55 research outputs found

    Narrowing Down the Mapping of Plant Sex-Determination Regions Using New Y-Chromosome-Specific Markers and Heavy-Ion Beam Irradiation-Induced Y-Deletion Mutants in Silene latifolia

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    Silene latifolia is a well-studied model system for plant XY sex determination. Three maleness factors are thought to function on the Y chromosome, gynoecium suppression factor (GSF), stamen-promoting factor (SPF), and male fertility factor (MFF), and their deletions result in hermaphrodites, anther defects, and pollen defects, respectively. Although a framework map of the Y chromosome exists, the sex determination genes have not been identified, and no markers close enough to potentially be used for BAC library screening are yet available. The analysis of Y deletion mutants by Y-chromosome-specific STS markers is an efficient way to isolate sex determination regions, but more Y-specific STS markers are needed to accelerate the exploration of sex determination factors. Herein, we report a marker design method that uses simple sequence repeats, which is especially effective on the Y chromosome of S. latifolia because it contains many simple sequence repeats. Six new Y-chromosome-specific STS markers were obtained, SmicSy1–6. These were used to detect relatively small Y deletion sites in heavy-ion beam irradiation-induced mutants. The mapping of male sex determination regions was narrowed down by using more markers and smaller-sized Y deletion mutants. One new marker, SmicSy6, is a proximal marker to SPF and, thus, a second index for SPF. The region including SPF is thought to be located between two SPF proximal markers. The flower phenotype correlates with the deletion size of SPF using SPF proximal markers. These findings represent new progress in isolating the sex determination factor, which has been studied for more than 50 years

    Suzaku Observation of HCG 62: Temperature, Abundance, and Extended Hard X-ray Emission Profiles

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    We present results of 120 ks observation of a compact group of galaxies HCG~62 (z=0.0145z=0.0145) with Suzaku XIS and HXD-PIN\@. The XIS spectra for four annular regions were fitted with two temperature {\it vapec} model with variable abundance, combined with the foreground Galactic component. The Galactic component was constrained to have a common surface brightness among the four annuli, and two temperature {\it apec} model was preferred to single temperature model. We confirmed the multi-temperature nature of the intra-group medium reported with Chandra and XMM-Newton, with a doughnut-like high temperature ring at radii 3.3--6.5' in a hardness image. We found Mg, Si, S, and Fe abundances to be fairly robust. We examined the possible ``high-abundance arc'' at 2\sim 2' southwest from the center, however Suzaku data did not confirm it. We suspect that it is a misidentification of an excess hot component in this region as the Fe line. Careful background study showed no positive detection of the extended hard X-rays previously reported with ASCA, in 5--12 keV with XIS and 12--40 keV with HXD-PIN, although our upper limit did not exclude the ASCA result. There is an indication that the X-ray intensity in r<3.3r<3.3' region is 70±1970\pm 19% higher than the nominal CXB level (5--12 keV), and Chandra and Suzaku data suggest that most of this excess could be due to concentration of hard X-ray sources with an average photon index of Γ=1.38±0.06\Gamma=1.38\pm 0.06. Cumulative mass of O, Fe and Mg in the group gas and the metal mass-to-light ratio were derived and compared with those in other groups. Possible role of AGN or galaxy mergers in this group is also discussed.Comment: 29 pages with 9 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ Vol 60, second Suzaku special issu

    Distribution Systems in Assistive Technology : Quality of Life Based Programs for Hearing Aids

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    The purpose of our research is to seek the user oriented distribution system of hearing aids and discuss the effective supply systems in assistive technology. Several tasks for the existing system are suggested by this research. 1. Establishment of certification of hearing aids fitting specialists. 2. Establishment of accreditation of specialist shops. 3. Public regulation of production and distribution and self standards by the hearing aids industry. 4. Additional development and reformation of hearing aids. 5. Reformation of public supply systems. A non profit organization should be established, which deals with hearing impairments and hearing aids as its priority, collects and analyzes information on hearing aids, and proposes a strategy about hearing impairments. It should be independent from any stake holders and should coordinate relative matters in a cross-sectoral manner.本研究は、ユーザーの生活支援の視点に立った補聴器の供給システムのあり方を検討することを通して、福祉用具の供給システムのあり方を検討することを目的とする。わが国の補聴器供給システムにおける課題として、1. 補聴器専門技術者の資格制度の確立、2. 補聴器専門店の認定方式の確立、3. 補聴器の製造及び販売に関する公的規制および補聴器業界の自主基準ルールの明確化、4. 補聴器の開発・改良のさらなる進展、5. 公的給付制度のみなおしの必要性が認められた。聴覚問題に特化し、最優先事項として補聴器供給にかかる関係重要情報の総括的な収集と分析を行い、聴覚障害の対策戦略の策定提言を目的とし、かついずれのグループからも独立して横断的にコーディネイトする公益団体が必要である

    Diastolic dysfunction in patients with systemic sclerosis detected by gated myocardial perfusion SPECT: An early sign of cardiac involvement

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    金沢大学大学院Diagnosis of cardiac involvement is important for the management of patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc). This study was undertaken to determine the significance of gated myocardial perfusion SPECT in patients with SSc and whether diastolic function measured by gated SPECT is an early sign of cardiac complications. Methods: Thirty-four patients with SSc and 16 control patients were studied using exercise nongated and resting gated myocardial perfusion SPECT. The SSc was classified by the modified Rodnan total skin score (TSS) into high-TSS (score ≥ 10; n = 18) and low-TSS (score < 10; n = 16) groups. Gated SPECT was performed using 99mTc-methoxyisobutyl-isonitrile with 16 frames per cardiac cycle and quantitatively analyzed by QGS software and Fourier filtering of the volume curve. The parameters of ejection fraction (EF), peak filling rate (PFR), one-third mean filling rate, and time to PFR (TPFR) were calculated. Results: A slight perfusion abnormality was observed in four and five patients in the low-TSS and high-TSS groups, respectively (not statistically significant). A decreased resting EF less than 55% was found in no and two patients in the low-TSS and high-TSS groups, respectively. TPFR was 166 ± 22, 168 ± 38, and 216 ± 82 ms (P = 0.05, high-TSS group versus low-TSS group; P = 0.04, control group versus high-TSS group) and TPFR/R-R interval was 0.18 ± 0.02, 0.19 ± 0.04, and 0.26 ± 0.09 (P = 0.01, high-TSS group versus low-TSS group; P = 0.005, control group versus high-TSS group) for the control, low-TSS, and high-TSS groups, respectively. Conclusion: Diastolic function can be evaluated by gated myocardial perfusion SPECT. Significant diastolic abnormalities were shown even in patients with normal perfusion and systolic function and were related to the severity of SSc

    Educational effects using a robot patient simulation system for development of clinical attitude

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of improving the attitude of dental students toward the use of a full-body patient simulation system (SIMROID) compared to the traditional mannequin (CLINSIM) for dental clinical education. Materials and methods: The participants were 10 male undergraduate dental students who had finished clinical training in the university hospital 1 year before this study started. They performed a crown preparation on an upper premolar tooth using SIMROID and CLINSIM as the practical clinical trials. The elapsed time for preparation was recorded. The taper of the abutment teeth was measured using a 3-dimensional shape-measuring device after this trial. In addition, a self-reported questionnaire was collected that included physical pain, treatment safety, and maintaining a clean area for each simulator. Qualitative data analysis of a free format report about SIMROID was performed using text-mining analysis. This trial was performed twice at 1-month intervals. Results: The students considered physical pain, treatment safety, and a clean area for SIMROID significantly better than that for CLINSIM (P < 0.01). The elapsed time of preparation in the second practical clinical trial was significantly lower than in the first for SIMROID and CLINSIM (P < 0.01). However, there were no significant differences between the abutment tapers for both systems. For the text-mining analysis, most of the students wrote that SIMROID was similar to real patients. Conclusion: The use of SIMROID was proven to be effective in improving the attitude of students toward patients, thereby giving importance to considerations for actual patients during dental treatment

    A Chemometrics-driven Strategy for the Bioactivity Evaluation of Complex Multicomponent Systems and the Effective Selection of Bioactivity-predictive Chemical Combinations

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    Although understanding their chemical composition is vital for accurately predicting the bioactivity of multicomponent drugs, nutraceuticals, and foods, no analytical approach exists to easily predict the bioactivity of multicomponent systems from complex behaviors of multiple coexisting factors. We herein represent a metabolic profiling (MP) strategy for evaluating bioactivity in systems containing various small molecules. Composition profiles of diverse bioactive herbal samples from 21 green tea extract (GTE) panels were obtained by a high-throughput, non-targeted analytical procedure. This employed the matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) technique, using 1,5-diaminonaphthalene (1,5-DAN) as the optical matrix for detecting GTE-derived components. Multivariate statistical analyses revealed differences among the GTEs in their antioxidant activity, oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC). A reliable bioactivity-prediction model was constructed to predict the ORAC of diverse GTEs from their compositional balance. This chemometric procedure allowed the evaluation of GTE bioactivity by multicomponent rather than single-component information. The bioactivity could be easily evaluated by calculating the summed abundance of a few selected components that contributed most to constructing the prediction model. 1,5-DAN-MALDI-MS-MP, using diverse bioactive sample panels, represents a promising strategy for screening bioactivity-predictive multicomponent factors and selecting effective bioactivity-predictive chemical combinations for crude multicomponent systems

    Mass spectrometry of short peptides reveals common features of metazoan peptidergic neurons

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    The evolutionary origins of neurons remain unknown. Although recent genome data of extant early-branching animals have shown that neural genes existed in the common ancestor of animals, the physiological and genetic properties of neurons in the early evolutionary phase are still unclear. Here, we performed a mass spectrometry-based comprehensive survey of short peptides from early-branching lineages Cnidaria, Porifera and Ctenophora. We identified a number of mature ctenophore neuropeptides that are expressed in neurons associated with sensory, muscular and digestive systems. The ctenophore peptides are stored in vesicles in cell bodies and neurites, suggesting volume transmission similar to that of cnidarian and bilaterian peptidergic systems. A comparison of genetic characteristics revealed that the peptide-expressing cells of Cnidaria and Ctenophora express the vast majority of genes that have pivotal roles in maturation, secretion and degradation of neuropeptides in Bilateria. Functional analysis of neuropeptides and prediction of receptors with machine learning demonstrated peptide regulation of a wide range of target effector cells, including cells of muscular systems. The striking parallels between the peptidergic neuronal properties of Cnidaria and Bilateria and those of Ctenophora, the most basal neuron-bearing animals, suggest a common evolutionary origin of metazoan peptidergic nervous systems

    Liposome Deformation Induced by Membrane-Binding Peptides

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    This paper presents an investigation of liposome deformation and shape distortion using four membrane-binding peptides: TAT and C105Y as cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs), and melittin and ovispirin as antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). Liposome deformation was monitored utilizing fluorescent microscopy, while the binding of peptides to the DOPC membrane was estimated through capacitance measurements. The degree of liposome deformation and shape distortion was found to be higher for the CPPs compared to the AMPs. Additionally, it was observed that C105Y did not induce liposome rupture, unlike the other three peptides. We propose that these variations in liposome distortion may be attributed to differences in secondary structure, specifically the presence of an &alpha;-helix or random coil. Our studies offer insight into the use of peptides to elicit control of liposome architecture and may offer a promising approach for regulating the bodies of liposomal molecular robots

    Development of Antimicrobial Stapled Peptides Based on Magainin 2 Sequence

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    Magainin 2 (Mag2), which was isolated from the skin of the African clawed frog, is a representative antimicrobial peptide (AMP) that exerts antimicrobial activity via microbial membrane disruption. It has been reported that the helicity and amphipathicity of Mag2 play important roles in its antimicrobial activity. We investigated and recently reported that 17 amino acid residues of Mag2 are required for its antimicrobial activity, and accordingly developed antimicrobial foldamers containing &alpha;,&alpha;-disubstituted amino acid residues. In this study, we further designed and synthesized a set of Mag2 derivatives bearing the hydrocarbon stapling side chain for helix stabilization. The preferred secondary structures, antimicrobial activities, and cell-membrane disruption activities of the synthesized peptides were evaluated. Our analyses revealed that hydrocarbon stapling strongly stabilized the helical structure of the peptides and enhanced their antimicrobial activity. Moreover, peptide 2 stapling between the first and fifth position from the N-terminus showed higher antimicrobial activity than that of Mag2 against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria without exerting significant hemolytic activity. To investigate the modes of action of tested peptides 2 and 8 in antimicrobial and hemolytic activity, electrophysiological measurements were performed

    Development of Antimicrobial Stapled Peptides Based on Magainin 2 Sequence

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    Magainin 2 (Mag2), which was isolated from the skin of the African clawed frog, is a representative antimicrobial peptide (AMP) that exerts antimicrobial activity via microbial membrane disruption. It has been reported that the helicity and amphipathicity of Mag2 play important roles in its antimicrobial activity. We investigated and recently reported that 17 amino acid residues of Mag2 are required for its antimicrobial activity, and accordingly developed antimicrobial foldamers containing α,α-disubstituted amino acid residues. In this study, we further designed and synthesized a set of Mag2 derivatives bearing the hydrocarbon stapling side chain for helix stabilization. The preferred secondary structures, antimicrobial activities, and cell-membrane disruption activities of the synthesized peptides were evaluated. Our analyses revealed that hydrocarbon stapling strongly stabilized the helical structure of the peptides and enhanced their antimicrobial activity. Moreover, peptide 2 stapling between the first and fifth position from the N-terminus showed higher antimicrobial activity than that of Mag2 against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria without exerting significant hemolytic activity. To investigate the modes of action of tested peptides 2 and 8 in antimicrobial and hemolytic activity, electrophysiological measurements were performed