13,462 research outputs found

    Amortised resource analysis with separation logic

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    Type-based amortised resource analysis following Hofmann and Jostā€”where resources are associated with individual elements of data structures and doled out to the programmer under a linear typing disciplineā€”have been successful in providing concrete resource bounds for functional programs, with good support for inference. In this work we translate the idea of amortised resource analysis to imperative languages by embedding a logic of resources, based on Bunched Implications, within Separation Logic. The Separation Logic component allows us to assert the presence and shape of mutable data structures on the heap, while the resource component allows us to state the resources associated with each member of the structure. We present the logic on a small imperative language with procedures and mutable heap, based on Java bytecode. We have formalised the logic within the Coq proof assistant and extracted a certified verification condition generator. We demonstrate the logic on some examples, including proving termination of in-place list reversal on lists with cyclic tails

    The Temporal Doppler Effect: When The Future Feels Closer Than The Past

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    People routinely remember events that have passed and imagine those that are yet to come. The past and the future are sometimes psychologically close ( just around the corner ) and other times psychologically distant ( ages away ). Four studies demonstrate a systematic asymmetry whereby future events are psychologically closer than past events of equivalent objective distance. When considering specific times (e.g., 1 year) or events (e.g., Valentine\u27s Day), people consistently reported that the future was closer than the past. We suggest that this asymmetry arises because the subjective experience of movement through time (whereby future events approach and past events recede) is analogous to the physical experience of movement through space. Consistent with this hypothesis, experimentally reversing the metaphorical arrow of time (by having participants move backward through virtual space) completely eliminated the past-future asymmetry. We discuss how reducing psychological distance to the future may function to prepare people for upcoming action

    Very Small Strangelets

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    We study the stability of small strangelets by employing a simple model of strange matter as a gas of non-interacting fermions confined in a bag. We solve the Dirac equation and populate the energy levels of the bag one quark at a time. Our results show that for system parameters such that strange matter is unbound in bulk, there may still exist strangelets with A<100A<100 that are stable and/or metastable. The lifetime of these strangelets may be too small to detect in current accelerator experiments, however.Comment: 13 pages, MIT CTP#217

    Analytical and experimental study of stratification and liquid-ullage coupling, 1 June 1964 - 31 May 1965

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    Closed-form solution for stratification of subcooled fluids in containers subjected to heating, and for liquid-ullage vapor couplin

    Diffusion Monte Carlo study of two-dimensional liquid 4^4He

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    The ground-state properties of two-dimensional liquid 4^4He at zero temperature are studied by means of a quadratic diffusion Monte Carlo method. As interatomic potential we use a revised version of the HFDHE2 Aziz potential which is expected to give a better description of the interaction between helium atoms. The equation of state is determined with great accuracy over a wide range of densities in the liquid phase from the spinodal point up to the freezing density. The spinodal decomposition density is estimated and other properties of the liquid, such as radial distribution function, static form factor, momentum distribution and density dependence of the condensate fraction are all presented.Comment: 19 pages, RevTex 3.0, 7 figures available upon reques

    Formation of Quantum-Degenerate Sodium Molecules

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    Ultra-cold sodium molecules were produced from an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate by ramping an applied magnetic field across a Feshbach resonance. More than 10510^5 molecules were generated with a conversion efficiency of āˆ¼\sim4%. Using laser light resonant with an atomic transition, the remaining atoms could be selectively removed, preventing fast collisional relaxation of the molecules. Time-of-flight analysis of the pure molecular sample yielded an instantaneous phase-space density greater than 20.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures (final published version

    Weak Hopf algebras corresponding to Cartan matrices

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    We replace the group of group-like elements of the quantized enveloping algebra Uq(g)U_q({\frak{g}}) of a finite dimensional semisimple Lie algebra g{\frak g} by some regular monoid and get the weak Hopf algebra wqd(g){\frak{w}}_q^{\sf d}({\frak g}). It is a new subclass of weak Hopf algebras but not Hopf algebras. Then we devote to constructing a basis of wqd(g){\frak{w}}_q^{\sf d}({\frak g}) and determine the group of weak Hopf algebra automorphisms of wqd(g){\frak{w}}_q^{\sf d}({\frak g}) when qq is not a root of unity.Comment: 21 page

    Coherent Molecular Optics using Sodium Dimers

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    Coherent molecular optics is performed using two-photon Bragg scattering. Molecules were produced by sweeping an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate through a Feshbach resonance. The spectral width of the molecular Bragg resonance corresponded to an instantaneous temperature of 20 nK, indicating that atomic coherence was transferred directly to the molecules. An autocorrelating interference technique was used to observe the quadratic spatial dependence of the phase of an expanding molecular cloud. Finally, atoms initially prepared in two momentum states were observed to cross-pair with one another, forming molecules in a third momentum state. This process is analogous to sum-frequency generation in optics

    Risk of disordered eating among Division I female college athletes

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 8(3): 256-264, 2015. The purpose of this study was to assess the risk of disordered eating (DE) among female athletes in lean and non-lean sports using the ATHLETE survey. The ATHLETE survey is divided into six different constructs, and a high score indicates a high risk for DE. Eighty-three varsity female athletes from eight Campbell University sports teams completed the survey and a medical history form anonymously. The sports were divided into sports that traditionally have a high risk for DE (lean sports) and those with a low risk (non-lean sports). The lean sports included: cheerleading, cross country/track and field, swimming, and volleyball. The non-lean sports included: basketball, golf, soccer, and softball. The total mean score of the ATHLETE survey for the lean sports was 100.1 Ā± 17.4, compared to the non-lean sports scoring 90.1 Ā± 16.9, p = 0.011. The two constructs that showed significant difference between lean and non-lean sports were Social Pressure on Body Shape (lean: 12.2 Ā± 3.9, non-lean: 9.4 Ā± 4.6, p = 0.005) and Team Trust (lean: 7.4 Ā± 3.3, non-lean: 5.6 Ā± 2.2, p = 0.004). The results indicate that lean sports exhibited a higher risk for development of DE compared to athletes participating in non-lean sports. It appears that the primary influence of DE in these female athletes came from external social pressures that may therefore dictate their exercise and nutritional habits

    Quantum Teleportation from a Propagating Photon to a Solid-State Spin Qubit

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    The realization of a quantum interface between a propagating photon used for transmission of quantum information, and a stationary qubit used for storage and manipulation, has long been an outstanding goal in quantum information science. A method for implementing such an interface between dissimilar qubits is quantum teleportation, which has attracted considerable interest not only as a versatile quantum-state-transfer method but also as a quantum computational primitive. Here, we experimentally demonstrate transfer of quantum information carried by a photonic qubit to a quantum dot spin qubit using quantum teleportation. In our experiment, a single photon in a superposition state of two colors -- a photonic qubit is generated using selective resonant excitation of a neutral quantum dot. We achieve an unprecedented degree of indistinguishability of single photons from different quantum dots by using local electric and magnetic field control. To teleport a photonic qubit, we generate an entangled spin-photon state in a second quantum dot located 5 meters away from the first and interfere the photons from the two dots in a Hong-Ou-Mandel set-up. A coincidence detection at the output of the interferometer heralds successful teleportation, which we verify by measuring the resulting spin state after its coherence time is prolonged by an optical spin-echo pulse sequence. The demonstration of successful inter-conversion of photonic and semiconductor spin qubits constitute a major step towards the realization of on-chip quantum networks based on semiconductor nano-structures.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, Comments welcom
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