toluene elimination. Operando Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourrier Transform spectroscopy (DRIFT) experiments revealed that variations in the presence of OH radicals and the presence of carbonaceous compounds adsorbed at the surface of spent catalysts varies with the occurrence of oscillations. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) results show that interactions between the material and the active phase provided extra amounts of mobile oxygen species and participated in easing the reduction of palladium. An enhanced redox reaction scheme is thus obtained and allows the occurrence of the cyclic-like performance of the catalyst

    Novel synthesis of mesoporous hydroxyapatite using carbon nanorods as a hard-template

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. A novel hard-template synthesis approach for the fabrication of mesoporous hydroxyapatite (HAP) is described herein. Carbon nanorods, synthesised using mesoporous silica (SBA-15) and an acidified sucrose solution, are used as a hard template, after which, they are utilised to synthesise mesoporous HAP. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and nitrogen adsorption/Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), are all employed to characterise the synthesised materials. We demonstrate that this approach allows for the successful fabrication of single phase HAP with surface area 242.20±2.27m2 g-1 and average pore diameter 3.5nm and 18.9nm. This work proposes for the first time a bespoke innovative procedure that employs carbon nanorods as a template for the synthesis of mesoporous HAP via a hard templating protocol

    Methane emission management in a dual-fuel engine exhaust using Pd and Ni hydroxyapatite catalysts

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd While dual-fuel engines reduce transportation costs and CO 2 emissions by using alternative energy sources e.g. natural gas, the exhaust streams often contain quantities of emissions that exceed limits and therefore require removal. Pd- and Ni-hydroxyapatite (HAP) catalysts were prepared using a soft-templating method and tested in the dry reforming of methane (DRM) in a fixed bed reactor that simulates an exhaust from a diesel-natural gas dual-fuel engine. XRD revealed the characteristic HAP crystal structure of all the prepared materials. The HAP phase was further confirmed by TEM, which also showed the presence of submicron sized particles. The BET surface areas of HAP prepared using a single surfactant was 27.7 m 2  g −1 and increased to 84.9 m 2  g −1 when mixed surfactants were used. Active metals were added to HAP using either incipient wetness impregnation, ion-exchange or solid dispersion. All the catalysts tested were active in DRM with the optimal samples converting over 85% of methane at 650 °C

    Can Ultrasound or pH Influence Pd Distribution on the Surface of HAP to Improve Its Catalytic Properties in the Dry Reforming of Methane?

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    The influence of ultrasound and different pH pre-treatments during the metal doping/modification of a hydroxyapatite (HAP) support is investigated. HAP is first synthesised via a hard-template synthetic route using carbon nanorods followed by their full physiochemical characterisation. The HAP was found to be crystalline and comprised a mesoporous structure as observed via XRD and nitrogen adsorption with a BET surface area of 97.57 (±1.16) m2 g−1. Ultrasound-assisted ion exchange (IE) and incipient wetness impregnation (IW) methodologies were employed to decorate the surface of HAP with Pd0 and are compared to previous procedures. The influence of pH upon the distribution of Pd0 throughout the samples during the doping process is also studied. All the prepared samples were evaluated for their catalytic activity towards dry reforming of methane (DRM) and the reaction was monitored via a thermal conductivity detector, coupled with gas chromatography (GC-TCD). It was found that ultrasound-assisted IE significantly accelerated the process from 3 days to 3 h and with the Pd0 metal remaining highly distributed upon the HAP with minor changes in catalytic conversions. Moreover, the ultrasound-assisted IW method successfully improved the Pd0 distribution and catalytic performance. On the other hand, the dispersion of the metal was unaffected after pH treatments in IE with no catalytic improvements observed, in contrast to IW, where considerable increase in metal distribution and subsequently catalytic performance was observed

    La suppression du «wakf ahli » en Egypte

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    Chlala Joseph. La suppression du «wakf ahli » en Egypte. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. Vol. 5 N°4, Octobre-décembre 1953. pp. 682-685

    Study of metal (Pt, Pd, Mn and Cu) addition over hydroxyapatite : contribution of the support flexibility to the total catalytic oxidation of toluene

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    Le traitement de la pollution atmosphĂ©rique par catalyse hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne nĂ©cessite la mise au point de nouveaux systĂšmes catalytiques toujours plus efficaces. Dans le cadre de l’oxydation catalytique d’un composĂ© organique volatil (toluĂšne), nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© des catalyseurs en utilisant un support non conventionnel : l’hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2). Des hydroxyapatites de rapports molaires Ca/P diffĂ©rents ont Ă©tĂ© synthĂ©tisĂ©es pour servir de support de phase active (platine, palladium, or, manganĂšse ou cuivre). Nous avons notamment pu mettre en Ă©vidence que l’utilisation de prĂ©curseurs azotĂ©s pour la phase active conduisait inĂ©vitablement Ă  la prĂ©sence de nitrates en surface de l’hydroxyapatite mĂȘme aprĂšs une activation de cette derniĂšre Ă  400 °C. La quantitĂ© de nitrates Ă  la surface de l’hydroxyapatite est dĂ©pendante du rapport Ca/P. Dans le cas du platine, nous avons pu mettre en Ă©vidence une corrĂ©lation entre le degrĂ© d’oxydation de l’élĂ©ment et la quantitĂ© de nitrates. Pour une teneur Ă  10% en poids de Mn, il est possible d’obtenir des espĂšces trĂšs dispersĂ©es grĂące Ă  une excellente interaction avec le calcium du support. En revanche, dans le cas du cuivre, l’utilisation d’une faible teneur (2,5 %) permet la formation de petits agrĂ©gats de CuO trĂšs dispersĂ©s en faible interaction avec le support. Les rĂ©sultats catalytiques obtenus dans l’oxydation totale du toluĂšne ont pu ĂȘtre en partie corrĂ©lĂ©s aux propriĂ©tĂ©s physicochimiques de ces nouveaux matĂ©riaux.Treatment of air pollution by heterogeneous catalysis requires the development of new more efficient catalytic systems. For the catalytic oxidation of a volatile organic compound (toluene), we have developed catalysts using an unconventional support: the hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2). Hydroxyapatites with different Ca/P molar ratio were synthesized in order to be used as support for the active phases platinum, palladium, gold, manganese, and copper. In particular, we were able to demonstrate that the use of nitrogen-containing precursors for the active phase inevitably led to the presence of nitrates on the hydroxyapatite surface even after an activation at 400 °C. The amount of nitrate on the surface of the hydroxyapatite depends on the Ca/P ratio. In the case of platinum, we were able to demonstrate a correlation between the degree of oxidation of the element and the amount of nitrates. For a 10 weight % of Mn, it is possible to obtain highly dispersed species due to the excellent interaction with the calcium of the support. However, in the case of copper, the use of a low content (2.5 wt %) allows the formation of small highly dispersed aggregates of CuO with weak interaction with the support. The catalytic results in complete oxidation of toluene have been partly correlated with the physico-chemical properties of these new materials

    Etat et ressenti des vaccinations professionnelles contre rougeole, coqueluche, varicelle et grippe saisonniĂšre, chez les professionnels au contact des nourrissons (enquĂȘte auprĂšs de 1400 professionnels libĂ©raux et hospitaliers de Maine-et-Loire)

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    Contexte: l'application des recommandations vaccinales professionnelles chez les professionnels de santĂ© (PDS) est peu Ă©valuĂ©e en France sauf pour la grippe. Objectif: Evaluer la connaissance des recommandations, les couvertures vaccinales, les raisons de vaccination et non vaccination, chez les PDS au contact des nourrissons dans le dĂ©partement du Maine et Loire, en milieu hospitalier et extra-hospitalier. MĂ©thode: EnquĂȘte descriptive, par questionnaire. 432 PDS hospitaliers en pĂ©diatrie (pĂ©diatrie mĂ©dicale, nĂ©onatalogie, rĂ©animation, chirurgie, urgences) et de maternitĂ©. 610 mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes, 20 pĂ©diatres libĂ©raux, 180 mĂ©decins remplaçants, 92 PDS de Protection Maternelle et Infantile, 39 sage-femmes libĂ©rales. RĂ©sultats: 574 rĂ©ponses. Recommandations annoncĂ©es connues: rougeole 64,6%, coqueluche 83,4%, varicelle 51,6%, grippe 89,7%. Evaluation de l'immunitĂ© naturelle et vaccinale rougeole 87,4%, varicelle 92,5%, vaccination adulte coqueluche 74,3%, couverture grippe 2008-2009 44,4% avec 60 Ă  89% pour les mĂ©decins libĂ©raux. Raisons de vaccination: la protection personnelle pour la grippe, suivre les recommandations gĂ©nĂ©rales ou professionnelles pour les autres. Obstacles Ă  la vaccination: manque d'informations sur les recommandations et nĂ©gligence pour la rougeole; confusions dans les recommandations, sur la gravitĂ© de la maladie, la nĂ©gligence pour coqueluche,varicelle,grippe. Conclusion: Les couvertures vaccinales restent insuffisantes. Les obstacles Ă  la vaccination des professionnels de santĂ© pourraient diminuer par un enseignement sur leur rĂŽle de vecteurs, la gravitĂ© potentielle de ces pathologies chez le nourrisson, l'efficacitĂ© et la sĂ»retĂ© vaccinale.ANGERS-BU MĂ©decine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Comptabilité intermédiaire

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    1600 p. ; 27 c

    Formaldehyde total oxidation on manganese-doped hydroxyapatite: the effect of mn content

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    International audienceAn aqueous impregnation method using manganese (II) nitrate precursor, followed by calcination at 400 °C, was carried out for the preparation of manganese doped hydroxyapatite catalysts (MnxHap; x = Mn wt.%: 2.5, 5.0, 10, 20, and 30 based on MnO2). Methods of characterization including inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy (ICP), N2 physisorption, X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier-Transform Transmission Infrared (FT-IR), Raman, and Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA/MS) analysis were used for the identification of Mn species and its surrounding environment. Raman spectroscopy indicated the presence of the Δ-MnO2 phase for Mn20Hap and Mn30Hap in agreement with the XRD results and the presence of ÎČ-MnOOH species for Mn5Hap and Mn10Hap. The formaldehyde total oxidation was investigated on these catalysts and it was shown that Mn5Hap was the most active catalyst, achieving a normalized rate of formaldehyde (HCHO) conversion into CO2 per mole of Mn of 0.042 h−1 at a temperature of 145 °C. The well dispersed oxidized manganese species on Hap with a medium Mn AOS (average oxidation state) were mainly responsible for this performance. Since HCHO was retained on the surface of all catalysts during the catalytic test, the combined Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform spectroscopy (DRIFT) experiment at room temperature and thermodesorption (TD)-FTIR identified formate species as their oxidation consumed surface OH groups. A stability test and moisture effect study showed that the presence of water vapor has a beneficial effect on the performances of the catalyst