12 research outputs found

    State Intervention, Globalization and the Evolution of Malaysian Banks' Identities

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    This article describes and explains the evolution of Malaysia's locally owned banks in a series of mergers and acquisitions within national borders and beyond. It argues that state intervention, external economic and financial crises and the liberalization of the financial sector have compelled the consolidation of local banks in Malaysia. The consolidation process has resulted in the increased size of state-owned banks, decreased the number of local Chinese-owned banks and seen a decline in family shareholding in the remaining Chinese-controlled banks. Through regional expansion both Chinese-controlled and stateowned operations have become large-scale regionally based banking groups or global banks, deepening the financial integration in ASEAN countries

    The Evolution of Malaysia's Development Strategies and the Global Economy:Responses from SMEs and Civil Societies

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    This article introduces a triangular model to study small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia by examining three points, namely the state, economy and society. It discusses how and why the government has changed the nation's economic development strategies over time in response to the changing global economy. Within the context of these development strategies, the article describes how and explains why Chinese and Bumiputera (Malays and indigenous people in Malaysia) SMEs, and civil societies responded to these changes. It provides analysis on how these development strategies have shaped the development of Chinese and Bumiputera SMEs at different periods in the nation's economic development. It argues that prolonged pro-distributive policies have negative effects on the competitiveness of the nation's economy

    Introduction: Dynamics of the Social Construction of East Asia

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    Multiplicity of Entrepreneurship : An Analysis of Chinese, Malay and Indian Entrepreneurs in Malaysia.

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    The paper is based on an ongoing research project. It aims to provide a descriptive account on the concept of entrepreneurship in a multicultural, multilingual and multi religious society of Malaysia. The research traces the sources of influence on the emergence and development of entrepreneurship, link types of entrepreneurship to levels of sustainability and types of business activities

    Chambers of commerce and Chinese business enterprise in Malaysia

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    The paper deals with the role of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industries of Malaysia (ACCCIM) that represents 17 constituent members located separately in the 13 states of the nation. It will examine how ACCCIM attempts constantly to enhance and create a favourable environment for enterprise development for the Chinese business community. The paper will analyse the intensity of ACCCIM in fostering better domestic business opportunities through joint ventures that involve other ethnic groups in the multiracial and multicultural context of Malaysia and to exert its influence on state economic policies. Its role in assisting the Chinese business community to expand their markets by various means and in weathering the 1997/98 Asian financial crisis and the current global financial crisis will be discussed

    Ethnicity, State and Globalization

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    This article analyses the changes of ownership and identities of Malaysia’s locallyowned banks in a series of merger and acquisitions (M&A) within national border and beyond. The article begins with description of the establishments of local banks in Malaya and later Malaysia which were mainly founded and owned by ethnic Chinese. The author then examines how the internal factors (protracted affirmative action policy and the consolidations of local banks by the state) and external factors (forces of globalization) had changed Malaysia’s local banks from mainly Chinese-owned to state-owned and from medium-size domestically-based to large-scale regionally-based banking groups. The author shows how the internal factors have been shaping the ownership and identity of Malaysian banks, which aim to facilitate the formation of a Malay entrepreneurial class. The author also show how the external factors have been shaping the strategies and size of the Malaysian banking groups to become huge regional banks to compete with foreign banks for sizable and value deals in the region, in the context of greater liberalization of the financial sector

    Networking and Knowledge Transfer in Malaysian SMEs through University-

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    This report demonstrates the application of a model that treats the state, society and economy in a concrete case study of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It approaches the transformation of Malaysian SMEs by using a triangular model. The model focuses on university–industry engagement within the context of the state's educational policies and programmes that encourage the transfer of knowledge. Within this context, the report explores and pilots a new approach, which aims to transform Malaysian SMEs, especially contract manufacturers of multinational corporations. The model provides a least-cost, timely, competent and sustainable solution to the needs of all stakeholders

    Penang Small and Medium Enterprises: struggle, accomodation and challenges.

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    Beberapa pendekatan dan tema dalam kajian usahawan dan keusahawanan Cina

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    Makalah ini bertujuan memberi ulasan kritis ke atas kajian usahawan dan keusahawanan Cina. Perbincangan dibahagikan kepada tiga bahagian. Bahagian I memberi ulasan ke atas dua aliran pemikiran yang berbeza tentang pembangunan kapitalisme etnik Cina. Aliran pertama terdiri daripada sarjana yang mendokong hipotesis Konfusianisme sebagai pendorong pembangunan ekonomi etnik Cina. Aliran kedua terdiri daripada sarjana yang mempercayai bahawa kapitalisme etnik Cina adalah satu kapitalisme rangkaian. Bahagian II menumpu secara khusus kepada kajian berkenaan usahawan dan keusahawanan Cina di Malaysia. Tema utama tertumpu kepada hubungan etnisiti, dan bagaimana dasar kerajaan serta kuasa pasaran membawa transformasi dalam budaya korporat Cina di Malaysia. Bahagian III membahaskan kelemahan pendekatan yang digunakan dalam kajian-kajian lepas. Makalah ini berakhir dengan mencadangkan satu pendekatan yang lebih seimbang melihat bagaimana aktor (usahawan Cina) bertindak secara rasional menggunakan sumber yang sedia ada dan mengintegrasikan nilai budaya mereka dengan struktur (dasar kerajaan dan masyarakat Malaysia) yang sentiasa berubah menghasilkan satu budaya pasaran baru dan dinamik

    Usahawan Cina dalam sektor kecil dan sederhana di Semenanjung Malaysia: modenisasi dalam perniagaan keluarga Cina.

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    Artikel ini membincangkan interaksi antara budaya dengan keusahawanan di kalangan etnik Cina di Malaysia. Analisis makro-sejarah menunjukkan usahawan Cina bersikap rasional dan pragmatis dalam zaman kolonial, zaman kemerdekaan, zaman Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) dan zaman pasca DEB di Malaysia. Kajian di peringkat mikro-aktor melalui temu bual dengan 21 orang usahawan Cina pula mendapati nilai-nilai Konfusianisme seperti filial piety atau kesetiaan, kehematan, kerajinan dan kesungguhan telah menyumbang kepada kejayaan usahawan Cina pada peringkat mengasaskan perniagaan mereka. Namun, untuk mengembangkan syarikat mereka usahawan Cina telah bertindak secara rasional dan pragmatis memodenkan perniagaan keluarga dengan menolak cara perniagaan lama, memanfaatkan sistem pengurusan Barat dan Jepun untuk melakukan inovasi dan meningkatkan daya saing. Semua ini menandakan satu perubahan daripada perniagaan keluarga kepada perniagaan melampui lingkungan keluarga dan juga melampaui batasan etnik Cina sendiri