442 research outputs found

    Impact of Globalization on Production and Export of Turmeric in India – An Economic Analysis

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    India is a major supplier of turmeric to the world with more than 60 per cent share in turmeric trade. The production and export performance of turmeric in India have been examined using secondary data for the period from 1974-75 to 2007-08 and exponential form of growth function has been used for the analysis. The growth in production and export of turmeric has been reported significant, because of the high demand coupled with inflation. Instability index has been worked for the production and export for preliberalization and post-liberalization periods. Instability has been observed high for production, export and prices of domestic and international markets and domestic and international prices have shown high integration. For the assessment of direction of trade, the Markov chain model has been used. The data regarding country-wise export of turmeric has shown that the previous export share retention for Indian turmeric has been high in minor importing countries (pooled under others category) (87 %), followed by UAE (49 %), Iran (41 %) and UK (35 %). The countries such as USA and Japan have not been the stable importers of Indian turmeric. The plans for export may be oriented towards these two countries and also plans should be formulated for stabilizing the export of turmeric to other countries. The farmers should be provided training on production of a quality product.Turmeric, Export of turmeric, Indian turmeric, Markov chain model, Agricultural and Food Policy, Q13, Q17,

    (R1997) Distance Measures of Complex Fermatean Fuzzy Number and Their Application to Multi-criteria Decision-making Problem

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    Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) is the most widely used decision-making method to solve many complex problems. However, classical MCDM approaches tend to make decisions when the parameters are imprecise or uncertain. The concept of a complex fuzzy set is new in the field of fuzzy set theory. It is a set that can collect and interpret the membership grades from the unit circle in a plane instead of the interval [0,1]. CFS cannot deal with membership and non-membership grades, while complex intuitionistic fuzzy set and complex Pythagorean fuzzy set works only for a limited range of values. The concept of a complex Fermatean fuzzy set (CFFS) is proposed to deal with these problems. This paper presents the main ideas of CFFN and its properties are studied. The proposed new distance measures for real-world problems are also discussed. A comparative study of the proposed new work is also conducted


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    In this paper, we define some operations on internal and external cubic soft matrices. We also characterized some of its algebraic properties

    Effect of low temperature on the survival of edible oyster Crassostrea madrasensis during transportation and storage

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    The survival of the tropical edible oyster (Crassostrea madrasensis) was examined under the condition of ice-storage in a rectangular thermocol-transport box for a period of 48 h. A total of 100 two-year old farmed oysters were used for the experimental transportation. Inside the box, all oysters were arranged in four layers covered with wet-gunny bags and lined on the top and bottom with ice. Surface and bottom temperature of the transport box varied from 9.7 to 25.2˚ C and 9.7 to 28.4˚ C respectively during the 48 h exposure. The patterns of changing temperature at both surface and bottom were found to be different. Recoveries of the oysters at every two hours till 48h were monitored by taking random samples from the box. All the oysters recovered within 1 h of being placed back into seawater and there was close to 100% recovery within 2 hours

    Characterization of semigroup by rough interval pythagorean fuzzy set

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    This paper expose a study on rough interval valued pythagorean fuzzy sets in semigroups. We characterize rough interval valued pythagorean fuzzy sets by an example. Characterize composition of two interval valued pythagorean fuzzy sets. Introduce rough interval valued pythagorean fuzzy left(right, bi-, interior-,(1,2)-)ideals in semigroups. Moreover we prove an interval valued pythagorean fuzzy set is an upper rough interval valued pythagorean fuzzy left(right) ideal of semigroup also we give an example for converse of this is not true. Lower and upper approximation of an interval valued pythagorean fuzzy ideal of semigroup is an interval valued pythagorean fuzzy ideal of semigroup.Publisher's Versio

    First record of long-tailed pelagic sea slug Stylocheilus longicauda (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) from southwest coast of India

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    The long-tailed sea slug Stylocheilus longicauda was recorded for the first time from southwest coast of India. A single specimen measuring a total length of 70.51mm was collected from a floating bottle, along with bunch of goose-neck barnacles from Arabian sea off Narakkal, Vypeen Island, Kochi. Earlier identifications were made based on the morphology of the animal without resorting to description of radula. This makes it difficult to differentiate the species from Stylocheilus striatus which has similar characters. The present description details the external and radular morphology of Stylocheilus longicauda


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    It is shown that under certain conditions the column majorization of matrices is reversed for the column majorization of their corresponding Moore-Penrose inverses and preserved for the column majorization of their powers. The condition for column majorization of block matrices is determined


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      Objective: Diabetes is a metabolic disorder occurring either due to the inadequate secretion of insulin or ineffective utilization of insulin by the body. The study was aimed to identify the variations of the complete blood count (CBC) parameters among the diabetic and normal individuals and to derive an empirical formula to estimate hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) of an individual using CBC parameters.Methods: A total of 83 subjects (mean age: 52.8±9.0 years) involved in the study, among which 39 (mean age: 49.1±8.8 years) were normal and 44 (mean age: 56±7.8 years) were diabetic. The blood was drawn from the participants and was subjected to CBC analysis using automated hematology analyzer. The stepwise linear regression model was used to determine the empirical formula to estimate HbA1c using the CBC parameters. The Student's t-test was performed to identify the group differences.Results: A negative correlation was observed for Hb (r=−0.35**, p<0.001) and packed cell volume (PCV) (r=−0.23**, p<0.05) against HbA1c. The CBC parameters Hb, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, PCV, red blood cells count, mean corpuscular volume, and mean corpuscular Hb exhibited a statistically significant difference at the level (p<0.05) between the normal and diabetic groups. The empirically derived formula yielded sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy measures of 91%, 49%, 67%, 83%, and 71%, respectively, in diagnosing diabetes based on the estimated HbA1c.Conclusion: The empirical formula derived to estimate HbA1c could be useful in the prediction of diabetes with an appreciable accuracy

    Assessment of bio-accumulation of bacteria in oysters from shellfish growing waters in Ashtamudi Lake (Kerala, India): A RAMSAR wetland

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    Oysters are commercially cultured from the Ashtamudi Lake in India, and support 12,000 tonnes of bivalve fisheries/year. Oysters and oyster growing waters were sampled from July 2012 to June 2013 for analysis of total coliforms (TC), faecal coliforms (FC), Escherichia coli, faecal Streptococci (FS) and total plate counts (TPC). E. coli MPN values in oyster growing waters were below the threshold limits set by the USFDA and EU during the months of December to April. Seasonally, the highest MPN values for E. coli were obtained during the monsoon season (June–September), and this trend gradually decreased during the post-monsoon (October–January) and pre-monsoon (February–May) periods. E. coli displayed a significant (p < 0.01) variation in accumulation during different seasons. A strong negative correlation (R2 = −0.70, p < 0.05) between temperature and E. coli numbers in oysters was observed, while rainfall and E. coli were positively correlated (R2 = 0.695, p < 0.05). Hence, we strongly recommend depuration and proper cooking of oysters before consumption during the monsoon season

    Restoration and natural revival of clam populations at Tuticorin Bay, Tamil Nadu after a mass mortality incident

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    Bivalves play key role in ecosystem stabilisation due to inherent filter feeding capability and clams are important components of soft bottom benthic communities. In the Tuticorin Bay, mass mortality of fishes and shellfishes was observed in Februay 2008. The probable cause for the large scale mortality has been indicated as increased levels of ammonia (Asha et al., 2009). A rapid survey was conducted in the bay to assess the impact on the bivalve fauna