21 research outputs found

    Biosynthesis of Chlorophyll a in a Purple Bacterial Phototroph and Assembly into a Plant Chlorophyll-Protein Complex

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    Improvements to photosynthetic efficiency could be achieved by manipulating pigment biosynthetic pathways of photosynthetic organisms in order to increase the spectral coverage for light absorption. The development of organisms that can produce both bacteriochlorophylls and chlorophylls is one way to achieve this aim, and accordingly we have engineered the bacteriochlorophyll-utilizing anoxygenic phototroph Rhodobacter sphaeroides to make chlorophyll a. Bacteriochlorophyll and chlorophyll share a common biosynthetic pathway up to the precursor chlorophyllide. Deletion of genes responsible for the bacteriochlorophyll-specific modifications of chlorophyllide and replacement of the native bacteriochlorophyll synthase with a cyanobacterial chlorophyll synthase resulted in the production of chlorophyll a. This pigment could be assembled in vivo into the plant water-soluble chlorophyll protein, heterologously produced in Rhodobacter sphaeroides, which represents a proof-of-principle for the engineering of novel antenna complexes that enhance the spectral range of photosynthesis

    Web-Based Behavioral Intervention Utilizing Narrative Persuasion for HIV Prevention Among Chinese Men Who Have Sex With Men (HeHe Talks Project): Intervention Development

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    Background: In the era of potent antiretroviral therapy, a high level of condomless anal intercourse continues to drive increases in HIV incidence in recent years among men who have sex with men. Effective behavior change strategies for promoting HIV-preventive behaviors are warranted. Narrative persuasion is a novel health communication approach that has demonstrated its persuasive advantages in overcoming resistance to counterattitudinal messages. The efficacy of narrative persuasion in promoting health behavior changes has been well documented, but critical research gaps exist for its application to HIV prevention. Objective: In this study, we aimed to (1) capitalize on narrative persuasion to design a web-based multisession intervention for reducing condomless anal intercourse among men who have sex with men in Hong Kong (the HeHe Talks Project) by following a systematic development process; and (2) describe the main components of the narrative intervention that potentially determine its persuasiveness. Methods: Persuasive themes and subtopics related to reducing condomless anal intercourse were initially proposed based on epidemiological evidence. The biographic narrative interview method was used to elicit firsthand experiential stories from a maximum variation sample of local men who have sex with men with diverse backgrounds and experiences related to HIV prevention; different types of role models were established accordingly. Framework analysis was used to aggregate the original quotations from narrators into collective narratives under 6 intervention themes. A dedicated website was finally developed for intervention delivery. Results: A series of video-based intervention messages in biographic narrative format (firsthand experiential stories shared by men who have sex with men) combined with topic-equivalent argumentative messages were produced and programmed into 6 intervention sessions. The 6-week intervention program can be automatically delivered and monitored online. Conclusions: We systematically created a web-based HIV prevention intervention derived from peer-generated stories. Strategies used to enhance the efficacy of the narrative intervention have been discussed within basic communication components. This paper describes the methods and experiences of the rigorous development of a narrative communication intervention for HIV prevention, which enables replication of the intervention in the future

    Effectiveness of a Novel HIV Self-Testing Service with Online Real-Time Counseling Support (HIVST-Online) in Increasing HIV Testing Rate and Repeated HIV Testing among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Hong Kong: Results of a Pilot Implementation Project

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    HIV self-testing (HIVST) with online real-time counseling (HIVST-online) is an evidence-based intervention to increase HIV testing coverage and to ensure linkage to care for men who have sex with men (MSM). A community-based organization (CBO) recruited 122 MSM who had ever used HIVST-online (ever-users) and another 228 new-users from multiple sources and promoted HIVST-online. A free oral fluid-based HIVST kit was sent to all the participants by mail. Experienced HIVST administrators implemented HIVST-online by providing real-time instruction, standard-of-care pre-test and post-test counseling via live-chat application. The number of HIVST-online sessions performed was documented by the administrators. The post-test evaluation was conducted 6 months after the pre-test survey. At month 6, 63.1% of ever-users and 40.4% of new-users received HIVST-online. Taking other types of HIV testing into account, 79.4% of ever-users and 58.6% of new-users being followed up at month 6 received any HIV testing during the project period. Ever-users were more likely to receive HIVST-online and any HIV testing as compared to new-users. Four HIVST-online users were screened to be HIV positive and linked to the treatment. The process evaluation of HIVST-online was positive. Implementation of HIVST-online was helpful to improve HIV testing coverage and repeated HIV testing among Chinese MSM. A larger scale implementation should be considered

    Effectiveness of a Community-Based Organization—Private Clinic Service Model in Promoting Human Papillomavirus Vaccination among Chinese Men Who Have Sex with Men

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    This study evaluated the effectiveness of the community-based organization (CBO)-private clinic service model in increasing human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination uptake among unvaccinated men who have sex with men (MSM) in Hong Kong during a 12-month follow-up period. A CBO-private clinic model was implemented to promote HPV vaccination among Chinese MSM. A CBO with good access to MSM approached MSM aged 18–45 years who had never received an HPV vaccination, invited them to receive an online health promotion, and referred them to receive HPV vaccination at gay-friendly private clinics. A baseline survey and a follow-up evaluation at Month 12 were conducted. A total of 350 participants completed the baseline survey. Among 274 participants who were followed up at Month 12, 46 (16.8%) had taken up at least one dose of HPV vaccination. After adjusting for significant baseline characteristics, the perceived susceptibility (AOR:1.25, p = 0.002) and perceived severity (AOR:1.21, p = 0.003) of HPV and HPV-related diseases, perceived benefits (AOR:1.16, p = 0.03), self-efficacy to receive HPV vaccination (AOR:1.37, p = 0.001), and behavioral intention to take up HPV vaccination at baseline (AOR:6.99, p < 0.001) significantly predicted HPV vaccination uptake. The process evaluation of the program was positive. The CBO-private clinic service model was helpful in increasing HPV vaccination uptake among MSM

    Effectiveness of a Community-Based Organization—Private Clinic Service Model in Promoting Human Papillomavirus Vaccination among Chinese Men Who Have Sex with Men

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    This study evaluated the effectiveness of the community-based organization (CBO)-private clinic service model in increasing human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination uptake among unvaccinated men who have sex with men (MSM) in Hong Kong during a 12-month follow-up period. A CBO-private clinic model was implemented to promote HPV vaccination among Chinese MSM. A CBO with good access to MSM approached MSM aged 18–45 years who had never received an HPV vaccination, invited them to receive an online health promotion, and referred them to receive HPV vaccination at gay-friendly private clinics. A baseline survey and a follow-up evaluation at Month 12 were conducted. A total of 350 participants completed the baseline survey. Among 274 participants who were followed up at Month 12, 46 (16.8%) had taken up at least one dose of HPV vaccination. After adjusting for significant baseline characteristics, the perceived susceptibility (AOR:1.25, p = 0.002) and perceived severity (AOR:1.21, p = 0.003) of HPV and HPV-related diseases, perceived benefits (AOR:1.16, p = 0.03), self-efficacy to receive HPV vaccination (AOR:1.37, p = 0.001), and behavioral intention to take up HPV vaccination at baseline (AOR:6.99, p &lt; 0.001) significantly predicted HPV vaccination uptake. The process evaluation of the program was positive. The CBO-private clinic service model was helpful in increasing HPV vaccination uptake among MSM

    Factors Predicting Uptake of Sexually Transmitted Infections Testing among Men Who Have Sex with Men Who Are "Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Tourists":An Observational Prospective Cohort Study

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    The term "Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) tourists" refers to individuals who obtain PrEP in other countries and use it in their home countries. A prospective observational cohort study was conducted among a group of men who have sex with men (MSM) who obtained PrEP in private clinics in Thailand and used it in Hong Kong. Participants completed two web-based self-administered surveys when obtaining PrEP in Thailand and three months afterwards. Out of 110 participants at baseline, 67 completed the follow-up. The prevalence of sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing was 47.8% during the follow-up period. Eleven participants received an STI diagnosis, and seven of them were incident infections in the past three months. Participants who perceived a higher chance for STI infection (adjusted odds ratios (AOR): 1.90, 95% CI: 1.00, 3.75) and reported higher intention to take up STI testing at baseline (AOR: 1.62, 95% CI: 1.05, 2.50) were more likely to receive STI testing during the follow-up period. Baseline perceptions that service providers would think they were having risky behaviors because of PrEP use was negatively associated with the dependent variable (AOR: 0.51, 95% CI: 0.31, 0.86). Service planning and health promotion related to STI testing is needed for MSM "PrEP tourists"

    Empowering people living with HIV (PLHIV): unveiling care gaps and identifying opportunities for improving care for PLHIV in Singapore and Hong Kong

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    Abstract Introduction This study explored the behaviours of people living with HIV in Singapore and Hong Kong in terms of achieving and maintaining their physical and psychological wellbeing in relation to HIV, to identify the challenges and support needed in HIV care. Methods This qualitative study involved 90‐minute interviews among Singapore and Hong Kong people living with HIV aged ≥18 years to explore health‐related quality of life perceptions and gaps in patient empowerment in HIV care during February–May 2022. The COM‐B (C: Capability; O: Opportunity; M: Motivation; B: Behaviour) framework was used during data analysis to identify behaviour facilitators and barriers for people living with HIV to achieve and maintain their wellbeing. Detailed accounts of respondents’ experience of living with and managing HIV, that is what worked well, unmet needs and perceived significance of wellbeing indicators, were analysed qualitatively via a combination of inductive content and deductive frameworks. Results A total of 30 and 28 respondents were recruited from Singapore (SG) and Hong Kong (HK), respectively. Most respondents were aged 20−49 years (SG: 83.3%; HK: 64.3%), males (SG: 96.7%; HK: 92.9%), men who have sex with men (SG: 93.3%; HK: 71.4%), had university or higher education (SG: 73.3%; HK: 50.0%) and were fully employed (SG: 73.3%; HK: 57.1%). In both Singapore and Hong Kong, physical health was considered a key focus of overall wellbeing, albeit attention to long‐term health associated with cardiovascular and renal health was less salient. The impact of symptoms, side effects of treatment, mood and sleep were among the top wellbeing indicators of importance. Respondents felt that insufficient information was provided by physicians, citing consultation time and resource constraints impeding further expression of concerns to their physicians during consultation. Respondents prioritized functional wellness and delegated psychosocial health to supportive care professionals, patient groups, families and/or friends. Conclusions There is a need in Singapore and Hong Kong to empower people living with HIV to establish better communications with their physicians and be more involved in their treatment journey and equally prioritize their psychosocial wellbeing