5 research outputs found

    Shakespeare and Company Project Dataset: Lending Library Events

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    All data is related to the Shakespeare and Company bookshop and lending library opened and operated by Sylvia Beach in Paris, 1919–1962. Version 1.2 adds 492 events, corrects errors, supplies missing dates and footnotes, and revises two fields. The event type “Separate Deposit” has been renamed “Separate Payment.” The subscription category “Professor” has been renamed “Professor / Teacher,” and three new subscription categories have been added: “Day by Day,” “Free,” and “Reading Room.” See ScoData_events_v1.2_changelog.txt for more information.The Shakespeare and Company Project: Lending Library Events dataset includes information about approximately 35,000 lending library events including membership activities such as subscriptions, renewals and reimbursements and book-related activities such as borrowing and purchasing. For events related to lending library cards that are available as digital surrogates, IIIF links are provided.The Shakespeare and Company Project has received support from Princeton University’s Center for Digital Humanities; Humanities Council and the David A. Gardner ’69 Magic Project Fund; University Committee on Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences; the Dean’s Innovation Fund for New Ideas in the Humanities; the Bain-Swiggett Fund, Department of English; and the Princeton-Mellon Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism, and the Humanities.SCoData_events_v1.2_2022-01_README.txt SCoData_events_v1.2_2022-01.csv SCoData_events_v1.2_2022-01.json ScoData_events_v1.2_changelog.txt SCoData_events_v1.2_2022-01_datapackage.jso

    Shakespeare and Company Project Dataset: Lending Library Members

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    All data is related to the Shakespeare and Company bookshop and lending library opened and operated by Sylvia Beach in Paris, 1919–1962. For version 1.2 adds 162 addresses, 126 VIAF numbers, and decreases the total number of members from 5,601 to 5,235 by matching previously unmatched accounts. See ScoData_members_v1.2_changelog.txt for more information.The Shakespeare and Company Project: Lending Library Members dataset includes information about approximately 5,200 members of Sylvia Beach's Shakespeare and Company lending library.The Shakespeare and Company Project has received support from Princeton University’s Center for Digital Humanities; Humanities Council and the David A. Gardner ’69 Magic Project Fund; University Committee on Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences; the Dean’s Innovation Fund for New Ideas in the Humanities; the Bain-Swiggett Fund, Department of English; and the Princeton-Mellon Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism, and the Humanities.SCoData_members_v1.2_2022-01_README.txt SCoData_members_v1.2_2022-01.csv SCoData_members_v1.2_2022-01.json ScoData_members_v1.2_changelog.txt SCoData_members_v1.2_removed.csv SCoData_members_v1.2_2022-01_datapackage.jso

    Shakespeare and Company Project Dataset: Lending Library Books

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    All data is related to the Shakespeare and Company bookshop and lending library opened and operated by Sylvia Beach in Paris, 1919–1962. Version 1.2 adds seven books and 230 ebook_url entries, and inaccurate publication dates have been corrected. See also ScoData_books_v1.2_changelog.txt.This dataset includes information about approximately 6,000 books and other items with bibliographic data as well as summary information about when the item circulated in the Shakespeare and Company lending library and the number of times an item was borrowed or purchased.The Shakespeare and Company Project has received support from Princeton University’s Center for Digital Humanities; Humanities Council and the David A. Gardner ’69 Magic Project Fund; University Committee on Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences; the Dean’s Innovation Fund for New Ideas in the Humanities; the Bain-Swiggett Fund, Department of English; and the Princeton-Mellon Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism, and the Humanities.SCoData_books_v1.2_2022-01_README.txt SCoData_books_v1.2_2022-01.csv SCoData_books_v1.2_2022-01.json SCoData_books_v1.2_2022-01_datapackage.json SCoData_books_v1.2_removed.csv ScoData_books_v1.2_changelog.tx

    Shakespeare and Company Project Dataset: Lending Library Members, Books, Events

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    All data is related to the Shakespeare and Company bookshop and lending library opened and operated by Sylvia Beach in Paris, 1919–1962. For version 1.2 of the Shakespeare and Company Project datasets, we made a series of significant additions and refinements. For the members dataset, we added 162 addresses and 126 VIAF numbers; we also decreased the total number of members from 5,601 to 5,235 by matching previously unmatched accounts. For the books dataset, we added two books and 1,957 eBook links. We also reduced the books labeled “uncertain” from 568 to 475. For the events dataset, we added 492 events, including 60 reimbursements from a new logbook source and 300 reimbursements from the address books. We also renamed an event type and subscription category, added three new subscription categories, and fully footnoted all events. In all three datasets, we corrected mistakes and added missing dates. For more specific information, see change logs included with the individual datasets.The Shakespeare and Company Project makes three datasets available to download in CSV and JSON formats. The datasets provide information about lending library members; the books that circulated in the lending library; and lending library events, including borrows, purchases, memberships, and renewals. The datasets may be used individually or in combination site URLs are consistent identifiers across all three.The Shakespeare and Company Project has received support from Princeton University’s Center for Digital Humanities; Humanities Council and the David A. Gardner ’69 Magic Project Fund; University Committee on Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences; the Dean’s Innovation Fund for New Ideas in the Humanities; the Bain-Swiggett Fund, Department of English; and the Princeton-Mellon Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism, and the Humanities.SCoData_combined_v1.2_2022-01_README.txt. SCoData_combined_v1.2_2022-01_datapackage.jso