55 research outputs found

    Dataset: Impact of β-Galactosylceramidase Overexpression on the Protein Profile of Braf(V600E) Mutated Melanoma Cells

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    beta-Galactosylceramidase (GALC) is a lysosomal enzyme involved in sphingolipid metabolism by removing beta-galactosyl moieties from beta-galactosyl ceramide and beta-galactosyl sphingosine. Previous observations have shown that GALC exerts a pro-oncogenic activity in human melanoma. Here, the impact of GALC overexpression on the proteomic landscape of BRAF-mutated A2058 and A375 human melanoma cell lines was investigated by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of the cell extracts. The results indicate that GALC overexpression causes the upregulation/downregulation of 172/99 proteins in GALC-transduced cells when compared to control cells. Gene ontology categorization of up/down-regulated proteins indicates that GALC may modulate the protein landscape in BRAF-mutated melanoma cells by affecting various biological processes, including RNA metabolism, cell organelle fate, and intracellular redox status. Overall, these data provide further insights into the pro-oncogenic functions of the sphingolipid metabolizing enzyme GALC in human melanoma.Dataset: The data set has been submitted as a supplement to this paper.Dataset License: license under which the dataset is made available (CC0, CC-BY, CC-BY-SA, CC-BY-NC, etc.

    Bridging the past and the future of virology: Surface plasmon resonance as a powerful tool to investigate virus/host interactions.

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    Abstract Despite decades of antiviral drug research and development, viruses still remain a top global healthcare problem. Compared to eukaryotic cells, viruses are composed by a limited numbers of proteins that, nevertheless, set up multiple interactions with cellular components, allowing the virus to take control of the infected cell. Each virus/host interaction can be considered as a therapeutical target for new antiviral drugs but, unfortunately, the systematic study of a so huge number of interactions is time-consuming and expensive, calling for models overcoming these drawbacks. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is a label-free optical technique to study biomolecular interactions in real time by detecting reflected light from a prism-gold film interface. Launched 20 years ago, SPR has become a nearly irreplaceable technology for the study of biomolecular interactions. Accordingly, SPR is increasingly used in the field of virology, spanning from the study of biological interactions to the identification of putative antiviral drugs. From the literature available, SPR emerges as an ideal link between conventional biological experimentation and system biology studies functional to the identification of highly connected viral or host proteins that act as nodal points in virus life cycle and thus considerable as therapeutical targets for the development of innovative antiviral strategies

    Fight the Cancer, Hit the CAF!

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    Simple Summary In the last 20 years, the tumor microenvironment (TME) has raised an increasing interest from the therapeutic point of view. Indeed, different strategies targeting either the endothelial or the immune component have been implemented. Furthermore, cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) have attracted even more interest due to their ability to prime the TME in order to favor tumor progression and metastasis. This current review provides a comprehensive overview on the latest discoveries regarding CAF, more specifically on their complex characterization and on preclinical studies and clinical trials that target CAF within the TME. The tumor microenvironment (TME) is comprised of different cellular components, such as immune and stromal cells, which co-operate in unison to promote tumor progression and metastasis. In the last decade, there has been an increasing focus on one specific component of the TME, the stromal component, often referred to as Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts (CAF). CAF modulate the immune response and alter the composition of the extracellular matrix with a decisive impact on the response to immunotherapies and conventional chemotherapy. The most recent publications based on single-cell analysis have underlined CAF heterogeneity and the unique plasticity that strongly impact the TME. In this review, we focus not only on the characterization of CAF based on the most recent findings, but also on their impact on the immune system. We also discuss clinical trials and preclinical studies where targeting CAF revealed controversial results. Therefore, future efforts should focus on understanding the functional properties of individual subtypes of CAF, taking into consideration the peculiarities of each pathological context

    Atypical Chemokine Receptor 3 Generates Guidance Cues for CXCL12-Mediated Endothelial Cell Migration

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    Chemokine receptor CXCR4, its ligand stromal cell-derived factor-1 (CXCL12) and the decoy receptor atypical chemokine receptor 3 (ACKR3, also named CXCR7), are involved in the guidance of migrating cells in different anatomical districts. Here, we investigated the role of the ACKR3 zebrafish ortholog ackr3b in the vascularization process during embryonic development. Bioinformatics and functional analyses confirmed that ackr3b is a CXCL12-binding ortholog of human ACKR3. ackr3b is transcribed in the endoderm of zebrafish embryos during epiboly and is expressed in a wide range of tissues during somitogenesis, including central nervous system and somites. Between 18 somite and 26 h-post fertilization stages, the broad somitic expression of ackr3b becomes restricted to the basal part of the somites. After ackr3b knockdown, intersomitic vessels (ISVs) lose the correct direction of migration and are characterized by the presence of aberrant sprouts and ectopic filopodia protrusions, showing downregulation of the tip/stalk cell marker hlx1. In addition, ackr3b morphants show significant alterations of lateral dorsal aortae formation. In keeping with a role for ackr3b in endothelial cell guidance, CXCL12 gradient generated by ACKR3 expression in CHO cell transfectants guides human endothelial cell migration in an in vitro cell co-culture chemotaxis assay. Our results demonstrate that ackr3b plays a non-redundant role in the guidance of sprouting endothelial cells during vascular development in zebrafish. Moreover, ACKR3 scavenging activity generates guidance cues for the directional migration of CXCR4-expressing human endothelial cells in response to CXCL12

    UniPR1331, a small molecule targeting Eph/ephrin interaction, prolongs survival in glioblastoma and potentiates the effect of antiangiogenic therapy in mice

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most malignant brain tumor, showing high resistance to standard therapeutic approaches that combine surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. As opposed to healthy tissues, EphA2 has been found highly expressed in specimens of glioblastoma, and increased expression of EphA2 has been shown to correlate with poor survival rates. Accordingly, agents blocking Eph receptor activity could represent a new therapeutic approach. Herein, we demonstrate that UniPR1331, a pan Eph receptor antagonist, possesses significant in vivo anti-angiogenic and anti-vasculogenic properties which lead to a significant anti-tumor activity in xenograft and orthotopic models of GBM. UniPR1331 halved the final volume of tumors when tested in xenografts (p<0.01) and enhanced the disease-free survival of treated animals in the orthotopic models of GBM both by using U87MG cells (40 vs 24 days of control, p<0.05) or TPC8 cells (52 vs 16 days, p<0.01). Further, the association of UniPR1331 with the anti-VEGF antibody Bevacizumab significantly increased the efficacy of both monotherapies in all tested models. Overall, our data promote UniPR1331 as a novel tool for tackling GBM

    Heparin/Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans Glycomic Interactome in Angiogenesis: Biological Implications and Therapeutical Use

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    Angiogenesis, the process of formation of new blood vessel from pre-existing ones, is involved in various intertwined pathological processes including virus infection, inflammation and oncogenesis, making it a promising target for the development of novel strategies for various interventions. To induce angiogenesis, angiogenic growth factors (AGFs) must interact with pro-angiogenic receptors to induce proliferation, protease production and migration of endothelial cells (ECs). The action of AGFs is counteracted by antiangiogenic modulators whose main mechanism of action is to bind (thus sequestering or masking) AGFs or their receptors. Many sugars, either free or associated to proteins, are involved in these interactions, thus exerting a tight regulation of the neovascularization process. Heparin and heparan sulfate proteoglycans undoubtedly play a pivotal role in this context since they bind to almost all the known AGFs, to several pro-angiogenic receptors and even to angiogenic inhibitors, originating an intricate network of interaction, the so called “angiogenesis glycomic interactome”. The decoding of the angiogenesis glycomic interactome, achievable by a systematic study of the interactions occurring among angiogenic modulators and sugars, may help to design novel antiangiogenic therapies with implications in the cure of angiogenesis-dependent diseases

    FGFR blockade by pemigatinib treats naïve and castration resistant prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is a leading cause of cancer mortality in the male population commonly treated with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) and relapsing as aggressive and androgen-independent castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). In PCa the FGF/FGFR family of growth factors and receptors represents a relevant mediator of cancer growth, tumor-stroma interaction, and a driver of resistance and relapse to ADT. In the present work, we validate the therapeutic efficacy the FDA-approved FGFR inhibitor pemigatinib, in an integrated platform consisting of human and murine PCa cells, and the transgenic multistage TRAMP model of PCa that recapitulates both androgen-dependent and CRPC settings. Our results show for the first time that pemigatinib causes intracellular stress and cell death in PCa cells and prevents tumor growth in vivo and in the multistage model. In addition, the combination of pemigatinib with enzalutamide resulted in long-lasting tumor inhibition and prevention of CRPC relapse in TRAMP mice. These data are confirmed by the implementation of a stochastic mathematical model and in silico simulation. Pemigatinib represents a promising FDA-approved FGFR inhibitor for the treatment of PCa and CRPC alone and in combination with enzalutamide

    Influenza virus entry via the GM3 ganglioside-mediated platelet-derived growth factor receptor β signalling pathway

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    The possible resistance of influenza virus against existing antiviral drugs calls for new therapeutic concepts. One appealing strategy is to inhibit virus entry, in particular at the stage of internalization. This requires a better understanding of virus-host interactions during the entry process, including the role of receptor tyrosine kinases( RTKs). To search for cellular targets, we evaluated a panel of 276 protein kinase inhibitors in a multicycle antiviral assay in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. The RTK inhibitor Ki8751 displayed robust anti-influenza A and B virus activity and was selected for mechanistic investigations. Ki8751 efficiently disrupted the endocytic process of influenza virus in different cell lines carrying plateletderived growth factor receptor beta ( PDGFR beta), an RTK that is known to act at GM3 ganglioside-positive lipid rafts. The more efficient virus entry in CHO-K1 cells compared to the wild-type ancestor(CHO-wt) cells indicated a positive effect of GM3, which is abundant in CHO-K1 but not in CHO-wt cells. Entering virus localized to GM3-positive lipid rafts and the PDGFR beta-ontaining endosomal compartment. PDGFRb/GM3-dependent virus internalization involved PDGFR beta phosphorylation, which was potently inhibited by Ki8751, and desialylation of activated PDGFRb by the viral neuraminidase. Virus uptake coincided with strong activation of the Raf/MEK/Erk cascade, but not of PI3K/Akt or phospholipase C-gamma. We conclude that influenza virus efficiently hijacks the GM3-enhanced PDGFR beta signalling pathway for cell penetration, providing an opportunity for host cell-targeting antiviral intervention