9 research outputs found


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    [EN] In the present project for the setting of the new Museo Egizio of Turin the “cultural message” has been charged to make a few specific 3D computer graphic (CG) movies, and aims to introduce the topics dealt with the rooms dedicated to queen Nefertari, the chapel of the painter Maia and the tomb of Kha, respectively. In these movies, the passivity of viewing is counteracted with an emotional approach that involves the visitor within an informative path where, despite of the inactive kind of interaction, the viewer is somehow involved in the events because he or she is emotionally invested in them. Thanks to this passive and “self-explaining” approach, the visitor will be enabled to understand the relations between different objects, some of which are not directly visible. Moreover, the visitor will be able to virtually insert the tombs within their original context and above all will have the possibility to visit them as they appeared at the moment of their discovery. This has been made possible thanks the use of integrated technologies of representation, able to enhance the virtualization process to a verisimilar level allowing a hyper-realistic and “participative” vision. The high level of realism of the virtual reconstruction, the visual effects and the cinematographic representation, with added emotions to the scientific contents, positively contribute to the “dreamlike displacement” of the visitor between the real and the virtual dimensions.[ES] En este proyecto para la construcción del nuevo Museo Egipcio de Turín el mensaje cultural fue dado a tres películas específicas en gráficos 3D, destinados a la introducción de los temas tratados en las salas dedicadas a la reina Nefertari, la capilla del pintor Maia y la tumba de Kha. En estas películas, la pasividad de la visión se ve compensado por un enfoque emocional que implica el visitante en un trayecto de información en el que, a pesar de la falta de actividad de disfrute, él es en realidad participante, porque emocionalmente involucrado. Gracias a este método, pasivo y “autoexplicativa” el visitante puede comprender las relaciones entre diferentes objetos, algunos no directamente visibles, como la momia de Kha y su esposa Merit, a ser posible reconstruir las tumbas en su contexto original, pero sobre todo la posibilidad de visitar, gracias a las técnicas de la arqueología virtuales, tales contextos como aparecieron en el momento de su descubrimiento. Todo esto es posible gracias a la utilización de tecnologías integradas para el estudio y la representación, capaz de llevar el proceso de virtualización a un grado de verosimilitud hiperrealista y “participativa”. El alto grado de realismo de las reconstrucciones virtuales, efectos visuales y técnicas de representación cinematográfica, añadiendo emoción al contenido científico, contribuyen positivamente a la “pérdida” del visitante entre el real y el tamaño dimensión virtual.Gabellone, F.; Ferrari, I.; Giuri, F.; Chiffi, M. (2016). SELF-EXPLAINING VIDEOS FOR THE MUSEO EGIZIO IN TURIN. En 8th International congress on archaeology, computer graphics, cultural heritage and innovation. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 132-137. https://doi.org/10.4995/arqueologica8.2016.3550OCS13213

    Studio ricostruttivo di una casa messapica in località Cunella a Muro Leccese

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    ItQuesto studio ricostruttivo è il risultato finale di una tesi di laurea in Beni Culturali, condotta sotto la supervisione scientifica di L. Giardino (UNILE). L’elaborazione di modelli costruttivi della casa in ambito messapico trova diversi precedenti in studi autorevoli. Tuttavia questa proposta nasce in risposta alla successione stratigrafica del sito in località Cunella a Muro Leccese, che permette di formulare una singolare soluzione costruttiva, ben documentata in ogni parte del mondo e forse applicabile in molti altri contesti antichi di età messapica. Quello che emerge da questa ricostruzione è il riconoscimento di una logica funzionale che si ritrova usata anche oggi in molte architetture rurali.EnThis study reconstructive is the final result of a thesis in Cultural Heritage, conducted under the scientific supervision of L. Giardino (UNILE). The development of constructive models of messapian houses (actual Salento region) is caddied out in several studies. However, this proposal starts according to the stratigraphic sequence of the site located in Muro Leccese (Cunella locality), which allows us to formulate a singular constructive solution, well documented in every part of the world and perhaps applicable in many other messapian contexts. What emerges from this reconstruction is the recognition of a functional logic that can be found even today in many rural architecture

    What Future for the Skyscraper? A Sustainable Recovery of Rai Building

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    The aim of this work is to analyse the recovery methods and strategies of a high-rise steel building, an approach to restoration of the modern that may not always be based on specific standards and pre-established procedures. In the present case, the report raises the topic of the recovery of a structure from the 1960s, a symbol of International Style and Rationalism, commissioned by the State TV and built on the project by Domenico Morelli: the RAI skyscraper in Turin. Since this is a unique work in its design and architectural choices, the approach to a possible recovery begins with a detailed knowledge of the structure, through the analysis of documents, testimonies of the time and the architect’s concept. Subsequently, the analysis of the current state of the structure, focuses on the presence of asbestos and methods of remediation of this harmful material. In harmony with the architectural sign, we propose a technological, regulatory and sustainable adaptation, through solutions that concern the materials, services and areas of the skyscraper, moving from a global vision to a meticulous focus on details. The final proposal involves the skyscraper’s application for LEED certification, issued to buildings with low environmental impact

    The contribution of confectionery to the global obesity epidemic: A review

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    Obesity has become, nowadays, a global concern affecting both developed and developing countries. Nutrition and physical activity represent the major factors influencing energy balance and subsequently weight status. Deciding toward an appropriate intake of all nutrients is seen as necessary to maintain a wholesome lifestyle: among nutrients, sugar plays a major role and its consumption has long been seen as an issue in public health, due to its possible role in displacing or diluting nutrients in the diet and contributing to the epidemic of obesity. A research on Pubmed was assessed to evaluate the impact of confectionery consumption, as sugar source, on the daily energy intake. The studies considered in the current paper generally failed to show that confectionery consumption leads necessarily to a shift of energy intake. Anyway, considering that till now, very few works on this topic were conducted, more researches are necessary to demonstrate the effective influence of confectionery on daily energy intake.</jats:p

    SCIRES-IT Volume 3, Issue 2 (2013)

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    SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303, provides a forum for the exchange and sharing of know-how in the areas of Digitalization and Multimedia Technologies and Information & Communication Technology (ICT) in support of Cultural and environmental Heritage (CH) documentation, preservation and fruition. It publishes comprehensive reviews on specific fields, regular research papers and short communications in a timely fashion